Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ Matchmakers ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

3rd CCS fanfic by Beanysnake



"…" --- Speech

(name)#…# --- (name)'s Thoughts

@…@ --- Flashbacks

=0)…=0) --- My Opinions/Thoughts

~*~*~* --- Change of Scene

Ohayo mina-san! Ahem, my English is not that good dakara (so)… please forgive me for my grammer and spelling mistakes. Arigato!


Chapter 1: Matchmakers

In the world, there is a thing about soulmates. Soulmates are meant to be together for many lifetimes. When a powerful pair of soulmates come together as one, evil may be defeated once an for all. However, some of them have some problems before they could be brought together…

In a house in England, an 18-year old boy named Eriol Hiragizawa smiled at a girl and a winged purple creature who were both burning with curiosity.

"Eriol! Where are we going for our vacation?" Ruby Moon asked impatiently.

Eriol smiled once again. " We're going to two countries. Hong Kong in China and Tomoeda in Japan."

"Wow! Isn't it great," Ruby Moon turned to the winged purple creature beside her, "ne Suppi?"

"I'm not called Suppi. It's Spinel Sun." it said in great annoyance.

Ruby Moon shook her head, "Uh-uh, SUPPI is cuter than Spinel Sun, and it suits YOU."

Spinel Sun looked away, refusing to answer her. It suddenly faced Eriol and murmured, " You…have a purpose for going to those two places, ne Eriol?"

He grinned. "We're going to play matchmakers…to bring happiness and peace to the world…"


"Ohayo Tomoyo-chan!" An 18-year-old Kinomoto Sakura greeted her best friend as she walked in hand in hand with her boyfriend, Daisuki Akiro.

Daidouji Tomoyo greeted them and as usual, the boys were throwing angry looks at Akiro while the girls were giving Sakura dirty looks. All three of them walked into the classroom, and were greeted by the rest of the gang. =0) The gang is of course Rika, Chiharu and Yamazaki. =0)

"Did you hear the news? There's a new student from Hong Kong and another from England!" Rika announced.

Sakura settled in her seat, "I can't wait to meet them!"

Tomoyo winked. "And if they are boys, I'm sure they are the ones who can't wait to befriend kawaii Sakura-chan!"

Sakura blushed.

Akiro retorted, "They better not have any designs on my Sakura!"

Rika taunted, "I smell jealousy here…"

Tomoyo giggles while Sakura blushes even more. However Akiro was not embarrassed.

"Sakura's my girlfriend, of course I'll be furious if they set eyes on her!" =0) Sigh…I know you guys wanna kill me for making Akiro Sakura's boyfriend…demo (but) it's a S+S fic!!! Syaoran will appear later, but there are some problems between this pair of soulmates…you'll find out later. Read on! =0)

The sensei (teacher) walked in and everyone went back to their seats.

"We've two new transfer students here. Li Xiaoting is from Hong Kong. Eriol Hiragizawa is from England. Please make them feel at ease."

A pretty girl with hazelnut-brown layered hair and light brown eyes stepped into the classroom and bowed.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiaoting from Hong Kong. I once studied in Hong Kong University but decided to come here and study Nihongo (Japanese) instead.

Everyone clapped hard, especially the boys. ^.^

Then a boy with dark blue hair came in and bowed too.

"Hi there, I'm Eriol Hiragizawa and I'm from England. I've come to Japan to finish up some stuff which I need to do."

This time, the girls clapped hard instead of the boys. ^.^

The sensei spoke up, "Li Xiaoting, you may sit behind Daisuki Akigi. Eriol Hiragizawa, you can sit behind Daidouji Tomoyo."


After school that day, Eriol teleported himself, Nakuru and Spinel Sun to Hong Kong.

They landed on a roof, just in time to see a couple walking out of the huge palace.

"Who's that?" Nakuru (Ruby Moon) scrunched up her nose.

Eriol peered carefully at the couple and gasped.

"Oh my goodness…" he muttered. Eriol# Oh my, oh my…#

"What's the matter, Eriol?" Spinel Sun asked with concern.

Shaking his head, Eriol pointed at the couple.

"Those two aren't supposed to be together."

Nakuru winked. "Then let's break em' up!"


Li Meiling frowned.

"Xiaolang, did you hear someone talking?"

Her boyfriend shook his head. "No…I didn't hear…"

She sighed, "Oh well, I guess I'm hearing things…"


Eriol teleported all three of them into an elegant room. In front of them, was a sophisticated woman lying on the bed, having an afternoon nap.

"Who is she?" Spinel Sun whispered.

Eriol replied, "My descendant's mother. Mrs Yelan Li."

He stepped closer to the woman and took out The Dream card.

"The Dream, let Yelan Li meet me in her dream!"


Yelan# Where am I? #

"You are in your dream." A blue-haired boy appeared in front of her.

"W-Who are you?" Yelan frowned. # Somehow this boy looks familiar…#

The boy walked to her, smiling.

"I'm Eriol Hiragizawa. The reincarnation of Clow Reed."

Yelan gasped, unable to believe her ears.

Eriol looked up at her with seriousness.

"You are meeting me in this dream for a purpose. Can you still remember the Clow Mistress?"

Yelan nodded her head. "Of course. I wanted Meiling to get the cards from her but Meiling refused to be separated from Xiaolang."

"You must ask your son, Li Xiaolang, to go to Tomoeda in Japan. This is his destiny. I trust that you, Yelan, will make the possible arrangements for him. Goodbye."

"Wait! Clow Reed! Don't go yet! Why must Xiaolang go and get the cards from the Clow Mistress?" Yelan shouted as Eriol's body began to disappear.

"In time to come, you'll know the reason…"

Yelan woke up, her face covered in sweat.

"That was no ordinary dream…it was really Clow Reed. I could sense his powerful aura." Yelan murmured to herself, while wiping away her sweat. Yelan# If it is really Clow Reed, I must obey him and send Xiaolang to Japan to get the cards from the Clow Mistress.#

Calling a maid over, she ordered the maid to have an airplane ticket to Japan ready by tomorrow.


"She me(what)! I am to go to Japan to get the Clow Cards?" exclaimed Xiaolang.

Yelan nodded.

Meiling suddenly interrupted, "But Aunt Yelan! I don't want to be separated from Xiaolang! I'll be miserable!"

Shaking her head, Yelan sighed. "This are Clow Reed's orders, we must obey them."

Meiling crossed her arms in annoyance, and suddenly, her face lit up.

"Aunt Yelan, if Xiaolang is going to Japan, I'm going too! This way, we won't be separated."

Xiaolang nodded eagerly, "Let Meiling go with me to Japan! Please mother…"

"Oh well…can I say `no'?" Yelan replied.


"Oh great…" Eriol groaned in dismay.

"What's wrong?" Ruby Moon =0) I think I'll use Nakuru, instead of Ruby Moon. Nakuru is a shrter name, this way I won't be typing more words. Hehe. =0) asked.

"My plan just backfired."

Spinel Sun flew to him, and patted his shoulders. "Then think of another plan, don't give up."

Eriol sighed, "I'll try to."


Oh no! Meiling is going with Xiaolang! She will be a nuisance all the time. What will Eriol do?
