Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Spellbound ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Syaoran's Place *
Syaoran had pushed himself even harder this year. Everyone could see how hard he was trying to become the clan leader, even if they didn't know the reasons behind it. He had become an expert at martial arts, but to become clan leader, he needed to gain mastery of the fighting arts. Syaoran realised that if he practised every waking minute, he could achieve this goal in a year or two, then he would be free to go where ever he wanted. Clasping the crystal that lay hidden under his clothes, he realised exactly where he would go. With that he walked towards the practise courts, determination in every line of his face, and Hope perched on his shoulder. They would do it together.
* Tomoyo's Place *
Tomoyo was even more excited to see Eriol then she had been the year before, refusing to let him stay at his own place, she insisted that he stay with her for the holidays. Kero was growing more and more depressed because he hadn't seen Sakura for two years, but Eriol assured him that she was fine. “In fact,” said Eriol, “I'm having to fighter dirtier every time we spar just to win.” Kero brightened up, knowing that Sakura hadn't lost her fighter's spirit, “that's my girl.”
* At the Dursleys' *
Ami was washing the dishes one afternoon when she heard the beginnings of a fight between Harry and Vernon. Ami quickly finished the dishes in time to see that Harry was already half-way down the street. She ran to catch up with him, but he knew the streets better then she did, and un-knowingly lost her very quickly.
She ran up and down the streets looking for him and was just about to return to the Dursleys' when she saw Harry and Dudley walking down the street. She sighed as she relaxed and let the breeze gently whip her black hair into her face. She sent her magic out around her, feeling the joy of the plants all around her. Then she felt two figures, casting evil shadows on her magic. She focused on the two figures. She felt her hair stand on end and a shiver run down her spine as she realised what they were. Two dementors had appeared in Little Whinging and were heading straight for Harry.
She tried to beat them to Harry, but they were just to fast. She watched Harry cast a Patonrus Charm at them while she still ran to reach him. Now they were in serious trouble, under-age witches and wizards weren't supposed to do magic outside of school. Between Harry and Sakura, they managed to drag Dudley back to the Dursleys'. An owl was waiting for them there, stating that Harry had broken the law and was to appear at the ministry for a disiplinary hearing.
A week later, the Dursleys' drove off one night locking Harry and Ami in his bedroom. They still didn't trust Harry, and they knew that unless Ami was locked in with him, she'd find a way to pick the lock. (From the education Fred and George had given Ami , she could do a number of things that even the best thiefs couldn't do). Voices downstairs brought Ami and Harry out of their stupour. Ami immediately went to work on the lock and had it open in a second. She crept downstairs cat-quiet and snuck up on one of the people in the living room, before bringing a sausepan down on their head. A yelp and a scream later, and Harry had switched the lights on to reveal Mad-eye Moody, Remus Lupin and a number of other witches and wizards. Realising her mistake Ami quickly appologised to the poor wizard she'd beaten with the sausepan. Lupin told them that they were here to collect Harry, but because they hadn't realised she was staying with him, they had made no arrangements for her. Ami quickly assured them that if they were flying, she could follow. The group stared as Storm fluttered down the stairs towards them. Upon landing in the living room, he immediately grew large enough to carry one person. With that settled, Harry and Ami collected their things and proceeded out to the garden to await the signal. Harry kicked a leg over his trusty Firebolt, while Ami mounted Storm. Storm waited for the others to take off before bunching his powerful legs and rocketing Ami and himself into the air.
Storm's wings spread and he lazily soared through the night sky, easily keeping up with the group on their broomsticks. His silvery-blue scales helped him to blend into the night, rendering him almost invisible. A few thunderclouds later, the group touched down on a small open area, Storm instantly becoming pocket-sized and flying to the comfort of Sakura's neck. The group marched on to the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, where Ron, Hermione, Sirius and the Weasleys waited to greet them.
The holidays flew by, and soon it was time for Harry's hearing. Ami had decided to join him, knowing that she could provide valuable information to prove his innocence. The Minister and the Wizengammott gave harry a hard time, but Ami and Harry stuck to their stories, and as the minister was unable to prove Harry's guilt, Harry was cleared of all charges. They returned to Order to celebrate Harry's victory, and found that Ron and Hermione were to be prefects this year. Ami didn't care, she preferred causing trouble, plus the prefect duties would've cut into her sparring time. Harry on the other hand seemed down about the whole thing. Ami tried to console him, but nothing worked. The holidays ended and they all headed off to the Hogwarts Express. Ami couldn't wait to see Eriol again.