Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Standin' tall ❯ I can't believe I went along with this!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is going to be a bit of a mix of things. It's going to be AU. And a crossover between gundam wing and cardcaptor sakura. I got the idea out of a book I read called. "Standin' tall, lookin' good I can't remember who wrote it though. But I thought that the idea of a certian few of the cardcaptor sakura characters, enlisting in the army, then having to endure the eight weeks of basic training. the thoughts and third character pov, changes between Sakura and Yue often, and you'll just have to figure out, where and when it changes.

Then I had an idea. I'm putting the pilots as DI's. Oh god, this is going to be good.

hope you like it.


" Next swear in in five minutes!" A voice said over a set of loudspeakers."Room B129! form a single line and file in," Sakura and Yue stood next to eachother at the MEPS building. They followed the crowd of people headed for the room.

They were the last ones to sign in before the sergeant shut the door.

"Ok listen up!" a soldier said, walking to the front of the room. "Only those whose names I call should be here." He called off the names of thirty-five people, some standing around the back of the room.

She kept her eyes on the sergeant, while he droned on about the procedure for traveling to the different bases, and the airlines each group would take. He rushed through a list of articles about the penalties for fraudulent enlistment, desertion, and AWOL.

Then they filed into a adjoining room, row by row, and formed lines in front of a podium. She saw the six flags, one for each of the services, the army, navy, marines, and air force, plus the United States and California.

She listened intently as the sergeant explained the swear-in procedure and how to stand at attention and at ease. And then a captian walked in and took over.

"Raise your right hand for the pledge," Captian Byrd ordered.

She raised her hand along with the others in the room.

"Repeat after me, but give your own name. . . I . . ."

"I-Sakura Kinomoto..." Sakura said, Hearing the cacophony of more than thirty other names around her, "Do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foriegn and domestic; That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

"So help me God."

Sakura lowered her hand, awed by the solemnity of the oath,

"At ease," Capitan Byrd said. "Dismissed, and good luck soldiers."

"We'll need it," Someone behind Sakura whispered as they filed out of the room.

Sakura stood at the airport terminal, about to board the flight that took her, and her teammates, which also one of them was Yue, in a human form, to Atlanta, Ga. Where they'd then board a bus, and go to basic training.

Nervous fear gripped the fresh outta school teen, and then she was prodded by one of her teammates, a Guy named Carver.

"Move it. The plane leaves in less than an hour." he said, motioning toward the terminal.

"Oh..yeah, sorry." She said. Yue tossed a glare in the black man's direction.

They followed him onto the plane." two fresh outta school or somethin?" a Guy, with a thick New York accent asked.

Yue was about to correct him when Sakura cut in."Uh...yeah. Something like that. I just graduated." She said, prodding the somewhat frustrated guardian in the ribs and made a decapitation motion with her finger across her neck. He took the hint.

They found thier seats, which were towards the back. Luckily, it was secluded somewhat from the others, leaving them free to talk about things.

"Do you honestly think Kero is going to stay with Touya and Yukito for long?" Sakura asked, hints of doubt sinking into her voice.

"No." A familiar voice chimed, and It didn't come from the seat in front of them. It came from Yue's rucksack.

Both sets of eyes, narrowed suspiciously at the green rucksack laying at Yue's feet.

"Please...let that be a recorded voice." Yue feverently whispered, grabbing the bag, then shaking it. The voice yelled."OI! Blockhead! You just made your dogtags hit me in the head!" Kero all but shouted from the bag.

Sakura's eye twitched in annoyance. And she reached into the bag, pulling Kero out by his little collar.

"Just WHAT were you thinking?? Huh? We can't hide you! Were going to BT, you idiot. It's going to be hard enough for Yue to control his cockiness. But to hide you?" Sakura seethed, controlling her voice level.

Yue narrowed his eyes angrily at the little stuffed animal form That was characteristic of the Guardian.

"I do not know, what possessed you to follow us, and tag along, but I hope you know, since we now have to work harder to cover our tracks, you will suffer when we come back. Which wont be for almost three years." He said. Gritting his teeth in anger. Luckily, the plane hadn't filled up with passengers yet. So they could continue to ream the guardian.

"3...years..." Kero trailed off.

"Yeah...3 years... that's why we weren't going to bring you! Besides, Rations aren't the greatest, and we can't sneak food back to our barracks. And we don't get sweets." Sakura said.

Kero looked at them in horror."No...sweets??"

"NO sweets." Sakura confirmed.

"NOOOOOO." Kero groaned.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Put simply, the rest of the flight dragged out mercilessly. Another woman, who's name was Cheryl, sat next to Sakura, not long before the flight started, so Kero couldn't open his mouth. Not that it bothered them.

When they got on the bus, they found it crammed with people. They were the last to get on, since they had been assigned to grab all the reciepts.

After three hours of cardplaying, yelling, smoking, and having a jolly good time. It came to an abrubt halt once they pulled out of a lightless patch of woods, and into a brightly lit parking lot.

The bus slid to a halt, and a nicely built serviceman stepped onto the bus.

then yelled

"Welcome to Fort McClellan! I am Sergeant Maxwell!" He announced. "Everybody-off the bus! On the double! Don't forget your personal belongings! Line up outside! Now!"

The aisle filled quickly with recruits pushing toward the exit. "Hey, it's pouring out! We'll get soaked!" someone behind Sakura complained.

"Poor baby," she heard, in a voice that suspiciously sounded like Yue's.

"Move it!" Sergeant Maxwell shouted. "Get the lead out of your butts! Your in the army now!"

"Move it! Move it! Double time! Hup, two, three, four!" a duty sergeant shouted. "Line up, single file! Let's go!!"

They both trotted along behind the guy in front, eyes forward. Rain ran down thier faces; water kicked up by the recruit in front splashed thier pants. Thier shirts clung to their skin.

The sergeant led the recruits into a well-lit building and told them to file into the rows of seats, sit down and keep thier mouths shut. It was already after midnight, and Sakura longed for a hot shower, and a clean bed.

"This is the McClellan reception station," a captian announced when everyone had settled. "You will remain here for the first three days during which time you will learn the first most imporatant rule about being soldiers-obedience. Obedience without question!"

Yue knew all too well what that meant, having lived under that condition for several hundred years.

"From now on you don't have your mommies and daddies to tell you what to do. From now on the only parent you have is the army. And the man who repersents that army is your Drill sergeant! It is your purpose in life to please him. You will obey him at all times. Without question, instantly. If he says 'jump,' you will jump! Never-I repeat never-do you question his order."

The captian paused, letting his words sink in, eyes sweeping the hundred or so trainees before him.

"There is only one parent in the army- and he is your drill sergeant! Do you understand?" The captian cupped a hand to one ear.

"Yes!" Yue shouted with the others.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, sir!" the recruits roared together.


"Yes, Sir!"

"Good! Now, in three days you grunts have a lot to do. You'll be given more medical tests, and shots; you'll be issued uniforms and get haircuts! You will lean what you may not have learned at home-how to make your own bed and polish your own shoes! You will learn how to behave like soldiers! And by golly, if I have to teach you myself-by the time you leave this reception center you will know how to march like a soldier! Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"


It was after one in the morning before the orientation ended and the new recruits were shown to thier barracks. Yue wondered what Sakura and the others thought of it all, but there was no time for conversation. There was no time for anything except following orders-making up the bunk, stowing his bag in his assigned locker, which Kero made a muffled noise, when he stuffed the bag into the small space, toileting-and then, abrubtly lights out and silence.

He lay on his bed, hands pillowing his head, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the breathing ,coughing, snoring sounds of those nearby.

'They're going to wake us in a few hours, sleep!' he told himself.

The opressive heat, the strangeness of the day, and place, and the lack of privacy kept him wide awake. Even the old tried and true methods of putting himself to sleep by thinking of Sakura, failed.

It seemed like he had barely shut his eyes when the loud clattering began...

"Up and at 'em!! Rise and shine ladies!" the clash of garbage can lids continued. "C'mon, you grunts! Up you go! I want you washed and dressed and beds made in fifteen minutes, or you'll be pushing up the sky."

Yue opened one eye and saw a tall soldier marching between the rows of beds. He squinted at his watch. Three-thirty! Christ, it was the middle of the night! He pulled the sheet over his head and groaned.

"C'mon Tuskishiro. Get your japanese ass out of bed before you get in trouble!" Carver hissed. He yanked the sheet off of Yue's body and tossed it at his feet. Which really ticked the already pissed guardian off. And the hazel eyes of his false form, flashed a silvery purple.

"Leave me alone!" He hissed.

"You got about twelve minutes, man," Carver said from the bed as he pulled on a shirt.

"Less, 'cause here comes trouble right now!"

Yue bolted out of bed and grabbed his pants, but to late. The sergeant stood above him glaring down. "Are you deaf boy?"

Yue shivered under the scrutiny. Normally, he was the one throwing the death glares. He could glare worse, but this guy was a close second... definitely.

"No, sir!" Yue pulled his pants on without looking up, then stood at attention, barefoot and half dressed.

"You don't say sir! I am not an officer. I work for a living. It's Duty Sergeant Jones, boy. Understand?

"Yes, sir! I mean-Duty Sergeant Jones!"

"If your not deaf, how come you didn't hear my orders?"

"I don't know, Sergeant Jones!"

"What's your name boy?"

"Yue Tsukishiro!"

"You a mommas boy, Tsukishiro?"

"No, Sergeant Jones!"

"What did you say?"

Yue stood at attention, eyes on the sergeant.

"I said "No, Sergeant Jones."

"Don't frig me, boy. You're a momma's boy alright. Or else..." The sergeant paused as if he'd just had a brilliant thought. "Or else-your a friggin' queer! Which is it, boy?"

Yue bit back the words he wanted to say. This drill sergeant was younger than he was, by some five hundred years. And he was calling him boy...That's a laugh. Concidering, the fact of what was going to happen if he got pissed off enough.

"Niether, Sergeant Jones! I don't have a mother, or a father! Sir!"

"If your not a momma's boy, kid. Or a friggin' queer, then what are you, boy?"

Yue didn't dare tell him a real answer. For one, he'd be section eighted, and tossed into a looney bin. For two, he really didn't feel like pissing of the DI any more.

"I don't know!"

From the corner of his eye, he could see Carver and some guy named Telemantes trying to make thier beds, and watch at the same time.

"He doesn't know!' The sergeant said, addressing the others with innocent concern. Then, with a vicious rush of words he screamed, "On the floor, grunt! Facedown." He pointed to the spot where he wanted Yue-between the rows of beds.

He dropped to the floor.

"Do fifteen!"

Fifteen what? He almost asked, and then realized he meant push-ups.

"One. . . Two. . ." The sergeant counted slowly. "Three. . . Next time you hear wake up in this man's army you wake up, boy. Understand?"

He grunted, his body weight supported by his arms.

'Count, damn you!' he begged silently, trapped in the uncomfortable position. Even though he was in good condition, he'd never done push-ups. And boy was he paying for it now. Sweat dripped down his face.

"Four. Five! You-Williams!" he heard the sergeant say. "See that momma's boy Tsukishiro does what I said!"

"Six. Seven. Eight. Come on!" Williams whispered. "Don't quit!"

He had gotten to nine and dropped to his face. "can't"

"C'mon rich boy. Don't be such a marshmallow! My sister can do more pushups than that."

Arms trembling, he forced himself into push-up position once more. "Ten, eleven . . . " At fiftenn he rose unsteadily to his feet, dripping with sweat, and somewhat nauseated . He gave williams a patented death glare and hurried to finish dressing. That Williams could go to could this whole army.

End chapter one

So..........whaddya think?? Good? bad? Smells like cow shit on a warm day? Tell me will ya?

