Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Symbiote ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
By Charles Xavier
Chapter Two
Meling was awfully quiet the following day. Since it was the weekend, she spent the day with her friends at the park. Much to Syaoran’s surprise, she did not speak a word against Sakura that morning. Though perhaps to be on a suspicious side, she was scrutinizing the couple closely. After a tiring walk that afternoon, they settled down on a bench for a snack of ice cream. Syaoran and Sakura loved vanilla, Tomoyo personally loved strawberry, but Meiling much preferred blackcurrant herself…
“You must feel rather hot in that dress, Meiling-chan.” said Tomoyo, seeing just how much she adored wearing her black attire.
“Not at all, Tomoyo. I’ve gotten used to it pretty fast.” she replied, licking her sinful ice cream. “Syaoran-kun, would you like to taste some of my ice cream? I think you’ll love it.”
But Syaoran wasn’t listening. Sakura was pointing at the Ferris wheel nearby, asking him to take her for a ride. He smiled and gave her an approved nod. This made Meiling utterly displeased. In fact, the day had not started out well for her at all. Syaoran seemed far more attracted to Sakura beyond her expectations. Now was a good time to interfere with their peace and make some corrections.
“Syaoran-kun,” she said. “don’t you think you’ve spent enough time with Sakura already? Why not take me on the Ferris wheel for a change?”
Syaoran hoped she wasn’t going to make another argument escalate. “Sakura and I wish to have this moment together…alone. Tomoyo can stay here to keep you company.”
“Oh, is that so?” Meiling raised her brow. “Must I remind you about our little discussion last night? Did I not state clearer to you that our engagement is still on? And that therefore YOU are still my fiancé , so to speak?”
A horrible feeling struck Tomoyo as much as Sakura.
“Is this true, Syaoran?” asked Sakura. “Are you two still engaged?”
“Of course not!” exclaimed Syaoran. “Meiling, you have to stop this nonsense now! Why are you trying to keep this up all the time?”
“Because I love you!” cried Meiling. “I knew you were always meant for me from the start. I don’t want to let go of you just for even a minute!”
Syaroan stared at her painful eyes, only to shake his head with dear regret. “I’m sorry, Meiling. But I’m afraid Sakura and I are both in love I strongly think you ought to…”
“NO!” she screamed in frustration. “I won’t let that sleazy bitch take you away from me! You‘re the only man I’ve ever cared for!”
“Watch your tongue!” Syaoran hissed, holding back his temper. “I’ve had enough of your cursing about Sakura. It’s sick and disgusting!”
“Please, stop! Both of you!” Sakura stepped in between them. “We’re not here to fight!”
Out of the blue, Meiling purposely tossed her ice cream onto Sakura’s dress, leaving it in an embarrassing mess. “Oops! What a shame! We surely can’t have Sakura ride the Ferris wheel looking like a berry tart, can we? Guess we’ll have to call the whole thing off now!”
It was all too much for her to stomach. Sakura dropped to her knees and broke down into tears with her ruined summer dress. This was plain unacceptable for Syaroan, who as not willing to forgive his cousin for her immaturity. Clenching his teeth in rage, he yelled:
A slap across Meiling’s cheek left a red mark and excruciating pain. But Meiling wasn’t feeling the least bit sorry for her actions. In retaliation, she slapped Syaoran in return, leaving her own mark on his cheek. Syaoran stepped back in horror, touching his cheek to notice a small trace of blood at the tip of his fingers. She had scratched him.
Before Syaoran could say anything, Meiling had already run away in absolute disgust. Syaoran attempted to follow, but felt the cold hand of Tomoyo pull him back.
“I think you should leave her for a while.” she said, comforting an upset Sakura from her day turned bitter. “Meiling-chan probably needs some time away from you both. Why not bring her over to my house this evening? She can spend the night with me. I’ll try to talk this over with her.”
“Thank you, Tomoyo.” said Meiling. “It’s sure kind of you to invite me to your house to stay for tonight. It’s sure been one hectic day.”
“You’re welcome, Meiling-chan.” said Tomoyo, putting on her night gown to join her troubled friend beside her bed. “It’s good to see that you’ve calmed down.”
“Life just isn’t fair when you have a love triangle.” Meiling snorted in her fetal position. “Sakura can be such a pain in the neck. She always wants Syaoran to be with her everywhere she goes.”
“You needn’t say that.” said Tomoyo, rubbing her back to ease her stress. “Sakura-chan’s a very kind girl in heart. She respects you just as much as she respects all of her friends.”
“Well, it doesn’t change the fact that she has a crush on Syaoran, like me.”
“You’re very peculiar, Meiling-chan.” Tomoyo chuckled. “I can still remember the last time you came to Japan, you wouldn’t let Syaoran take even a step away from Sakura-chan. Though now, it feels apparent that you’ve had a sudden change of heart. And I’m not precisely sure how this may have occurred. You seem rather different from normal. You act like another person…and it’s quite scary. I feel this change in you is making Sakura-chan very unhappy inside. You saw how terribly sad she was today. I was sad too. I’m sure you must feel the same way, and I’m sure Sakura-chan would feel better if you could make this up to her.”
Meiling was only feeling tense. All this sympathy talk about Sakura was not helping her to relax. And to be frank, it was seriously pissing her off…
“I have to disagree with you on that.”
Tomoyo sprang away in fright when Meiling showed off her demonic grin, revealing her blood thirsty fangs. Helpless, she watched her rip out of her gown, her skin slowly being consumed by a dark substance. Her fingers began to shift into beastly claws. Her snakelike tongue began to extend from her mouth. Her teeth began to sharpen ferociously. And as her entire face was swallowed up, her eyes transformed and were replaced by a venomous stare far too intensifying for Tomoyo’s tearful eyes to see.
She inevitably screamed.