Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Tao master Hope ❯ Chapter One: A New Tao Master is Born Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi it's me again with another part of the first chapter because I just didn't feel right leaving out the rest of the chapter. So if you don't mind I would also like to introduce to my muse Kero say hi Kero. Kero: Hi everyone. Hey what about me? Sorry Hope I forgot about you for a second there. Well I'm not talking to you! Oh how very mature of you well Kero I guess you have to do the disclaimer then since Hope probably won't do!

Kero here again saying that Firestar_Sakura does not own Card captor Sakura or as much as she would like to doesn't own Yue, the Clow Cards, or me. So there I said so now can we get some food I'm hungry. No you can't Kero, because you have to wait until the end of the fic. So now let the story begin.



Chapter One: The New Tao Master is Born Part 2

[Okay, now I am totally creeped out. One minute, I'm trying to clean the basement or at least about to then the next I'm listening to a stuffed teddy bear with wings that just came out of a book. Things can't get any worse than this]. "HEY KID," Kero shouted! Huh, are you talking to me? "Duh, hello you are the only person in this room," Kero said. " Now let me have a look a you," Kero said," I sense a lot of magic within you no wonder the cards left the book." "What," Hope asked? Kero smiled and said," From what I can see, the cards have chosen their new master." "Okay, slow your roll! I don't know what you are talking about this is a joke. Okay Dad, I know you like to win bets, but this is way overboard.

"Oh no, here comes the denial stage," Kero said. "Hey what do you know about denial? You are just a stuffed teddy bear with wings," Hope said. " Well for you information, I'm the guardian of that book you have in your hands and if I was in my real form, you would

be scared," Kero said. "Whatever, I'm going to leave call me when you reach your "real form," Hope said. "Hey, I'm not done talking to you," Kero said grabbing her hair and pulling her back.

"Hey let me go, you stupid teddy bear," Hope shouted at him! "Not unless you are going to listen to me Hope," Kero said. "What, how so you know…my name, Hope asked? "I'll tell you, but you must listen to me," Kero said. "Okay, I'll listen…Kero," Hope said. "Good, now where to begin hum. You see Hope you come from a strong line of sorcerers and sorceresses for I can sense them within you. But there is …something else something within you that makes you different than other sorceresses that I know," Kero said. "Well duh, I can't fly and I can't curse people though if I could my sister would be my guinea pig," Hope said.

"No, that's not what I mean. Hope when the Tao Cards were created, they were made by the Taoist Trinity who made them on order to fight off the forces of evil. Though, the cards did fulfill their purposes, they proved too powerful to be controlled so the Taoist Trinity sealed the cards into the book of the Tao. Now that you have released them, it's your job to seal them and become their master," Kero said.

"All right Kero, but you still haven't told me how you know my name," Hope said. "I am getting there. The reason why I know your name is because you possess the mark of the Phoenix," Kero said. "The mark of the what," Hope asked? "The Phoenix is a powerful creature that flames were said to be able to make the darkness cry out in fear," Kero said. "Yes, I understand, but you still haven't told me about this mark or at least why do I have it," Hope said impatiently. "When the Taoist Trinity sealed the cards away, they had use the flames of a Phoenix. However after the Taoist Trinity used the Phoenix's fames they had to bear its mark as a curse for their greed," Kero said.

"But Kero, I thought that they did a good thing by sealing the cards if they were going crazy, "Hope said. "They were," Kero replied back. "Then, why did the Phoenix curse them," Hope asked? "Because Hope once they used the Phoenix's flames, they gave in to their own selfish purposes," Kero said. "Does that mean that I going to suffer the same fate as the Taoist Trinity because I bear that mark," Hope asked? "Strangely enough kid, you won't because the mark that the Taoist Trinity isn't the same as the one you have," Kero said. "You mean to tell me that you got me all scared about that story and I don't have the came mark," Hope yelled at Kero!

"Well, why are you getting mad at me for? You act as if you want their mark," Kero said! "Don't be stupid! Of course I don't want their mark, but Kero why are you here, Hope asked? "The Phoenix created us as well," Kero said. "Created us, who is us, Kero," Hope asked? "Yue and me of course. For, we were created to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself," Kero said. "Hey Kero, Yue doesn't look like you does he," Hope asked? "Of course not, Yue is the second guardian of the Tao Cards, and he gets hiss powers from the moon," Kero said. "Then Kero, where do you get your powers from," Hope asked? " The sun," Kero replied. "But Kero you just come out of the book so why didn't Yue come out as well," Hope asked?

"That's because Yue also serves as the judge in deciding who becomes the new master of the Tao Cards," Kero said. "Oh, so we are going to a trial once I have captured all the card Kero," Hope asked? "No silly, for when "you" capture the final Tao Card, Yue will reveal himself and you'll have to fight him in order to become his master, my mater, and the cards' master," Kero said. "Kero, how am I supposed to fight him," Hope asked? "With the Tao Cards," Kero said, "Since the Phoenix has chosen you to capture the cards, you should do just fine as long as Yue doesn't decide to kill you in case you lose." "Okay, I think I need a nap," Hope said.(Hope faints).

Hum, that was some dream. Me, master of the Tao Cards and a talking teddy bear ha boy I need help," Hope said after waking up. " Good morning or afternoon since it is 4:00 P.M.," Kero said. (Hope turns and sees Kero floating in front of her).Ahhhhh, okay this is a dream wake up please wake up," Hope said to herself over and over again. "Hey Hope, would you mind not screaming I'm kinda hungry from playing that video game," Kero said. "Since when do guardian beast play video games," Hope asked while standing up. "Since, we learned how to read and learned our ABC's. Now come on because I can eat a truck load of food," Kero said while floating back and forth across the room. "All right, Kero," Hope said.

In the kitchen…

"All right hey Hope hand me some more of those pancakes," Kero said. "But Kero, you already had 13," Hope replied. "Thirteen, are you sure because it only feels as if I had one," Kero said. "Well duh, you have been eating tham so fast I'm surprised you haven't died because you ran out of room to breathe. "Okay I will take a break," Kero said. (Ten seconds later). "Hey Hope, you got any more pancakes because I really need something to eat," Kero asked? "Kero if you don't learn how to control that stomach of yours, I'm going to knock you out so you don't have to worry about it," Hope said. "Gee, you are so mean," Kero said.

"Well how would you feel if you had a guardian beast eating all of your food," Hope asked Kero? "Quite honored because he could offer me protection," Kero said. "How are you going to protect me, Kero? It's obvious that you can't turn into your "real form" so what are you going to do stuff yourself until the cards give up," Hope asked him? "Okay, I see your point. But what I can do is teach you what you need to know to fulfill your destiny. "All right, but how am I supposed to capture the cards and keep my "normal lifestyle," Hope said. "Hope, I never that capturing the Tao Cards would be easy, but it's something you have to do. I'll help you to keep a "normal lifestyle", but the cards may appear at school or here at your house," Kero said.

Kero I (door opens and closes). "Hey anybody here," Dad yelled. "Yes, Dad I'm home, Hope called back. "Hey, I didn't except to see you home so early," Dad said. "Well some the teachers were moving into the new building so they let go home," Hope said. "Well didn't I say that today would be different," Dad said. "Well I guess you were right [but if only you knew how right you are Dad]. "But honey, I'm surprised I didn't know that you were this hungry," Dad said as he looked at the empty pancake boxes. "Well you know me ha ha I got pretty hungry after I came back home and I guess I got too carried away.

"Honey, I don't mind you eating pancakes, but five boxes," Dad said. "Well like I said, I was really, really hungry and couldn't control myself," Hope said. "That's all right just be careful that you don't eat too much all right," Dad said. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that I'm going on a "strict" diet," Hope said. "Okay, but aren't you supposed to be at a Tai Chi lesson, Dad said. "Oh, you're right! I'm going to be late. (She grabs her Tai

Chi bag and runs out the door). "Great! First, I was close to being late to school and now I going to be late for my lesson. Things couldn't get any worse than this," Hope said aloud to herself.

In front of the Tai Chi school….

"What the? What is going on," Hope asked herself? "I sense a Tao Card," Kero said. "Ahhh, where did you come from Kero," Hope asked him? "I'll tell you later, but you need to get in there and catch that card before someone gets hurt," Kero said. (Hope rushes inside to find that everyone is trapped within tree branches). "Kero, what's going on," Hope asked him? "It's the Wood Card," Kero said. "How am I supposed to capture it Kero," Hope asked. "You have to get it to reveal its true form otherwise you can't capture it," Kero said. "Okay Kero. (Hope runs and tries and attack the branches with a couple of punches and kicks). "Hey, what are you doing save all that energy for the Fight Card," Kero said. "Well, what else can I do Kero? "I have to get everyone out of that trap the card made," Hope said.

"In order for you to capture the card, you have to call forth your sword," Kero said. "How," Hope asked? "By saying an incantation," Kero said. "What is it," Hope asked? "What is what," Kero asked back. " The incantation," Hope said. "You have to use your own and I can't tell you what to say. Listen to the voice of your soul within for it will tell what it is," Kero said. "Okay Kero, I think I got it….

Powers of the ancient lines

Earth, Fire, Wind, Water hear my cry

To break to chains of fear and time

To once again set my soul free

Let the flames that once burned bright

Become my sword to fight the night


"Wow I actually did it," Hope said. "Like I said, you come from a long line of sorceresses and sorcerers. But enough of that, now you got to catch that card," Kero said. "All right Kero, I'm ready.

That's is it so you can eat Kero … Kero…Kero. Kero, where did you go? Kero: I'm over here. Kero, I thought I told you to wait. Kero: I know but these cookies wouldn't leave me alone. Oh boy. Please review.