Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Haunted Affair ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I haven't written a fic in a LONG time. So I'm going to try again. This is a little something I put together for Halloween. It might not seem very scary, but believe me, if you've see right before your eyes you'd have one one thought. To run away screaming. Of course, I do NOT own Cardcaptors. Also the ghost story wasn't something I made up myselfI got it from a book. I'll tell you all the title later.

THE HAUNTED AFFAIR: A Hawaiian Story Retold by Fireheart

Eriol Hiiragizawa grunted as he attempted to pull Suppi out the door. "I'm SORRY Spinel! But you promised Naruku that you'd help me with this!" he said. "And I have to work right now!" he said. "You're only going to a party!" Suppi protested. "You don't need me!!" he squealed.

"Ohayo Hiiragizawa-san!" Eriol flinched and squeezed Suppi [squeak!]. His heart fluttered to see Tomoyo running up to the mansion door. "O-Ohayo Daidouji-san!" he gasped. [squuuuuueeeeeaaaaakkkk!]

Tomoyo laughed as Eriol [with Suppi in his fist] opened the door and beckoned her inside. Then without knowing it he threw Suppi into the air and followed her inside. Suppi flew at the open door andBAM! Eriol closed the door. And a dazed Suppi slid down the closed door. Little birds danced around his tiny head as he stumbled sideways. Then he shook his head, "Got to get IN!" he cried and flew around to the window side of the mansion frantically.

Eriol joined Sakura, Syaoran, Meiling and Tomoyo in the cobweb, candle-lit bed room after making sure everything was ready. The room was dark. The only light in the room came from the fireplace, the dimly lit crystal chandelier, and black candles around the room. Cob webs were everywhere and soft organ music filled the air. The wind howled and the full moon shone visibly through the window. Everyone sat on the floor in front of the fire waiting for the ghost story to begin. Sakura clung to Syaoran fearfully and Meiling glared daggers at Sakura on Syaoran's other arm. Eriol sat beside Tomoyo [blushing] and the story began.

"The year was 1917. In the Hawaiian Islands there was a construction worker who came with his wife to live in the city of Makapu'u (ma-ka-poo-oo) to work on a federal project. He soon met with a young island girl and their lusty affair began. It was only months however when the worker's wife discovered he was cheating on her." Meiling gasped and cried, "HAHA! Good for him! My Syaoran would never cheat on me!!" Everyone sweat dropped and Syaoran wished he could sink right into the cracks of the floorboards. Eriol sighed and continued the story.

"She demanded the affair ended, but he refused and asked for a divorce. The grieved wife drove away recklessly into the night and because of her tears, her car bounced off the side of the cliff and careened over the edge. The paramedics found her face scarred, her eye was missing, and her skin was terribly burned to the point the flesh was half hanging. Before she died, her last words were, ' Tell Tom that I'm coming for him' . Sure enough about several months later, Tom's car went off the side of the Makapu'u cliff to meet his doom."

Meiling burst into tears and Sakura clung to Syaoran. Syaoran blushed. Everyone jumped when something tapped on the window. Eriol looked up but saw only shadows flying past the window. He frowned but continued the story.

"Then in 1980 a Hawaii Kai resident was driving along the same road at about 11:00pm when his tire suddenly was deflated. He got out to change the tire. As he took the lug-nuts off the popped tire, he felt the ice cold fingers of two hands holding the side of his neck!" Sakura gasped and Tomoyo held onto Eriol's hand. He blinked and smiled as she buried her face into his shoulder.

" The terrified man stumbled backward to the ground and looked up to see a woman in a white dress reaching out as though seeking a hug from him. Even with the wind blowing her hair across her face, he could clearly see that her face was scarred and blackened. The skin hung down her face and grossly one of her eyes was missing." Sakura let out an, "EEP!"
Eriol smiled deviously. Hey it was HALLOWEEN after all!!

"The woman said, " Tom? Tom?" she leaned down and planted a kiss on the insanely shrieking man's mouth. He didn't stop running for miles until he came across an abandoned gas station. After that horrible experience he made a promise to himself. The affair he was currently having with another woman most DEFINITELY had to end! He went home to spend some time with his wife and vowed to forever be faithful to his marital vows. Today in Hawaii, it is said that the ghost of the distraught wife still haunts Makapu'u Point"

Suddenly the sound of the organ blared and everyone screamed with the sudden disturbance. Eriol laughed as Naruku bounced off the organ chair. "Happy Halloween everyone!" he said with Tomoyo gripping his hand. Then the creak of the door was heard and everyone ran from the room. Suppi flew into the room and hovered above the red armchair. "Happy Halloween indeed." he squeaked.

I dunno if anyone knows this, but the story of the HAUNTED AFFAIR is not a made up story. IT IS A COMPLETELY TRUE STORY. 100%! It comes from a book called, ' GLEN GRANT'S CHICKEN SKIN TALES #49 .' This book is a favorite of us locals today who like to read about TRUE Hawaiian ghost stories. THAT'S RIGHT DAMMNIT! IT'S TRUEplease excuse my French. Hope you enjoyed the story. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
