Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Loyal and Loving Girl ❯ chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )
Silver-Kitsune Kazeko: Hello everyone!! Sorry if it's a little late or not, I was working on my site. You can visit it on my profile of you can go here, but take out the spaces:
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You have to include that last slash to go into the site, just take off the spaces. I'll try to update the site and this fanfic whenever I have free time, cause I'll be helping out my mom with the sewing, cause it was scatter from my room towards the front door……
Thank you sooo much for the reviews, I hope the next one or two chapters can get to four hundred ^^!!
LiLV13TaNhDaO, kawaiitenshisakura, Etherelemental, TaoRen, Sakura-Star-66, XxdaRkStaRXx storm05092002, kefu05, Lil Cherry Blossom Angel, DaShyGurl, AnimeObsessionFantasy, musical-sakura, saku-syao01, EcuaGirl, hikari, Lady Of Genesis, Sad, ugly chibi doll, SanaKL, my_little_corner_of_the_world, Crystal jade2, Moon Dreamer2, TaoRen, AnimeLover 2003, Joey, cardcaptor546, angel eyes, MzSyaoranLi, aznangelwings02, starmoon88, Sapphirecrystal, Sapphire Raven, Sarah, blank, sakura tenshi. AnGeL oF love, Lady Of Genesis, Black Star Devil, Tamiri-chan, Black Kitty Kat, Mellisau8, Goth Gurl, Kirika, aquaprincess1, sTaRrGurL, Kyande-san
If I missed you, I'm really sorry, cause I checked my email for review alerts and I only checked the reviews to see if I have everyone only once. I hope I can reach my goal and make this story over thirty chapters ^^!!
Oh, people are wondering when Syaoran will come in, it will be mostly about him next chapter ^^!! And then I'll start to do the Bashing Qing-Ying part in like four chapters, cause you'll know why when you read the next four chapters ^^
I might be updating this slower, because I'm working on some Shaman King fanfics, and I'm working on my site, since I want to learn how to make more advanced kinds of site.
If you want to talk to me on AIM, I'll probably be on almost all day at my time. Just check my profile for the screen name if you want to.
Title: The Loyal and Loving Girl
Author: Silver-Kitsune Kazeko
Chapter 16: Labor for Sakura
~~Recap of last chapter~~
Yukito nodded, and then Yukito called the hospital to tell them that Sakura's going to have a baby, while Touya ran up the stairs really fast and packed up a lot of Sakura's belongings.
"Sakura, remember to breathe in and out throughout the whole pregnancy thing, okay?"
Sakura nodded and then she started to breathe in and out a lot.
After Yukito and Touya collected most/all of Sakura's belongings that she will need in the hospital, and then they rush her to the car and they drove off to the hospital, so Sakura can give birth………
~~End of the Recap~~
Touya drove as fast as he could to the hospital, but was unexpectedly followed by two police cops chasing him on motorcycle. (If you know Flintstones, this part will be basically like that Flintstones part ^^)
Touya knew he had to stop, so he had to stop, and Sakura was screaming in pain, saying in other words, the baby's coming.
The police cops walked towards Touya's car, and he opened the window.
"Sir, why were you speeding two times faster than the speed limit?"
"What?? Your sister's in labor?!?!? Where's her husband????"
"I don't know, she came to this town just about a week ago (sorry, I forgot when she reunited with Touya -_-) and she didn't say that much about her husband……"
"Well, we can't wait her waiting, we'll take you to the hospital immediately, follow us!"
The police got back onto the motorcycles and then Touya and Yukito just sweat-dropped, looking at the police going the wrong way, until the polices themselves found out they didn't know which hospital.
"Sir, which hospital are you going?"
"The one about two more intersections……"
"Okay, let's go!"
The police cops raced to the hospital with Touya driving behind them. As soon as all of them got to the hospital, Touya and Yukito got Sakura out of the car and they try to get to the counter as soon as possible.
The lady that was in charge of the hospital looked at Touya and asked him, "Sir, did you have an appointment with the doctor?"
"My sister's going to have her baby right now!"
The lady was shocked and called the doctor.
"Sir, there's a girl who's going to have a baby, please report to room 307 as soon as possible."
The lady hung up the phone and then……
"Sir, please let me handle your sister from here! If you want to visit her after she gives birth, just go to room 307."
Touya nodded and then he helped Sakura onto the wheelchair the lady provided as she went behind the receptionist's desk.
"Your sister will be sent immediately, so don't worry about her."
The lady wheeled Sakura immediately to room 307. Sakura was breathing hard, feeling the babies' kicking her, wanting to get out of Sakura's stomach really badly.
The lady quickly rushed Sakura inside the room and told her to stay calm and keep breathing.
As soon as the lady left, Sakura began to think that Syaoran should have been there for her and not for Qing-Ying, since she knows that Qing-Ying is a very troubled girl and a bitch. She knows that she shouldn't swear a lot, but it's hopeless for her to say that only her brother and Yukito were there for her.
`Otou-san, Okaa-san. I hope you're ready for your grandchild I'm about to give birth too. I'm proud to give birth, but I shouldn't have went to that place……I regret going through that pain……why are the gods cruel to me?'
The doctor arrived just in time, since Sakura was breathing really hard, and then the doctor put the crib-thing over Sakura's stomach.
"Okay Miss Kinomoto, I need you to keep breathing for a while, while I get the tools to help you through this mess."
The doctor quickly reached for the tools and then he walked/ran back to Sakura.
"I need you now to give a push in your stomach whenever I tell you, so just keep breathing until then."
Sakura breathe harder and started to not enjoy the fact that this was indeed her child, but is also Syaoran's.
(I'm sorry if I did this wrong, my mom only told me part of the pregnancy thing, since I asked her when I was ten or something……)
The doctor cut opened Sakura's stomach and then the doctor said to Sakura, "Now, give a few pushes."
Sakura did as told, and then she knew that after the first baby came out, she lost part of her strength to get the other out. The doctor reached into the crib thing again, and then the next baby was about to pop out.
"Miss Kinomoto, try to push the baby out of your stomach."
Sakura breathe in and out, and then she tried her hardest to push the baby out, but she lost her strength.
"Come on Miss Kinomoto, for your baby, give one final push!"
Sakura gather up her hidden strength and then she pushed out the second baby. The doctor cut the cord that got stuck to Sakura's and then he laid both babies on the baby beds, and then he examined them.
"Congratulations, Miss Kinomoto, you have twins, one male and one female. I'll have someone closed up your stomach, and do you want your brother and friend come check on you?"
Sakura nodded her head and then she rested her eyes, while someone came into the door and sealed Sakura's stomach up with stitches. After the person stitched up Sakura's stomach, which was a male, looked at Sakura and wondered why the father would dump such a beautiful girl and a strong mother too.
Sakura opened her eyes after a few minutes, when she knew that someone already closed up her stomach. Touya and Yukito then came to the door, and walked over to Sakura.
"Sakura, how are you doing?"
Sakura turned her head towards Touya, and smiled. She spoke weakly, "I'm……doing fine."
Yukito laid his hand on Sakura's and then he kissed her cheeks. "I hope you'll do just fine now. You know Touya and I love you very much, don't forget that."
Sakura nodded her head and then she turned her head to look up at the ceiling.
`I wonder how Syaoran and Qing-Ying are doing……Qing-Ying's probably taking over Syaoran and cheating on him very night……that's just typical for her, and Syaoran loves her no matter what I guess……'
Touya and Yukito got some chairs from the corner of the room and then both sat next to her.
"Sakura, I hope you know that Yukito and I will be there for you to help you take care of your babies. Always remember that, and I hope you'll find someone to help you take care of them too."
Sakura nodded, understanding how much her brother really cares for her, though he picks her on a lot when they were little.
The doctor came in with the babies just after a few minutes of Yukito and Touya appearance.
"Miss Kinomoto, we will need you to name your babies."
Sakura remembered the boy will be named Tai, since she did promised herself that if there was a boy, she'll name it Tai.
"I'm going to name the boy Tai……but I haven't decided on a girl's name."
"How about Krystal?"
"No……not after a gem stone……"
"What kind of name do you want?"
"Maybe something Chinese……"
"Let's try another name……"
"How about Yan?"
"Yan……okay, that sounds nice."
The doctor then asked again, "so, what are the names?"
Sakura answered, "Tai and Yan."
"So Tai and Yan it is. Do you want to hold your babies?"
Sakura nodded and then the doctor handed her Tai and Yan. The twins were crying, and then Sakura knew something that will help them stop crying, but she has to change the lyrics a little.
(I don't own this song, "Hush Little Baby," though I changed it a little since it's two babies.)
Sakura began singing the song:
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."
The twins fell asleep hearing Sakura's sweet and angelic singing, and then Sakura felt sleepy after remembering the lullaby. Touya and Yukito let Sakura rested while they took Tai and Yan back on their cribs.
"You got to admit Touya, Sakura's twins are really cute."
"Yeah……and she used the song that our mother sang to us when we were little."
"I guess she got her singing from your mother then……when should we leave Touya?"
"I'm not sure, and I'm worry that no one will watch her while we're gone……"
"I'm sure the nurse will take care of her, but let's ask them in case."
Touya and Yukito walked down to the lobby and then they saw the lady who helped Sakura into the room.
"Excuse me miss, but, do you know if someone will watch my sister while Yukito and I go back to work?"
"If you want someone to watch her that badly, I'll ask someone to watch over her till she gets out of the hospital. You can visit anytime, since the hospital is open 24/7."
"Thank you, we'll be back tomorrow to check on her."
"No problem, just answer me this question. Do you know anything about the husband?"
Touya shook his head.
"She doesn't want to explain much about him. She told me something about being a servant to a prince or something……"
"Aa……I see. I'll take care of your sister's problem now. You two have fun at your work."
~*~Sakura's room after two hours~*~
Sakura woke up, and then she saw someone sitting next to her, watching her really closely.
"Are you the person who closed up my stomach?"
He nodded, and then he asked Sakura, "How are you doing now?"
"Okay I guess……the guy who brought this upon me……the babies weren't born with love from the father……but no matter what……I'm raising them with love and joy."
"May I ask for your name?"
"Sakura Kinomoto……if I took the father's name, I'll be Sakura Li……. May I ask what is your name too?"
"Kai Ching. You can call me Kai if you want to."
"If you want to call me that, you can to call me Sakura."
"Sakura……doesn't that name mean `cherry blossoms'?"
"It does……"
"I see that you and your twins will be all right. There wasn't anything wrong with them when you gave birth."
"What day is today?"
"Monday, January 7."
"Oh okay……I guess the twins are born on January 7th then……"
"Yep……you should get some rest……at the sound when your twins are crying, just ping me with this and I'll help take care of them, okay?"
Sakura nodded and then she went back to sleep after all of the giving birth and other things she did today.
~*~End of Chapter 16~*~
I'm sorry for not updating in almost two weeks! I was busy working on my site, since I have a lot of free time, and I also wanted to work on my Shaman King fanfics!
Here's the site to see how bad/good I'm doing on the site. Some people might be able to view, and some can't, so I'm sorry to anyone to can't see the site!
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Just take off the spaces and you can be able to read it!
~*~Silver-Kitsune Kazeko~*~
I hope after people reviewed this, I might be able to get four hundred, but just for the sake of it, I'll try to update every week, unless I'm making a lot of things for my site! Sorry if there's a lot of grammar mistakes, cause I didn't have time to reread it!