Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The New Friends ❯ The New Comers ( Chapter 1 )
Card Captors
Meet Nefli
"We have a new student today her name is Nefli. Go a head and find you a seat darling." Sakura's teacher said. Nefli walked back to a seat near Sakura and Li. She sat down and looked at Sakura and Li then smirked. Sakura turned around to Li.
"What was that about?" she asked Li.
"I don't know. We better keep an eye on her though." Li said.
<Go right ahead Li Showron. You'll know me soon enough. Along with Sakura, Julian, and Kero> Nefli thought.
An hour later the bell rang. Sakura and Li were following Nefli around.
<Ha, they are very dedicated to following me…wait…a Clow Card.> Nefli though stopping to find it. <Over there!> she turned and ran down an alley.
"What was that about?" Maylin asked.
"She is heading strait for a Clow card!" said Li in a very stunned voice.
"Yeah she is!" Sakura said stunned as well they both took off running towards the card.
"Key of the Moon, show your might, Release!" Nefli said.
<Were is it? I know it is here.> she thought at Sakura and Li ran up behind her.
"What are you doing?" Li asked.
"Be quiet it knows we are here. Release your Key Sakura. Were is your sward Li?" Nefli asked.
"How do you know about that?" Li asked looking over to Sakura puzzled.
"Look out!" Li yelled and knocked Sakura out of the way.
"Sand Card! I was wondering when that one would show up!" Nefli said.
"Sakura use Windy!" Nefli yelled back to her. Sakura looked over to Li and he shook his head.
"Do it." Li said.
"Key of Clow show your might Releas! Windy!" Sakura yelled.
<Good it's working!> Nefli thought.
"Sand return to your powers confined…Sand!" Nefli yelled. And the card sealed then went to Li. He caught it and looked back up to were Nefli had been.
"Where'd she go?" Li asked.
"I don't know Li." Sakura said.
"What was her name Sakura?" Li asked.
"Nefli, I think." Sakura answered.
"Nefli, hum, how dose she know about the Clow Cards and how can she seal them?" Li said.
"I don't know let's ask Kero." Sakura said.
"Oh yeah like I want to ask that stupid stuffed toy anything." Li said.
<Go ahead he won't know any more then you two do. I have the key of Yue.> Nefli thought.
"Hey Kero. Would yo stop playing that stupid game and answer our question." Sakura said.
"I told yo it was a waist of time trying to get an answer out of a stuffed animal." Li said trying to make Kero mad.
"Kid I don't know how there can be three Card captors. There is you and then Sakura, my choice. How can there be a third?" Kero said.
"I told yo I was hopeless. I'm going to ask my mom. She probably know more about Clow Reed then Kero Berro's the guardian of the Clow Book!" Li yelled as he walked out of Sakura's room.
<Damn kid.> thought Kero as Sakura ran after Li.
"Li wait up. I'm coming with you." Sakura said.
<OK! Damn kids.> thought Kero.
"Ha! So yo don't know. As I thought." Nefli said to herself. She went home and walked in side.
"Were have you been a Clow…"
"I know mom I was there." Nefli said to her mother.
"Which o…"
"No! I don't have it I need to talk to Yue. Excuse me. I'll explain when I'm done." Nefli said to her mother.
"Agreed!" her mother, said. And Nefli went into her room and sat down in the center of the room.
::Yue I need to talk to you!:: Nefli said in her thoughts.
::You know I can't just show up every time you want a conversation!:: Yue scolded her.
::Yue this is about the Clow Cards!:: Nefli pleaded. Then the doorbell rang.
<Than you Yue!> Nefli though to herself.
"I'm coming." Nefli said.
"Hi Mrs. Mikamura and Nefli!" Julian said.
"Julian." Nefli's mother said.
"Yue!" said Nefli. Then Julian changed into Yue guardian of the moon.
"What is this about Nefli?" Yue asked.
"Why does Kero Barrows not know about the Key of the Moon and me?" Nefli asked.
"First Kero is a baka! Second the only people who knew about the second key is Clow Reed, your family, and myself. Of course we we're not to say a word to Kero. What he doesn't know doesn't fall under his control. Your key is under my power." Yue said.
"OK! How come I can sense the cards before the other three?" Nefli said.
"Three?" Yue asked a little confused.
"Li Showron, Clow Reeds direct descendent and Sakura Avalon, Kero's choice. Then of course Kero himself." Nefli said.
"He has to make every thing hard for me don't he. Oh well. I guess your power is greater then theirs." Yue said. Their conversation lasted a couple of hours.
"Uhm, mom I think you should fix a bunch of food." Nefli said.
"Why?" Yue asked.
"Julian!" Nefli and her mother answered.
"What about him?" Yue asked.
"You've never watched Julian eat have you Yue." Nefli said picking herself off the floor.
"No! Why?" Yue asked. They talked for about another Hour as Nefli's mother cooked a lot of food.
"Is that all you needed?" Yue asked.
"I guess. Why do I have to help them?" Nefli asked.
"You don't!" Yue said as a matter of faculty.
"If I don't one of them will get killed by those cards. That's why they were put away wasn't it." Nefli said a little confused.
"Yes it was Yue, Kero might be a baka but you have been here for four hours. He will notice soon." A female voice said.
"Who the hell is that?" Yue asked.
"Don't ask me!" Nefli and his mother said very confused.
"Oh dear Yue you forget easily." A woman said appearing net to Yue.
"Akuna! Where did you come from?" Yue asked just as confused as Nefli and her mother.
"Akuna I've heard that name before." Nefli said. They talked for about another hour & a half.
"Hey the food's done. Yue you might wanta change back and you I don't know about you." Nefli's mother said pointing over to Akuna.
"Oh I'll turn back into my human form as well. You'll have to come up with some excuse…" Akuna said but was cut off.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know we have to make excuses to Julian." Nefli said looking at Yue. Then Yue and Akuna turned back into their Human forms, Julian and Iaka.
<So that is who she is. Hum…> Nefli thought.
"What was that?" Kero, Sakura, Li, and Li's mother asked each other at the same time.