Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The next Generation ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Next Generation

Cp.1 The Beginning

After all the cards were captured and transformed, and after Sakura and Syaoran regained there magic they FINALLY got together. At age twenty Syaoran proposed. They had a beautiful wedding. They let all the cards out, Tomoyo was of course taping, and everyone was happy, except Touya. (Well, you know why) But after a while he sort of accepted it, until this.

Sakura wasn't feeling well and went to the doctor…(Wonder what this means?) She walked to the front desk and registered. Then she sat down to fill out the forms in the waiting room.

"Kinomoto, Sakura. The doctor is waiting for you," a nurse informed. Sakura got up and the nurse took her to the room where the doctor was.

Looking at the forms the doctor asked. " Sakura?"

"Yes," Sakura replied.

"So, you've been vomiting? And you aren't interested in the types of foods you used to be?" The doctor commented.


"Uh huh. Have you been getting fatter?" The doctor asked.


Scarily the doctor replied, "It's just a simple question to see what you have. Just answer the question!"

"Um, sorry. Heh, heh kind of…." She answered trying to calm down.

"I see. Well, the only logical explanation is that you're pregnant, congratulations," the doctor declared.

"WHAT?!" Sakura screamed.

"Who's the lucky father?"

"Syaoran, of course!

"You better get going, it's going to take a lot of courage to tell everyone, especially your brother." The doctor said.

"Aull dang, do I have to tell Touya. Syaoran might as well commit suicide. Anyway, bye," Sakura said as she walked out of the room.

"Don't forget to come back in three months!" The doctor yelled.

Sakura drove slowly so she would have time to think of how to tell Syaoran. At 5:00 pm she turned in the driveway and opened the door of her car. She walked up and opened the door of their house. She got in and sat on the couch still thinking and obsessing over what she should do. "Syaoran's a good husband, right? He would be okay with it. But, why am I so nervous? I can't stop thinking about it! Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Why am I flooding myself with these thoughts!" She held her head and fell to the ground crying. "STOP IT!" Her mind screamed. "Why should I be even questioning him? He's my husband after all! And why should I be questioning MYSELF! This is a normal thing that most all women go through. Okay, I've got to calm down he can sense my nervousness sometimes." Sakura walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water.

"Sakura?" Syaoran said cautiously. Right as he came in Sakura snapped out of her lil Sakura land place and dropped her glass, it shattered everywhere. "Sakura?" Li said again. She looked up with her eyes all glassy. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." Sakura replied then she started to drum her fingers on the kitchen counter and started to look around trying to not make eye contact.

"I can tell when something's bothering you, and something definitely is.

Sakura took a deep breath, "Syaoran, um, you should sit down. You know how I went to the doctors today, well they found out what it was. Oh wait, to clear that up I'm not dieing. Anyway, I'm sort of pregnant."

"Sort of? You're either all or not. Anyway why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked

"Well, I wasn't sure how you would react."

"I'm not Touya… Ah dang! Don't tell me we have to tell him!" Syaoran added

"Sorry, Li," Sakura laughed.


"I've got to tell Tomoyo!" Sakura ran towards to phone and dialed her number. *ring, ring*

"Hello?" Tomoyo said.

"TOMOYO! ….. I'm pregnant!" Sakura screamed.

"WHAT?! I can't believe this!" Tomoyo screamed with joy.

8 months later.

"AH! I'M TOO FAT! IT SMELLS! ……. WHERE'S THE BATHROOM!" Sakura yelled now 9 months pregnant. While Syaoran's running around trying to keep there house together.

"DING DONG!" the doorbell rang. Li opened the door and almost fainted.

"WHERE'S MY LITTLE SISTER!!!!!!!" Touya yelled almost about to strangle Syaoran. (hmmmm, looks like they still haven't told Touya?)


"Touya?" Sakura called walking towards the door. "Umm, what are you doing here?" Touya took one look at Sakura and roared, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!! Syaoran just stood there speechless.

"SYAORAN! HOSPITAL, NOW!" Sakura screamed.

"WHAT?!" Syaoran screamed.

"WHAT!" Touya yelled. They ran to the car, Li helped Sakura in the back, and they sped off, with Touya following closely behind.

"Dang, Touya drives like a maniac!" Syaoran pointed out looking at the mirror.


"I thought I put you in the back Sakura?" Syaoran said trying only to pay attention to the road.

"I am in the back." Sakura replied.

"Then who is right next to me?" Syaoran looked to his right and saw Tomoyo holding her camera and looking straight at him. "BWAH!!!! HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE?!" Syaoran screamed.

"I'm everywhere." Tomoyo answered.

"…. Sometimes you really scare me Tomoyo."

"OWWWW!!!" Sakura screamed.

"Ow? Not right now! Can't you just shove it back up until we get to the hospital?" Syaoran cried.

"ehh…" Sakura mumbled. They finally make it to the hospital and Sakura gives birth.

"Is it a boy or is it a girl?" Syaoran asked anxious.

" It's a healthy baby boy," The doctor announced.

"YES!" Syaoran yelled. Not that I would be mad if it was girl.

"I already have his name. Ryu Li," Sakura said.

As to that same day a young baby girl was born in a small cottage. Syaoran went on to teach Ryu all he knew in magic and everything else he could.

Seventeen years later. (Oh my gosh! S+S is almost forty!)

Ryu now a young man (eww! I hate the word "man"! Sorry… heh heh ANYWAY!) Ryu was practicing his sword in the backyard when he suddenly sensed a strange presence that he never felt before. At first he just ignored it but when it happened again he felt it stronger. Confused as ever he pulled out his Lasen Board, which Syaoran gave to him, to figure out what's up with this. It pointed directly to Darkness Forest. There was a myth that a lot of witches and evilness lived there through the ages. Ryu was determined to figure out what this strong force was, even if it meant going there. He wrote a note saying he was going there because he knew if he asked them in person they would say no, even though he was almost eighteen.

Ryu ran off with the Lasen Board in his left hand and his sword in the right. He stopped to a halt to see a young woman his age standing before him. She was wearing all black even her make-up was, she wore a witch type hat and her hair was black with tints of brown in it. She had it up in a similar form like Meilings, her clothes were odd; she wore a black mini dress, a red, white, and black striped tie; her sleeves were cut off at the top and they were in the same pattern as her tie. On her legs she wore fishnets and had tall lace up boots up to her knees.

He could tell the force was coming from her. (After all, he is the son of our Card Captors)

"Hey! What's up?!" He called out. (As you can see he didn't get his personality from Syaoran!) The girl stared at him in confusion, and then ran off through the foggy woods.

"Wait!" Ryu called. He already knew she wasn't going to stop so he ran off after her. He caught up to the girl then tackled her to the floor. (HOW RUDE!)

"LET ME GO!" The girl screamed.

"Not until you give me some answers," he demanded.

"To what?!" She hissed.

"What are YOU doing in a place like this? It's dangerous!" He shouted.

"I live in THIS forest!" She replied.