Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The next Generation ❯ The Cave ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


"……..o.0? Oh, sorry. Hey, auh… What's your name?" He asked, but still suspicious of her.

"My name's Saori." She said cautious not to give out too much information.

"Oh, I'm Ryu."

" Well, excuse me but, I got to go now!" Saori claimed. You don't want to get hurt, so you better go home to your mommy!

"Fine," Ryu uttered. With a smirk on her face she ran off. But Ryu wasn't gonna give up with out a fight, (well you know what happens.) OFFCOURSE he goes after her!

"Stupid boy! He doesn't know what he's getting himself into!" Saori thought to herself as she ran into a cave. But Ryu was close behind.

"Hoe? Funny girl! Why the heck is she going in a cave?! OH! SHE LIVES IN A CAVE! ?????? Cave? " Saori walked through a small passage then came to a enormous room. It had stalactites, stalagmites, huge spider webs, bats on the ceiling, and a beautiful waterfall. Oh and 2 very ugly woman surrounding a big BLACK pot. Saori walked over to them.

"WHERE'S THE FROG SLIME AND NEWT EYES SAORI!!!!!" Ugly number 1 yelled.

"AND DRAGON SCALES!!!" Yokoshima added

"Sorry, Mashina, Yokoshima. A boy saw me." Saori reported.

"Oh, come out, boy. We wont hurt you!" Mashina called. Then whispered" yet" Ryu was behind a stalagmite, but didn't dare to come out because from the looks of the people and the cave he could tell they were evil witches. But the thing that he couldn't put his finger on was that Saori didn't look anything like the other butt-ugly old hags near the big pot. Saori was beautiful; her eternal beauty was swimming through his heart and wouldn't come out! But on the other hand, her attitude balanced that out.

"Saori, take care of him! Remember this time; use the summoning spell! " Mashina demanded.

"Right away." Saori took the necklace she had around her neck and transformed it into a wand then yelled out "Yobidasu!" A dark red swirled with black and circled around her then went to where Ryu was. "So Rue." Saori was cut off.

"Um it's Ryu."

"What ever it is I told you, you didn't want to get hurt. But obviously like all dense men you don't listen!" She screeched.

"My bad." Ryu said obnoxiously. Saori raised her wand, and a lightning like magic sped towards Ryu. He dodged it quickly. Saori was surprised to see his fast reflexes.

"Stop Saori. We don't need him fried yet, first we need to put the marinade on and perhaps some tenderizer", Mashina said.

"WHAT!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA EAT ME???!!!" Ryu screamed. Yokoshima cackled.

"Yes!" she answered.


"Saori! Tie him up!!!" Mashina demanded. "So we can by time to prepare the other food!!!!" Saori picked up a snake, which was slithering by and turned it into a long rope then tied it into a lasso.

Ryu eyes widened. "HOLY!" He took out his sword and ran through the cave. Quickly she ran after him swinging the lasso in her hand, while Ryu was jumping all over the place trying to avoid the caves obstacles. As she threw the lasso at him he dodged it and sliced the snake like rope in half. Leaving the snake soaked with its blood on the ground. Her eyebrows narrowed. Ryu was still running he looked back to see what she was going to do now, not noticing he was heading right towards a stalagmite. BANG!!!!!!!!!!

Saori saw her chance and quickly tied him up before he could recover. She dragged the unconscious boy to the main room were the other witches were cooking then tied him to a chair.

"There! He put up a nice fight but, as always, fear/stupidness always overcomes them," she said, then walked away. A couple minutes went by and Ryu finally awoke.

"Egghhh, ufffff…??? Huh? Where…. Oh, yeah, I'm here. Oh god, please help me!!! I've never done anything wrong to deserve this!!! This is got to be the worst punishment in the WORLD!!!!!" He yelled softly.

"HAH! You got it good!!!" An anonymous thing said from behind.

"Wha….???" He murmured.

"Hey! Look down kid!" The shadowed object said.

"WHAAAAAAAA!!!!!" He screamed as he saw a talking black cat in front of him.

"HEY!!! CHILL!!! IT'S LIKE YOU NEVER SEEN A CAT TALK BEFORE!!!!" It yelled then jumped on his lap.

"I'm sorry, I haven't." He said still shaking a bit.

"Anyway! Like I was saying! Your punishment isn't half as bad as mine! At least you get to die! I have to stay with these hags FOREVER!!!!" The cat screamed.


"Bwah! I was getting to that! No interruptions! When I was a young lad like you I was exploring these forests. I thought I was "cool" and "brave" going through here. I spotted a cave and entered it, that moment was the biggest mistake in my life! And I'm telling you! I had a lot of mistakes in my day!!! I walked through it, hoping to find some fresh water. Oh, I found it alright! It was beautiful, it had a gorgeous waterfall flowing and it was like the water was sparkling. I bent down to drink some, when something caught my eye, a shadow glided across the water.

At first I just ignored it, but when it happened again was when I got suspicious, like someone or something was watching me. But like a jackass I drank the water anyway. It tasted sooo good though! So I didn't notice the extra fur growing and the shrinking occurring to me, until I started licking the water. "

"Dude… Ouch." Ryu said.

"QUIET! LET ME FINISH THE DAMN STORY!!!" The black cat dude yelled.


"ANYWAYS!!!! I heard a cackle from behind me. And then I saw it…. The ugliest thing on earth. So I tried to make a break for it, and run to the exit. Then it was all in a creepy voice.

"Here kitty, kitty! No use running away! You can't get out!!! You're mine now, FOREVER!!!! *Cackle, cackle* " She screamed. I stopped in my tracks, my heart stopped, and I couldn't breath. I stood there for a while on my four paws. Thinking what to do. Then it hit me, I ran towards the water and jumped in, it was surprisingly unpleasant, because I used to love water and swimming. I splashed water on her to try to kill her. Like in all the movies. It didn't work, yeah, cause it's witches water!! So I went to plan B, suicide! I'd rather die then serving those demons! I went under the water, and almost held my breath for an hour, but I wasn't dieing!!!! So the witch was all "Forget it!!! You won't die!! I told you, you're mine forever!!!" I knew then my life was over, alive, or not.