Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Rejected Book ❯ Truth Revealed ( Chapter 7 )
Okay, thanks everyone for reviewing and sorry for the long wait for the 6th chapter. I had some things to attend to. Sure I'm only in high school, but still, a girl's gotta have her holidays. Anyway, here's the 7th chapter. Oh, and remember about the poll (sort of) that I'm having. Tell me if you want a second story after this one about Sakura in her second year.
Oh, lots of talking in this one, sorry. But you can't blame them, a cat got petrified. Oh, don't mind about the little thing near the end. Ron just hates them.
Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Recap of last Chapter
They all stopped abruptly, looking very awkward. Filch stared at a small thing handing by the tail underneath the writing.
"Oh my." Sakura gasped. "It's Mrs Norris!"
She felt everyone tense, and Filch collapse into a sobbing heap. Eriol hissed slightly, putting both Sakura and Syaoran into thinking that he knew exactly what was wrong.
Chapter 7: Truth revealed
Dumbledore looked from Eriol, to Mrs Norris, the first signs of fear spreading into his cerulean eyes.
"No, it can't be." He muttered.
Eriol gasped then hid his staff, it changing back into a tiny sun amulet. McGonagall reached up and held the stiff cat in her hands like she was a rat.
"Harry, Miss Granger, Mr Weasly, Miss Kinomoto, Mr Li, and Mr Hiiragizawa please come with me." Dumbledore said, his voice just louder than a whisper.
The Card captor group looked confused for a moment, then understood, quickly following him.
"Dumbledore, you can use my office, it's just around the corner." Professor Lockhart butted into the silence.
The headmaster nodded at him, his thanks.
They continued down a corridor, until they reached a door unmistakably the Defense against the Dark Art's teachers. One large poster smiled and winked at them as they first walked in. A large oak desk was in one corner, a neat pile of fan mail in one corner. Syaoran raised an eyebrow at a picture with a hairnet still on. Sakura stifled a giggle as it pouted, anger shooting from it's eyes. Meanwhile, Dumbledore was poking the `dead' cat with his long fingers, nose almost touching it's body. Suddenly, he pulled himself back up.
"Argus, she's not dead." He announced.
Filch gave a squeal of delight, prancing over to his cat.
"But why is she all stiff like that?" The ugly caretaker asked, feeling deeply for his cat.
"She has just been petrified." Eriol muttered.
"She has just been petrified." Dumbledore said, taking Syaoran and Sakura by surprise, not thinking that Eriol would know.
Time passed quickly, Dumbledore explaining the thing that would cure her. Sakura understood nothing of it, ready to go to bed. Finally, he nodded, allowing them to go up to sleep. All six of them wandered up the stairs, until they reached the familiar portrait. Hermione and Sakura waved goodnight to the boys, then trooped upstairs to go to sleep.
Since the next day was Sunday, they had no classes. Sakura got up early, and was waiting patiently for the others. They came down together, one looking happy and cheerful (Eriol) and the other grouchy (Syaoran).
"Library?" Eriol questioned.
"Y…yes. I need to do my History of Magic homework." Sakura muttered.
Syaoran had a small pile of books under his arm, and on top of the pile, curiously, was his sword.
"Um Syaoran, why have you got your sword?" Eriol asked
"Well, it needs polishing, and I'm almost finished my homework." Was his reply.
As they settled down, Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in, looking all suspicious. They had a small note concealed in they're hand. Eriol raised an eyebrow as they began to talk to Madam Prince. Ron caught Eriol looking and threw a nasty look towards him. He made to stand up, Syaoran and Sakura holding him down.
"Eriol, it's a library." Sakura hissed, making him sit down forcefully into a chair. They're eyes followed the trio into the restricted section, then out again, this time carrying a book named Moste Potente Potions.
"What the…" Eriol began; faltering when he saw the annoyed look Syaoran gave him.
They began to do their homework again, only Syaoran not writing but polishing his sword slowly.
A few minutes later, Sakura sat upright, a crazed look on her face. She lent forward and whispered hurriedly,
"Let's go down to the scene of the crime and look for clues!"
Anyone could tell the three were worked up about this whole `clue' thing. They walked swiftly out of the room, ignoring the student's curious looks. Once out of the library, they set off at a run, Eriol leading. They skidded to a halt outside Myrtle's toilet, fear sweeping through them as the sound of voices and feet came to their ears.
"In here." Sakura hissed, grabbing the boy's arms and dragging them in.
They remained quiet until the noise passed.
The Harry Potter group froze as they entered the bathroom, laying eyes on the other trio. Syaoran was leaning against the wall, with Sakura sitting down next to him. Eriol was pacing around the sinks, lost in thought.
"What are you doing in here?" Eriol questioned, stopping his pacing as his eyes fell onto the intruding group.
"We could ask you the same thing." Ron sneered, his liking for this group falling every second.
"Ask no questions, and we'll tell you no lies." Sakura muttered.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Harry shot, turning to look at her.
"I said nothing that you need to worry your ickle head about." Sakura replied simply, a small smirk playing on her lips.
"Ooo, we bow down towards you." Ron teased.
Syaoran, who had said nothing up to here, grabbed his sword and began to slice it through the air. Sakura sighed at him.
"Show off. Sword!"
Her sword appeared and she started to fight him, not wanting him to hurt the others.
"What are you doing Sakura, Syaoran?" Eriol hissed agitatedly. "Let's take our leave, it's obvious that these ickle second years don't need our help with anything." Syaoran smirked
"Hey, who are you calling little? We're older than all of you and much stronger!"
"Oh I highly doubt that you're older than me, or stronger." Eriol commented.
"Fine, Harry will take you on any day."
Syaoran turned to face Ron, a look of pure anger on his face.
"Can you back that up?" Eriol spat, before his descendant could say anything.
"Sakura will take Harry on. But when?" Syaoran stated, pushing Sakura forward.
"At the duelling club tomorrow. Oh, and, I think it's shameful getting a `girl' to do your dirty work." Harry scoffed.
"No, we're doing it because she's the strongest person here." Eriol butted in.
With that, they left the card captors alone.
They trooped up towards they're common room, sighing as they saw the sign. Why had they gotten themselves into this? Both boys hoped that Sakura wanted to do this. But they were completely wrong. Sakura wanted to prove herself to Ron, that she wasn't just a pretty face.
Sorry about that, but I had to give it an edge. Okay, so I gave something big away. Well, I finished it quickly and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote it all in one day! Yay! I'm halting my progress to very slow because of school on Tuesday. Sigh. Well, I love you all for reviewing, and keep it up. Have a nice day and I'll catch you all later!