Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Premonitions Just Aren’t What They’re Cracked Up To Be ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Return

Chapter 7 - premonitions just aren't what they're cracked up to be

"No! You can't leave me. Please don't be like Syaoran." She pleaded with the tall dark figure that was walking out of the door.

"I have to Sakura. I swear I'll come back again, for you. I'm so sorry to leave but I have to." A familiar husky voice replied but the figure never turned around as he walked out of the door.

"XIAO LANG!!" she cried. "I love you. Please don't leave. Don't leave me alone…" her voice trailed off. But nothing would bring him back…


"NO!!!" Sakura cried as she woke suddenly. Her pillow was soaked from many tears. She glanced at her clock, which read 6:59 a.m. 'I woke up before the alarm went off?' she wondered as she turned off the alarm and got out of bed.

"What a strange dream." She said to her reflection in the mirror. Something about it seemed prophetic.

"Xiao Lang's not going to leave me anytime soon, not without the girl he came for. And I'm not in love with him." But she jotted it down in her diary all the same.

"Uh…what time is it? I never heard the alarm." Came a groggy voice from her dresser drawer, which was slightly ajar.

"It's six o'clock, Kero and I woke up early today so I turned it off." At this comment Kero really woke up and flew out and straight to Sakura.

"What do you mean 'you woke up early'?" he asked suspiciously. Sakura hadn't been early for anything and her cheeks were tear-stained and her eyes were red from crying.

"I had a weird dream and it woke me up. I'm gonna go and have a shower and I'll tell you more about it later." She answered and rushed into the warm shower to wash away the weird vibe she was getting from the dream.


When Sakura opened the door to homeroom, she saw Jing and his buddies in the back of the room, laughing their heads off.

When they caught sight of her walking towards her seat they cornered her.

"So… how's our lover boy now?" crooned one guy as Jing grabbed her by the arms and pinned her to the wall.

"You make me sick." She spat into his left eye. "How could you attack him?" she yelled.

"He's a wuss. He's not so hot when there isn't an audience." He laughed at her and wiped his eye. "And I'll make sure you regret slapping me." He sneered and gripped her even tighter, which was starting to hurt and it was scaring her. Nobody else was there but she still refused to use her magic on anyone.

"STOP IT!" she screamed. "It hurts." She wailed because by then she was starting to develop bruises on her arms.

"Leave her alone or regret it." Bellowed a deep, husky voice, Sakura recognized as the same one from her dream, Xiao Lang. He was standing at the door looking furiously at Jing.

He didn't have to do or say anything else because at that moment the rest of the class started to pour into the room.

Jing released her and she collapsed into her seat. Xiao Lang walked up to her and sat behind her.

"Your eye!" Sakura whispered when she noticed that his bruise had disappeared, but also to keep the conversation off of her confrontation with Jing. It didn't work.

"It healed fast, but are you ok? Did he hurt you?" he asked quietly looking worried as the sensei walked into class.

"No, I'm fine I think. He was just holding me too tightly." Sakura breathed slowly. "I'm fine." She repeated still feeling slightly anxious about what had happened.

Xiao Lang wasn't convinced she was ok, but he dropped the subject as the teacher started announcements.


"Are you still coming over, tonight?" Xiao Lang asked as he walked out of the school, beside Sakura. Soccer practice was every other day so he left early with the rest of the students.

"Yeah." she answered with a slightly pained expression. She rubbed her arm over where the bruises were and winced.

"I made you a small snack. But it's for when you're finished everything." He forced a smile trying hard not to think about her pain.

'Just wait until you get to your apartment and then try to ask what happened. You're more likely to get her to open up there than on a crowded street corner.' He told himself with patience but he desperately wanted to help her at that very moment and not wait like he had done all of his life.


"Done!" the cheer was once again heard when Sakura finished her homework.

"Great! Are you ready for my snack, now?" He asked as he stood up. He walked towards the kitchen, beckoning for her to follow.

"Yeah! What is it? She asked, following him.

"It's a surprise." He laughed totally forgetting about her bruised arm. He opened the fridge door and pulled out a small box.

"I made it this morning." He added and lifted the lid to reveal a small chocolate cake big enough for one piece each.

"Oh, that looks so delicious!" she exclaimed and went to wrap her arms around his neck but the moment he connected with her bruises she winced in pain and drew away from him.

"Sakura! Are you ok? Let me see your arm." He demanded and she willingly obliged.

"I'm ok." She muttered and pulled up her sleeve, wincing again as it was pulled over her arm. I revealed a bruise that almost covered her entire forearm. The same was true for her other arm.

"Oh Kami-sama" he mouthed. He slowly waved his hand over each and instantly the pain receded. He knew that if this were his Sakura no one would have known he had used magic. By mid morning the bruise would be almost completely healed.

"Don't worry. I bruise easily. I'm sure it'll be gone in a few days." She said and rolled down her sleeves.

"Ok." He resigned.

"So, did you make this just for me?" she asked sweetly as he took out two plates and put each piece on a plate.

"Yep." He answered taking out two forks and handed her a plate. She instantly took a bite.

"This is wonderful, thanks." She said and together they walked towards the living room and to the couch and flipped on the TV.

"I can't stand all of those guys asking me to the dance." Sakura exclaimed between mouthfuls of cake.

During the morning announcements their sensei had announced that in two weeks there would be a dance and since the Halloween dance from last semester had been cancelled due to an earthquake, they decided to make the coming one a costumed one. A costume got you in for free.

"Are you even going?" Xiao Lang asked.

"Yeah, of course."

"Why don't we go together? Like as friends?" he asked. "It would help to get rid of the girls asking me out, too." He added lightly making her laugh.

"Sure, I'd love to."


"I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow, then." He exclaimed as he lead he to the front door, when he reached for the handle Sakura felt an overwhelming sense of dread and realized that in her dream, Xiao Lang left her at his apartment. Through that same door.

'No, it was just a stupid dream." She shook her head and smiled as he led her out the door.


When he shut the door he once again felt in heaven.

"She's almost like my- MY Sakura!! That's what I forgot." He cried out to no one as he grabbed his coat and ran out once again to try to find the reason he returned.

'How could I be such a baka and forget all about her?' he chided himself and began to search for his cherry blossom, not knowing he had found her on his first day back in Japan.


Around midnight he gave up his search for another day. Disappointed he walked slowly to his apartment miserable. He opened his door and kicked off his shoes. He slowly changed into his sweatpants and a tank top.

His last thought before he slipped unconscious was,

'I'll never ever see her again…'