Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ Old Friends Arrive ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the first chapter, ENJOY!


Syaoran looked at the little boy for a moment and shook his head,
"Good Hinyu." he answered after a breif moment of
thinking, as he took as seat at the table.

"You know, Mommy said you should sleep more, or else you will lose
your WHOLE brain." Hinyu told Syaoran.

Syaoran cocked and eyebrow and looked at Sakura slyly, "Oh, did she?"

"I have no idea what he is talking about." Sakura said innocently,
"Things kids watch on television today, teaches them no good." Sakura
then put a plate infront of Syaoran and gave him a kiss on the cheek,
"Eat up."

"I'm not so sure if I can eat." Syaoran said tiredly.

Sakura grabbed his plate, "And why not?"

"I don't know." he said starting to lean back in his chair, "I'm
really not that hungry."

Hinyu took a a bchomp of his sppon-full of cereal, "Mommy says that
you need to eat breakfeast, because if you don't, um, you will be even
more tired."

"Momma's boy." Syaoran retorted.

Sakura giggled, "He has to learn from th best. And don't lean in your
chair." Sakura said and pulled Syaoran back up, "Don't forget, Eriol
and Tomoyo are coming over today, and they will probably arrive when
I'm taking Hinyu to school."

"I hate school." Hinyu said crossing his arms.

Sakura grabbed Hinyu and took him out of his chair and held him,
"Well, I hate it when you don't go to school."

"Yeah, don't you want to be smart?" Syaoran asked teasingly.

Hinyu smiled and wrapped his arms around Sakura's neck, "No."

Syaoran smiled, "Well, I never wanted to go to school, either."

"And that's why you should go to scool, Hinyu, unless you want to turn
out like Shaoran." Sakura said smiling at Syaoran.

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow at Sakura, "And exactly what is that
supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, Shaoran." Sakura said smiling, Sakura grabbed her coat and
put Hinyu down and put on his little blue coat, "I'm going to drop off
Hinyu at the school now, Shaoran. I'll be back in around five

"Okay." Syaoran said.

Sakura grabbed the keys, "If the doorbell rings, make sure to answer
it. It will probably be Tomoyo and Eriol, and don't slam the door in
Eriol's face again."

Syaoran giggled =I never knew I did that..= he thought, "I won't,

Sakura took Hinyu's hand and left the house and shut the door. Syaoran
stared around the room.

=Just one accident...= He thought. =But, How will I know what is an
accident or not?=

"HEY, BRAT!" A fimiliar voice called infront of Syaoran.

"Eh?" Syaoran said and looked around seeing Kero soaring in the air
infront of him smiling, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be
dead by now?"

Kero floated over to the fridgerator, "I was thinking the same thing
about you."

"Well, I'm not the one here who is about three-thousand years old."
Syaoran shot back.

Vines shot out of Kero's head, "Listen, kid, I may be old but at least
I don't act like I am old like you do! And I am around three hundred
and twenty-four, thank you very much!"

"Well, I'm only seventeen, thank you very much!" Syaoran imimated.

"Seventeen?" Kero cocked an eyebrow, "What are you talking about,

Syaoran glanced at Kero, "Well, That's how old I am, right?"

"Um..No." Kero said and sighed, "Last time I checked you were

"T-TWE-T-TWE-TWE.." Syaoran paled =I hope that wasn't an
accident...baka..Syaoran that isn't THAT big.= "Oh, yeah. I miss

"By four years?" Kero asked, "I tell you, kid, you get denser each
time I look at you."

"What!?" Syaoran said putting his fist out to Kero, but right before
Syaoran could punch his mouth in, the door bell rang, "eh?"

"That must be Eriol and Tomoyo." Kero said smiling, "Go get the door,

Syaoran grunted, "Yes, master." and he walked to the door and opened
it. Eriol and Tomoyo smiled at him.

"Hi, Daidouji. And....Hiragizawa." he said.

Tomoyo looked a little confused and then smiled, "Hello, Syaoran."

"Syaoran?.." Syaoran asked since he never heard Tomoyo call him that

"Heya, Syaoran." Eriol said giving a little wave, "May we come in?"

Syaoran gave a nod, "Sure."

Tomoyo and Eriol walked in and sat on the couch, "I see Hinyu has went
to school."

"Yeah, Sakura took him." Syaoran said.

"You can tell the difference." Tomoyo said and gave a smile at

Eriol smiled, "More silent."

"Eriol." Tomoyo said thinking it was rude of him to say that, "Sorry,

"No, No, that's okay, I understand." Syaoran said forgiving them, "I
guess it is a little more...peaceful." Syaoran looked around not
knowing what to say, "So you want anything to drink?"

"No, that's okay." Tomoyo said.

Eriol shook his head, "No, I'm fine."

"Alright." Syaoran said and sat down in the chair.

Kero flew in with a plate with a piece of cake on the plate, "Yo,
Tomoyo and Eriol!"

"Hello, Kero." Tomoyo greeted him.

Eriol smiled, "Good day, Keroberos."

"Where is Sakura?" Keor asked as he placed the cake on a coffee table
and took a giant bite.

Syaoran sighed, "She took Hinyu to school, she will be right back."

"I'm sorry." Sakura said entering the room, "It took me a little
longer, the teacher had to talk to me about Hinyu's behavior at

Tomoyo looked at Sakura, "Oh, he's been being good?"

Sakura took a seat by Syaoran, "No, the exact opposite."

"Devil, huh?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura sighed, "Yeah. Just like his dad."

"Jezz. When he's acting smart You say he gets it from you, and when
he's bad you say he gets it from me." Syaoran said pretty tired of it

Eriol smirked, "Well, it's true, cute little descendant."

"No it's not." Syaoran pouted.

Sakura patted Syaoran on his shoudler and faced Tomoyo and Eriol, "So,
how is your kids?"

"Kids!?" Syaoran shouted, "Daidouji and Hiragizawa are...are..are.."

"Married?" Eriol asked.


"I thought you knew." Tomoyo asked questionly.

"No." Syaoran said.

Eriol seemed pretty confused, "But you were there, Syaoran."

=Syaoran..don't screw up..= Syaoran thought, "Oh! Yeah! I remember
now, Sorry Hiragizawa and Daidouji."

"It's okay." Tomoyo said, "And, our daughter is fine, and our younger
son is at a babysitter's."

"I see." Sakura said, "You should let me and Shaoran watch him for a
little while."

"We?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura smiled, "Yeah, you always like watching, Riao."

"I do?" Syaoran and then glanced at the confused faces, "Oh! I mean I

Sakura smirked, "Don't mind Shaoran, he's been having wierd dreams,
and forgetting things lately."

"May it's mental stration." Eriol commented, as Tomoyo elbowed him,

"I don't know." Syaoran said rubbing his head, "Maybe it's headaches."

Kero flew out from behind the couch smiling, "Hi, Sakura!"

"Hello, Kero." Sakura blinked, "Hoe? Where have you been?"

Kero wagged his tail, "Behind the couch eating a piece of cake."

"Kero.." Sakura whined, "That piece was Shaoran's."

"Me?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, I was saving it for you."

"Oh..That's okay, I don't mind." Syaoran said.

Sakura cocked her eyebrow, "Hoe? But you always fight over the last
peice of cake with, Kero."

"I'm always that desperate??" Syaoran asked, and Sakura nodded,
"Well...I guess I just don't fell like eating cake today."

Kero shrugged, "Who knew? Welp, I am going on down and playing some
video games. Ja!" With that, Kero floated down the hallway.

"Now, to what we came to talk about." Tomoyo said.

Syaoran cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"Shaoran, don't fool around. A Gift for your son." Sakura said.

"His birthday is coming up?"

"Yeah." Eriol said, "In about three months. Man, thoughs dreams must
of REALLY went to your brain."

Syaoran shook his head, "Oh, I remember now, yeah."

"So, think about having another one?" Eriol said getting comfortable.

Sakura and Syaoran both looked up with shocked and cofused expressions
on their faces.


"Another What?"

Eriol, Tomoyo, and Sakura grew a sweatdrop at Syaoran's question.

"A kid, Syaoran!" Eriol said.

"OH!" Syaoran said and started blushing, after all he never really had
sexual intercourse before after all he came from the past to the
future. "I never thought about it."

"I would liek to." Sakura said, "It wouldn't bother me."

"eh?" Syaoran stuttered and looked at Sakura, she was willing and he
wasn't. After all, he IS supposed to be her husband and he didn't even
give a real answer.

Tomoyo then clapped her hands, "Then I have JUST the things for us to

"What?" Sakura asked wondering.

"Ohohohoho! You'll see...You'll see.." Tomoyo said evily.


Yes. You will see...

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