Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ Learning To Drive With Kero! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the next chapter.


The next day....

Syaoran yawned, and climbed out of bed. He walked down the stairs =I
thought Keroberos was going to give me driving lessons...= he thought.
Syaoran came across a door not all the way shut, "Huh?" Syaoran looked
at the door and opened it a bit. Inside Hinyu was sleeping in his
little toddler bed. Syaoran walked over to Hinyu and smiled gently. He
took his hand and went through Hinyu's bangs. Hinyu squirmed a little
and cuddled up with his covers. Syaoran looked around the room, and
saw a bulletion board with pictures on it. He walked over to see many
pictures of Hinyu with him. Hinyu was smiling happily hugging onto
him, and many others.

=Hinyu really loves me..= Syaoran thought, looking at the pictures.
=This is wierd. These pictures show me and Hinyu together, happy and
everything. The thing is, the Syaoran in those pictures isn't the me.
It's the Syaoran from this time zone.= Syaoran looked down, =I'm
trapped inside a twenty year old body, to see my future...=

"Brat." Kero said looking into the room, "Whatcha' doin'?"

"Nothing.." Syaoran answered.

Kero floated over to see what Syaoran was looking at, he smiled,
"Hinyu loves you. You should see his face each time you come along."

"But, I'm not really his dad." Syaoran said, "I'm the Syaoran from a
different time zone."

"That doesn't matter, kid." Kero said, "Your are Hinyu's father. You
may be from another time zone. But this is just the future, this is
you in the future so, you are his father. It doesn't matter, Hinyu
knows you are his father, Sakura knows, and I know you are too, and
maybe if you think about it for awhile, you'll know it too."

Syaoran looked around, "Hmmm.."

"So," Kero said changing the subject, "Ready for the lessons?"

Syaoran looked at Kero, "I guess."


Kero floated in the car, and floated above the drivers seat, "Get in."

Syaoran got into the car and sat behind the wheel, "Now what?" Syaoran

"Kid, what else do you think you brought the car keys out for?" Kero

Syaoran held up the car keys, "Uhhh..." Syaoran then put the car keys
in, and turned the car on, "AAHH!! The car is going to blow up!!"

"No, you started the car." Kero said, "The car will blow up later, if
you're driving."

Syaoran looked around, "Now what do I do?"

"What do you think?" Kero asked.

Syaoran sweatdropped, "Drive?"

"No!" Kero said, "Back the car up out of the driveway."

Syaoran looked around at the pedals, "How do I do that?"

"Ugh!" Kero said slapping his self, "See that craney thin'?"

Syaoran looked at the driving stick, "Yeah.."

"Grab that, and pull it down." Kero said.

Syaoran grabbed the driving stick and pulled it downward, "Now what?"

"Take you left foot and push it down on the pedal, slowly." Kero told.

"Both of the pedals?" Syaoran asked.


Syaoran stepped down the the right pedal, and the car started slowly
backing up out of the drive way, "I'm driving!!"

"Uhh..Kid.." Kero said, "You need your hands on the steering wheel!!"

Syaoran looked to see the steering wheel, moving back and forht
slightly, "Oh yeah." Syaoran put his hands on the steering wheel. The
car got onto the road but Syaoran kept backing up.

"Stop, Kid!!" Kero shouted, "Stop backing up before we run into
somebody elses' yard!"

Syaoran sweatdropped, "I don't know how!!"

"How can you not!?!?" Kero shouted.

Syaoran glared at Kero, "It's harder then it looks!"

"Well, I now how to drive and I haven't even tried!" Kero glared back,
"I damn DOG can drive better then you!"

"WHAT!?" Syaoran said.

Kero put his fist up, as the car started going in the next door
neighbors yard, "Hell, even I could drive better then you!!"

"THAT'S IT!" Syaoran said and hit the brakes, and the car stopped, "A
dog is fine, but when it come to YOU driving better then me, that's
where I draw the line!"

Kero sweatdropped, "You just stopped."

"DAMN RIGHT I DID!" Syaoran said, and then paused and started
blinking, "I did..."

Kero clapped his little paws, "Good job, kid."

A brief moment of silence went by..."Now what?" Syaoran asked.

"Well.." Kero thought for a moment, "Take that craney thin' again, and
pull it up." Syaoran did so, "Now, go ahead and step on the pedal."

"Okay." Syaoran said, and stepped on the pedal, then the car didn't do


Syaoran blinked, "Ohh.." Syaoran took his foot off the pedal, and
stepped on the right pedal, making the car go.

"Okay, we're moving." Kero sighed with relief, "Kid..."

"What?" Syaoran asked.

Kero's eyes buldged out, "There's a stop sign!!"

"Eh?" Syaoran said and looked to see the stop sign, "Oh! I'm supposed
to stop, right?"

"RIGHT!" Kero shouted.

Syaoran hit the brakes, and stopped just in time.

"Now, look both left and right to see if there is any cars comin'."
Kero said.

Syaoran looked back and forth to see now cars coming, "Nope. No cars."

"Now, go." Kero directed.

Syaoran pushed the pedal and the car started to go. The car was going
very, very, very slow.

"Faster!" Kero said, "Are you just waiting for a car to come along?!"

"No." Syaoran said.

"Then.." Kero said, "DRIVE!!"

"ALRIGHT!" Syaoran shouted and slammed down on the pedal crossing the
four-way at high speed, making Kero get thrown back onto the back of
the seat.

"Slow..down..." Kero tried to say, since the car was moving to fast
that Kero's lips were stuck to the car seat.

About five vaines popped out from Syaoran's head, "First, you want me
to go fast. NOW, you want me to slow down!!!" Syaoran turned to Kero,
"What's next!? Stick this car up my ass!?!!?!"

"No.." Kero said, "Just...slow down.."

Syaoran stepped on the brake and stopped right in the highway, "Fine!
Just tell me one thing to do, and that's it! Make up your mind stuffed

"Atleast I have a mind to make up." Kero said rubbing his head.

More vaines popped up from Syaoran's head, "What was that!?!?"

"A-T L-E-A-S-T I H-A-V-E A M-I-N-D T-O M-A-K-E U-P!!!" Kero
smarted-off to Syaoran, vaines popping out of his head also.

Syaoran glared at Kero, "I can't believe you even have BRAIN, stuffed

"I'll show you stuffed animal!!!" Kero said and started to glow

HOOOOOONK!!! A man honked his horn at them. Which gave a shock to both
Syaoran and Kero, and made Kero stop his transformation. They looked
around. To notice they had caused a traffic jam. They were right in
the middle of the higway.

"Ooops." Syaoran said, "Sorry!!" he called out the window, he then
drove the car out of the highway, and turned around with ease, and
started driving. Stoping at each stop sign, and driving perfectly.
Throught the whole time, Kero was sweatdropping. Syaoran parked the
car in the gorage at his house. Got the car keys, got out, and went

"....WHY DIDN'T HE DRIVE LIKE THAT EARLIER!!!?!!!" Kero shouted, still
in the car.


How ya like it? Well, stay tuned for the next up-coming chapter!