Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Time With You ❯ Jigokuinu- The Hell Dog ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the next chpt. Thank you for all who reviewed. I am not so sure how long this is going to take to finish, but I have more ideas for fanfics. But, anyway here's another chpt.


"Xiaolang..." a darkened voice came in the darkness. "Xiaolang.."

Syaoran looked around but found no one in the cold darkness, "What? Who is it?"

"Xiaolang. Your darkened destiny will end." the voice boomed.

"Darkened destiny?" Syaoran asked, "What is that mean?"

"You may find out right now," the voice said, "But then again you may not. Until you experiance it."

"Does that even make any sense?" Syaoran asked.

The voice growled madely, "Does anything every make sense anymore Xiaolang? Does the world make any sense? Do your friends and loved ones make any sense? Does your very own life make any sense to you anymore?"

"Of course it does." Syaoran said, "If not, why wouldn't I be here?"

'Typical. Pathetic. Worthless." the voice cackeled. "Why do you humans always think of the good side?"

"What else are we supposed to do?" Syaoran asked, "Walk around and say all the down drop so we can live in agony?"

"Why not?!" the voice boomed, "You humans may always look on the bright side, but then on after you are strutting around saying how bad life is! All you humans life IS agony!"

"Shut up!" Syaoran grunted, "And why don't you show yourself? Are you too scared?"

"A superior should never show its self to a lower beign." the evil voice said.

"Then why am I letting myself be shown to you?" Syaoran muffed.

The voice growled, "Alright, I'll show myself." a tapping of walking was heard, then out of the pitch darkness came two glowing red eyes and in vision came the black dog.

"A dog??" Syaoran asked.

The dog growled, "I am not JUST a dog! This is just my hidden cover!"

"Oh." Syaoran said, "Hey, you're the dog I gave bread to.And to think I was about to get scared of YOU!"

"Watch what you say." the dog viciously snarled, "I may just crunch your head in with my jaws!"

"Yeah, yeah." Syaoran sighed, "Why do you want to talk to me anyway?"

"To help you." the dog smirked evily.

Syaoran lifted an eyebrow, "Then why were you insulting me?"

"Because you are worthless. Just like every other human on this blasted planet." the dog snorted, "But, since I admire your courage, I've decided to help you."

"With what?" Syaoran aske cautiously.

The dog giggled, "With your quest. What else Xiaolang?"

"H-How do you know about that?" Syaoran asked him.

"Let's just say..." the dog put his snout up, "I just do."

Syaoran crossed his arms, "Wait. How can I believe you? What if this is all a trick?"

"I give you my word." the dog smirked.

"Your word?" Syaoran asked, "Now THAT seems worthless." The dog jumped infront of Syaoran, growling. Syaoran got a good glimpse of the dog. It was a wolf size dog, It's fur was dark black and seemed silky smoot, It's ears stood up, It's tail was long and fluffy, It's claws on it's all four legs were sharp, And it's eyes were blood-red.

"I got you to the four-way stop, didn't I?!" the dog growled, "And for that! I would come in handy. And so, I give you my word to follow you and help you on this so called 'Quest' to Elder Hinoraku!"

Syaoran gave in, "Alright. You may come along. But, what shall I call you?"

"Just call me Jigokuinu." the dog said.

"Hell dog?" Syaoran said.

Jigokuinu turned his head, "Yes, well. See you in the morning.."


Syaoran swung up from lying on his bed in a cold sweat. He breathed heavily and looked at the clock, "Five o' clock." he sighed in relief, "That whole dog thing? Was all..a dream?"

"Not really." a fimiliar voice said. Syaoran looked over to see Jigokuinu sitting on the floor, looking up at him.

Syaoran jumped, "You!?"

"Yeah." Jigokuinu said, "Me. So, ready to go on that quest of yours big boy?"

Syaoran grumbled and saracastically looked at Jigokuinu, "Yeah sure. I'm in my boxers, tired, hungry. Let's go."

"Alright then." Jigokuinu said. "Let's get started." Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed.

Syaoran and Jigokuinu dissapeared. They reappeared in the middle of the street, "I was being sarcastic!" Syaoran said to Jigokuinu as he blushed furiously as everyone stopped and looked distrubly at the pantless Syaoran.

"Tell me more about this 'Sakura'" Jigokuinu wondered as Syaoran(now clothed) and he were walking around the streets.

Syaoran looked at the direction map, "Well. First of all, she is my girlfriend. And, I met her a long time ago. When I was in fourth grade."

"Ahhh.." Jigokuinu said, "Long relationships like that never work out."

Syaoran smirked, "You never know Jigokuinu. You never know sometimes. If you love the person so much it may just turn out be great."

"Alright." Jigokuinu coughed. "Stop with that talk or I'll hurl. And you KNOW who I will hurl on." he glanced at Syaoran.

Syaoran looked around, as people passed him. "Hey, Jigokuinu. Why aren't people looking at us wierd? I mean, they've never seen a talking dog before, right?"

"Well, Xiaolang." Jigokuinu told him. "When I speak to you they don't hear me."

"They don't?"

"Nope." Jigokuinu said, "They don't hear me say anything. They just see a normal dog walking with it's owner."

"Owner?" Syaoran said. "Oh-no. I am NOT taking care of you."

"You know what I mean fuzz ball." Jigokuinu said.

Syaoran looked away, "Speak for yourself."

"Where do we go now?" Jigokuinu asked.

Syaoran looked at the paper, "Let' see... We should be coming atleast close to Hong Kong Bay."

"Hmm..I see." Jigokuinu nodded, "Well. When we get there, we'll use you as the boat."

"Hey," Syaoran giggled. "You are the one who doggy paddles here. Anyway, it will probably take a few more days until we get there."

"I hope we get to rest until then." Jigokuinu said.

Syaoran smirked, "Well, if you are with me. You don't even need to worry about that."

"What? You don't even sleep?" Jigokuinu said.

"Oh no," Syaoran smirked, "I just stay up sometimes and thinkg of....nothing."

"You are very wierd." Jigokuinu told. "I can't believe that girl loves you."

"Well," Syaoran buffly said, "first of all. I'm cute."

"Annoying, wierd, dense," Jigokuinu started trailing, "clumsy, conufsed-"

Syaoran smacked his forehead, "Alright, alright. But those are just the downfalls of me."

"Alright. Tired dog here." Jigokuinu sat down, panting. "Can't we take transportation?"

"We can take a bus." Syaoran suggested. "But, I think they don't allow dogs on."

Jigokuinu rolled onto his back exhausted, "Can we at least try? I'm dying here!"

"I guess.." Syaoran said. "Come on."

Jigokuinu just laid there, "No. I can't get up. My paws are killing me!"

"How are we going to get to the bus stop, then?" Syaoran asked and Jigokuinu just smiled at him. "Oh no..."


Syaoran walked to the bus stop carrying Jigokuinu on his back. "Okay. We're here." Syaoran said out of breath.

Jigokuinu jumped off of Syaoran's back, "Oh my! Xiaolang! My paws. They're better! I can walk! It's a miracle!!"

"Yeah, sure." Syaoran said and sat down on the bus stop bench and Jigokuinu sat down by the bench. After awhile, the bus stopped by them. "Finally." Syaoran got up and walked up to the bus with Jigokuinu following him.

"Ey." The bus driver stopped him. "Whatcha' doing with that dog?"

Syaoran and Jigokuinu looked at eachother, "Well. He's my dog." Syaoran told the driver.

"Don't you know that there's NO dogs allowed!?" the driver yelled, "What is this a petting zoo?!!" Jigokuinu's red eyes glowed at the bus driver. The driver then seemed to be dazed, "Oh. But THIS dog is so great, magnificient, and grand! Please, sir, bring yourself and that superb dog into the bus."

"Ummmm..okay?" Syaoran said and walked into the bus with Jigokuinu and sat down in the back.

Jigokuinu looked at Syaoran. "That went well."

"How did you do that?" Syaoran asked.

Jigokuinu smiled, "I told you I would come in handy, Xiaolang."

"Kay." Syaoran said.

The bus stopped after a couple of minutes. Syaoran and Jigokuinu exited the bus.

"Please come back with that wonderful dog of yours." the driver said in a daze and then drove off.

Jigokuinu looked up at Syaoran, "Where to capn'?"

"Well, we have enough time to have a quick pit stop." Syaoran told him.

Jigokuinu sniffed the air, "How about some of that bread?"

"I guess." Syaoran said and pulled out a piece of bread and gave it to Jigokuinu who ate it right down. Syaoran looked at the direction paper as he took a piece of bread and ate it. "This will take forever.."

"You know," Jogokuinu said, "Forever is a pretty intense and big word. You shouldn't say something like that until you for surely know it will take that long or has already took that long."

"Well," Syaoran said, "I going to die!"

Jigokuinu sighed, "Listen. It's almost noon anyway, Xiaolang. We can just go to a hotel and stay there for the rest of day and continue this tomorrow."

"Alright." Syaoran said and looked for a hotel until he spotted one, "Let's go."


Syaoran and Jigokuinu enetered a hotel room. "Alright, now we can rest." Syaoran said, heading for the bed.

"Yeah." Jogokuinu said running over to the bed and jumped onto it curling up.

Syaoran lifted an eyebrow. "Where am I sleeping?"

"In the other bed." Jigokuinu said.

Syaoran laid down on the other bed, "Yeah yeah.." Syaoran grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels.


Syaoran and Jigokuinu were sleeping and then someone enetered the room. With the noise, Jigokuinu's ears perked up and he looked over. "Xiaolang!" Jigokuinu said going over and pushing him with his front paws, "Wake up. Someone's here!"

"W-what?" Syaoran said waking up.

"Someone's here!" Jigokuinu said.

Just then a figure walked into the room. Jigokuinu snuck up to attack and just at the moment Jigokuinu growled and jumped up at the figure with a ferocious bark.

"Hooooeeee!!!" the person screamed.

Syaoran heard that and looked over, "Sakura?!?!" Syaoran ran over and turned on the rest of the lights and saw Sakura on the ground with Jigokuinu ontop of her growling. "Sakura??.."

"Hi, Shaoran." Sakura said nervously.

Jigokuinu got off of Sakura and Syaoran helped Sakura up. "Sakura? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you, Shaoran." Sakura said, smiling sweetly. "And I went to your house. Your mother said you were out on a journey kind of thing. So I stopped at almost every hotel, and I just asked here. And they told me you were here so, Here I am!"

"And...?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura smiled, "I guess I am going to help you on this sort of journey thingey!"

Jigokuinu and Syaoran sweatdropped.


Review once more so I can continue...