Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Return ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah……it's still not mine….no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 6: Return

Strong winter winds welcomed Eriol's return at Tomoeda. Syaoran and Sakura were waiting for him and as his form appeared, Sakura couldn't resist running up to him and giving him a hug.

"I'm so glad you are here, Eriol-kun," she sobbed. "Tomoyo-chan - is - gone…." With that she burst into tears, coercing Syaoran to break her grasp at Eriol at cradle her in his own arms.

Clow's descendant looked up to his ancestor. "We really need your help, Hiiragizawa. Tomoyo-chan's been missing for a week already,"

Eriol seriously nodded. "Have you searched every place?"

"We searched at every possible place," Sakura cried. "She seems to be eluding us. You are the only one who could make her come home, Eriol-kun."

"I'll try my best to find her. Let me arrange my things first." Eriol started to walk out of the airport when Sakura spoke up.

"Anou, Eriol-kun, what did Mizuki-sensei say about my sudden call for you?" she asked as Syaoran wiped away the traces of her tears.

"Nothing. She said nothing." Realization swept past Syaoran.

"Don't tell me you called off your engagement with the girl of your dreams, Hiiragizawa?"

Sakura grasped her handkerchief. "Hooee?"

Eriol turned to them and smiled. "The girl of my dreams is here in Tomoeda," he mysteriously said. "And I am off to find her." He picked up his bag and called for a taxi.


"I'm glad you came back to your senses," Nakuru said as he served her master tea. "But still, we have to look for Mistress Tomoyo," he added, a faint trail of a mock smile on his face.

Eriol smiled. "Yes we have to look for her." His eyes turned a dull gray. "Or else it might be too late."


It was only towards the end of October but winter came early. Strong cold winds gripped Eriol tightly as he paved his way to school.

"Eriol-kun!" Sakura came stumbling towards him. "Any news?"

Eriol shook his head. It has been two weeks since Tomoyo disappeared, and even with the police on the trail there was no sign of her.

Sakura sighed. "Well, we better not search later. Looks like heavy snow." She ran ahead of Eriol to their classroom.

I have to find her even if it is the last thing my magic can do. he silently swore as he followed Sakura inside the building.


"Just one kiss from you will put out the fire," Nikki softly sang. Sayaka looked up.

"What does that mean, Nikki-chan?" She closed the book she was reading and turned to stare to at the Earth Pillar.

Nikki smiled. "It means one of the prey is about to be caught."

"No fair! I want the Chinese boy, too." Nikki smiled even wider.

"Don't worry. You'll get him and his magic in a while."


Eriol glumly walked to the school gate. There will be no search for Tomoyo because of the heavy snow. But still, he has to go home quickly and use his magic to track down Tomoyo's aura.

Since Tomoyo disappeared, Eriol became weaker. He does not know what he will do if Tomoyo will not be found. This is all my fault. he quietly scolded himself. If I had only been sensible…. He caught a glimpse of a girl sitting on the bench by the school gate. She looked up as he approached her.

"Sumimasen, but shouldn't you be going home by now? The snow is getting - uh….. " Eriol stared at her eyes, which was like Tomoyo's: purple.

"Oh, So I heard. I am waiting for someone, but he doesn't seem to be coming." The girl looked down at her lap. She clenched her mitten less hands.

"Anou, miss, would you like to borrow my gloves? You seem to be pretty cold. You can return it tomorrow. I'll be practicing at the soccer field after dismissal." Eriol took off his gloves and gave them to the purple - eyed girl, all the while not taking his eyes off her calm eyes.

"Arigatou," she said softly. "You should be going, sir. Looks like you have important things to do."

"Ah yes," Eriol said, breaking the eye contact. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," the girl repeated ominously as he strutted out of the gate.


Syaoran quickly walked out of the coffee shop. Sakura called and told him she can't make it because of the snowstorm, so he decided to go home as well. The snow was so deep and flakes were falling heavily that he did not see the girl who was also running.

"Ow!" Syaoran collided with the blonde-haired girl, and the parcels she was carrying flew in all directions.

"Kami-sama, gomen nasai!" Syaoran exclaimed as he helped the girl pick up her parcels.

"Oh, it's broken," she whispered as she held up a China cat.

"I'm so sorry," Syaoran apologized again. "I'll pay for the china, if….."

"No, it's alright." The girl looked up. "Have we met before?"

"Err…no. I do not think so…"

The girl's eyes brightened and she stood up. "You are a soccer varsity, right?" Syaoran nodded. The girl smiled. "I am the new soccer manager. Ryooenjutsu Sayaka desu." She held out her hand. Syaoran took it.

"Syaoran Li desu……"

Syaoran stared at the girl, startled. There's something weird about the feelings he got when he took her hand. Sayaka didn't seem to mind, though, and continued to talk.

"About the china cat, don't mind it."

"Demo, I - ."

"Maybe you could treat me to something to eat, then?" Sayaka suggested. Syaoran obliged. The girl took his arm, and then went off to a pastry shop.


"Thanks for the lift, Touya-kun," Keiko said as she jumped off Touya's car. "See you tomorrow."

"Anou, Yuki," Touya started as soon as Keiko left. "Don't you notice anything strange about her?"

Tsukishiro Yukito gave a small laugh. "All I can say is that she is like Akizuki-san. She knows when you are going out, what your schedule is……"

"That is the main thing why she is weird, Yuki," Touya snapped. "She knows everything about me. I do not know how she does it." He glanced at the backseat where his best friend sat. "Does Yue ever notice anything?"

"Yue just cares about finding her mistress' best friend for now. He doesn't like to judge women," a different voice replied. Touya glanced at the rearview mirror and saw an angel - like being staring back at him."

"Yeah right," Touya said as he drove away.


The next day, Sakura was gloomier than usual. "Tomoyo-chan's mom is getting depressed, Kero-chan. I do not know what to do anymore."

The stuffed animal-like creature flew on Sakura's shoulder. "We're trying our best, Sakura. Don't worry. We'll find her. Now you better go to school."

"I wish Eriol can track her down…soon." Tears came streaming down her cheeks as she went down their stairs.


"Two more days and Tomoyo-san is still missing," Eriol softly said to himself as he walked across the school grounds. Sighing deeply, he began thinking of other places they may have missed when they searched for her.

"Anou," a voice behind her said. Eriol looked up and saw nobody.

"Up here," the voice laughingly said. Eriol looked up and saw the girl from yesterday sitting up a tree.

"Oh hello." The girl started to go down the tree but lost her balance, making her collide with Eriol.

"Go - gomen nasai," she said, bowing her head. Now that the sky is brighter, Eriol could see her hair was fiery red and her eyes, just as he saw, were purple. She's like Kaho and Tomoyo mixed together, he mused, but quickly shook the thought off.

"I just wanted to give this back," the girl said, giving the gloves back. "They were very helpful, thank you."

"No problem." Eriol grinned. "By the way, did the person you were waiting for come?"

The girl seemed to pout. "No, I guess he must've forgotten we were to meet."

"He forgot?! And he left a girl out in the cold? What kind of person is he?"

Though Eriol was taken aback, the girl just smiled. She sat down on the grass. "Well, he - I like him a lot. He just don't respond."

This time, Eriol was really taken aback. Maybe that is what Tomoyo - san felt when I was with her. Guilt washed over him. "May I know your name? I didn't quite catch it."

Her amethyst eyes seemed to be filled with surprise, but she answered anyway. "Kayama. Kayama Nikki desu."

"Glad to meet you. I am……"

"Hiiragizawa Eriol," Nikki finished, eyes a bit darker than usual. "My friend has told me about you."


"Yeah. But she doesn't come to meet us anymore. Looks like she left school suddenly."

Eriol began to be interested. "What is your friend's name?"

"I do not know if you wouldn't know her. She's one of the richest girls in school. Daidouji Tomoyo-chan."

Eriol gripped her shoulders. "You know Tomoyo-san? Do you know where she is?" When Nikki innocently looked at him, he moved away. "Sorry, I was just worried about her."

"Well, she did mention something about going away," Nikki said, thinking hard.

Eriol glanced at the girl. "What do you mean?"

Nikki propped a hand under her chin. "Well, last time we met, she mentioned something about being heart-broken. She said she wanted to get away and planned to move somewhere in America."

"America," Eriol repeated. "I have to find her. I made a mistake."

"So you are the guy she fell with?" Nikki threw him an amused glance. "You won't find her, I tell you."

Eriol was now on his knees and squarely faced the newly - met girl. "Why is that?"

"You see, Tomoyo-chan is not that stupid," Nikki started. "For one, I think she'll change her identity so you can't reach her. Second, I do not think she would want to see you again. You'll just hurt her more."

The Clow magician lowered his head. "I know. I just want to tell her how wrong I was….."

For once, the girl seemed unsure of what she is saying. "You could - always learn - to forget."

"Nani?" Eriol tried to look at her, but Nikki bowed her head.

"Never mind."

"What is it?" Eriol asked again.

"I never repeat what I just said. It's the payment for not listening."

Eriol laughed. "You want to bet."

Nikki gave her a menacing glare. "You don't want to do that."

"Oh yes I do," Eriol replied, eyes challenging the girl. Nikki flashed an evil smile very much like Eriol's.

"Well then. Let's see you do."

Eriol grinned back. Nikki is such a great person. Tomoyo-san must've great fun when she is with her. I wonder -


"Oi, Yuki!" Nakuru called out to Touya's friend.

"Hi Akizuki-san."

Nakuru looked past Yukito's shoulder. "Where's my Touya-kun?"

Yukito laughed. "He's being stalked by one of those girls." Yukito referred to Touya's fan club in school.

"What?! I'll show them. Touya-kun is my feast." she stomped off to the back of the school where Yukito pointed.

"Nakuru-san, matte!" Yukito hurried to catch up to Nakuru.

Looking past bushes, Nakuru saw Touya talking to a dark-haired girl. "Who is she?" she said through gritted teeth.

"She's Mihari Keiko. One of Seijyo High's soccer players."

"But she's a girl," Nakuru said, getting interested as Keiko playfully whipped Touya's arm.

"She's good at any sports," Yukito said, peering through the bushes with her. "That's how she and Touya met."

Yukito pulled Nakuru's arm. "Let's go before they notice us." Nakuru jerked his arm off.

"I don't want to. I wanna see what they're going to do." They turned silent as they watched Touya and Keiko talk, although they hear nothing of the conversation.

"Come on, Touya, it's just a dare." Keiko gave him a smile.

"I don't want to." Touya looked away.

"So, that mean's you are not really a man after all." She smirked.

Touya seemed to be annoyed. "You know that's not true."

"Prove it then," Keiko challenged him. She was aware of two pairs of eyes watching them.

Touya simply snorted and looked away again.

Keiko reached out to touch his collar. "What are you afraid of, huh? Maybe you are scared that Daddy might see you?" She grinned. "Or maybe Yukito-san will grow jealous…."

"Stop it!" Touya said, jerking her almost off the ground as he met her lips with his. Keiko willingly let her arms encircle his neck.

Somewhere in the bushes, Nakuru was strangling Yukito to death. "I can't believe it! He just kissed…..wwaaaaahhh!" She ran off.

Yukito adjusted his glasses and turned to go away, but part of him wanted to stop Touya. He looked back. "Touya….."

Keiko pulled away as a rustle was heard from the bushes. Touya looked to see who it was.


"Sorry. Did I disturb you? I just wanted you to know Maeda-sempai is calling for you." Yukito left as quickly as he came.

"Oi, matte, Yuki!"

"Defeated," Keiko muttered.

Touya stooped in his tracks and looked back. "What did you say?"

Keiko suddenly seemed to be busily tending to her nails. "I just said, poor you….you have no more magic left."

"What? What do you know?"

Keiko smirked again. "Everything, Kinomoto Touya. " Touya took a step backward. "And the next thing you know, you don't remember anything, too. Like Tomoyo…"

The next moment, Touya's legs felt like jelly and blackness came upon him.


"Hey you." Syaoran turned to look at the blonde girl behind him.

"Oh you." Sayaka skipped towards him.

"Sorry about scolding everyone during practice. I have to, otherwise, they won't be serious."

Syaoran smiled. "I know. It's your job. I think they all understand."

"Demo, I'm so worried." Sayaka looked genuinely upset.

Syaoran moved closer to pat her back. "I know they don't mind. They're used to such scolding."

Sayaka smiled. "Thank you. You are so…" She tripped over a rock and bumped to Syaoran causing them to fall over each other.

"Gomen nasai, I - ." Sayaka tried to sit up, but her legs got entangled with Syaoran's.

"Syaoran-kun!" Sakura's smile disappeared as she saw Syaoran lying on top of a girl.

"Sakura-chan!" Too late. Sakura spun her heels around and ran the other way.

"Is - everything all right?" Sayaka asked too innocently.

"No. Sakura-chan's angry. Now I'm going to get it." He turned to Sayaka as he helped her up. "Please tell Sakura if she asks you that we have no relationship whatsoever."

"Okay." Sayaka enthusiastically answered.

"Good. I'll go catch up to her."

He ran off, not having the chance to hear Sayaka murmur evilly, "Yeah, you wish."


The Witching Hour seems to have all it's decorations in black. Among the 'blackness' sat four girls.

"You should've seem Yukito's face," Keiko said as she emptied her glass.

"You kissed Kinomoto Touya?!" Sayaka was flabbergasted.

"With magic I suppose?" Nikki asked with amusement.

Keiko shook her head. "Nope. Just with a bit if teasing." They all laughed.

The bartender gave them a second batch of drinks and Nikki passed one to the gray-haired girl beside her. "So how's Syaoran Li, Sayaka-chan?"

"Hmm…about to be ruined, I suppose." Sayaka gave a giggle. "And Hiiragizawa?"

"About to eat out of my hands." They laughed again and turned to the girl beside Nikki. "Are you ready for revenge, Madison?"

"Hai." Tomoyo Daidouji's eyes glinted silver, causing a gust of wind to slam the bar's door.