Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Wolf School ❯ Chapter 1: The Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Wolf School

By: Silvery Bunny

Author's Note: Hey people! My first time writing fanfics. Sorry for the lousy grammars and spelling.

Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura!!!




* Flashback *

~(point of view)~


Chapter 1: The Meeting

A month in May in Seijou High school.

~(Sakura POV)~

"This building is where all the classes are. The teacher staff rooms are in level 1 and homeroom for Yr 11 and 12 are in level 2", a man said and continued, "It seemed that you moved here because of your father's work, right?"

"Um…yes. My father change his job uexpectedly, so we all have to move", I replied and continued, "This is the only school that accepts me during this time of the year. Thank you so much", I said thankfully. The teacher nodded understandingly.

My name is Sakura Kinomoto. I'm just an average senior student with light honey color hair that reached up to my shoulder and emerald eyes. I've just moved to Seijou High School today.

'I'm so scared. New school means new people. Meaning I have to make a new friend! Hoe! This is not good. I hope they all like me', I thought.

"No need to be frighten Ms Kinomoto", the teacher said softly looking at my nervousness, "I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you…". He paused then smile softly and calmly stated, "Because you are the first female that has enter our school".

'Did he just say what I think he did?' I thought as I felt like my heart stopped.

"S-Sorry?" I asked nervously hoping I heard it wrong.

The teacher looked at me with surprise look on his face and said "Didn't you know. This school was previously boys' school until last year". He opened the door to my new homeroom. And the sight that greeted me left me paled. Never in my life, I have to experience something as crazy as this. I wish this was all just a dream but to my horror, the noises brought me back to the reality that I will be facing in a matter of seconds.



"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU DOING?!!? YOU A$$", a voice yelled.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" another guy shouted and in a quick move, he punch, kick, karate chop the other guy. (AN. Sorry guys I'm not good in describing the fighting scene)

I gulped at the scene displaying before me. I heard the teacher sighed, so I turned my face towards his and found that he was looking at me. He continued with his explanation. "Well, even though it has been a co-ed but I don't know why there isn't any female students wanting to enroll here". He sighed again.

'I wonder why?', I thought sarcastically.

"Er, everybody…." The teacher started, but no one in the class pay attention.

"Sakura Kinomoto is our new student…"







'This cannot be happening to me. This is just a dream. This is not my class. NO. No, I refuse to believe', I thought.

"She is our first female student". Then to my amazement and horror the whole room went still, everyone stopped what they doing. And in one swift movement all heads turn to the teacher but their eyes are all on ME.

'HOE!!! Why are they looking at me like that? Argh…I wish the floor just open up and swallow me but no, nothing like that will happen will it? Ok Sakura, calm down.' I thought, trying to calm myself down.

"Er…N-nice to m-meet you?" Damn, I didn't mean to sound so scared and frightened but I guess it doesn't work cause I am scared. I looked at my classmates again but wish that I didn't. The sight in front of me was not at all pleasant. All their eyes are on ME. They all looking, no scratch that, they are ALL gawking at ME like a predator waiting for its pray. The stillness and quietness in this room is giving me creeps.

'Oh, why can't they just get back to their activities and ignore me, like I don't exist'

It seems that my pray was answered. The class was once again back being noisy. The cheering, screaming, yelling was deafening my ears. The tables were upturned, chairs were smashed against the wall and books were flying everywhere.

"At long last. We have a FEMALE in our school!!", some guy shouted and the rest cheered.

"FEMALE, FEMALE, FEMALE", the class chanted.

'Hoe!! Why is everyone acting so happy, I'm just a girl! Oh yeah, I'm not only just a girl but I am the first girl in this class, in this SCHOOL!! Now I wish they were all quiet again' I thought, sweatdropped. I slowly back away from the boys as far as I can but then my back hit something hard and cold. I turned my head a bit and see that I was being cornered into the blackboard with nowhere else to go.

'Oh no!', I thought. Unexpectedly, the room was silent again and in a second, and all the guys rushed towards the blackboard. In another word, they were all rushing towards ME!!



"BE MINE!!" The whole room was in once again in a total chaos.

'Somebody, help me!!!', I prayed silently as well as trying to find any weapon to defend myself but to my luck, there was nothing that would help from these mad people. But then my fingers touched something. I felt there was hope. I quickly grabbed the object and brought to the front. And what I saw make me feel like the whole world was against me. A packet of chalk. Would it help me from at least twenty mad boys, who all wanting ME!!

'I'm DOOMED!!! Why isn't the teacher helping me?!?!'. I glanced at the teacher who was somehow ended up near the back of the class. I felt tears were threatened to falls, so I closed my eyes and prayed silently and waiting for the impact when suddenly I felt being lifted from the ground.

'HOE!! What's going on?' I slowly open my eyes and found myself in someone's arms. Then I felt myself being lowered to the ground but I still didn't look at my savior.

"Fuck this shit. What the hell do you think you're doing? Acting like you, bastards never see a girl before", the rescuer yelled.

'He saved me!', I thought gladly as I glanced at my rescuer's face. The boy had chocolate-color hair and amber eyes. His eyes. There was something about his eyes that I can't put my finger on it. And then the boy looked at me. Our eyes met. I couldn't tear my eyes off him, it seems like there was some unknown force and then my heart start beating faster.

'M-my heart is beating so fast. I can feel it', I thought as I placed my hand above my heart, 'No one has ever made me feel this way. Except, him. No it couldn't be'. I take a closer look at my rescuer again. He was talking, or rather arguing with his classmates.

"Fuck off, Li!! You just want her by herself, asshole", one of the guy yelled.

"Yeah, bastard", the others agreed. The boy, Li, glared at his classmates. I think if look could kill, the whole would be dead by now and surprisingly the idea was, I found quite amusing.

"What did you say?", he asked slowly, glaring at everyone in the process, especially the one who talked back. I noticed that his voice was full with anger.

"N-nothing. Nothing at all", I heard the whole class reply looking extremely nervous at the boy in front of them. Then something struck me. His classmates called him Li. That name, why does it sound so familiar. I heard that name somewhere before, then I gasped at the realization. It is definitely the same person. Syaoran Li.

"Syaoran?", I asked quietly. Upon hearing the name, I noticed that his body was frozen.

'Oh my god. It is him. I can't believe it. I've found him', I thought clutching my heart. But he didn't reply but instead, he walks out of the room.

"W-wait", I ran after him.

"Huh? How did she know Li"? I heard a guy asked confusedly but it didn't matter to me now. All it matter was I have finally found the person I thought I won't be seeing him ever again.


*Silvery Bunny*: So what do you think? Plz R/R