Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ True Happiness ❯ Thoughts ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the cast of Card Captor Sakura…^_^;; The
wonderful CLAMP team does

Unknown User
Unknown User
9 .2720

Disclai mer: I don't own any of the cast of
Card Captor Sakura…^_^;; The wonderful CLAMP team does! I'm writing this purely
for the enjoyment of others (and myself) …since the series has officially
ended. ;_; Eh, you know the drill of Disclaimers…

Author's Notes: Arigato for the encouragement
and reviews! I didn't think I'd get so many…^_^ Up until the point I dropped
what I was doing (reading government books) to continue the fic… Like before,
Scenes/Surroundings/Setting etc are marked by [brackets]. Inner thoughts are italized.
By the way, I included a short glossary…^_^;

Short Glossary:

Yogata = Thank Goodness

Daijobu?/Daijobu = Are you Ok?/I'm ok.

Arigato = Thank you.

Gomen-nasai = I'm very sorry

Odangos = Hair set into two buns (think of Usagi from
Sailormoon, or Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi)

Onegai = Please

Un = Like an "mm", just with a U sound beginning. ^_^;
meaning "yes." Asians say that a lot [No offense, but I'm Asian too ^_^;]

Dakaratte = even so/ yes, but…

Demo = but

Doshite = Why

Iie = No

Oniichan = Brother

Otousan = Father

Sayonara = Good Bye

Matte = Wait

Kajuu = Monster (what Touya always calls Sakura)

Happy Reading! And I added more S+S moments as people
asked me too...



2: Thoughts===

"SYAORAN!" The door burst open. In a flash a girl with
braided odangos leapt onto the bed and shook him rather violently. "HOW COULD
YOU WORRY ME LIKE THAT!…" Syaoran's face turned a blue-violet color and his
eyes swirled. "Oops…Gomen cousin…" Meilin released her grip from his neck and
sweatdropped. After a few moments of letting him catch his breath, Meilin
benignly asked him, "Do you feel better?"

"…Un…but you didn't have to shake me so hard…" Syaoran
massaged the back of his neck where Meilin had help a tight grasp with his left

Tomoyo only smiled throughout this cousin-to-cousin
encounter as she stood in the shadow of the door. Meilin-chan is so active
and full of energy, like Sakura-chan.
She looked at the short amber-haired
girl facing the window and who seemed somewhat dazed. Dakaratte, Sakura-chan
looks so distressed…
"Sakura-chan, is something troubling you?"

The girl didn't hear the kind concerns of her best friend.
I…I don't want Syaoran-kun to return back to Hong Kong…demo… …it is his home…and
he doesn't live in Tomoeda anymore…He's…only…visiting…I want him to be happy…
sighed. …His mother had called him back because there were no more Clow
Cards or strange phenomena occurring…I…will miss him…doshite…this happens…to
A garden of redolent, full-bloomed violets grew under the window she
looked down from, but she, blind to its splendor, lost herself in the deep
abyss of her discontinuous thoughts.

* * *

There was a sense of growing emptiness that soon pervaded
the entire room, as brightly lit as it was.
"Sakura." Syaoran's hands were on her shoulders. Sakura slowly turned to
face him, tears streaming down her face. She noticed that the song of the
crickets had begun, and that they were alone. How long has he been behind
me…? I wonder when Meilin-chan and Tomoyo-chan left…?
Sakura tried to say
something, yet no sounds came out less the movement of her soft camellia pink

"Shh," he said as he took out his lavender handkerchief,
the very same one that he had given to Sakura less than a year ago to wipe her
eyes as she told him about what Yukito had said to her regarding feelings. This
time, he unfolded it and soothingly soaked up the tears from her delicate face.
"Onegai, don't cry. It makes my heart heavy to see you troubled and full of
sorrow," he said as he gazed warmly into her plaintive yet radiant eyes.
Lightly holding the hand he had the handkerchief in, Sakura held it up to her
face. Her subtle rosy appearance had slowly ebbed into a cold pallor. As
Syaoran's fingers came in contact with her soft skin, he affectionately smiled
at her until he could feel a mild coldness that stung his fingers momentarily.
Almost instinctively he felt her forehead, and found it to be quite warm. "Go
rest. You haven't even slept since this morning have you?"

"…Iie…I haven't…"

"That's because you were watching over me…" He smiled as
he started to close the window so no more drafts would enter the room.
"Arigato, but now you've gotten yourself unwell."

"Daijobu…I feel fine…and I'd have to call Oniichan since
Otousan is working…" Her eyes pleaded to his, indicating she didn't want to
leave. One hand still held onto his.

Syaoran let out a deep sigh. He knew how much energy she
had used last night and today, using all her cards and changing the Void card
to the Hope. She's grown a lot stronger since I left…but she still is the
Sakura I know…I don't want to go back home…
He grew contemplative, avoiding
eye contact by bowing his head and eyeing the tessellations on the carpet until
he noticed the hand holding onto his grew limp and icy. "Sakura!" Her eyes had
grown stunned and her body began to waver. Immediately he caught her, holding
her close to him so she would stop shivering. She calmed down, but her sense of
touch still numb. "…You're tired," he said as he swept her off her feet, "and
cold. Onegai, rest," he continued before carefully settling her down on the bed
and pulling the blanket sheets over her body. He dimmed the lights until only
the flow of the slightly ajar door of the hallway broke the darkness.

"…Syaoran-kun…" the last words Sakura managed to utter
before drifting to sleep, a preoccupied expression on the wet face.

I hate to see her so sad as this…he thought
as he fixed his eyes on her. He bent down and brushing a few strands of the
silky-smooth amber hair aside, stood up again and proceeded to gently pat her
face dry. Again, he checked up on her temperature but became dismayed that it
was still quite warm. Don't worry about your brother…I'll tell him
myself if I have to that you're staying over at Daidouji's house for the night.
Sleep well, Sakura, and become healthy again…I…I can't bear to see you like
this. He kneeled down, and softly kissed her

* * *

"Kinomoto Residence."

Syaoran took a deep breath. "This is Li speaking.
It's…concerning Sakura."

Thinking Otousan had called, Touya was taken by surprise
to find the boy on the line. "What's wrong? Where's Sakura?" His tone grew

"Sakura…She's fine. I…just called to inform she's staying
over at Daidouji's house tonight." I can't believe I'm talking to him on the
phone…Why didn't I let Daidouji call when she offered? Oi…
He slapped
himself for doing this.

"Oh, ok. Why didn't she call herself? …HEY BRAT! Are you
still there?!"

For a moment he forgot that he was still on the line with
her brother. Sighing, he resumed. "Un, that is all I wanted to say. And I'm not
a 'brat'. Sayonara."

Touya was irritated -- extremely irritated. "Matte! Let me
ask you, is she really all right? If she was she would've called me herself."

Damn, he knows. "….Un. She's already asleep;
that's why I called for her." I wonder if he'll buy that…I know Sakura
doesn't want others to worry about her…

[the Kinomoto residence]

"Oi, that kajuu. Always causing trouble. Ok, arigato, for
calling." He said relunctantly, and hung up the phone, Yukito questioned him.
"Daijobu, Touya? Is it about Sakura?"

"I'm fine. Looks like Sakura won't be home tonight. I'll
let Otousan know when he comes back."

"I see. Don't worry about Sakura, she has very good
friends who'll watch over her." Yukito smiled assuring Touya that there is
nothing to worry about. "How about some cookies I made?"

"Oi, Yuki…" Slightly smiling, the two walked into the

[the Daidouji residence]

Syaoran let out a sigh of relief. Yogata, that the call
is over with…
He placed the phone to his side, and looked at the silk cherry
blossom flowers amidst the olive shaded leaves that accented the pink
brilliance under the coffee table…Sakura…I can't tell her I'll be
leaving in 2 days…I want her to keep smiling…demo…Mother's wishes…

Tomoyo, sitting on the opposite couch of the living room
covered her giggles as she glanced over at him, now slouching on the
comfortable chair with the cordless phone on the armrest. Li-kun is thinking
about Sakura-chan…Kawaii…
Her eyes turned starry at this thought. After a
minute of silence, Tomoyo pointed to the phone. "Li-kun, I was wondering, why
don't you call your mother?" Smiling, the future CEO of Daidouji Collections no
doubt had a plan in mind.

Chapter Notes===

Again, be a good reader and give me a review…that way I
know whether to still continue to fic or not. But I hope you enjoyed the
chapter! I made it especially longer than my usual ones since it might be a
while before my next installment. ::prepares to get choked by the crowd::
Nevertheless, ideas are certainly welcomed. I noticed a lot of people want
Syaoran to stay… I will see. Sorry to leave you hanging… My E-mail: (