Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ True Self ❯ True Self ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS.
Pairings: None.
Summery: They say mirrors show the reflection of your true self…
Author's Notes: I got this while watching the Bloody Mary episode of Supernatural.
True Self
Who am I exactly?
Am I simply Clow Reed's reincarnation? Or am I Eriol Hiirigizawa?
Everybody keeps making comparisons between Clow and me… and I hate it.
And Kaho… she isn't in love with me. She is in love with a dead man. A man that I was and can never be in this lifetime. Not for her and certainly not for me.
I looked into the mirror. Pale skin, gray eyes, (1) navy colored hair. Glasses. Sharp features.
Whenever I looked in the mirror I can only see him. Shoulder length hair and sharp features. And yet…and yet whenever I feel my hair it was short and when I feel my face it is still rounded with baby fat.
Why can't I see myself?
A salty teardrop fell. I barely noticed it.
Can I never escape from him?
I looked in the mirror again. His face smirked back at me. Mocking me.
They say mirrors can show your true self. If that's true, does that mean I am a Clow Reed clone? A doppelganger? A simulacrum?
Or simply just me?
They say that mirrors can trap a soul. That is the reason why all mirrors are covered when somebody dies so that their soul doesn't get trapped within one. The only way to release the soul is to break the mirror.
I wonder if that is what happened to Clow Reed?
If I break that mirror, will it show my reflection on its shards?
The mirror shattered.
Author's Notes: This wasn't quite what I had in mind when I got this plotbunny but I suppose it's okay. R and R! (Read and Review)
Okay I know in the anime he has blue eyes but other people has referred to him as having gray eyes and it fit the story so… yeah.