Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Truth is Stranger Than Fiction ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
ForeverDestiny: Well, Welcome back. This certainly is a strange fic, ne? Hope you didn't get into too much trouble with those curtains, Lian. ^^0 Thanks for telling me this is interesting. Idiot2002, love your name btw, yeah, it is weird, isn't it? O well. Kawaii-sakurasyaoran, thanks! ^^ And ChibiYuna, what can I say? I HATEYOU! Just Kidding. ^^0 ::throws fridge at her:: hehe. See you at school in ten minutes. ^^0. Yes, I'm typing this Tuesday morning but who knows when I'll finish it. ^^0. I know, when I start typing after a time, I'll put day and time, so you know how I write. Interesting, ne? No? I'm doing it anyways! Well, that's enough babbling. Thanks to you four for reviewing.
Disclaimer: CCS is not owned by Little Naoko. CCS is owned by CLAMP the kind ^^
~Truth is Stranger Than Fiction (And CLAMP is kinder than NELVANA)~
(Thursday 7:30 pm)----nothing to do with story
"C-c-c-creator? As in, maker?" Syaoran stuttered. Well, it isn't everyday you find that you are `created' and not born. CLAMP grinned sheepishly.
"Well, I'm not god or anything. And you WERE born, like everyone else. Let's just say, I'm kinda like your destiny, guiding you this way and that. And videotaping you the whole time."
"So, you're like an all powerful Tomoyo/Madison?" The two Sakura's asked, then glanced at each other before letting out a confused, "Who's Tomoyo/Madison?"
CLAMP and NELVANA started laughing hysterically, glared at each other, and said "Who's bright idea was it to name her Tomoyo/Madison? Oh yeah, YOURS!"
It was the Sakura and Syaoran's chance to laugh now, figuring out what the other had meant from Tomoyo/Madison. The real Sakura got a chance, between gasps of breath, to say, "You guys argue like an old married couple!"
CLAMP glared. "It's not my fault. He tricked me into it."
"If you hadn't been so willing, it would have never happened. "
"Oh! So you're blaming ME!"
S+S's gasped. "You mean, you ARE married?" CLAMP sighed.
"What do you mean, `unfortunately'? I am a GREAT husband!"
"Don't make me laugh."
"Why I oughta!"
"Enough, NEL. Instead of fighting, let's just make the bet a little, ahem, `prettier'."
"What's that mean?"
"If you win, I will also wear men's clothes for a whole month." She shuddered.
"I like that."
"But if I win," she continued, pulling out a piece of paper, "you have to go up to random people and read this……"
NEL grabbed the paper and read it, eyes growing wide.
"I am NOT reading this!"
"While tap dancing with top hat and cane."
Syaoran grabbed the paper from NEL's hand, and read it aloud:
"Dear Sir or Ma'am,
I am here at your house/apartment/place of work to inform you that you should not watch the horrible show CARDCAPTORS. Instead, I recommend highly the show CARDCAPTOR SAKURA by CLAMP. CLAMP is the greatest! CLAMP is the best! CLAMP rocks! If you see CARDCAPTORS anywhere, run! It is a horrible program! Thank you for you time."
"As I said, I am NOT reading that!"
"Oh, you should NEL. It would be good for your self esteem, I think."
S+S's snickered. CLAMP turned to them.
"They like it, and they are the judges. It will happen by their order." NELVANA grumbled.
"All right."
" YAY!"
"Sumimasen, CLAMP-san? Um, when are you going to get to why you brought us here?"
"I thought I already explained that, Syao-kun."
"Hai, but how exactly are we going to prove who wins this, ano.., interesting, bet?"
"Ah, so glad you asked, Syao-kun."
FD (or Des to Usagi-chan): I know, I know. Short chappie. Gomen nasai. But I really like this chappie and I wanted to upload it tonight. Yes, it only took two sittings this time but this was unusual. And I lost the use of my computer desk, so I'm typing this one-handed on the carpet of the my computer room. o.O The new desk will be here in two weeks, so I better get used to it. ^^0. O Well. R+R! I'll see you in chappie 8 of Night's Heart, which I will write next (I'm doing every-other story type of thing). So, until then, this is your authoress, ForeverDestiny, saying, `Goodbye and have a pleasant tomorrow!" Ja ne!