Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Two Heart Combine ❯ Sit down and talked ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Heart Combine

By Net

Chapter 22

"That was a hell of a day if you asked me."

The Sub-commander of the rebel's force was talking to his commander over the laser communicator that's only Touya and himself have. It was his handmade masterpiece that could prevent any attempt to intercept their conversation.

"Yeah, I agreed with that." Replied Touya.

"And how was the kids?

"Syoran got a blow on his rib and some bruise all over his body but he's fine, as well as the girls."

"Good to hear that." The sub-commander signed in relief.

Meanwhile, the object of their talking was sitting quietly on a bench in the hallway with Sakura by his side. The green eyes girl seemed worried by her boyfriend's quiet.

"And how about the agreement with the emperor? Do you think we could really trust him?"

"From what I saw I think he's a man of his word but still I want you to stand by for the time being. If there's anything funny happen I'll tell you right away."

"Got it." Replied the sub-commander before he turned off the communication.

Touya turned off his device then walked to Sakura and Syaoran.

"How was he?" Asked Touya to the girl.

"There's no fatal wound but he's been quit like this since Kaho-san treat his wound."

Touya then turned to the boy. "Is there anything wrong with you? You want the doctor to take a look at you again?"

"No, I'm fine. Just felt tired." The chestnut hair boy looked down for a moment then turned his gaze up to meet Touya again. "Can I asked you something?"

"Sure. What do you want to know?"

"About that guy. Shengron. I want to know about him."

"Syaoran." Sakura gave him a confuse look but he didn't notice it as he focused all his attention to Touya.

Touya looked into the boy's eyes trying to find the reason behind the boy's question.

After a moment of staring at each other Touya finally spoke up. "It was a long story. Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Yes." Replied the boy. His glitting with determination.

Touya sat down on the bench opposite the one the Syaoran and Sakura was sitting.

"It was 11 years ago. When I joined the Empire's military school. At that time I just wanted to get away from my street tug life so I decided that joining the military was the best option for a guy who knew only how to knocking the other man with his bare fist could have. That was the time I met him. He was joined the military school the same year as I was. When we first met he was a quiet young man who doesn't like to contact with the other student much. Later we became a rival. We fought hard to be number one of the class. Then at the end I didn't really know how either, we became close friend.

Touya paused for a moment as he looked at his listener. "That was the story about how I met him. If you need to know anything further. I warn you that it wasn't a pleasent thing to hear. Do you want to hear it?"

Syaoran and Sakura glanced at each other then nodded to Touya as the gesture to continue his story.

Touya nodded back as he continued. "After we gratuated from the military school. We had assigned to be members of the "Red fang". The special secret force under the command of field marshal Kuki. That's right. The same person we're fighting with right now. We've serve him for years along that time I had to force myself so hard to followed his order. That guy was a lunartic. A mad man. You couldn't imagine how torture I was to follow that psychopath order."

Sakura and Syaoran fell silent as they listened to Touya's story.

"And then, that day has come. I still remembered it clearly like it was just yesterday. It was a mission. To attacked a rebel force's base in a small village near the border. I'm in charged for leading the troops It was a fierce battle that the situation wasn't going our way and when Kuki knew that the enemies was too strong. He had an idea in his mind. He and some of his close crews were got on the chopper and flew above the fighting field. Then without warning or anything. He ordered to dropped the bombs on to the field. Not cared it was the same side or the enemy. I was lucky to survived the bomb and after I realized who did this I couldn't hold up my anger anymore. I picked up my rifle and take aimed to the chopper. With a single shot at the engine the chopper was down. Satisfying by what I just accomplished, I ran to the spot where the chopper was crash. When I get there I saw the chopper was badly damaged by the crash then suddenly I saw the movement inside. It was Kuki. He somehow had survived the crash. I walked to him and pointed my rifle at him but before I could pulled my trigger I got shot to my shoulder from behind and when I turned around to see who's the shooter. It was Shengron.

*Flash back*

"Why, WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Shouted Touya clunching his injured arm.

"I can't let you kill him. Not now." Replied Shengron, his face show no emotion.

Touya glared at his "friend". His eye fill with hatre, anger and confusion.

"For our friendship I'll let you go." Said Shengron as he lowered his gun. "And don't think anything stupid. You're in no condition to fight me so I think you should do what I tell you to do. Now, leave."

Touya gave Shengron one last glared before turned back and walked out. Leaving Shengron and Kuki behind.

*End flash back*

"After that I left the Empire and joined the rebel force and I never met him again since then."

Sakura and Syaoran fell silent as Touya finished his story.

"Has Shengron ever mentioned anything about himself or his family?" Asked Syaoran.

"I never asked him but he was mentioned once or twice that he was from a great warrior clan. The Li. When he talked about it he was so proud."

Syaoran was quiet as he's in deep thought, this making Sakura who's sitting next to him looked at him worried.

After a moment, Syaoran stood up "I'll go have some walk. Thanks for telling me the story." Said Syaoran before he walked out.

Sakura was about to go after him but Touya grabbed her arm.

"Leave him alone for now. I didn't know what happen either but I think it was best to let him deal with it himself."

The green eyes girl slowly nodded.

Touya smiled at the girl before him. "The two of you seems to care so much for each other. You once told me that you were together from the very young age. Could you tell me how the two of you met?"

As he saw Sakura hesitated for a moment, Touya gave her a reassure smile. "If you don't want to talk about it, that was fine. I won,t force you to talk."

"No. It's not that." Replied Sakura. "I was just don't know where to start it. Well, I think I should start from the very beginning. I can't remember it myself but Doc the man who raised us told us how he found us."

"He said that it was during the time the small battle had occurred all over the Empire. He was a fighter pilot that was recuperated at a hospital in the town called Tomeda. The hospital was got bombed and when he regained conscious he found bodies all over the place but then suddenly he heard a voice, crying. He followed the voice and found a body of a woman. Sitting next to her was a little girl around 2 years old crying next to her mother. Doc knew that if he leaving that little girl like that she will die for sure so he took her with him. And after he carried her out of what remaining of the hospital he headed out of the town, knowing that the battle still goes on. But on the way he saw a little figure stood on the street, crying. It was a little boy who looked the same age with the girl in his arm and when he looked around and hearing that the sound of battle was getting closer he grabbed the boy and ran off. After the battle was over he tried to find the parent of the kids but it was no luck. After the days of searching he finally gave up and decided that the best way for that time was to take the two kids with him so he decided to go back to his home village. And since both of the children can't remember their name, he decided to give them the name. For the girl, as she was wearing the baby suit with dots of cherry blossom on it so he decided to name her "Sakura". And for the boy, he saw that he has a mark on his left arm that was look like a wolf's head so he name him "Syaoran" which means "little wolf". And from that time the two of them was together."

"And that was how Syaoran and I was met." Said Sakura as she finished her story. She looked at Touya and saw his expression was hard to tell. "What's the matter? Am I said anything wrong?"

"No, it wasn't." Replied Touya. "Could you do me a favor? Go see the emperor and the mayor if they have anything new and come back to tell me. I'll be at the medical room to have them treating my wound."

"Ok." Said Sakura as she walked off leaving Touya with his thought. <The time, the place, those eyes. It couldn't be just a coincident.>


Medical room, Dr.Mizuki Kaho was writing a report after just finished treating her last patient them she saw Touya walking in.

"Hi. You come here to treat your wound also?"

"Yes." Replied Touya. "But I have something that I want to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Asked the doctor.

"You said that you were the expert of biotechnology, right?"

"Yes I am. What do you want?"

"I want you to run some test with these." Touya handed her two small plastic bags. Inside each of them has a hair in it.

Kaho took the bags from Touya. "What kind of test you want me to do with these hair?"

"DNA match." Replied Touya.

The doctor opened her bag and took out a machine, which in Touya's opinion looks like a Video player more than anything. She connected it with the computer on the table then she pressed a button and a tray was slid out from the machine. She put the hairs on the different tray and slid it back inside.

"This might take some minute. Could you tell me whose hair are these?"

"I'll tell you when the result comes out."

After a couple of minutes had passed. A buzz was come out of the machine and the monitor was showing the result.

"Interesting. From what it show here. Those hairs came from different person but it must came from the closest sibling that shared the same mother and father." She turned to Touya. "Now could you tell me whose these hairs belong to."

"One was mine." Replied Touya. "And the other one was Sakura's."

"What? That was mean."

"Yes. She's my sister."

To be continued next chapter

Author's note: Wheew….! That was another long chapter in my opinion. I'm sorry for the delay of this chapter. It was my fault alone. Anyway, now you guys know the back ground of my three main characters a little better from this chapter. Next chapter I promise more action for all of you out there. And like usual. Review, comment even flame was welcome at or you can just review me at the bottom of the page.