Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Unappreciated Love ❯ Who's That Guy? ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Unappreciated Love

by Lyeza

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in Cardcaptor Sakura. They belong to Clamp.

Chapter 4: Who's That Guy?

Somewhere in Hong Kong

"Argghhhh!!!!!!" Toru shouted in frustration. "I was so close to killing the Card Mistress but that meddlesome boy had to interfere with me," he growled, his anger mounting. He knew he would not stand a chance of winning if Sakura and Syaoran fight together for their power increase drastically when they are in each other's presence. Syaoran's lightning attack was proof enough. It was very powerful indeed and had grown even more powerful when he saw how badly his beloved was attacked. His beloved..... Toru smiled evilly. "Love," Toru said thoughtfully, his eyes glinting with evil as he came up with a plan. He knew just the perfect plan to wedge them apart again; and when that happens, he will finish Sakura once and for all.

In the hospital

Syaoran looked at Sakura's sleeping form. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. He had been sitting beside her for hours waiting for her to be awake. Even though the doctor had informed him that her condition was quite stable, one thought kept repeating in his head. "I almost lost her," he thought. He kept thinking about the moment when Toru's dark energy almost hit Sakura. "I will protect Sakura from that evil even if it's the last thing I'll do," he vowed with determination, gripping her lifeless hand in his. "I care a lot about her and will not let anything or anybody bring harm to her," he continued. All of a sudden, he felt extremely exhausted and almost immediately, he fell asleep with his head resting on the hospital bed. (Can u guys guess what had happened?)

"Mom, I can't believe you put a sleeping spell on him," Fanren complained. Yelan, her daughters, along with Sakura's family and Tomoyo had been watching Syaoran for quite a while now. Since Syaoran was sitting with his back facing the door, he had not noticed their presence.

"I want him to sleep. He had been keeping a vigil by Sakura's side ever since he brought her here and I knew he was still exhausted from yesterday's incident since he himself had not rest. He needs all his energy later if he is ever going to defeat Toru," Yelan explained and the rest nodded in understanding. Yelan smiled. She was rather pleased with how things had turned out. She knew Syaoran deeply cared for Sakura. He had also vowed to protect her and Yelan could not ask for more from Syaoran; except marry Sakura, of course. For now, she just had to wait and see what would happen next. Yelan looked around. She knew she was not the only one who was pleased. Her daughters, Tomoyo and Sakura's brother and father also felt the same way for they knew that whether Syaoran liked it or not, he was already falling for Sakura.

The next morning

Sakura woke up to see herself in an unfamiliar room. "Where am I?" she asked, confused. She felt someone gripped her hand tighter as she started to move. She turned her head and blushed. Sleeping in the chair beside her, was none other than her fiance. She gazed at him. He looked so much younger and boyish when he was asleep. He had a soft look on his face compared to when he was awake since he always frowning and glaring at someone. On its own violation, her free hand lifted and she ran her hand through his soft, messy hair.

Suddenly, Syaoran started to move and Sakura quickly pulled her hand away, blushing furiously. "Sakura..." he said when he looked up to see her staring at him. "You're awake!!!!" he exclaimed and hugged the red-faced Sakura. "I was worried about you," he continued still hugging her tightly.

Sakura pulled away slightly to look into Syaoran's eyes. "Do you really care for me?" she wondered. Instead, she asked, "What happened?"

Syaoran let go of Sakura and explained, "Toru, an evil sorcerer, is after your cards and your power. Yesterday, he had tried to get you alone in the park and tried to kill you," he said, shuddering at the recollection.

"But you saved me, didn't you?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran nodded and continued, "I managed to get you before he finished you off and attacked him but he disappeared immediately after that. However, I have no doubt that he will come and try to kill you again. We have to be careful at all times"

"Thank you, Syaoran. If not for you, I'll probably be dead by now. I'm sorry to have caused you the trouble," Sakura said with a smile. Then her voice turned serious as she continued, "I will have to defeat him soon. As long as he is not defeated, he might cause harm to other innocent people."

"We," Syaoran amended simply

"Huh???" Sakura was confused.

"WE will defeat him, Sakura; not you alone," he said.

"No, I don't want to trouble you anymore and I don't want you to get hurt. This is my own battle and I will fight him alone," Sakura argued. The thought of Syaoran getting hurt because of her appalled her.

"How can you defeat him when you hardly caused any damage to him in your previous battle?" Syaoran said angrily. He saw Sakura cringed and he regretted using his angry tone. Softening his tone, Syaoran apologised, "I'm sorry, Sakura. It's just that I don't want you to get killed. Besides, I already promised myself that I would protect you no matter what. I care for you, Sakura, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"You… you care for me?" Sakura asked, staring at Syaoran with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Yes, I care for you," Syaoran answered with a small smile. "More than you can ever think of," Syaoran continued silently.

For a moment, they just stared at each other. Suddenly...(AN: Don't you just get frustrated by this? Hee! Hee!)

"Sakura!!!!! You're awake," Syaoran's sisters and Tomoyo squealed in delight as they rushed to get to Sakura.

Kero managed to fly to Sakura first. "Good to have you back with us, Sakura" Kero said as he sat on Sakura's lap. It was a chaotic condition as everyone fought for Sakura's attention. Sakura and Syaoran just stared at them in shock, both knowing with disappointment that their quiet moment had just ended. Meanwhile, Yelan, Fujitaka and Touya just stood at the doorway as they watched with amusement at the scene before them.

"Alright everyone. Stop disturbing Sakura. She still needs her rest," Yelan ordered and the whole group quietened down. Then turning to Sakura, she said, "I hope you are feeling better, Sakura. The doctor wanted you to stay in the hospital for another 2 weeks but I convinced him to allow you to be discharged tomorrow." Seeing Sakura's eyes lit up with happiness, Yelan laughed and continued, "Provided that you will stay in bed for two weeks and take all the medications he had prescribed." Sakura's face fell with dismay at the thought of two weeks in confinement.

"Don't worry, Sakura. We will keep you company so that you won't get bored," Fuutie comforted Sakura.

For the next two weeks, Sakura spent every moment of her time in her bedroom but she was never lack of company. Fanren, Fuutie, Shiefa and Feimei visited her everyday and entertained her with stories of young Syaoran. Tomoyo and Kero would just visit her to talk to her about their day or just irritate her. However, it was Syaoran's visit that she looked forward to the most. Having his presence near her made her feel secure and blissful. She could talk about everything to him and he would listen no matter how silly they sounded. The more time she spent with him, the deeper in love she fell for him. She was rather confused with what she was going to do about it though; a part of her badly wanted to expose her feelings to him but there was also another part of her that prevented her to do so for she was afraid of his rejection.

"Sakura?" a voice interrupted Sakura's thoughts. "You there?"

"Oh! I'm sorry Syaoran. I guess I kind of spaced out," said Sakura as she smiled apologetically at Syaoran.

"Are you ok, Sakura?" he asked, concern mirroring in his eyes.

"Sure. I'm just tired, that's all," Sakura lied, faking a yawn.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Sakura, for keeping you up for so long. I'll take my leave now. Sweet dreams, Sakura," Syaoran said rather reluctantly. He turned to leave but not before he planted a kiss on Sakura's forehead.

"Hoee!!!" Sakura exclaimed, her face redder than a ripe tomato. (If that's possible :) )

Syaoran quietly closed the door behind him. He sighed. There was no denying it anymore. "I love Sakura," he said in awe. He always thought he was incapable of such love but Sakura had proved him wrong. He would inform his mother that he is ready to marry Sakura (She would be smirking no doubt, but he would thank her all the same). He would then confess to Sakura that he love her and personally asked her to marry him. But first, he had to tell Meiling that he wanted to stop the act. "I'll call Meiling tomorrow," Syaoran announced sleepily and decided to head for bed.

The next morning

"Finally! My days in confinement are over," Sakura announced happily. She had already taken a bath and was now busy brushing her auburn hair. Turning to Kero, she asked, "How do I look?" She had dressed with care today. She had decided that she would confess her feelings to Syaoran and see how he would react to that. (She hated to continue hiding in the dark, not knowing what to expect and just hoped that he would not push her away after hearing her confession.)

"Mmm, delicious," Kero said as he ate a pudding.

Sakura lifted Kero to get his attention. "I'm not talking about the pudding. I'm asking you how do I look?" she repeated sternly.

Kero reluctantly turned to Sakura and scrutinised her. "You look beautiful. I'm sure that gaki is going to drool all over you," Kero admitted.

"Thanks, Kero. Wish me luck," Sakura said and went downstairs to look for Syaoran.

Meanwhile, in the garden...

"So, our emotionless Syaoran has fallen in love after all," Meiling drawled. She had a triumphant smile on her face when Syaoran told her that he did not want to continue with their scheme after all. Inside, Meiling was relieved. She had also wanted to tell him that she did not want to participate in the scheme anymore and was worried that he would not allow it.

Syaoran looked at Meiling. "There is something I want to ask you. Do you think you can answer this as honestly as possible?" he asked. Meiling nodded. "Do you think Sakura likes me?" he asked.

"Of course, she likes you. How can you be so dense? I have seen it in her eyes," Meiling reassured him.

"You're sure. You're not joking, right?" he asked again.

"Do I look like I'm joking? She likes you, Syaoran and I bet she loves you just as much as you love her," Meiling answered. She had never seen Syaoran this uncertain before. He had always seemed so confident and invincible and now, he was practically falling apart just because of Sakura.

"Thank you, Meiling. You're a great friend to have," Syaoran said humbly.

"You're welcome," she said with a smile. She was happy to see how much Syaoran had changed for the better these last few days.

"About last time...our engagement..." Syaoran said, not knowing where to start and how to continue.

"Its ok. I forgive you already. We are just not meant to be; after all, you belong to Sakura just as she belongs to you," Meiling said, knowing that Syaoran was going to apologise over what had happened in the past. Meiling took a step towards Syaoran and hugged him. Syaoran hugged her back. It was an embrace of friendship and forgiveness.

Sakura was still looking for Syaoran. His sister had told her that he went to the garden. Her heart was bursting with nervous excitement. She could not wait to tell him how she felt. Suddenly, she heard Syaoran's voice. It was just around the corner. Eagerly she turned around the corner but what she saw broke her heart in two.................................................. A few meters away from her, she saw Meiling and Syaoran in a tight embrace. Tears began to form in her eyes and she quickly ran away before she was discovered. She finally stopped when she reached the place where she first saw Syaoran and Meiling kissing.

"Why? Why? Don't tell me that you never care for me; that it was all a pretense. You just stayed by me because I was sick and now that I'm well, you go back to your girlfriend," Sakura cried heartbrokenly to herself. (AN to Sakura: Tchhh! Tchh! What rotten timing you have, Sakura)

"I'm such a baka. I can't just demand that they broke up. I've already promised that he will do it on his own free will," she continued. "I wish I had never been here; then I would never have fallen in love," she said, totally shattered. Looking at her beautiful surrounding, she began to sing............................

(Disclaimer: I don't own this song)

Guess mine is not the first heartbroken

and my eyes are not the first to cry

I'm not the first to know

there's just no getting over you

I know I'm just a fool who's willing

to sit around and wait for you

but baby can't you see

there's nothing else for me to do

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's no where to hide

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm out of my head

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you

My head is saying fool forget him

My heart says don't let go

Hold on to the end

and that's what I intend to do

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's no where to hide

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm out of my head

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you

Suddenly, Sakura heard someone clapping behind her. She turned in horror. A boy about her age was standing behind her. "You have a beautiful voice," he complimented. Sakura blushed at the fact that she was being caught; by a handsome boy no less. The raven-haired boy had the dreamiest blue eyes she had ever seen. "You sound as if you are singing this song to someone," he said.

Sakura blushed again and said, "Yes, actually I was thinking about someone when I was singing that song." Her eyes turned sad.

"I'm sorry. It's indeed a sad song. By the way, I'm Shiine and I'm a guest of the Li family," the guy said, extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Shiine. I'm Sakura and I'm also a guest of the Li family," Sakura said shaking his hand. Strangely, she realised that his hand was deathly cold; not warm as she had expected.

"Just a guest? I would think that someone as lovely as you would be a part of the great Li clan," he said.

"I'm actually.... Syaoran's...fiancé," Sakura admitted. The sad look in her eyes reappearing again.

"From the look on your face I think, you are not happy with that. May I ask why? Don't you like him?" Shiine asked.

"No, I love him. But he... he loves his girlfriend, Meiling. I just saw them together," Sakura answered sadly.

"He's a stupid guy," Shiine said simply.

"No, I'm the stupid one. I was the one who fall in love with someone whose heart already belong to somebody else," said Sakura. "You know what? All this talk is rather depressing and I'm sure you are not here to listen to my stupid rambling. I guess I'll go to my room and wash up. Will I be seeing you during lunch later in the dining room?" asked Sakura.

"I won't miss it for the world now that I know you will be there," Shiine answered.

"See you," said Sakura and turned to leave. She smiled. "That guy is a true charmer," she thought.

Shiine too was smiling. "This is going to be easier than I expected," he thought.


What is Toru's plan? Who is Shiine? Will the misunderstanding be cleared?

Read the next chapter to find out.