Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Sorrowful moments ( Chapter 6 )

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Six: Sorrowful moments

~three days later, in the late afternoon~

Yukito sat on the same chair as always, at the side of the bed. Touya laid in the bed, looking even weaker as the last days. His life was ending. Yukito could feel it. Or rather Yue could feel it.

It had only been a few hours since Fujitaka and Sakura had left the room, respecting Yukito's wish to be alone with Touya in his last moments. They had both said their farewell, not knowing that not only Touya would be dying, but also Yukito.

"The moment has come, ne?", Yukito asked.

"Hai.", Touya answered weakly. Even talking had become really difficult for him.

"Yuki?", he asked.

"Hai, To-ya?", Yukito replied.

"Are you…sure?", Touya questioned.

"Hai.", Yukito answered, "This is what I want. My first and last selfish wish. To be united with you forever."

"So desu ka?", Touya asked.

"Hai.", Yukito said.

Touya squeezed Yukito's hand tightly.

"Yuki…", he whispered, growing weaker every second, "A…ai..aishiteru."

"Aishiteru, To-ya-kun.", Yukito replied.

Touya's grip on his hand loosened. His eyes slid shut.

"Yu…ki…". Touya's last sounds could hardly be heard.

Yukito laid his head on Touya's chest, hearing the weak heart slowing down.

"Onegai, wait for me, To-ya.", he said.

Now, Yue's part of the trait had come. A bright light filled the room as the guardian withdraw himself and his power from his other form. As the light faded, Yue stood silently at Yukito's side, who took a last glance at the one he had never ever seen before.

"Arigato. Yue.", he said.

"Granting you this wish was the least I could do.", Yue replied, "And now go."

"Hai.", Yukito replied, closing his eyes.

With a smile on his face he passed away, silently. Yue watched the scene for a while.

"Goodbye.", He finally said, "I wish you two will be happy together wherever you went to."

Then, he opened the window, flying out into the evening.

A few seconds later, a nurse entered the room. At first, she thought that the young man, who was sitting on the chair, his head laying on the other man's chest, was just sleeping. But as she tried to wake him, nothing happened. His heart had stopped beating, just like Touya's. She was a bit frightened. That young man had always seemed so healthy when he had come to visit his friend. And now, he had just died. But it was not her job to find out the reason. Then, she felt a gust of wind and looked over to the open window.

`Strange.', she thought to herself, `Why is the window open?'.

But here as well, she could not find a real answer. She just walked over to the window and closed it.

~a few minutes later, in Sakura's room~

"Huh?", Sakura said, looking up from her homework.

"Can you sense what I am sensing?", Kero-chan asked her.

"You mean WHO.", she corrected, "Yes, Yue-san is near."

At that moment, a knock on the window was heard. Sakura walked over to it and opened it.

"Ohayo, Yue-san.", she greeted him.

"May I come in, mistress?", Yue asked.

"Sure.", Sakura replied and helped Yue enter.

Yue stood in the room, not quite sure of what to say. Should he be the one telling her that her brother and Yukito had just died. He looked down at the floor, an expression of sadness in his eyes.

"Yue-san?", Sakura asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I…it is just…", Yue muttered.

"Spit it out, brother.", Kero-chan said, looking out of his drawer.

"Touya…", Yue began, "I…"

"He is dead, isn't he?", Sakura spoke.

Yue looked up in surprise.

"You…you know?", he asked.

"Hai.", Sakura replied, "He was my brother, sure I could sense what was going on with him."

"I am sorry, mistress.", Yue said.

"For what?", Sakura asked, "I surely will miss him, but I know that wherever he may be now, he will surely be happy. Maybe he is with Okaa-san now."

"And also with Yukito.", Yue said, staring at the floor again.

"What do you mean by that?", Kero-chan asked.

"Couldn't you sense it?", Yue replied, "Yukito is gone. I have set him free. To let him be united with his beloved To-ya. That was his last wish and I granted it."

"You mean you killed him?", Kero-chan asked.

"I have withdrawn myself and my power from him.", Yue explained, "So, literally speaking, I have killed him. Just like I killed Touya."

"Stop talking like that, Yue-san.", Sakura instructed him, "You didn't kill Onii-chan."

"I did.", Yue said, trembling, "If I hadn't taken away all of his power, he would have lived much longer. And his heart had not gotten weak. It is my fault."

Yue's trembling became even more intense and he had difficulties keeping himself straight. Sakura reached out for him, putting her arms around his waist.

"Onegai, Yue-san,", she said, "stop blaming yourself. Stop feeling guilty. Nothing you did was wrong. You could not know. Stop talking like you hate yourself. Everything will be alright."

"She is right.", Kero-chan spoke, "I guess I would have reacted the same way if I had been in your situation."

"Arigato.", Yue whispered, feeling tears coming from his eyes.

Sakura looked up at him and tried to brush them away, but they didn't stop flowing down Yue's cheeks. Slowly, she guided Yue towards her bed.

"Sit down, Yue-san.", She said, gently pushing her guardian downwards.

Yue sat down on the bed and let the upper part of his body fall down onto the mattress. He just couldn't keep himself straight anymore.

Sakura sat at his side, gently moving one hand along the back of Yue's head. She had never seen her guardian crying before. And now, she almost started crying herself. But she fought back the tears and just continued to caress Yue's head until his sobbing silenced.

"You feeling better now?", Sakura asked.

"Hai, arigato.", Yue replied.

"You're welcome, Yue-san.", Sakura said.

AN: Ah, I thought I could finish the story within one more chapter, but there is till so much that needs to be said and done, so there will be one more. Oh, and please, be so kind and review, I would like to hear from you.