Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ United forever ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Seven: United forever

"Mistress?", Yue asked, sitting up again.

"Yes, Yue-san?", Sakura replied.

"I need to ask you a favor.", Yue said.

"What is it?", Sakura asked.

"Since I have no more other form, a few of my power got lost. What I want you to do is to use your own power to bring me back to normal again."

"I will do what I can, Yue-san.", Sakura said, "Just tell me exactly HOW I am supposed to do this."

"That is easy.", Yue replied, "The only thing you need to do is to call for your power, I will do the rest."

"Oh, Okay.", Sakura said and grabbed her key.

She summoned the star staff and stood in the middle of her room. Yue walked into the magic circle and put one hand on the staff.

"Now.", he said.

Sakura nodded and spoke:

"I, Sakura call upon the magic of the stars. Come to me and lend me your power."

With a light gust of wind, the magic filled the room. Yue closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A least little amount of magic started to flow into him, making him glow lightly. After some seconds, Yue opened his eyes again.

"I think that is enough now.", he said.

"Sure?", Sakura asked.

"Hai.", Yue answered.

Sakura let the remaining magic return to the stars and her staff transformed back.

"Thank you, Sakura.", Yue said.

"Yue-san, are you really okay?", Sakura asked.

"Yes, why?", Yue replied.

"You didn't call me mistress.", Sakura appointed.

"Oh.", Yue said, "I didn't recognize that."

"It's okay.", Sakura spoke, "I like it really much better if you call me Sakura."

"As you wish.", Yue replied.

"Uhm, Yue-san?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Where are you going to live now?", Sakura asked.

"I don't know.", Yue answered, "I haven't considered that topic yet."

"Why don't you stay here?", Kero-chan suggested, "There is enough room for you."

"Yes, what about that?", Sakura asked.

"I am not sure.", Yue said

"Oh, come on, Yue-san.", Sakura exclaimed, "You know you are always welcome here."

"Yes, I know.", Yue replied, "I think I will accept then."

"That's great!", Sakura said and hugged her guardian tightly.

~a few days later, on a cemetery~

Sakura stood silently in front of the fresh tomb. She was the last one around here, as all others had already left. The sun was setting in the sky, bathing the whole city in a golden light.

Sakura reached into her pocket, taking out a flower. A peach blossom. She knelt down and placed it on the dark earth.

"I will miss you.", she whispered, "Both of you."

Sakura stood back up. She took one last glance at the headstone and smiled.

"Goodbye.", she whispered as she read the engraving once more:

"Here are resting

Kinomoto Touya and Tsukishiro Yukito,

United in love forever."

AN: That's it. That's all. Quite few, sorry. Anyhow, I can finally continue my Song Collection. Yay!