Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Warmth ❯ Warmth ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura.
Warning: There will be hints of slash / shonen-ai / hints of a homosexual pairing. If you don't like these kinds of pairings then you can guide your mouse to the upper left of the computer where you see an arrow pointing to the left accompanied with the word back and you can click on that to get out of my story or you can guide the nice mouse to the upper right hand corner where there is a big, usually red X and you can click on it. (Yes I am questioning your intellect because why would you read a story or skip the story and flame it just because of the pairing and not because the author's writing is poor? In other words their writing sucks.)
Syaoran's P.O.V.
I never really did like the cold. I never ever felt warm before… until he came along.
I remember sitting on a tree branch spying on Sakura and her friends. At that time I still had a crush on her, but that infatuation never lasted long.
I remember hearing his soft, slightly feminine voice below. He asked me if I was from Hong Kong and asked if maybe I could show him around sometime.
I was indignant. That was the kind of question reserved for friends and I mean only friends. I was definitely not his friend. I was about to answer him when he said my name softly.
Right then I felt a wave of dizziness and I lost my hold on the tree branch. I closed my eyes to await the cold hard ground when I felt warm arms wrap around me. I - I felt so warm and - and so safe. I've never felt like that before. I wanted to stay there forever but then I regained consciousness and my eyes snapped open.
I saw who had caught me and I blushed seeing how close our faces were. Just a few more inches and our faces would touch…
He asked me if I was all right.
I wrenched myself from his arms feeling the air cut to the bone. When had it become so cold?
I gave him a flustered “It's nothing” and turned away from his gentle navy eyes. I turned around and said, “I'm sorry”. I turned around again and started to run away from him.
With every step I took, I ran away from the only person who had ever given me warmth. I kept wondering if I had made a mistake, running from him like that. I kept feeling cold even though the sun was directly overhead. I wonder if I will ever felt safe and warm again… like in Hiirigizawa Eriol's arms…
I never really did like the cold…