Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ Home Again ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 9: Home Again
Sakura saw the nearing mountains of Japan through her window. Beside her, Syaoran was resting, his face so calm. Behind them, Eriol and Tomoyo were also sleeping; Sakura was the only one awake since her head was full of worried thoughts. She still prayed for her father. She remembered how happy her father was for her when she told him she got a job as a teacher at Hong Kong. He didn't try to stop her like her brother did. He just smiled at her and wished her good luck. Just follow your heart, Sakura, his words made the pain greater. She loved her father very much; he raised her by himself after her mother died and was there for her when she needed someone. She still couldn't believe he got into a car accident. “Oh oto-san, please be OK.” She whispered to herself. Out of the blue, someone touched her hand, startling her. “You OK, Sakura?” Syaoran asked in concern. Sakura gave him a weak smile and nodded. “Yes, I'm fine......”
“No, you're not.” Tomoyo spoke from behind her. Sakura turned to look at Tomoyo. “I'm fine.” She insisted. Tomoyo shook her head. “You're the worst liar in the whole wide world, Sakura. I know you're not OK.”
“Don't push it, Tomoyo.” Eriol said calmly as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Tomoyo looked at him then back at Sakura. “Sorry, Sakura.” She said. Sakura shook her head. “Don't worry about it......” she yawned. “Let her sleep now.” Eriol laughed. Tomoyo nodded and leaned back to her seat. Sakura felt her eyelids heavy and drifted off to sleep. Syaoran just stared at her as she slept. She's strong, despite how much she suffers, he stroked her soft hair.
A long while later, Sakura woke up at a light tap on her shoulder. “Nani....” she rubbed her eyes. Syaoran smiled tenderly at her. “We're, Sakura.”
“Taxi!!” Tomoyo yelled as the gang stood at the airport's entrance. Sakura breathe in the familiar air of Japan. “It's good to be home.” She said to herself. Syaoran looked at her from the corner of his eye and smiled.
“We first have to go to my house; I have to see my onii-chan before I go to the hospital.” Sakura said to Syaoran as they put their luggage by the window. “All right.” Syaoran agreed. He turned around to see Sakura's back to him and saw her tremble. “Sakura?” he tapped her shoulder. She looked at him and he saw her tears. Sakura sobbed and lunged at him. “Oh Syaoran, I'm so worried about my oto-san! I don't want him to die like my okaa-san did many years ago......I don't want to lose him, I feel so lost......” she wept. Syaoran picked her up and carried her over to their bed and sat her on his lap. “Sakura......” he stroked her hair and smoothed her back. “He's not gonna die, if you have faith on his recovery, he will be fine. All you gotta do is believe he'll get better. I don't think your father would like to see you sad; he would want you to smile like everyone does.” His voice was soothing. Sakura sniffled and gave a hiccup. “I'm just really scared.” She said softly.
Syaoran grabbed her face and turned her to meet his eyes, his thumbs wiping her tears. “I know you are, I would be too if I my dad was in danger, but I will never know that feeling.”
Sakura stared at him in surprise. “You don't have a dad?” she asked. Syaoran shook his head. “No, he died when I was a baby. I lived with my mom and my 4 sisters. But, to lose someone you love, I know that feeling.” He smiled gently. Sakura hugged him tight and whispered into his ear. “Thank you, Syaoran.”
He smiled again and hugged her back. “Anything for you, watashi no mi Sakura.”
Sakura pulled away and smiled. “You've gotten good at using that nickname for me.” she said. Syaoran tapped the end of her little nose. “Hey, I have the best Japanese teacher in the world and the most beautiful one too.” He winked at her. Sakura blushed and smacked him. “Mou!!” she said, looking away to hide her blush. Syaoran laughed and made her look at him again. “You're so cute when you do that, Sakura-sensei.” He teased her.
“Tease.” She murmured, making him laugh again.
“Hey lovebirds, you guys done yet?” Tomoyo's voice called from outside their room. Sakura got up and opened the door. “We're ready, let's go.” She said.
----------Kinomoto House---------
“Onii-chan, I'm home!” Sakura called out as she, Syaoran, Eriol and Tomoyo came inside the house. “Sakura-kaiju!” her brother's mocking voice came from upstairs. Sakura snapped. “Stop bullying me and come down here, you prick!” she snarled. Syaoran saw a tall, strong-looking man come down the stairs. He looked mean with his ebony hair and dark blue eyes. Sakura cooled down and cleared her throat. “Onii-chan these are my friends and students from Hong Kong.” She pointed to Eriol. “That's Eriol Hiragizawa, Tomoyo's boyfriend and that's Syaoran Li.” She pointed at Syaoran.
“Hi.” Eriol smiled.
“Hey....” Touya nodded coolly then glared at Syaoran. For some reason, Sakura's brother's glare on him made him feel defensive. Syaoran narrowed his eyes at him too. Sakura saw the reactions of both her brother and Syaoran and frowned. Onii-chan never changes!, she thought angrily.
“Eriol, Syaoran, that's my brother, Touya Kinomoto.” She said between gritted teeth. Tomoyo giggled at the whole scene. Touya noticed his sister's temper and stopped glaring. “OK, let's go see oto-san.” He started towards the door.
“What's with that guy?” Syaoran asked Sakura. Sakura shrugged. “Onii-chan's always been like that towards guys who are around me.” she explained. “Yep, I'm surprised he didn't glare at Eriol.” Tomoyo laughed.
“Let's just go.” Sakura sighed as she followed her brother.
“Hello, I'm Sakura Kinomoto and I'm here to see my father.” Sakura said to the receptionist. The woman smiled and nodded. “Mr. Kinomoto's room in 302 at the end of the hall and two people at a time.”
“Thank you.” Sakura bowed and hurried to the room, everyone following her. “I already saw him; you take someone else with you, kaiju.” Touya said. Sakura glared at him as she took Syaoran's hand. “Onii-chan no baka.” She stuck out her tongue at him.
“Oto-san?” Sakura said as she and Syaoran went inside the room. Her father lay on his bed, bandaged all over his legs and a bit of his arms. He opened one eye and smiled at seeing her. “My lovely Sakura, you're here.”
Sakura nodded and took his hand. “Hai, I'm here, oto-san.” She said. Fujitaka looked at the amber-eyed boy that stood next to the door. “ that young man, Sakura?” he asked her. Sakura quickly looked at Syaoran and back at her father. “He is Syaoran Li, a friend and student of mine at Hong Kong. He and another friend of mine came with me, along with Tomoyo of course.” She smiled.
“Sakura, can you step outside for a second? I want to speak to this boy.” Her father asked. Sakura nodded and got up. She smiled at Syaoran as she went outside and closed the door behind her.
“Come closer, Li.” Sakura's father smiled at him. Hesitantly, Syaoran stepped closer to the bed. “By the look on my daughter's face when I mentioned you, you're more than a friend to her. am I correct?” he asked with a smile. Syaoran nodded slowly. “Yeah.”
Fujitaka chuckled then coughed. “I suppose Touya didn't welcome you as friendly as I thought.” He joked. “Um no.” Syaoran replied. “I trust my daughter and I know she's old enough to make decisions on her own. I just ask.......please watch over her at Hong Kong.” He said.
“I will.” Syaoran smiled. “You're a nice young man, very fitting for Sakura; she has good taste in boys.” Fujitaka smiled. “I may be in a lot of pain but Touya must've exaggerated when he wrote to Sakura. I'm not going to die, I just have some broken ribs.” He laughed.
Syaoran asked. “May I ask, what was Sakura's mother like?”
Fujitaka smiled. “Nadeshiko.......a very beautiful and loving woman who cared more about others than herself. A wonderful mother through all the years she lasted. She's who Sakura gets her green eyes from and the sweet smile. Sakura and Touya are my beloved children and I care for them very much. Nadeshiko loved them too. She passed away when Touya was 10 and Sakura was 3, that's why Sakura has very little memory of her.”
“Oh......” Syaoran felt bad for Sakura, all she had to go through without her mother.
“Tell me about your family, Li.” Fujitaka asked.
“It's Syaoran, sir.” Syaoran smiled.
“Syaoran.” Fujitaka nodded.
“I lived with my mother and my 4 sisters. My father died when I was a baby.” Syaoran explained. Fujitaka nodded. “So you and Sakura both share something in common.”
“Oto-san?” Sakura poked her head in. Fujitaka smiled and said. “Come in, Sakura.”
Sakura came in and smiled at Syaoran. “Did you have a nice talk?”
“Oh yes, he's quite a good guy, you've chosen well, Sakura.” Her father said. Sakura blushed beet red. “How did you....!?”
“I'm your father, that's how.” Fujitaka smiled. Sakura pouted. “I see...........” she grabbed his hands. “Oto-san, don't die on us, we need you.” she said softly.
Fujitaka stroked Sakura's bangs. “It'll take me time to recover but I won't die.”
A nurse came and said. “I'm sorry but it's time for his checkup. Please wait outside.”
“Oh......” Sakura let go of her father's hand. “Thank you.”
Sakura looked back at her father. “I love you, oto-san.” Then left.
Tomoyo and Eriol rushed to them as she closed the door behind her with a sigh. “So, is he OK?” Tomoyo asked. “I dunno.” Sakura shrugged.
The nurse came out and looked at Sakura. “Your father only has a few broken ribs and it didn't get any organs so he'll be fine. He seriously sprained some of leg muscles so he'll need crutches. It'll take like a year to fully recover.” She smiled.
“Really!? Oh thank God!” Sakura sighed happily.
“Thank you, ma'am.” Touya said.
“Well, let's go out to eat, I'm starving!” Eriol laughed as he started to pull Tomoyo with him. Sakura smiled at Syaoran, “Let's go.” She looked at her brother. “Call me when they release oto-san from here, I will come help.”
Touya nodded, trying to glare at that bratty-looking guy that was with her. “You got it, sister.”
“Ah it feels like I've been away from Tomoeda since ever!” Tomoyo sighed with a grin as they were eating at an outdoor restaurant. Sakura nodded her agreement. “Yeah, it feels good to be home again, even for just 2 weeks.” She said.
“It's a nice, quiet place unlike Hong Kong.” Syaoran chuckled. “Don't you think so, Eriol?”
Eriol nodded. “Oh yeah, very different from Hong Kong.”
“Well, I'm glad you guys came with us, we now feel like we should give you a tour of Tomoeda!” Tomoyo turned to her best friend. “You game, Sakura?” she teased. Sakura eyed Syaoran and grinned. “I'm game.”
Tomoyo stood up, hand raised. “Okay! Let's hit Tokyo Tower first!!”
-----------Back at Hong Kong--------
Hideaki cursed as he sat in jail at the police department. “This fucking sucks!” he mumbled angrily. A guard came and in opened the cell gate. “Yo, freak, your cousin's here to see you.” he said. Frowning, Hideaki stood up and followed the guard to a small room with a plastic wall bordering the other side. He sat down and saw Keiko sitting in front of him. He picked up the phone next to him as Keiko did the same. Smirking, she spoke first. “So, what was your misstep cousin?” she said. Hideaki growled at the younger woman. “Shut it, Keiko! Just get me the fuck out of here!” he hissed.
Keiko arched an eyebrow at him. “Funny, why should I? After you failed to break that girl.” She said. Hideaki glared at her. “Dammit Keiko! Li got in the way!!”
Keiko sighed in frustration and gave up. “Fine, I rest my case. I'll get you outta here. Just finish the job, Hideaki!” she gave one last look before she stood up and walked away. Whore, he thought bitterly.
After he was released, Hideaki went to Keiko's house. “Yo, evil Temptation, I'm back!” he greeted as he walked in. He saw Keiko sitting on her couch in the living room, fuming at it too. “What's up, my slutty little cousin?” he sneered. Keiko glared daggers at him. “Will you shut the fuck up for once, Hideaki!?!?” she shrieked. “What's with the major bitch attitude?” Hideaki didn't bother to hide his amusement. Keiko smirked at him in pure anger. “I just found out Syaoran's gone to Japan for 2 weeks!!”
“And?” Hideaki said with obvious disinterest. “And he left along with the little Japanese teacher.” She finished.
That got his attention. “SAY WHAT!?” he exploded. “You heard me! And I was about to show him my new outfit too!” she whined like a little child. Hideaki rolled his eyes at her. All that fuss for that!? Shit, what a spoiled brat!, he sighed, but still, I can't believe he took that pretty little flower! Dammit!
-----------That Night back at the Hotel---------
Sakura laughed as she and Syaoran walked into their room, totally beat. “That was fun!” she giggled. Syaoran smiled at her. “Good, did we behave?” he teased. Sakura winked at him flirtatiously. “Oh yeah. You and Eriol get and `A' for behavior!” she smiled. Syaoran wrapped his strong arms around her tiny waist. “Good, now........” he lightly traced the skin of her face with his hand. “Shall we see what grade the teacher gets tonight?” hunger was easily readable in his eyes. Sakura gave him a tempting smile. “Hmm, I'm game. Are you?” she asked. Syaoran's hand was slowly snaking up beneath her blouse, making her moan softly. “You know I am.” He crushed against him and took her lips in a brutish kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kisses with fiery ones of her own. Her hands snuck under his shirt and caressed the soft skin of his chest. Syaoran groaned, a feral sound that emphasized the excitement in her blood. She helped him slide his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. He gave her his wolfish smile as he slowly slid her blouse over her head. He threw it aside and in a swift movement, he scooped her into his arms, making her squeak. He chuckled and lay her down onto the cool sheets. Sakura shivered at feeling the coolness of the sheets meet her heated skin. He slowly crawled on top of her, like a predator to its prey, his eyes never leaving hers. Her eyes were a dark emerald, dark with passion. She got up a little to let Syaoran remover her bra. He tossed it away and cupped her breasts.
“Hmm, I think they got bigger.” He smiled, stroking her nipples with his thumbs. Sakura moaned. “Oh don't tease me.” she breathed. Smiling, his tongue replaced a hand while the other massaged her other breast. Sakura grabbed the sheets into fistfuls as she felt the pleasure rising in her. He switched his attention to her other breast, making Sakura give out wild cries of pleasure. He stopped and she moaned in disappointment. He smiled again as he slid her skirt down her legs, along with her panties. He took her socks off and kissed the delicate arch of her tiny feet. He crawled upon her, separating her legs on the way so he now lay between them. Sakura reached beside her for the little packet. She handed it to Syaoran.
“Why thank you.” Syaoran teased while taking his pants and boxers off. “No problem......” Sakura couldn't stop staring at his erection, looked quite ready to enter her. “Don't' worry, the second time won't hurt as much as the first.” His voice was soothing. Sakura nodded as he put the condom on. He stroked her thighs and was relieved that she wasn't trembling. He kissed her again, their tongues meeting greedily and wildly. With a clean thrust, he entered her. Sakura moaned, arching her hips to meet him, the feeling of fullness adding to her passion. They moved together in perfect harmony. Then, Syaoran sped his pace until Sakura couldn't take it anymore and screamed his name as she climaxed, Syaoran following.
Sakura drew in quick breaths, totally spent. “T-That was......amazing.” she smiled at him. Syaoran lay next to her and gathered her in his arms. “Well I'm glad.”
Sakura rested in Syaoran's arms, a smile curled her lips. No matter how sad I am, he can always make me happy, she sighed contently as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Syaoran looked down at the girl sleeping in his arms and smiled. Not only was she the most beautiful woman he's ever seen but her personality was priceless too; her sweetness and innocence even though she lost it to him. It was her innocent way of being that made him so protective over her. He rested his chin on top of her head and fell asleep.
RING RING RING!!, their room phone rang at 6 am. Groaning, Syaoran reached beside him and picked up the phone just as Sakura opened one eye and looked at sleepily.
“Hello?” he said drowsily.
“GOOD MORNING SYAORAN!!” a loud voice screamed in his ear, making him pull the phone away from his ear and almost fell off the bed in shock.
Sakura, wide awake, was staring at him with wide eyes. “Who's that?” she asked. Syaoran made a face, knowing who it was. “Dammit Meiling, don't do that again!! You nearly scared the shit out of me!” he snarled at the phone.
“Sheez sorry, your Highness.” Meiling mocked.
“Ow, my ear is ringing, I'm surprised I'm not deaf.” Syaoran said through gritted teeth. Meiling laughed and said. “Well then it's all good! You survived!” she joked. Sakura giggled beside him and said. “What a rude awakening.” She noted. “Tell me about it.” Syaoran muttered. “What do you want, Meiling?” he asked.
“I just wanted to say `hi'! It's called being nice, Syaoran., you might wanna look it up sometime.” Meiling replied. Syaoran rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, I'll add it to my to-do list.” He said sarcastically. “When I found out from Aunty Yelan you and Sakura were gone to Japan because of her dad, I called to see how she was doing.” Meiling didn't bother with his sarcastic reply.
“Well here!” he passed the phone to Sakura. “Damn, I'm gonna need a hearing aid.” He said to Sakura. “Hey I heard that!!” Meiling yelled. Sakura laughed and put the phone to her ear. “Hi Meiling, how are you?” she smiled.
“It's all cool here, how's your father?” Meiling asked. Sakura nodded. “He's doing OK I guess, he's injured but not gravely.”
“So you really gonna stay there for 2 weeks?” Meiling asked her. “Yeah, I wanna show Eriol and Syaoran around too.” Sakura smiled at Syaoran who was rubbing his ear while shooting a death glare at the phone. “Oh Eriol's with you guys too?” Meiling said.
“Yeah, he and Tomoyo are with us.”
“Lucky ducks! I wanna see Japan!” Meiling whined. “Then come when we're not here!” Syaoran hissed at the phone. “Be nice.” Sakura laughed.
“Well I gotta get ready for school since I have to be your sub.” Meiling said. “All right, have fun, Meiling!” said Sakura with a big grin.
“Oh yeah and say `hi' again to my ogre cousin.” Meiling joked and hung up. Sakura put the phone down and said to Syaoran. “She says hi.”
“Damn her, so loud.” Syaoran growled. Sakura giggled and hugged him. “Aw is my little wolf okay?” she teased. Syaoran finally grinned and hugged her back. “Now I am.” He gave her a little peck on the lips.
Sakura broke the hug and said. “Well, since we're up, let's go wake up Eriol and Tomoyo so we can go sigh-seeing again.” She smiled devilishly. Syaoran smirked. “Oh yeah, payback time.”
Eriol rubbed his temples, very annoyed. “Dammit it's only 7! Why do we have to go touring do fuckin' early?” he mumbled. Tomoyo laughed. “I was way up before him and was also thinking of early touring.” She said.
“Then we only scared Eriol with the door-pounding.” Sakura laughed. “So, where do we go now?” Syaoran asked. “How about my house?” Tomoyo suggested. “I want you to meet my mother.” she looked at Eriol. Her boyfriend looked at her and nodded. “Fine.”
Sakura grinned. “All right! I wanna see Sonomi!”
The gang stood in front of Tomoyo's “house”. “Yeah some house, Tomoyo.” Eriol said. “Whew, it big.” Syaoran said in awe. “But not as big as my family's mansion in Hong Kong.” He gave Tomoyo a toothy grin. “Brag.” Said Sakura, making the rest break into laughter.
“Anyways, let's go in.” Tomoyo started towards her home, the others following. “Oh Miss Tomoyo, your mother is waiting for you in the living room.” a maid bowed to Tomoyo. “Thank you, Maria, I'll see her.” Tomoyo smiled.
“You even got maids? Sheez loaded.” Eriol joked.
“What does your mom do, Tomoyo?” Syaoran asked.
“My mom's the manager of a famous toy store here in Japan.” Tomoyo grinned at them. Sakura smiled too. “I remembered all the crazy gear Tomoyo brought with her to my house, her mom's `latest' designs.” She laughed. “Those were the good old times.” Tomoyo nodded. Sakura grabbed Syaoran's arm and said. “But the even better times are now, right?” she winked at her best friend. Tomoyo slid her arm in Eriol's and nodded. “Yep, it's now where it's best.”
They got to the roomy living room and saw a woman sitting elegantly in the sofa, sipping tea. To Eriol and Syaoran, she looked very........rough and determined. She had short hair and was dressed in a business suit, her expression cool and serene. She looked up from her tea at them and smiled with her red lipstick on her lips. “Ah, my dear Tomoyo!” she stood up and hugged Tomoyo. “I'm so happy to see you, my daughter!”
“Hi, Sonomi!” Sakura chirped. Sonomi smiled and Sakura. “Ah, Sakura, long time no see.”
Sonomi looked at the 2 young men standing behind the girls. Both men were incredibly handsome. One had blue hair and blue eyes framed in glasses with an air of confidence around him. The other one had eyes of amber and messily cute dark chocolate hair, his expression fierce yet gentle at the same time.
“Oh, who are these young men?” Sonomi asked. Eriol smiled politely at her and bowed. “Hello Mrs. Daidouji, I'm Eriol Hiragizawa and I'm one of Kinomoto-sensei's students in Hong Kong.” He said. Sonomi smiled charmingly at the blue-haired boy. He seems like a very nice and decent young man, she thought. Syaoran bowed his head also, his face calm. “And I'm Syaoran Li, another of Kinomoto-sensei's students. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Daidouji.” He said. He also seems nice like Hiragizawa, Sonomi thought. She bowed back to the boys.
“I'm Sonomi Daidouji, Tomoyo's mother. Please, make yourselves at home.” She smiled, signaling them to sit. They all took their seats in the huge couch in front of Sonomi. “So, how is your father, Sakura?” Sonomi asked. “He's doing okay now, he seemed good to me.” Sakura said.
“Mother?” Tomoyo spoke up.
Tomoyo swallowed hard before continuing. “Mother, Eriol here is my..........boyfriend and Syaoran is Sakura's boyfriend. They came with us from Hong Kong to watch over us.” She said. Silence filled the room. Sonomi couldn't believe her ears. “What!?” she cried. “Why is my baby dating a boy now!?”
Tomoyo bit her lip, worrying Eriol, Syaoran, and Sakura. That's right, Tomoyo's mom was planning to engage her to this man twice her age when she came back from Hong Kong!, Sakura remembered. And she knew Tomoyo was thinking of that future arranged marriage. “Don't you have any idea I just got off the phone with your future fiancé, telling him I would arrange an engagement party for you two!?” Sonomi nearly shouted. Her words stunned Eriol and Syaoran. Eriol looked at Tomoyo, She's engaged?, he thought. Tomoyo bit her lip again, feeling Eriol's confusion. She glared at her mother and said clearly. “I'm not a child anymore, Mother! I can choose whoever I want to marry and some old fart that I've never even met is not in my thoughts for a fiancé!”
“No more!” Sonomi shrilled. “You're going to marry Gabriel whether you like it or not, Tomoyo!”
“NO!” Tomoyo yelled. She stood up and pointed at Eriol. “I love this man and he's the one I want to marry!!”
Tomoyo's words knocked the wind out of Eriol, leaving him speechless. She wants to marry me?, he thought. “You agree with me, don't you, Sakura?” Sonomi asked Sakura. Sakura shook her head and stood up also. “No, Sonomi! You can't force Tomoyo to marry someone she doesn't love!! It's not fair to Tomoyo!” she cried.
Sonomi's eyes flared in anger and raised her hand and was about to strike Tomoyo when Eriol reacted and stopped her. Sonomi stared at him in shock. Eriol gave her an icy look. “Tomoyo will marry to the man she chooses and it's within your position as a parent to pick who she marries.” He said coldly. Syaoran also rose to his feet. “He's right! Eriol and Tomoyo love each other!” he looked at Sakura and smiled. “Just I love Sakura and she loves me.”
Sakura smiled at him and the glared at Sonomi. “No more Sonomi! My mom would've been disappointed in you!!”
Sakura's cold statement hit home, Sonomi stood frozen. “Let's get outta here!” Eriol said as he took Tomoyo's hand and led to the door. “Yeah, think about it, Sonomi.” Sakura said and followed Syaoran out the door.
The gang returned to the hotel after the blowup at Tomoyo's mansion and were all gathered in Syaoran and Sakura's room. Tomoyo looked down at her folded hands in her lap, too scared to look at Eriol. “I.......I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my mother's plans for an arranged marriage, Eriol. Please forgive me.” she said softly. Sakura and Syaoran sat on the chairs by the little table while Eriol and Tomoyo sat on their bed. Eriol gently laid his hand over her, making Tomoyo look at him. “It's all right, Tomoyo.” he smiled at her. “I understand why you didn't say anything; you wanted to find your own groom, not marry the one your mother wanted you to marry. I love you still and I would consider myself the luckiest guy in the world if you were to be my wife.”
Tomoyo gasped, tears filling her lilac eyes. “Oh Eriol!” she threw her arms around him. “I want to marry you!!” she cried happily.
Sakura smiled at Syaoran as the two were hugging. “I'm glad it worked out well. I was getting worried Eriol would drop Tomoyo after hearing about the planned engagement.” she sighed. “Glad to be proven wrong.”
Syaoran chuckled. “Eriol's not like that. When he finds a problem, he works it out.”
Sakura nodded in agreement. “Yes, and that's why Tomoyo loves him.” She smiled. Tomoyo pulled away and gasped. “Oh yeah! Sakura, don't you remember!? Your birthday's next week!!”
Eriol and Syaoran stared at Sakura with wide eyes. Sakura slapped a hand against her forehead. “Shit, I completely forgot! April 1st is next Friday!!” she cried.
“Your..........birthday????” Eriol and Syaoran said at the same time.
Yay! Chapter 9's up! Okay, there's this story I'm making called “In Love and War” and I might be posting up the prologue soon and Warriors of the Night will continue but in a slower pace than Watashi no mi Sakura since this story gets more reviews! Merry late Xmas to all!
Oyasumi Nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^