Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bliss ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~**~ Konichiwa minna-san!!! This is the last chapter to this! ^^ Yay! I finally finished it. Arigatou for reading!!

Oh yeah! A little warning! The end of this chapter is rated R… just to let you know… don't wanna get yelled at for not giving a warning! Ja ne!

Wedding Bliss

Chapter Five:

As they re-entered the room, Sakura ran over to Tomoyo and embraced her in a brief hug.
"Are you okay?" she asked her worriedly.
"Hai. I'm fine." Tomoyo replied, forcing a smile. Sakura smiled back. "Let's just pretend that never happened and go on with the reception." She said taking Eriol's hand and leading him back to their table. Sakura went up to the mic.
"Konichiwa again minna-san. The bride says to forget about what happened earlier and to have a good time… soo… if everyone is done with their speeches… let's go on to the cake!"
"Cake!!" Kero exclaiming, jumping out of seemingly nowhere.
"Kero-chan!" Sakura exclaimed. Tomoyo laughed. Grinning mischievously, she stood up and went around to the other side of the table. Eriol saw the grin and knew she was up to something. She picked up the knife for the cake, pretended she was going to cut it but shoved the whole thing onto Eriol. The cake splattered all over him and the only part of him not covered in cake was his feet. He sat there blinking in confusion while everyone else laughed.
"You ruined a perfectly good cake!" Kero sobbed in disbelief. Tomoyo grinned at her husband's confused face. Finally recovering, he got up and chased Tomoyo around the room. Tomoyo shrieked and took off running the best she could in her dress. Everyone continued laughing as Eriol chased her out the door.

On the beach!!!! ^^

Tomoyo ran until she had reached the shore. Not wanting to get her dress wet, she stopped and turned to face Eriol who came up behind her grinning. She laughed at the sight of her cake-covered husband. He slowly advanced towards her.
"Don't you dare!" she warned between her giggles.
"Oh, but I do…" he said stepping up to her. He pushed her backwards into the water and tried to back away, but she caught his arm and drug him down with her.
"Eriol!" she scolded as she got her head above the water, which went up to her shoulders. He came up in front of her grinning, the cake washed off him.
"That's what you get." He told her, leaning in to kiss her. She splashed water at him. "Oi!" he exclaimed, splashing her back. They got into a water fight that lasted about fifteen minutes. When it had ended, Eriol pulled her close to him and kissed her. She returned the kiss.

A little curious as to where the newly-weds had disappeared to, everyone from the reception moved outside to find them making out in the water. The two were too caught up in each other to notice the crowd that had begun to observe them. After a few minutes, someone whistled at them, catching their attention. They broke apart quickly and both turned a bright shade of crimson.
"Hey you two! Whacha doin? Ditching the rest of the reception and moving on to the honeymoon?" Sakura called out, grinning. They came out of the water, both dripping wet. It was then that Tomoyo realized that her wedding dress was soaking wet.
"Argh! Good thing I have a change of clothes!" she said. The crowd broke ulp and went back inside. Tomoyo went to her dressing room to change with Eriol following behind her.
"Can't I help you change?" he asked, grinning. She laughed.
"No way!" she told him. "Besides, you wouldn't be much help anyway." She shut the door and locked it. Eriol grinned to himself.
"Ha! She thinks she can lock me out? I'm not a powerful sorcerer for no reason!" he used his magic to unlock the door and opened it. Tomoyo was not surprised.
"I figured you'd do that. She told him grinning. She found the change of clothes she had brought just in case and started to change. The dress wasn't as dressy as her wedding gown, but it would do. "You're just going to have to be wet." She told him teasingly. He grinned and moved to hug her. She stepped back. "Don't touch me! You're all we and I don't have another change of clothes!"
"What about me?" he asked. "Do I have to freeze to death?"
"Yup." She said. Grinning she pulled out the extra tux she had brought and tossed it at him. He caught it, stuck his tongue out at her and changed. Tomoyo walked over to the table where there was a mirror and her make-up. She ran a brush through her wet, waist-length hair and fixed her make-up. By the Eriol had finished changing.
"Alright." Tomoyo said. "Let's try this again… for the third time." Eriol laughed and took her arm and led her out.

Back out with Everyone else!

The next few hours of the reception went on without too much incident. The couple had opened their wedding gifts. They had received many useful things for the two of them and Tomoyo had received a few useful things to wear on their honeymoon. After that, Tomoyo and Eriol enjoyed their first dance as a married couple. Then the dancing was open to anyone and wine and food was served. After Sakura and Tomoyo were tired from all the dancing they had done with Syaoran and Eriol, they challenged each other to a duel. It was a duel to see who could drink the most glasses of wine without getting totally wasted. Eriol and Syaoran had been a little skeptical about it, but allowed the girls to do it after they had promised to let them supervise. Tomoyo stopped after getting a little tipsy on her third glass, not wanting to end up forgetting what happened later that night between her and Eriol. After five glasses and clearly being drunk, Syaoran made Sakura stop.
"Good thing the reception will be over soon." Syaoran commented as he kept a close eye on his drunk girlfriend who was laughing loudly with a tipsy Tomoyo. Eriol laughed.
"Good thing." Both of them kept an eye on the two girls making sure they didn't get themselves into trouble. Eriol turned to Syaoran to talk to him for a second, both taking their eyes off the two girls for a minute. When they looked back at them, they were gone.
"Damnit!" Syaoran cursed, looking around for them frantically. "Where the hell could they have gone to in just a few minutes?"
"I have no clue." Syaoran got up and took off one way to look for them, while Eriol went the opposite way. They met yup about fifteen minutes later with no luck Syaoran was beginning to get pissed off. Suddenly Sakura came running up to Eriol, thinking he was Syaoran and kissed him.
"I love you Syao-chan!" she said breaking away from him and twirling around in circles. Eriol stared at her. Tomoyo giggled.
"You just kissed my husband! Tee hee!" Tomoyo said. Syaoran stopped Sakura from spinning around.
"I'm Syaoran! You just kissed Eriol-kun!" he told her, a little pissed off.
"Oh." She giggled. "Okay." She kissed him. "There, all better now!" She tried to pull away from him but he held onto her tightly. (The credit for whole Tomoyo and Sakura drunk thing goes to Nicki! ^^)
"Oh no. You're not going anywhere." He told her.
"Aww… Syao-chan? Onegai? (spelling?)" She pleaded. He shook his head.
"Nope. You're staying right here." Meanwhile, Eriol was having similar problems with Tomoyo.
"You were just fine a minute ago." He told her. "You only had three glasses right?"
"Uh… nope!" she giggled again. "Sakura and I found some more!"
"Greaaaat…." Eriol commented as he looked over at Syaoran.
"Right now, I think we should knock them unconscious." He said. Eriol laughed, then shook his head.
"I couldn't do that." He replied. "The reception's almost over, so let's just hold onto them until it's over.

After the Reception!!!!

"Uh… my head." Tomoyo moaned. She and Eriol had returned to their apartment they got two weeks before their wedding about four hours earlier. (AHH!!! Writing w/ an orange pen is VERY blinding! ^^) Tomoyo had recovered okay from being drunk, but Sakura ended up passing out on the walk home, so Syaoran had had to carry her home. Tomoyo luckily made it back okay and abruptly flung herself into the middle of their bed and instantly fell asleep. She didn't even bother to change. Now she was awake and had a headache.
"You probably won't be doing that again any time soon, ne love?" he asked her, chuckling a little. He mocked fear as she cast a glare at him, which made her laugh.
"Tsk Tsk. The almighty sorcerer is afraid of his wife." She teased.
"Am not." He defended, closing the gap between them. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him.
"Prove it." She whispered.
"I'll take that challenge." He replied deliberately keeping his lips centimeters from hers. She tried to move forward to kiss him, but he pulled back teasingly. "Hmm… maybe we should watch a movie instead." She gave him an incredulous look.
"Nani??!!" she cried. "I don't think so!" he grinned.
"You sure about that? I have the greatest movie… Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail. (Credits to whoever made/owns that movie!! Don't sue me for using it ^^)
"Mou...! Hiiragizawa-san!" she scolded harshly. Eriol winced.
"Ouch. Alright, you win." He leaned forward and kissed her lips, gently at first, then more deeper. She kissed him back with all the passion she had. She felt his hands move up her back to find the zipper that kept her dress on her slim body. After unzipping the dress, he pulled the sleeves of it off her arms and pulled the rest of it off her, leaving nothing on her except for her undergarments. He pushed her back onto the bed and lay down on tope of her, careful not to put his full weight on her. He moved his lips from hers to her neck as she unbuttoned his shirt. When she finished she tossed it to the ground then unbuttoned and removed his pants leaving him with only his boxers on. When he fumbled with the clasp to her bra she giggled.
"You had this problem the first time we did this." She teased.
"Oh hush." He teased back, shutting her up by covering her mouth with his. A few minutes later he had finally gotten it undone. She moaned softly as he kissed her breasts. After a couple minutes of this he quieted her cries of pleasure by pressing his lips firmly against hers. He then removed her panties as she removed his boxers. Finally free of their clothing, he entered her body causing her to moan a mixture of pleasure and pain into his mouth. As the night wore on the two made love for the first time as a married couple. Their souls and hearts would be forever combined as one.

The End!!!

Well, that's it! Thank you all sooooo much for reading!

And special thanks to Joanne, Christina Liang, Rukawa Kaeko, Lady Rapidash, and Ceaira for reviewing!

Now I need another Tomoyo and Eriol idea! Muahahah! I'll let ya know if I come up with one! Ja ne minna-san!!
