Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ What A Birthday Present!!! ❯ Syaoran's 21st Birthday! ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What A Birthday Present!
Hey! This is just a one-shot. (Maybe could become a story, I don't know yet! Sorry!) Hope you like it! ^_^
`' Thoughts
** Special or emphasises words
(…) and BOLD is ME!
This is in Normal and Syaoran's POV (point of view)! Oh, and it's a `hot' romance /comedy! Enjoy! ^_^
Summary: Syaoran gets a *surprise* birthday gift he'll never forget, only he doesn't know yet….
The stars kept twinkling outside Syaoran Li's HUGE office window, as he regarded the silver watch counting down to his 21st birthday…. The end of July 12th was coming….
------------------------------------Syaoran's POV---------------------------------------------------
“Yes… six… five… four… three… two… one… ZERO! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY SYAORAN LI!” I called out to the velvet black night with its starlights shiny brightly at me. I smiled. I was now twenty one and the new LEADER of the Li Clan, and its companies that where proudly the BIGGEST in the world.
But… with out love… I pushed that thought away.
I sat at my designer mahogany desk and packed my work away. It was midnight and I was work! What the FUCK is wrong with me?! I started clearing away, when I heard a knock on my office door.
“Come on in.” I voiced boringly at the door. I guess I haven't complete pushed away a certain thought about love. Shit.
The door opened to reveal…. “HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY SYAORAN!” Two of my best friends came waltzing through the door, with boxes and bars of chocolate in their arms. The Hiiragizawas came through the doors, and were all bubbly. I grinned darkly. Well, I guess that's the way `all bubbly and shit' you'll be if you MARRIED your true love!
Yea, Eriol and Tomoyo fell in love! They got married in top of that! CAN - YOU - BELIEVE - IT?! NO! Well, they DID! Eriol was twenty and Tomoyo was nineteen. I was his best man and Sakura was Tomoyo's maid of honour. It was a really nice wedding, well if you have Tomoyo as the designer!
Anyway, they both looked so happy and evil right now… something was up their sleeves I can feel it. “Thanks guys.” I gave them a very sarcastic smile. But they surprisingly brushed it off, throwing all the chocolate down on my huge desk.
“Syaoran, what are you doing here?! Go home now!” Eriol started to act crossly, but I knew he was joking.
“Yea, Syaoran why are you here? It's your birthday, you shouldn't be here!” Tomoyo joined Eriol's act. I hate them! Ganging up on me, huh? I'll show you! (o.O! Meow! Go Syaoran!)
“No guys. I got loads of work to do, like changing the files to mine and….” I give them a very long list of work that I had to do. Great. Way to go and show them, Syaoran. You fucking idiot!
Their faces fell for a second and sweat dropped, when Tomoyo face brightened up. I knew I was missing something here, I just knew it!
“Syaoran! Come on! Today is your birthday! Your 21st birthday! You should just chill out… at home.” I looked at her suspiciously. She changed her angles on things. “I mean… Eriol and me… yea! Eriol and me will take care of everything today that you needn't be here! You have been working so hard lately. You look very tired. And as your Head Of Design, Beauty, Textiles, and anything else… I recommend that you take this day off.” She finish looking kind, but dead serious. I knew now that I can't play around. Damn.
“And I agree with my wife one hundred percent, plus the addition of magic.” Eriol wrapped his arms around Tomoyo's waist lightly, making a ting of jealously hit my heart. Bastard. I wish I could wrap my arms around someone. You all know who I am taking about.
“Fine. I'll go, just make sure everything runs smoothly. Let no one come in my office, alright? I got some important documents in here, which I need to finish them. I will leave everything locked, yea?” When I stupidly voiced my sudden thought. “Where's Sakura?”
They both grinned. Idiots. “I sent her to an emergency photo shoot. The model that was supposed to do the pictures got held back at the airport to come here. So I told Sakura to go and fill it in.” Tomoyo was explaining innocently at me. Innocently I say? Yea, right!
“Err… right. I guess I'll see her tomorrow then. I'll see you guys tomorrow, as you said I'm not coming in at all today again.”
They both nodded at me in agreement, so I just grabbed the chocolate and threw my coat on. I reached for my car keys and begin to walk out.
When they both said. “Good luck, Syaoran!” I turned around, with my eyebrow raised to the heavens.
“Thanks… I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, guys.” And I walked out of my office and went to my car.
-----------------------------Normal POV: Back In Syaoran's Office----------------------
“God! I hope it works Eriol! It would be so….” Tomoyo burst with excitement.
“Tomoyo don't say it PLEASE!” Eriol pleaded with his love.
“KAWAII!” Eriol just sweat dropped. (`Kawaii!' means `Cute!' Lol! ^_^)
“Yea, I'm sure it will work, don't worry dearest love.” Eriol kissed his wife on the cheek.
They both walked out and Eriol locked Syaoran's office with magic, before pulling his wife into his own office seductively.
--------------------------------------Syaoran's POV-------------------------------------------------
Twenty minutes later… I finally got home and parked the car. Wow. I got out fed up with my fucking tired and unloved state. And it was freezing cold out here! I hurried to my front door.
My mansion, yea MY MANSION was really warm inside, but I still felt cold. Bugger. I walked towards the kitchen as the front door closed behind me. Opening the fridge, I placed all the chocolate in because it was melting against my chest. Crap.
I stole two bars though and started to munch my life away on them. I sighed, feeling the chocolate melt in my mouth. It felt so good, also heavenly.
I walked out of the kitchen and went to lock everywhere up. Because you know what? I'm going to bed, that's what! I'm so exhausted and well, I'm going to sleep all day long! Its my birthday anyway, so what better way to spend a lonely birthday then sleeping, huh? Ha! I'm such a genius sometimes.
I grinned at my genius-ness (Is that even a word? o.O!) and walked upstairs satisfied with myself. Marching into my bedroom, I removed my coat, and threw it on a chair. I locked my door behind my body.
The deep green masculine walls shone with moonlight as I walked out into the balcony, eating my chocolate gift. (Remember it's like midnight, or a few minutes passed it! ^_^)
I looked out and signed. Being twenty one is great, yet its nothing without the one you love. Yes, people I'm in love. Can you believe it? Syaoran Li in love? And for how many years you ask? Eleven years. Don't blame me! Blame my heart and soul for that matter! Idiots. So why haven't I told her you ask? Well… I…. Hey, I don't need to answer you lot! I'm going to bed!
Finishing my second bar of chocolate with ease, I yawned lightly. I looked at the moon smiling down at me, telling me I should tell her. I smiled back but in a sadly fashion, and answered back…. “I can't because I'm too scared of what will happen. I'm a coward when it came to my true feelings….” There. Your question answered, happy now?
I angrily sighed and walked back in my bedroom, slamming the balcony doors shut and locking them. Well, it's fucking cold out there! I slowly was pulling the curtains shut, when I heard something that made me turned around abruptly.
My breath got caught somewhere in my throat. My body went rigid, and tense. My eyes were super glued to where I looked. And I froze.
“Syaoran…” A heavenly sexy voice whispered. It rooted me on spot.
My eyes fell on the person who spoke my name. She was displayed on my ever large green - SHIT! - now black satin bed. Her body was bare except the fact she only wore a black, cherry blossom embroidered bra and panties. Did I just say bra and panties? (The readers nod fanatically to your question, Syaoran!) SHIT! FUCK! FUCKITY - FUCK! HOLY SHIT! I meant sexy, oh fucking hell, damn hot sexy underwear! NO! I meant underwear! I meant JUST underwear! DAMNMIT!
Her forest green eyes look me up and down, sending chills down my spine. I couldn't move. The beautiful woman spilled from my bed and so seductively swayed her curvy hips up to me.
Sakura was now standing right in front of me and looked straight into my eyes. I was motionless. She just looked at me, making me utterly powerless. God knows if she knew what she was doing to me! Fuck.
“Syaoran…” She mouthed into a whisper. I was so bloody tense, seriously I couldn't move. My name sounded so good coming from her lips like that. It made me feel so strong, yet so goddamn weak!
At last I found my voice. It was all I could muster since she was just standing here like she was in love with me. But that's fucking ridiculous!
“Sa… Sa… Sakura - ” I stuttered out but got cut off as Sakura's precious soft lips fastened over mine. While her hands stole themselves tightly around my neck.
My eyes snapped shut and I staggered backwards trying desperately not to touch her at all. My poor back slammed against my wall hard. DAMNMIT! Thanks, to the daft Author! (Hey! >_<!) I moaned out in pain, but all Sakura did was press herself into me more. I felt her bra covered breasts press against my hard chest and I began to panic. Oh, how I wished I could take that bra off and… SHUT THE FUCK UP SYAORAN!
As she deepen the kiss and swiftly took me to heaven… I felt her leg trying to caress my crotch. I panicked more but my eyes were still clamped shut and my legs snapped together, which closed her from me.
Sakura frowned in the sweet heated kiss she gave me. I didn't want to take advantage of her. OH! MY FUCKING GOD! HOW CAN I RESIST THIS?! She still pushed into me even more and rubbed her thighs against mine, I shivered. My arms were just stayed far away from her. They were resisting holding her like hot chocolate, and it was agonizing!
Knowing that I wasn't responding, she unlocked her beautiful now swollen lips from my swollen hard lips and pulled me towards the bed. Oh, man…. Panic was written all over my face. She turned me around easily, like as if I was paper because my power and self-control now was drained. I was facing her. Dumb fucking crap… SELF CONTROL!
With some force she push me onto my bed and literally jumped onto top of me. Her lips yet again locked onto mine, working furiously. I was so stunned. Still I didn't respond, my arms kept right away from her… I was determined.
Her gorgeous body fully pressed against mine as she held me in her ever so soft arms. I felt so shocked at this kissing wrestling match. My mind was blank, how can I think?! Don't you look at me like that! Put yourself in this fucking position AND SEE IF YOU CAN DO!
As her lips pressed wetly against mine, her tongue trying to access my mouth. But again I didn't let her enter. I didn't want her to… didn't want her to??? AM I CRAZY??? I DIDN'T WANT HER TO??? SCREW THAT! I REALLY WANTED HER TO! AND SHE WAS! SO WHY??? WHY??? WHY??? WHY!!!
Why didn't I let her… why didn't I kiss her back? Why didn't I hold her? Why didn't I respond to her as she threw herself at me? Why did I want to stop this…?
I can answer that… I… I don't know if she… if she loves me.
As I screamed these thoughts into my mind, I felt her hands fidgeting with my shirt buttons. Did I just say… my shirt buttons? OH! FUCKING HELL! HELP ME!
Sakura was trying to open my shirt! My shirt wanted to open for her as she succeed in getting half of them open still kissing me! My rock hard chest was now exposed as she pulled my black shirt off my board shoulders and down my tense arms. Oh, man….
She pulled it off me and threw it out of her way. It floated lifelessly to the floor as her body now pressed against my naked upper body. Oh, I felt myself harden as her skin touched and rubbed against mine. OH! SHIT! FUCKING SHIT! WHAT DO I DO???
She moaned against me, and I nearly give in. NO! I CAN'T! So I tried to relax but that kiss was draining all my energy. That kiss was so wet! I… I got more aroused, just… just thinking how would it be inside her. How would it be if she moaned or screamed out my name? How tight, wet and hot would it be if I made love to her? Made… love to her?! WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WAS I THINKING???
Quickly snapping back to reality from the heavens above, I ripped myself away from her and fell off the bed with a dull thud. Sakura fell face down on the bed, and just got up to look at me curiously. She looked hurt! All I do is get away from her as far as I can, backing towards the balcony doors. My cheeks blushed to the darkest of crimson, as I could feel my member trying painfully to get out of my boxers. Oh… fuck…. My breathing became heavy under the pressure.
Sakura just stared at me questioningly. When she got up and walked to me, I thought this time I've lost it. But instead she just sat next to me and placed her small hand on mine softly and watched me. She was waiting for an explanation. What… what can I tell her?
She gazed at my eyes as questions flashed through them and I gulped uneasily. She opened her mouth and closed it again, obviously trying to talk to me. Her golden auburn hair looked so stunning and shiny in the moonlight that twinkled through the balcony doors. It made her look like an angel, but a very naughty angel at the moment. But all I do is just stared back at her, waiting too.
“Syaoran… why… why didn't you let me finish my…. my birthday gift to you?” She asked me looking calm, but still hurt.
My amber eyes grew to the size of Moon as if someone did the impossible, like fly or some fucking crazy thing like that. Fortunately I miraculously found my voice. “Birthday… birthday gift… to me? You mean your birthday gift to me is… is… your… virginity?” I stared at her amazed. All she did was nod and smile gently at me.
I was speechless. Her… her virginity? To me? OH! MY FUCKING GOD! SHE WANTS TO FUCK ME?!?!?! FUCK WITH ME??? LIKE SEX?!?!?!
But did… did she… love me?
“I… Sakura… I'm… I'm… sorry… but… but… I only want to… make love with the… the one that I… I love….” That was the hardest thing I could ever say to her. And in my condition?! YES! MY CONDITION! OH, DON'T GIVE ME THAT FUCKING LOOK! YOU TRY AND BE A MAN WITH A FUCKING ERECTION AND CONFESS YOUR TRUE FEELINGS! GODDAMNMIT! YOU FUCKING FUCKERS!
Sakura faced turned fully to mine. She then, like out of the fucking blue! She smiled so sweetly at me… everything about her seems to light up with happiness! What the heck is going on here? Although the next thing I knew was my heart sopped beating….
“Syaoran… I love you….”
Her voice spread through me like burning electricity. How delicately she spoke those three words to me. My God… did she really say that?
Slowly, her words brought me back to life and I lunged at her! Talk about urgent, hey? Pinning her to the soft floor, I roughly and powerfully kiss her. Well, who wouldn't man?
“Oh, God… Sakura…. I… love… you… too….” I muffled out in between our demanding kiss.
Crashing her lips against mine, I finally gave in. Her swollen lips matched mine as we glued our mouths together. My tongue danced with hers, as I pushed more into her mouth. Exploring her. Searching her. And winning this kissing match. Shit, it was like I was fucking her right then and there! Her wondering hands combed my hair lovingly, although that just made it worse.
My own hands started to explore her body… teasing, caressing and pleasuring her as much as possible. I glazed her soft stomach and hips, making her demand for so much more.
“Syaoran… you taste like… chocolate… oh… I want… want more….”
She moaned in our heavily passionate kiss, as my hands moved to her fabric covered perfect breasts. As you can imagine, I was in a much more bad condition then ever. Desperately, I managed to steal my throbbing red lips from hers, and looked longingly at my neglected bed.
“Want to continue this in a more… comfortable place?” What a stupid question? Of' course she DID!
What made me gather her body into my arms and carry her to my sexy bed, you ask? Lord, it was the so `Sakura' smile she showed to me. I could die for that smile… such a smile that made me insides warm up like blazing fire.
I gently place her on the bed, making her look at me ever so seductively…. Oh, man… I'm so taking her.
“Let me finish birthday gift… Syaoran.”
If that didn't set me on a high adrenaline rush, then I'm not called Syaoran Li! My ears rang with her soft voice, as she being to lick me slowly. Her luxurious tongue traced my tighten jaw line and swollen lips. I moaned as she starts to explore my body, especially when she started rubbing her leg against my crotch.
My boxers were about to rip open, I swear. I muttered out a deep groan from inside. She was arousing me so much in the most unimaginable ways! I never have been pleasured like this in my life!
Sakura saw me in pain. My black jeans and boxers were bloody tight on me now, that I pleaded with her silently. I felt her hand rest on my crotch for a few seconds, and then she grabs me tightly! I let out a pain-staking gasp! Her sweet, innocent smile plays on her features as she massages me. Oh… when will this pleasurable torture end?
I press myself more into her hand as she begins to unzip my rough jeans. Oh, I felt her fingers brush against my member, and I was set in more pain and desire. But I couldn't let go yet. Not now. Not yet.
My jeans were being pulled down to my knees, as I sat up and pulled Sakura against me. She won't be the only one who teases here. I fumble with her bra hook trying to open it quickly. I wanted to give her pleasure too. And I happen to know, being a genius and all. That one of the pleasure-points of women is her breasts. (Now who told him that, eh? ^_^)
The bra slowly slid down her front, and her cheeks turned a beautiful rosy pink. Awww… I love her so much…. My breath grows short as I viewed my love's feminine features… she was perfect! Her form was beautifully curvy and angelic. My eyes widen as I felt my member throbbing like mad! Oh, it fucking KILLS!
Trying… like FUCKING HELL TRYING… to ignore this more arousing episode. I lightly touch her breasts. Oh, My God…. It was like touching soft satin material… I started to caress and squeeze her gently, and her eyes flutter shut. Moans of secret pleasure escape her lips, as things get more pleasurable….
I couldn't control myself anymore. In an instant, my lips fasten over her right breast. Sakura gasps loudly and arches her back, pressing more of her breast into my hot mouth. My tongue slides across her nipple, causing it to go hard with pleasure. I smirked at this. I use my lips to massage and roll her breast in my mouth, making her softly cry out. I plucked softly with my teeth and bite her a bit, she shrieked wanting way more. Removing my lips a little away from her, I blow on the wet area of her breast… her moan was killer, dude.
Not wanting to neglect the left beautiful breast of my love, my hands started to pleasure it. My hand massages and caresses her slowly, as my other hand goes to find a more sensitive area.
Her panties were blocking my way, but that was easy to get around. My fingers slipped pass the band and slowly cupped her womanhood. Sakura purred out loudly, and her arms wrap themselves around my broad shoulders shakily.
“Oh…” My love's lips opened slightly to voice her pleasure.
While my fingers played with her more, the more I got aroused. My fingers found her clit and I slowly drew circles around it. This sent a shuddered of pleasure to erupt through her body, and caused her moan for more.
My lips moved to her plump left breast, giving it the same pleasure treatment as the erect and now red, right breast had…. Sakura drags in her breath, as my fingers stopped caressing her clit, and I slowly push a finger inside her.
And oh, man… it was erotic. It was like touching liquid fire! Sakura instantly tightens around my finger! Her love juice surround this lucky finger of mine, making me snap up to look at her. She began to pant as I added another finger and started to rock into her. She was so tight…. My fingers pushed hard and fast. I felt myself harden more, if that's even fucking possible, putting me now in excruciating pain. Oh, fuck….
Sakura moaned more loudly as I push in more, and more. God, this was so sexual. But now it was her time to have some fun, as she unexpectedly reached in my boxers and grasped my member lightly. I yelped. Slowly and so tauntingly she rubbed along my length. SHIT! And I nearly came! Groans escaped my lips forcefully as she rubbed harder and faster, and I matched her with my own hand rubbing her.
I knew that I had to have her soon. So I ripped my mouth from her breasts, and pulled out my fingers from her opening. Seductively I licked my love juice covered fingers all clean….
“You taste so god damn sweet, Sakura….”
Sakura instantaneously stopped rubbing me, and looked at me, blushing. Then I started my new idea…. I trailed my tongue down her body. Oh, she had no idea what I'm going to do… or did she?
I licked her belly button, making her gazed locked onto me. Perfect. I trailed my tongue down more, until I was sucking on her opening. My fingers pushed in more, trying its best to get more of her love juice flowing out. Finally I decided she needed more `teasing', so quickly I pushed my tongue inside.
Oh… fucking… hell…. She nearly came in my mouth! I slowly slid my tongue in and out as she quickly arched herself against me. My mouth covered her womanhood, and she squealed. Faster and harder I force in, making her breathe difficultly.
She moved her hands to my hair, pulling lightly and she started cried out to me to stop. I push in for a last time and licked my lips. I stared at her, and then loomed over her. She couldn't hold on any more…. She needed me. She wanted me. And I wanted her.
Sakura was beyond the wetness that I originally wanted her to be… I knew I aroused her so badly. I felt I needed to give in…. My desire… to have her….
I moved above her, pushing her legs wider than ever before. I looked into her forest green orbs, asking for my permission. She smiled at me weakly, and her orbs sparkled out lively.
“What do you want…? Tell me….” I asked her full of passion, my voice very husky as I brushed my lips against hers.
She closed her eyes…. And I began grow very impatient….
“Tell me… Sakura….” I waited silently, looking at her whole. My eyes widen as I reached my extent of waiting. My erection for her had come to the finally straw.
“Tell me!” My voice was husky with desire.
“I want… you… I want… you inside me… now….” Her eyes flew open pleading, and demanding.
I only grinned sexily and husked to her. “I'll give you what you want…” She gasped with my boldness in words. (Ooo… ^_^)
With one last look at her…. I slowly push in… and oh, my god… I was too big for her! But it felt so good…. She was so wet, so tight, so hot and so ready for me too…. I pushed in more, feeling extremely happy, but that fucking changed when I met her resistance. Sweat began to shine on my forehead, as I took down an uneasy gulp…. Shit… this is bad…. With one huge thrust that made her scream! I broke through her innocence. Shattered her virginity once and for all…. She was now mine.
Shock slammed through both of us, and Sakura closed her eyes in pain. I hurt her. Tears started to fall from her angel eyes, and I stared at her. I was motionless, apart from the hard kiss I planted on her lips. I will not hurt her for my own pleasure. I love her.
After a minute or two, she broke the kiss and she opened her eyes, staring into mine. She smiled at me, and immediately I bombarded her with my concern questions.
“Are you ok? Did it hurt? Stupid question. But did I hurt you? Should I stop? Err… I mean pull out? I can, don't worry, I surely can - ”
Her lips covered mine and she began to move her hips slowly. I got the message. Basically it is…. SHUT THE HELL UP SYAORAN AND FUCK ME!
There. She `messaged' it, not me. So back to the love making, or fucking… whatever you prefer. I took that kiss as my indication to start, I pulled out slowly… but not all the way out. I was trying to feel the moment of being in her like this. Then I slammed in again with another thrust, and oh… fucking… hell… pleasure surrounded us.
The night continued with a rhythm that became faster, harder and so fucking more pleasurable as I thrust in more. My hips meet hers, making skin rub against skin heatedly. My mouth kissed, sucked, liked, caressed, moaned, yelped, groaned, you name it… all over Sakura's angelic body. She responded to me in the same way… for God's sake… she loved me and now, right now, she was making passionate and tenderly hot sex with me… with only me….
“Syaoran… oh, please… more….” She moaned urgently.
My hips bucked as her hips rocked, and I slammed in harder. Thrust upon thrust became more urgent and more intense. I felt myself losing total control. Fire erupted inside my body, as I made hot love to my Sakura.
Both of us were breathing heavy, and moaned out our love for each other. I never felt so loved or so good in my whole life! Oh, how I regret not telling my Sakura that I loved for the minute I saw her….
I pumped harder, faster, and prayed that this could never stop. Deeper and deeper I reached in, swearing to God that I will reach the unreachable. Praying to God that she'll let me….
My bed started to creak as we rocked harder, and the moans got louder. Our rhythm became faster and more intense as we climaxed.
“More, Syaoran! Please!” God, my love can scream out, no?
I hit my hardest and fastest, using all my energy. I swear… I might not wake up after this. My Sakura captured my body, mind and soul. She felt me grind against her, giving her my all… using my all to give her what she wanted.
Giving all, I thrust in hard one last time, feeling both of us releasing together. We both shouted out each other's name as we finally stopped and I collapse in exhaustion.
Sakura and I panted hard. We tried to regain our breath back… as she slowly rubbed my back. A thin layer of sweat covered us both, but we both didn't care…. We stayed in that position for a while, before I reluctantly pulled out of her, and fell beside her on my satin bed.
Gathering her against me, and kissed her forehead lovingly. She smiled softly at me, and whispered words before falling under the spell of slumber.
“I love you, Syaoran… Happy 21st Birthday, my love….”
I looked at her as she slowly fell under the magic of sleep. I pulled her tightly to me, keeping her warm.
“I love you too my Sakura….”
My whisper made her smile warmly, and she snuggled closely to me…. Wow. Who would have ever known?
…. I would get the love of my life… and… on my birthday…. What A Birthday Present…
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YAY!!! FINISHED!!! I did it! (Not literally! >.<!) But whatever! Anyway, what you think? Tell me the truth because I need to know! I am writing more so…. PLEASE TELL ME!!! Hopefully you guys can give me any ideas? That would be helpful! ^_^ PLEASE R+R!!! =D
Thanks for reading… bye, MzEvilBlossoms xxx ^_^