Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ What Cardcaptor char r u??? ❯ What Cardcaptor char r u??? ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]

What Cardcaptor char r u???

Same rules as the others: Take this quiz to find out what Card captor char you are! Write down your letter as you go on. If you don't want to answer a question- then u don't have to. When u r done the quiz- review and post who you are! This one is not really a joke one… my other ones are better, but you will see a tame joke here and there.

First things first, what are you like?

a) I'm always happy!

b) *hiss* I don't feel like answering questions…

c) I am cheery- but not all of the time.

d) Hyper- I'm hungry…

e) I'm competitive.

Okay, what are your interests in love?

a) Anyone is fine- as long as they are loyal and sweet.

b) My love life is confusing… I have a crush on my rival, cousin, and a guardian!

c) I love my best friend! She is so kawaii! Gender does not matter at all.

d) Food? Nah- I'm not interested in love…

e) I'm very loyal to one person and only them!

What do you think about Kero?

a) He is very helpful!

b) I don't see the point in being a friend with a stuffed animal… it is kinda like an imaginary friend…

c) He is cute. I like to see him happy- I make treats for him all of the time!

d) He is the best thing ever!!! The handsome beast with golden eyes- he is so strong and powerful! Don't call him cute, even if he has an adorable personality!

e) He is overwhelmed about himself. I hate stuffed animals…

Do you believe in magic?

a) I do now! It is not a toy.

b) I've been practising it my whole life- how could I not?

c) It is cool- even if I don't have any magic myself.

d) It was how I was created.

e) In a way… It never works for me!

What do you think about camping? (NOOOO!!! Not this again. Ok-ok…) What about theme parks?

a) They are the best!!!

b) I have better things to do…

c) They are fun!

d) I love them… But I have to hide myself all of the time… *mumbles off*

e) I'm not a chicken. I'll try every ride there!!!

Um… man- I'm running out of questions… So- what about video games?

a) They are fun!

b) I never played one.

c) I watch- but I'll never be good at it myself.

d) VIDEO GAMES!!! Where???? Must… beat… score!!!!!

e) I don't play them much- but I'm sure I'm good at it!

What two words explain your life?

a) Sweet, joyful

b) Confusing, distant

c) Rich, wealthy

d) Long, complicated

e) Short, complex

What animal would you be?

a) A cute bunny rabbit

b) A wolf

c) A domestic cat

d) A loin!

e) A fox

What is your favourite weapon???

a) My cards

b) My sword! :D

c) I don't have a weapon… um… my pepper spray?

d) My magic! Burn!!! BURN!!!!

e) My fists- don't get me mad!

What is your favourite colour? (out of the list)

a) Pink

b) Green

c) Blue

d) Orange

e) Red

I know I know… there are not much questions or jokes- but I'm too lazy to finish it. I might make another one if I feel like it.





















Now count up your score…





















If you had mostly…

A u r Sakura

B u r Li

C u r Madison/Tomoyo

D u r Kero

E u r Meilin