Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ What's The True Meaning of Christmas? ❯ Sonomi's Plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own CCS. I DO own a Kacheek (Starlight285), a Shoyru (Firelight285), a JubJub (Moonlight285), and a Kau (Sunlight285). I also have a shop called NeoDelights. I have a Neohome at 4073 Guild Street. If you are a Neopets person, you will know what I mean and (hopefully) check out my shop. If you aren't, go to It's a cool site!!!!!!! Check it out, it's great!!! Oh, BTW, CCS belongs to CLAMP. (I got a LITTLE off subject, didn't I? -_-')

AN: I've never watched CCS in Japan, only the Final Judgement and the Earthy Card one. Sorry if some people are OOC and if I used some names wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What is the Meaning of Christmas?

Anyone would looked at her or knew a little about her would have thought she had the perfect life, that she was Miss Perfect. She was kind. She was a gentle and warm person. She was sweet, tenderhearted. She was the perfect friend. She wasn't like some people, who were angels on the outside, devil on the inside. No, she was sweet and wonderful all the way to her core. She was gifted with the ability to sing. Her voice was high and sweet, soft and gentle. Her laughter was like the wind. She was rich, VERY rich, but not snobby about it. She had a HUGE mansion. She was an innocent girl, but definitely not naive. You could tell just by looking at her that she was mature beyond her age. She was also pretty, no, gorgeous. She had silky blackish-greyish hair to her waist, a pale and creamy complexion, and big, purple eyes that drew you in and a great figure that got half the young male population in Tomoeda trying to impress her. Her name is Daidouji Tomoyo.

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He was kind and gentle. He was a sweet and sensitive boy. He always smiled and was cheerful. He looked smart and was probably even smarter. Having magic is a plus. He was cute, too. He had dark, dark blue hair and blue eyes. You could tell by his eyes that he too, was wise beyond his (apparent) age. He had glasses, but that only made him look more sensitive, more sweet, more kind, more wise. He spews out lies like a factory spews out smoke, that's true, but he had such an angelic and innocent look on his face that everyone believed him. He's also quite a charmer and flatterer. He was always calm and collected about things. He is also quiet, but not shy. It was hard to tell if his face held his true emotions, but then, maybe that was what he intended, as part of his plan. His name is Hiiragizawa Eriol.

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Tomoyo sighed. The mall was overflowing with people. It was expected, of course. It WAS the holiday season. `Tis the season to be jolly. She was just frustrated. She needed to find presents for her friends. She spent half the time she had already spent in the mall shoving through crowds.

So far, she had a Guiness Book of World Records for Yamazaki-kun, though she knew he would just change them into even bigger lies. It was SUPPOSED to inspire him to stop lying, but she knew it wouldn't work. She had a very cute stuffed animal for Chiharu-chan, which she knew she had wanted, but it was too expensive for her to buy. She had a book of ghost stories for Naoko-chan, and a beautiful golden bracelet for Rika-chan.

She looked at the last three people on her list. Sakura, Li-kun, and Hiiragizawa-kun. She knew what to give Sakura. A new dress, one for special occasions. It would be a pale pink silk dress, she decided. It would have cherry blossom embroidery on the skirt part. Pale pink velvet ribbons that tie together into a bow on the back. It would have spaghetti straps and the top would be plain. 'Hopefully a dress which would make Li-kun's turn as red as a nice, healthy tomato. Ohohoho!!' Tomoyo thought.

She decided to make Li-kun a special occasion suit, green, of course. 'They can wear them together!! Like a couple!!! Ohohohoho!! They would be so KAWAII!!' She could never admit to anyone else that she loved Sakura-chan very much and didn't TRULY want Li-kun and Sakura-chan together. But like she said, Sakura-chan's happiness was her happiness...

It was hard to decide what to get Hiiragizawa-kun. What was she supposed to give him, a book of ancient spells? 'If I did, he would probably already know half of them.' She decided on giving him a new outfit too. Maybe a dark blue one... it would certainly match him nicely. His battle outfit was blue too, and though it looked a little strange, it did look nice on him...

It was always like this every year. She got presents for her friends, they got presents for her. They would all go somewhere on Christmas, and her mother would have a huge party, and Tomoyo would be the only child there. Everyone else would be grown-ups from her mom's business exclaiming over either how cute she was, or how much she looked like her mom, or how much she had grown. BORING!!!!!!! Tomoyo sighed again.

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Eriol sighed. Another year alone. Well, not alone, he DID have Spinel and Ruby Moon, but it just wasn't the same. He never really had friends, it was kind of hard to make friends that were about 4000 years younger than you. He was just a loner type of person. Mysterious. With no one knowing much about him. His true self, his real life.

Christmas was fun with Ruby Moon and Spinel, watching Nakuru chase Spinel all over the house, but then, that happened every day. It was either she wanted to give him a bath, or give him some sugar, or have him taste her food, none of which he wanted to do.

He was interrupted in his thoughts when the phone rang. He picked it up, and answered the caller with "yes's" and "hai's" several times. At one part, he widened his mouth to a smile that the caller couldn't see, but if the caller had, the caller would have fallen in love with it immediately. He said goodbye after the conversation and hung up. He chuckled slightly. The caller had been Sonomi. Maybe Christmas won't be so lonely this year...

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Sonomi called everyone, hoping they could all make it. She tapped her fingernails against the table nervously. She felt guilty because her daughter, though surrounded by people, was lonely on Christmas. She had called Tomoyo's friends on Christmas, but almost everyone was busy.

This year, she had finally managed to get Nadeshiko's adorable children and, argh, Fujitaka. She had agreed for a day of peace with him, for her daughter. She had also invited two of Tomoyo's school friends: Li Syaoran and Hiiragizawa Eriol.

Syaoran was polite, but a little gruff. If she recalled exactly, he was the one head over heels (AN: I never got that saying. Your head is over your heels normally anyway!!! Shouldn't it be something like heels over head?!) for Sakura, at least, that was what Tomoyo said. Tomoyo had sounded a little sad when she said that...

Eriol had sounded so polite and kind. He was also quite handsome, she had seen him before. She wondered if he was single and available for her daughteras she sipped her tea thoughtfully. She silently chuckled at the thought. She had also invited Tomoyo's friends Yamazaki, Chiharu, Rika, and Naoko, but they were all busy. She just hoped they could keep a secret . It was a surprise. After all, with only a week `till Christmas, excitement was contagious...

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AN: Is it good? Is it bad? Review please!!! Along with some ideas for the next chapter...
I decided to make Nakuru a girl, for people who noticed the 'she's' and were going to flame me about it.

I think I went a little overboard in the beginning. You think?