Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ What's The True Meaning of Christmas? ❯ The Oblivious and The Gullible ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS, CLAMP does, but hey, if you want to give the characters to me, I'll gladly take them!!!
AN: Thank you for all the people who reviewed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it's only 10 reviews actually, but since I only got 2 reviews the 1st chapters, it's a big difference! Arigato to Moon Angels and animegirl18 for reviewing both my chapters!!!!!! Arigato also to Silver Hawk for the tip!!!!! I thought I was using too many AN's, but..... oh well. This chapter is dedicated to you three!!!! (Enough with the exclaimation marks, no?)

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What is the True Meaning of Christmas?

Tomoyo was never so embarrassed in her life. She couldn't BELIEVE that, of all the people in Tomoeda, it HAD to be Eriol-kun that found her. Why, why, why, cruel world? He was the only person who saw her hatred of Li-kun. No, not hate for HIM, but hate for the fact he loved HER, and she loved him back. He was the only one who saw her pain on her cheerful face. He was the only one who saw through her facade, her mask. He was the only one who saw her. The real her. Without the facade, completely in pain. She resented him for that. No, she didn't hate him. She didn't think ANYONE could hate Hiiragizawa. He was too cheerful, too happy. Yet he wasn't. She was the only one to see the real him, like the way he saw the real her. He was just an average boy that was just a little more cheerful than the average, normal person. He had a little pleasure in torturing Li-kun than the normal person. But otherwise, he was an average guy. Right? Wrong. He was the reincarnation of Clow Reed. And that, was definitely not normal. No matter how hard he tried to be, he would be different from others always.

After her crying fest, she returned home, only going in after her eyes weren't red anymore, thinking to pass the time. In fact, it was her whole face that was red. She remembered the embarrassing scene like it was yesterday. Of course, it was less than 15 minutes ago.

When she thought about Eriol's look on his face when she told him to call her Tomoyo was... she blushed. She felt a strange fluttering in her heart whenever she thought about Eriol now. It was so strange yet familiar... like what she felt when ever she saw... 'Sakura.' Tomoyo eyes widened as she recognized the familiar feeling. 'No! It can't be! I don't feel that way about Eriol-kun!' she thought. 'Oh, yeah? Then how come you are now calling him ERIOL-KUN instead of Hiiragizawa?' her other side of her mind said. 'Shut up! He just comforted me! It was nothing more!!! I needed to do something to ease the awkwardness!!!' 'Yeah right!' the annoying part of her mind retorted. 'God, I can't believe I'm arguing with myself!' 'There's a first time for everything!' Tomoyo managed to shove the annoying part of her brain out of her thoughts. 'It's not like I'm in love with him! Or am I? NO, I'm not! I love Sakura-chan, even though she loves another.' she blushed again.

All this she was thinking while she was eating at the dinner table. Sonomi, being an observant person like her daughter, caught the constantly changing expressions on Tomoyo's face. She counted: anger, embarrassment, which changed to utter humiliation, shame, helplessness, annoyance, fear, and affection. She also saw an increasing blush on her daughter's face. Sonomi smiled. It seemed like her daughter was thinking of someone. She knew Tomoyo's feelings for Sakura a long time now, but it didn't seem to be her that her daughter was thinking about. For one thing, Tomoyo's eyes ALWAYS got starry when thinking of Sakura, whether the thoughts be happy or depressing.

Tomoyo decided to shift her thoughts. Battling with herself was tiring. She changed her mind to one of her favorite topics. She thought of new outfits she could make for Sakura-chan for Christmas. Quoting Sakura, 'HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Sonomi looked at her daughter again. She saw the look on her face. Yep, she was thinking of Sakura. The eye check never failed. She could feel a small sweatdrop forming on the back of her head.

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"HOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sakura barreled into class the next day, thinking she was late. "I'm sorry sensei, I was up all last night and I couldn't get and the alarm didn't--" Everyone in the classroom stared at her. Apparently, she thought she was late, but was actually pretty early today. All the students already there were talking until a LOUD shout of "HOE!!!!" interrupted them. It was one of the few things that actually got them to quiet down. Everyone started talking again though, after the loud and unexpected shock faded.

Tomoyo smiled at her best friend. It was a genuine smile. Lately, she had been smiling and carrying on fakely. The scene was too amusing to not truely smile at. Everyone, gaping at Sakura, Sakura, a blank face with dotted eyes, and a humonguous sweatdrop, her feet frozen at the doorway. She giggled and saw that Sakura noticed this and she giggled also. Sakura walked over to her. "Late, Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo giggled again.

"Hoe! Tomoyo, don't remind me! I'm going to KILL Kero-chan when we get home!!!!!! I'm going to stuff him in the drawer. I'm going to delete his video game files. I'm going to bake lots of cakes and eat them in front of him slowly. I'm going to deprive him of sweets for a year!!!!!!!!"

"What did he do?" she smiled, expecting a Kero-chanish act coming on. She wasn't disappointed.

"He woke me up in the middle of a good dream," here Tomoyo noticed a blush on Sakura's face, "and positively SCREAMED at me, 'You're late for school again!!!!!!!!!!!' Naturally, I sprang up and dressed hurriedly. While I was dressing though, I thought Kero-chan was trying to say something but I ignored him. I grabbed a piece of toast, and rushed out the door. I heard something like, 'But, kaijuu, why are you in such a hurry?' I didn't really pay much attention to that until I got here and finally realized I wasn't late." Sakura finished her story. She and Tomoyo giggled girlishly when Tomoyo looked up from her conversation with her friend. She froze when she saw a boy in the doorway. It was the last person she wanted to see: Hiiragizawa Eriol.

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Eriol looked around. Yep, there she was. Tomoyo-san. God, she was beautiful. How come he had never noticed it before?

"Eriol-kun, over here!" Sakura called. Eriol joined them.

"Why, may I ask what two young beautiful ladies were talking about that was so amusing?" he asked charmingly.

"Oh Eriol-kun, you are such a flatterer, though we are beautiful aren't we?" Tomoyo responded. Tomoyo and Sakura immediately starting batting their eyelashes and pretended to brush their hair and looked at themselves in imaginary mirrors. Eriol chuckled. Sakura noticed the use of Eriol-kun instead of Hiiragizawa-kun. She gave Tomoyo a something-happened-and-I'm-going-to-figure-out-what. Tomoyo
and Eriol both saw this and looked innocently at her. They looked at each other for a split second, then turned away, blushing. Sakura noticed this also, and, being the oblivious and dense person she was (AN: Sorry all Sakura fans!), she didn't understand. She decided to talk to Li-kun about this later. It was a puzzle to her. She just couldn't seem to figure it out.

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In the middle of the usual lunch time, among all the chattering by their group of friends, Sakura asked Syaoran, "Li-kun, can I talk to you privately for a second?" She was puzzled by the LOOKS everyone else passed each other and the raised eyebrows and the slight smirks sent to Syaoran by Yamazaki and Eriol. She didn't get the slight giggles by Chiharu and Tomoyo. She also didn't understand the blush on Syaoran's face. "Hoe? Li-kun, do you have a fever?" She put her hand on his forehead, causing him to turn redder.

"I'" he managed to get out before he got a nosebleed and fainted.

"Hoeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Li-kun, wake up!!!!!" Sakura tried to wake him up, but no avail. She ran off to the water fountain and came back with a cup of water, cold, may I add, and threw it on his face.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Syaoran woke up immediately. Now, he had been knocked out several times before from fighting, and it usually took him a long time to wake up, but even HE could revive if he had freezing cold water dumped on his face. He sprang up. Eriol snickered, and Syaoran glared at him. Eriol gave him an innocent look as if to say, "Who, me?"

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After a long series of comical anime events, Syaoran and Sakura finally managed to sit on a park bench together, alone.

"Li-kun, do you know why Tomoyo-chan and Eriol-kun seem to be turning red around each other lately?" she asked in her childishly innocent voice, being the oblivious person she was.

And Syaoran, being the oblivious person HE was, replied, "Hmm... maybe they both have a fever? They could just be both sick."

"No, I don't think so. They just got red when they looked at each other." Sakura explained.

"I don't know. Maybe..." here Syaoran began thinking like a normal person with a little common sense would, "they like each other?" They looked at each other for a moment, and chimed their thoughts in unison, "NAH!", before they thought about different possibilities, all weird, from fevers to rouge to paint.

After a while... "Li-kun?"

"Yes, Sakura-san?"

"I'm so excited about the Christmas party. I think I'll wear the dress Tomoyo gave me. She'll like that. I like it too." Sakura smiled sweetly.

Syaoran started coughing and blushing again. "I'm sure you'll look very nice."

"Arigato, Li-kun! You'll look very nice if you wear the suit Tomoyo-chan gave you! Oh, Tomoyo-chan will be so surprised when Eriol comes too! After all, they are the same race!" Apparently, after much thinking, Sakura and Syaoran had decided that Eriol and Tomoyo were both humans with lobster traits, the only ones on Earth. They had thought that they turned red because it was hot outside and lobsters turn red when cooked. Yamazaki had told them about two people like that once. They were so proud they had finally figured out that the two people were Tomoyo and Eriol.

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Now that this chapter is done, I think my next chapter will be the last one. It will have E+T in it, definitely. I'll try to have some S+S in it too. It's going to be about the Christmas party.