Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ when the world cries ❯ Rainy Days ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When the world cries -Ch. I: Rainy Days-Fire Temptress
Her eyes were burning.
Or at least seemed to be burning with heat that berated down on her closed eyelids.
A groan escaped her lips. There was some rustling, but she was too lazy to cover her eyes from the light that tortured her eyes so. But who in the world opened her blinds? She liked them closed, thank you very much…
And so, with a huff, the annoyed-sleepy-girl rolled over and buried her face in her pillows, thus blocking her eyes from that bright morning light beaming through her window.
Two, round beady objects stared up at her from the ledge of her bed. Those black pools seemed to blink, as circular, teddy bear like ears twitched. And on rose those round eyes, and as this thing rose, a sadistic little smirk was plastered on a face of yellow.
“Sa-kurrr-aaaa…” the thing called out in a light whisper.
The limp being known as Sakura did not stir to acknowledge her name being called.
Sakura..” it said again. “Wake uuup… Or else…”
A dramatic pause.
“…You'll be late for school.”
And in a manner of seconds, the whole house - and possibly the whole neighborhood - shook with an explosion of “HOE-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!,” followed by a thump of a body, and the rushing around of a school-girl, desperately trying to get ready before school started. But…
…Turns out she didn't have school, as the thing with beady black eyes pointed out, whilst bursting out into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
“Again?” he offered, the thing known as Kero thus snickering.
The girl-who-was-once-sleeping was positively bristling in anger, her face flushed, her emerald eyes narrowed to dangerous, fiery orbs. “Kero-chan…” she bit out warningly through gritted teeth. “If you do that one more time during these next three months of my wonderful summer vacation… I will personally make sure you stay on a permanent diet.”
Looking rather horror-struck at the thought of him, the almighty Keroberos, going on a diet, Kero backed down. Just the thought of him going on one was absurd! Ridiculous! Preposterous! Etcetera, etcetera. The yellow-teddy-bear-thing grumbled incoherent words beneath his breath.
Sakura looked pleased and satisfied by his silence and flattened her hair down before heading off to her walk-in closet to change from her school uniform, and into comfortable summer clothes.
She smiled to herself as she took a step outside from her home and unto the streets of Tomoeda, Japan. It was a lovely day, to say the least. The sun was out. The birds were chirping - a perfect picturesque image of summer, one would say…
But it wasn't all that perfect, but perfect enough for Sakura Kinomoto.
She lived in Downtown Tomoeda - an area where the lower and middle class resided. It was the year 2766, one hundred years exactly since World War III. The results of the war changed the world as people once knew it drastically. In an instant there were obvious changes. The winners of the war took complete control, and the same generation of rulers had kept on going. One resided over all. That's how it's been for the past one hundred years.
(But of course, viceroys were second in command per colony. Tomoeda was part of a colony which consisted of some of Japan's cities: along with Tomoeda there was Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Urawa, Kofu, and just every single city located in Central Tokyo.)
But anyway, unlit Japanese lanterns decorated the dirty streets, hanging along the adobe homes as it trailed off in the distance. It wasn't all that bad where they lived. On the contrary, it was always lively, what-with the many markets that were always opened from day to night, and the festivals that they had every once a month, or on a holiday. It beat living in the big city where cars flew and it was always way too packed. People were more rude there, too. Her father, Fujitaka Kinomoto, worked in a more industrialized city though - Tokyo - as a professor at one of the Universities. It was just he preferred living in a simple area, instead of a tedious one.
Sakura wouldn't trade moving to the city for anything though. All of her friends were here. And she was happy.
Smile brightening, Sakura dashed down the dirt-packed road, waving to neighbors as some of them came out to hang wet sheets so the sun could dry them out. She was heading off to meet her best friend. Around her neck a necklace bounced around, and Sakura reached up and wrapped her hand around the small key-shaped pendant that hung from it to stop it from bouncing about. The key itself was pink, with a peculiar looking circle at the top, and a five-point star in the middle of this circle.
If it wasn't for this key, Sakura Kinomoto would've been like any normal seventeen-year old girl. But she wasn't, for this key set her apart from everyone else.
For you see, she had a duty: A duty as the Card Mistress.
But, let's face it, that's already in the past - her collecting the Clow Cards, going through Yue's Judgement in order to become the rightful Mistress, converting the cards into Sakura Cards…
Oh, wait. As an author, one must always write as if the readers have no clue as to what is going on. So let me do that over:
Back when she was ten or so, Sakura Kinomoto had walked into her basement when hearing some noise, and came upon a red velvety book with the engraving of a golden lion wearing a head piece on the cover. She opened it, and voila, that's when she came upon the magical set of cards created by a long-dead sorcerer known as Clow Reed. Keroberos, or just Kero for short, was supposed to be guarding these cards, but unfortunately, had fallen asleep and was still asleep during the time Sakura stumbled upon them. She had plucked the very first card from the top, and read the name out loud:
Windy,” it had said.
And in a manner of seconds, a whirl of wind scattered the cards around Tomoeda, and Sakura was then forced to recapture them all - with the help of Kero, of course, and her best friend who was always around to video tape her and design her oh-so-kawaii outfits to capture the cards in (insert squeal here).
But of course, not everything can be done easily. That's when her “rival,” stepped in. His name was and is Li Syaoran. He had come from Hong Kong, China in order to gather the cards, having been sent by the elders of the Li Clan, a prodigious clan known throughout the world, actually.
Well, anyway, so he came to get the cards, but in the end, he ended up helping Sakura capture them, although he never admitted to helping her. And when all the cards were captured, that's when Yue's Judgment came along.
And it was then that Sakura found out that Kero was not the only Guardian created by Clow Reed. Yue was another - a white haired angel with piercing blue eyes and a cold, stoic expression always plastered on his face. He was to fight both Syaoran and Sakura, and the victor would then thus be the Master (or Mistress), of the cards.
And of course, Sakura was the victor. Kero and Yue were now officially her Guardians, and with their help, and Syaoran's, she was able to convert the cards into Sakura Cards.
But then, (oh, quit with the groaning), there was Eriol Hirragizawa, a.k.a: the half-reincarnation of Clow Reed. (Sakura's father was the other half reincarnation. What a trip, yes?) And, well, the blue-haired, glasses-wearing, sapphire-eyed boy just simply loved to cause troubles, and so did his own Guardians, Nakuru and Spinel Sun, which made converting the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards more difficult.
But obviously, all turned out well in the end.
So, where was I? Oh yes…
Sakura skidded to a stop at the King Penguin Park, which was also the center-point between Downtown Tomoeda, and the more industrialized Tomoeda. She spotted a head full of raven hair, wavy and all, next to the swing set, and instantly dashed towards it.
“Tomoyo-chan…!” she called out, flaying an arm from side-to-side.
The head lifted up, and amethyst eyes were greeted by Sakura's own smiling emerald eyes.
Her best friend, also known as Tomoyo as we now have concluded, smiled that dashing smile of hers and greeted the said person with a hug. Both girls disentangled from the embrace, and Kero came fluttering out of Sakura's small backpack.
“Kero-chan, you're here, too?” Tomoyo asked, her voice twinkling and sophisticated.
Kero perched himself on the girl's shoulders. “Hai, I am. Because I know my Tomoyo-chan will not let her Kero-chan starve.”
She laughed. “Of course not, Kero-chan.” And with that said, she pulled out a bag of cookies that caused the Guardian's eyes to light with stars.
Sakura giggled at the scene, and then smiled. Tomoyo Daidouji. Her best friend since they were little kids. They were never seen without the other. Somehow, Tomoyo always had a smile on her face, and managed to stay and appear calm no matter what situation they were in. She was gorgeous, too, one of the most beautiful and sought out girls in all of Tomoeda. She lived in the “high class” area, but that didn't stop the two girls from being friends, for they both attended the same school since elementary.
But along with having a great personality and looks that any girl would be jealous of, Tomoyo tended to be… scary, especially when it came to designing Sakura outfits, video taping Sakura, and just fawning over her “Kawaii Sakura.” (insert starry-look here)
Okay, so anywho…
With their arms linked, Sakura and Tomoyo (Kero having gone back into Sakura's backpack), headed to the major parts of Tomoeda. They walked down an aisle of trees, and the second they reached that end, they were greeted by the noisy hussle and bussle of everyday-city-life.
Cars drove without wheels, practically flying over the road and into the air. Blocks of cement would sometimes rise randomly into the air, startling pedestrians before the block would settle back into “being one with the sidewalk.” Advertisements flashed with its own life, honking and car engines roaring filled the air, along with the chattering of thousands of citizens.
Sakura and Tomoyo headed to an outside ice cream shop, and as they went, Sakura was lifted into the air by one of those random blocks, and more rose to form a small staircase that the Card Mistress happily hopped along, before the last one brought her back down. The two girls giggled as a cute little robot flew circles around their heads, its jet pack letting out rattling noises before stopping. It looked like a mini-TV set, red, and with two antennas sticking out in a V-shape. It “bowed” and gave the two girls roses before flying off.
They then occupied a table at the outside ice cream parlor, an umbrella attached to the center to shield them from the rising temperatures of the summer-sun.
Sakura ordered a strawberry shake, and Tomoyo got a vanilla one. But that's not very important.
Sakura looked around, smiling faintly to herself.
Ever since her card capturing days seemed to have come to an end, things were peaceful and simple, and she was able to relax and focus all of her attention on school. Ever since Eriol and his Guardians went back to London, havoc did not wreak the small town of Tomoeda. And ever since Li Syaoran went back to Hong Kong… Sakura thought of him everyday.
Just like now.
As she sat and wondered what he was up to.
Tomoyo looked at the girl with knowing amethyst eyes. She could read her friend's emotions like an open book, and knew what - or typically who - she was thinking of.
“Sakura-chan?” Tomoyo spoke up in a rather way too happy way.
The auburn haired teen looked at her questioningly, one eyebrow raised. “Hai, Tomoyo-chan?”
“Are you ever going to visit Li-kun?” she inquired, causing Sakura to blink. “I know you miss him, and I do, too! So we should visit him!”
“Ano… Tomoyo-chan…” Sakura started, still blinking before shaking her head. “We can't just pop up there and out of nowhere without asking… And besides, Syaoran-kun said he'd come visit us when he can, so I think it's best if we wait.”
She raven-haired girl let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine, alright. I'll wait…” And then I get to videotape more kawaii Sakura and Li-kun moments…
Sakura eyed Tomoyo when noticing that infamous look she got on her eyes whenever she thought of something that either made her go starry-eyed, or look as evil as she did now…
“Tomoyo-chan… What are you thinking?” she asked cautiously.
“Ohoho!” Tomoyo laughed right out. “Nothing, my dear Sakura-chan! Nothing to worry your kawaii little head over!”
“And why am I not reassured?” she muttered beneath her breath, going dot-eyed.
On the contrary, it's been years since Li Syaoran left and went back to Hong Kong. It was right after Eriol left, actually, which was as soon as all of the cards were converted into Sakura Cards. They didn't have any more reason to stay in Tomoeda, and Syaoran had family duties to take care of. Sakura sighed to herself before brightening.
Oh well. He promised to come back. And one thing Sakura learned from becoming friends with her once-upon-a-time rival, was that he never broke a promise.
It was night out now in London, things have calming down a bit from the hassle of day. The moon was out, nice and round and big. Just the way a certain Guardian liked it. His piercing blue eyes seemed to glow more brilliantly from the glow the moon provided, and his long white hair glittered with silver. He looked calm and passive - as he always did.
His arms were crossed. His white angelic wings were furled behind him. The London Clock Tower with which he stood on dinged as it struck midnight.
The Guardian who once stood alone, was now not alone. For the second it struck midnight, another figure was seen next to him. He was dark in contrast to the dark of the night, easily melding in with it. Locks of midnight blue hair fell before his sapphire eyes, the lens of his glasses glimmering.
A smile was plastered on the pale face of this new visitor.
“Yue,” he said, in acknowledgment to the Moon Guardian.
A simple nod of the head was his response.
“Does Sakura-chan know you are here?”
“No, she does not,” Yue answered. The boy's smile only widened.
“Still the same as ever, I see,” he mused, before making a gesture with his hand. “But I'm sure you feel it, and that's why you are here, in London?”
There was no response, for there was no need to respond. They both knew the answer.
“This means… my dear kawaii descendent will make his appearance,” the latter said, with cheeriness that would make anyone shudder.
But Yue… did not shudder. That was just not his thing.
He simply eyed Eriol Hirragizawa from the corner of his eye.
…This boy… was definitely the reincarnation of Clow Reed.
“When though?” Yue asked.
“Soon enough.”
“This is strange…” Sakura mused.
It was dark in Japan as well, the sun having set a couple hours ago. She was back at home, in her two-story house, sitting at the window of her bedroom. Clouds had started to set in, looming over Tomoeda and having cast it in pure darkness.
Rain clouds. She could just here the thunder rumbling within them, rain getting ready to fall.
And it was just sunny earlier, too…
“Can you hear that, Kero-chan? It's going to rain…” Sakura started, turning around to look at Kero. She paused though when seeing him staring grimly at the television, brows furrowed. But it didn't seem as if he saw the TV, but instead, was thinking of something else. “…Kero-chan? Daijoubu desu ka?”
His ears twitched, and he blinked, snapping out of his momentary state. “Eh? Oh, daijoubu, Sakura-chan,” Kero replied, turning his attention back to the television. And in a matter of seconds, he was back to normal - shouting at the television and beating the buttons of the controller with his paws as he struggled to win his game.
Sakura frowned, before sweat dropping.
And then, outside, the first drop of rain hit the floor, and soon, more rain followed in pursuit, patting against the ground.
The rain turned to hail.
The hail turned into a thunderstorm, and Sakura gazed out worriedly from her window.
This was odd, very odd…
She could feel her cards auras, each one letting out a feeling of restlessness Sakura couldn't help but share. Kero had fallen silent once more.
It seemed as if the earth itself trembled with uneasiness.
It continued raining the next day, but it wasn't as storming as last night. Instead, it settled to a constant pit-patting, never once ceasing, but never once becoming worse. The streets became muddy, and the houses took on a darker hue from the dampness of the air. No one could be seen out on the streets. All markets were closed. Not even the cities seemed to be as busy as it normally would be.
But everyone carried on with their everyday lives without a care in the world. But Sakura was worried. Kero was worried. And so were her cards. Even when Yue had dropped by momentarily did Sakura noticed his uneasiness. Although he looked cold as ever, she could feel it in his aura.
Something was going on, and something definitely was going to happen.
But for now, they would just have to wait.
Sakura came bounding down the stairs the second the delightful aroma of heavenly food reached her nose. Kero flew ahead of her. Downstairs they were greeted by Touya, Sakura's older brother, and Yukito, Touya's best friend (who Yue once inhabited). Her father, Fujitaka, was in the kitchen, cooking.
They all knew about the whole ordeal of the Cards.
Fujitaka was calm about it, but Touya… well… wasn't too happy at first, especially once he found out how she had worked along with Li Syaoran, whom Touya thinks is the biggest Chinese Brat in all the world.
“Hello, Sakura-chan,” Yukito greeted with his normal cheeriness, “Kero-chan.”
“Yukito-san!” Sakura exclaimed happily, bouncing up to him, her cheeks rather flushed.
She had a crush on him back when she was little, but now, she saw him more like a big brother.
“Hey, kaijuu.”
And in an instant, Sakura's smile faltered into a tight frown as her emerald eyes narrowed dangerously at her older brother. “I… am not… a monster,” Sakura bit out through gritted teeth.
And to emphasize her point, she lifted a leg, and stomped with all of her strength on the older one's foot.
Colorful words flew from his mouth.
“Touya-kuunn…” came Fujitaka's warning tone from the kitchen.
The said person huffed and glared at his sister, before heading to the kitchen to help Fujitaka set the table. Kero was hovering around Fujitaka's head, staring hungrily at the cooking food. Touya eyed him and plucked him from the air before tossing him back into the living room.
“Hey!” Kero yelled, rather outraged as he composed himself.
“No animals allowed in the kitchen,” was all Touya said.
At that, Kero simply bristled as steam practically fumed from his ears.
Yukito smiled amusedly.
And soon, they were all eating, with the exception of Kero, of course, who was “pigging out,” to put it simply. And as they ate, Sakura could not ignore that restless feeling churning deep within her stomach.
Hong Kong
He stood outside beneath the pouring rain, amber eyes glinting brightly in the darkness. Golden specks seemed to glow within those pools of amber, and they only grew brighter and brighter. He was still. Completely still, as if unaware of the rain that berated down on him and drenched him from head-to-toe. He was panting, chestnut brown hair dangling before his eyes and clinging to the side of his face.
In his hand he held his sword, white knuckles gripping the hilt, water dripping from the sharp tip of the Li Clan Sword. And then he raised the blade and ran it through the curtains of rain before slicing through it neatly. He twirled around and repeated the same motion. Again. And again, and again. Before soon, he fell into a dance. The dance of swords. It was a routine of his repeated constantly over the years until it was perfected.
He moved and glided above the mud, ignoring it as it sprayed into the air and clung to his clothes and skin. His brows were creased. His gaze was intently focused. His aura was concentrated all to the center of his sword as it seemed to glow with life.
It buzzed smoothly and clearly over the cascading water. Droplets of rain splattered from his hair and clothes as he spun around and flipped through the air. He punched an invisible enemy. He cut down another unseen foe. He kicked the air.
And all the meanwhile he did it with such expertise and grace that no one would see this as an intimidating fighting style, but a new type of art that would leave many in wander and amazement. But the sharpness and the glare of the blade would leave many to shudder at the thought of being the one at the end receiving the blow.
Tendrils of his aura flowed through the earth beneath him as he moved around and perfected his style of fighting with his sword. Yes. Even he could feel the restlessness. He himself was anxious as well, hence why he was out in this rainy weather, training.
He then came to a slow stop, his sword forming back into the pendent. He hung it around his neck, and resided in standing there once more with eyes closed, as if in a meditating state. Anyone with a magical eye could see his green aura flowing about him, trying to ease the earth of its constant anxiety. He managed to calm it down just a little bit, but not the whole earth.
He opened his eyes and faced the sky, a frown tugging at his lips.
“Xiaolang!” A voice interrupted him from his thoughts.
He turned his head towards the front door of the Li Mansion. They were open, and at the frame stood a black haired teenaged girl, her golden red eyes glaring at him through the rain.
“What are you doing out here?” she asked, scolding.
Li Syaoran couldn't help but roll his eyes as he made his way back to the opened doors. “Meiling, you are not my mother.”
“No, I am not,” she retorted, tossing a towel into his face. “But if Auntie Yelan found out that you were standing outside in the rain like some damn moron waiting to catch a cold, I don't think she'd be too happy.”
He didn't deny that, and so, instead of replying, Syaoran wiped his hair with the towel before slinging it around his shoulders and heading to his room.
“And look at you! Everywhere you walk you leave water!” Meiling ranted, trailing after him.
A vein pulsed faintly in Syaoran's temple. “Meiling…” he started warningly. “Are you trying to get on my nerves today?”
“Is it that obvious?” she asked, voice honeyed with sugary sweetness.
He scoffed, and once he was at his door, entered his room, and slammed the door shut right behind him and in Meiling's face. She scowled at the barrier, fuming silently at her cousin's rudeness.
“Don't forget, Xiaolang,” she then said from the other side. “We leave tonight.”
There was a momentary silence, and Meiling hummed pleasantly before skipping off. Her smile only widened delightfully when the house shook with Syaoran's outraged cry:
WE??!!!!!!! SINCE WHEN?!”
Meiling simply carried on her way, passing by the butler, Wei, in the process.
“Is Master Xiaolang alright?” he asked.
Meiling flashed him a cheery grin. “Oh of course. He will be, at least.”
“If you say so…” Wei trailed off.
It had taken Syaoran a while to register what Meiling had meant when she said `we,' and when it did, well, the aftershock wasn't all that pretty. He could only wonder what had driven the Elders to agree in letting Meiling come along. Honestly now.
He concluded that they must not have been in the right state of mind when giving her permission to “tag along.” He sighed to himself, having stripped himself of his wet clothes and into a pair of dry sweat pants (-wards away squealing fan girls-). Maybe they were sending Meiling along as a precaution so that she'll bring Syaoran back, just in case he decided to stay there longer than necessary? Even so, Meiling loved Tomoeda as much as he did.
So he went back to the idea that the Elders were most definitely not in the right state of mind, that or his cousin must've bugged them silly until they agreed to let her go.
He wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter.
Syaoran sighed to himself once more, turning his head to the side to look at the wide open suitcases scattered across his floor. Only one of them was fully packed. He still had a bit more to do. After all, who knows how long he'll be in Japan for…?
A smile then adorned his lips.
Japan meant Tomoeda.
Tomoeda meant seeing Sakura again.
He still thought of her a whole lot, even though he hadn't seen her for years. The memory of her was still freshly imprinted in his mind. It was hard to forget Sakura. Once you know her… she just… becomes a part of you. Syaoran sat up and pried himself from his bed, packing away the rest of his stuff as he mused to himself.
Yes, he even thought about Yue and that annoying Stuffed Animal. He thought about Tomoyo, and even that idiot Touya. Surprisingly enough, he even thought about that annoying ancestor of his, Eriol Hirragizawa.
But… never would he admit that.
And so, in lighter spirits with the anxiety of meeting up with Sakura again, Syaoran carried along with his packing.
“It's still raining…”
Sakura let out a sigh as she glanced at the dreary weather from her window before heading downstairs to open the door. Standing there was Tomoyo with an umbrella and all. She closed it and shook it off outside, Sakura stepping aside to let her in.
“The weather has been strange lately,” Tomoyo commented once they were up in Sakura's room. Kero sat perched on the desk, Tomoyo sitting at the ledge of the bed, and Sakura sitting on the floor. They were all frowning.
“It's summer… it shouldn't be like this,” Sakura mumbled.
“Do you have any idea what's going on, Kero-chan?” Tomoyo asked while turning to the Guardian Beast.
Sakura looked expectantly at him as well.
He looked from one girl and to another, not responding at first, before slightly nodding. “Hai, I do.”
Both girls exchanged looks before chorusing: “Well!”
He held up a paw. “…I cannot say.”
Sakura looked dumbfounded as Tomoyo blinked.
“And why not?” Sakura questioned.
“Because you will find out soon enough,” was his response as he lifted himself from the desk and flew to the window where he situated himself at the window's sill. The silence he fell into indicated them not to question any further, and they didn't.
It was quiet in Sakura's room, and the whole Kinomoto household. The most fragile and quietest of sounds could be heard, such as that of the clock ticking away slowly and painfully. Just silence.
More silence…
A stress mark pulsed in Kero's forehead.
And even more silence…
He gritted his teeth and balled his paws into tiny fists.
Tick… tock… tick…
Tomoyo fell over, taken aback by Kero's sudden outburst. But Sakura looked the least bit phased. She was sitting there with her legs tucked beneath her and her hands crossed over her thighs, her gaze on the carpet of her floor. She had a distant look in her eyes, and Kero fluttered up to her, waving a paw in front of her face.
“Hel-loooooo? Earth to Sakura!”
She lifted her gaze to him, unblinking, while whispering, “Hoeee…” Sakura blinked wildly. “Someone's coming tonight, Kero-chan.”
…Silence falls again.
Tick tock.
“…Like who?” Tomoyo asked, both of her eyebrows shooting up into her forehead.
“I don't know,” Sakura murmured, turning her gaze to the window. “I just know someone's coming… Or more than one someone. I'm not sure… I don't know how I know… I can just… feel it.”
“Maybe it's Li-kun?” Tomoyo suggested, voicing everyone's thoughts.
“Maybe…” Sakura murmured.
But her heart fluttered with hope.
Tick. Tock.
He was standing in the middle amongst the circle of pillars with that same expression on his face - one of absolute calmness. It was hard though to tell what emotions were struggling within him, for his amber eyes were blank. But he was standing at the center, hunched over, body covered with scratches and bruises. His clothes were torn and tattered. His hair messier than normal. And he was breathing heavily.
He looked as if he were about to collapse. He looked so tired… so weak and vulnerable to the point at it made her heart and insides twist in agony. There was a symbol beneath him, but of what, she could not make out. She could make out the aura of a barrier that extended from pillar to pillar, keeping him encased at the very center.
She wanted to call out his name. She wanted to reach out a hand to him. She wanted to run to him. She wanted to break this so-called barrier. She wanted to hold him and help him stand…
But she couldn't. She couldn't.
She was just as vulnerable as he looked, but instead, she could feel her vulnerability and uselessness. It pained her to feel like this. It pained her so much that… she wanted to cry.
And so she sat up sharply, eyes wide, face pale in the darkness of her room.
The rain could be heard, still falling.
She could feel her dampened cheeks as her eyes stung from… well… tears. Sakura raised a hand and pressed it to her moist skin before wiping it away with the back of her palm. She could still feel that horrible feeling of worthlessness eat away at her insides, but why, Sakura did not know. For the second she woke up, the second the memory of the dream left her mind.
Whatever she dreamt about… scared her witless.
She sighed to herself silently and looked around. Tomoyo and her were sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags, Kero sleeping in between them. They were both sleeping peacefully. She glanced at her alarm clock.
3:00 flashed brightly in red.
3 in the morning. How wonderful. Groaning, Sakura removed the covers and quietly stood up. Since it didn't seem like she was going to get back to sleep anytime soon, she might as well get a drink of water… Sneaking out of the room and down the stairs, Sakura made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. She filled it up with water and was about to drink it down when a faint ring reached her ears.
It was her cell phone. But where was it! Setting the cup down, Sakura ran into the living room and started to tear it apart, that is… tossing pillow cushions off of the couch and removing the cushions itself. And still she couldn't find it.
“Where is it?” Sakura hissed beneath her breath, looking everywhere at once.
“Hold on just a little big longer…” she muttered, looking beneath the coffee table.
And voila! There it was.
Sighing, Sakura reached for it and looked at the screen at the caller ID:
Caller Unknown flashed on it.
But anyway, who would be calling at three in the morning?
Brrring! It went on persistently.
Deciding not to leave whoever waiting any longer, Sakura answered it. “Moshi moshi…?” she asked slowly, uncertainly.
Static reached her ears.
“Hello?” she started again, waiting for a reply.
More static.
“Hello!” Sakura hissed into the phone, trying not to be loud as not to wake the others. “Is anyone -“
“Sa…Sakur… Sakura…” she managed to hear against the static.
She froze, her eyes widening.
“Who… Who is this?” she stammered.
The static seemed to die momentarily, but there was a rushing sound, as if whoever it was, was running. “It's me, Sakura! Syaoran!”
And her eyes widened more as she tightly gripped the phone to stop herself from dropping it out of surprise. “Syaoran…?” she breathed out, her heart pounding and fear suddenly gripping her when realizing the panic in his voice. “Syaoran, what's going on? Where are you?”
The static started again, although lightly.
“I'm… here in Tomoe…Tomoeda… Sakura… help -“
And then their connection died, and all that Sakura could hear was the dial-tone. “Syaoran…? Syaoran! Damn it…” She gritted her teeth and hung up, comprehending what to do before coming to a conclusion. She had to find him.
Darting up, Sakura pried her jacket from the coat-hanger, pulled it on along with her shoes, made sure her Star Key was hanging around her neck before dashing to the door. And she was about to leave when she remembered she didn't have her cards! Now how was she to find Syaoran without them? With an irritated huff, Sakura ran up the stairs and barged into her room, not bothering to be quiet since she was in a rush after all.
Tomoyo and Kero were up in an instant, looking sleepily at Sakura.
“Wha… Sakura-chan…?” Tomoyo mumbled groggily.
She ignored them as she grabbed her cards and ran back downstairs. Tomoyo and Kero exchanged confused looks before slowly making their way downstairs.
“Sakura-chan…?” Kero called out.
But she wasn't there anymore. The front door was wide open.
“Damn it,” he cursed out loud when hearing his connection die out. He glared at his useless cell phone and jammed it back into his pockets.
Syaoran glanced to his side to make sure Meiling was still running with him. Good. She was. Damn it though. Damn it damn it damn it. Damn it all. She so should've stayed back in Hong Kong, especially now that they were in a mess.
How they got into this mess can be explained later. What mattered at the moment was that they were being pursued by a countless numbers of shadow creatures, each one looking very much solid, and each one with a pair of yellow eyes that glowed darkly in the night. Syaoran and Meiling had tried fighting them earlier, but no matter what they did, more just kept on coming and coming.
And so, they gave up trying to beat them, and instead, broke out running, which led to Syaoran calling for help from Sakura, which he didn't really want to do. But they did need help, and if someone could help them, that someone was Sakura.
But in the meanwhile, they'd somehow have to ward these things off.
Syaoran whipped out an ofuda, Chinese inscriptions written on it. He quickly turned around, tossed it into the air, and slammed the flat of his blade against it.
And fire erupted in a burst of flames that engulfed the shadow creatures. But, as soon as the light came, the creatures returned to what they were - shadows. They withdrew into the darkness, and once the fire passed, they came back out and advanced at him. Syaoran cursed. He had stopped running now, and so did Meiling.
He was Li. What do you expect? For him to run forever? As if.
He whipped out a couple more ofudas, two of them, wind and fire, and he summoned both elements. With the combination of wind, the fire erupted into greater flames that billowed and raged wildly and with new rage. The shadow creatures cowered at this and disappeared into where they always disappear - into the darkness. Syaoran glowered at this, for as soon as the fire died away, they came back out.
“Syaoran, that's obviously not going to work,” Meiling grumbled.
He sent a glare at her from over his shoulder. “I know. I was just trying.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know you can do better than those pitiful fires, Syaoran, so stop holding back and wasting time.”
“Mmm…” She was right. “Fine… Step back, Meiling.”
She did as she was told and stood far back. Syaoran stood before the gathering shadow creatures, each one hissing lowly beneath the patting of the rain. Their eyes gleamed dangerously in the night, but so did Syaoran's. He raised his sword and eyed them, and they saw that as an invitation to charge.
He stood there, still and calm, the wind of the night causing his hair to sway to the side, and the water from the rain made his hair flat and his clothes stick to him. But with his green aura flaring menacing around him, Li Syaoran looked like an intimidating person. But then again, these shadow creatures did not know when to back down.
He raised his sword and slashed at the nearest one. His energy was flowing within the blade though, and the creature let out an agonized hiss before vanishing into oblivion. The rest of them attacked all at once. Syaoran was everywhere all at once - twirling around and sending water spraying about him from his coat as he sent a kick at one of the creature's head. The force sent it flying back and across the ground. He lashed out at another one with a fist bent back like a claw, and then he slammed his clawed hand into the shadow creature's back, making it stumble forward.
He spun around and sent his kick flying into another's chest area, and then leaped into the air and sent a spinning kick at a fourth one. One of them lunged at his legs as soon as he landed, but he did a back hand-flip and settled himself back on his feet. He smirked to himself as he watched the things struggle to keep up with him.
All the ones he had either kicked or punched down came back, and back-up was obviously coming, for the number of creatures were increasing minute by minute. Syaoran frowned. He'd probably be dead tired before he even got close to defeating them…
One of them snapped him out of his thoughts when latching itself to his arm. Another clung to his leg, and soon, all of them were jumping on him at once.
Meiling flayed her arms around in utter dismay. “Damn it! Syaoran!”
She made to run at him, but a sudden flash of white light erupted throughout the area, and the creatures retreated into the shadows. Syaoran sat up, him and Meiling looking around through the rain for the source of where the light came from as soon as it died down. But it was raining, and night, and they couldn't distinguish anything at this time of the day…
But before they could think about it any longer, the creatures were out again and Syaoran took on a defensive stance. Before he could do anything though, he felt something brush past him all too fast and in a blur. His eyes widened, taken aback by the new appearance, and he stood straight to see who it was. But it was dark. The blankets of rain stopped him from making out the physical appearance.
But then again. He didn't need to see. He just needed to feel…
Meiling, on the other hand, was having problem distinguishing this person. First off, they were moving fast. Second off, it was dark. Thirdly, she could not feel auras, so that was a major bummer…
Whoever it was or whatever it was had engulfed the shadows in its own shadow… or body… or whatever. It wrapped them up in a ball, and in that ball a white light glowed from the cracks and crevices. Agonized cries could be heard from the creatures, but this time, they could not escape. And as the ball let out and returned back to its dark and tall state, the shadow creatures were gone and nowhere to be seen.
Whatever it was that saved them had sunk into the grown into its own shadow and dashed across the surface of the floor. Syaoran's and Meiling's gaze were trained on it, and on a white light that streaked in the same direction as the shadow did. They both stopped before another figure a yard or so away from them, and the light and shadow disappeared.
Syaoran and Meiling watched as their “savior,” walked slowly towards them, clutching a staff-like object in their grasp. They were taking quick steps, and once the person was clear enough, Meiling's eyes practically widened.
“Sakura-chan…” she muttered, before squealing the said girl's name and running to her. A smile lit the emerald eyed girl's face as she and Meiling embraced tightly.
“Meiling-chan! It's so good to see you again!” Sakura exclaimed happily. “Are you alright though?”
“Hai, I am. Much thanks to you,” Meiling said, grinning a cocky grin, giving Sakura one last big hug before letting the girl go.
Obviously, Syaoran would want to see her so much more, and vice versa…
And so, amber and emerald met once more after much and many years of separation. Sakura gulped as she stared at the now much taller Li Syaoran. Obviously the years treated him well, for he looked as handsome and as gorgeous as ever, and much more mature, too. She could feel her heart thudding loudly in her ears as she just stood there dumbly, not quite sure what to do.
Syaoran was going through the same thing. He just stared at the girl, Kinomoto Sakura, who has tortured his mind so with memories. She looked as beautiful as ever, and more. He just couldn't seem to keep his gaze off of her…
“I was worried… when you had called…” Sakura started, taking a step towards him. “I thought for sure you were hurt… And I came as quickly as possible…” She lifted up a shaky hand and pressed it to his cheek, and then to his chin, and shakily grabbed on to a fistful of his shirt. “I was so surprised to hear your voice on the phone…” Sakura whispered.
Syaoran looked down at her, smiling faintly, before mutely pulling her into a tight hug that she all too willingly returned. It took all of Sakura's will power not to cry from sheer happiness at this point, and from relief. Neither teens wanted to let go of the other. Meiling smiled widely, wishing Tomoyo was here. She'd go nuts recording them…
“Well speak of the devil…” Meiling mused to herself.
But Sakura and Syaoran didn't seem to hear, for they were too busy clinging to each other as if their life depended on it. Tomoyo and Kero came rushing over through the rain, Tomoyo all clothed and with an umbrella, and Kero flying right next to her. They had to stop and register who was standing before them once they arrived before they gave a reaction.
“MEILING-CHAN!” Tomoyo practically squealed, both girls breaking into a run and meeting mid-way into a tight hug.
“Tomoyo-chaaann!” Meiling exclaimed with the same amount of enthusiasm. “But this can wait! Do you still do the whole video-taping thing?”
“Of course!” Tomoyo said, whipping out the camera.
Meiling grinned widely and pointed at Sakura and Syaoran. “Well, you came just in time.”
“Ohoho!” Tomoyo laughed that trademark laugh of hers, turning the camera all on the said couple.
“…” Kero looked from Sakura and Syaoran and to Meiling, debating what to do. He could, choice a: Bother Syaoran and interrupt their reunion, or choice b: bother Meiling. Well, Sakura deserved to be happy right now, so he didn't wish to interrupt his Mistress. And so, choice b it was! “What are you doing here?” Kero asked, pointing a paw at Meiling.
She crossed her arms and lifted her nose into the air in a haughty fashion. “What's it to ya, stuffed animal?”
“Just that I never thought I'd see you again, Chinese brat,” Kero retorted.
She smirked. “Well surprise, surprise! You're looking as chubby as ever.”
“And you're looking as bratty as ever.”
“Why thank you, stuffed animal.”
“Oh, you're quite welcomed, Chinese brat.”
Tomoyo sighed happily and dreamily as she recorded Syaoran and Sakura. Oh how she missed this… Now that Syaoran was back though, she could record even more kawaii moments! Oh the joy! Ohoho! Life… was good, now. Tomoyo watched on, starry-eyed.
“You're alright though now, right?” Sakura asked, looking up at Syaoran.
Neither of them had let go yet.
Syaoran nodded. “Hai, Sakura.”
She smiled. “I'm glad… But… What were they? And why were they after you and Meiling?”
He shook his head. “I don't know. I'll explain to you what happened later, once we get to somewhere warm…” He looked around. “How long has the weather been like this?”
“For days,” Sakura answered.
He frowned. “It's been like this at China for a while, too.”
“Let's go back to my place, then,” Sakura said, both of them having reluctantly withdrew from the hug. But Sakura was gripping the sleeve of his jacket, which he did not mind in the least bit. “I'm sure you and Meiling could use some rest. And I don't think Otou-san will mind.”
“What about your brother though?” Syaoran asked rather skeptically.
“Don't worry about him. Yukito-san will take care of him for us,” Sakura replied back cheerily.
“If you say so…” Syaoran trailed off before looking to the side, blinking and staring blankly at that… camera glinting at him through the rain. “How long have you been here, Daidouji-chan…?”
“Ohoho! Long enough, Li-kun!” Tomoyo answered, flashing an innocent grin.
Sakura blinked, and looked as well, before sweat dropping heavily. “Hoeee… Tomoyo-chan, must you?”
“Hai, Sakura-chan! Now that Li-kun is back, I must tape every moment of you two!”
And her amethyst eyes watered with stars.
Meiling was fast asleep now before the fire place, having changed into spare clothes from Sakura and huddled into a sleeping bag. They were all gathered in the living room, where the only source of light was the fire in the hearth. Sakura loaned Syaoran some of Touya's clothes, having snuck into his room without him hearing her. Tomoyo was sleeping next to Meiling in her own sleeping bag, Kero was curled up between the two girls… and Sakura and Syaoran?
They were sitting on the couch, neither of them having let go of the other at all since earlier. His arm was draped leisurely around her shoulders, but at the same time, protectively. Sakura's head was resting against his chest and beneath his chin. They were relishing in each other's warmth, finding comfort, although silent comfort, from one another.
To say the least, they were both overjoyed and more than happy that Syaoran was back. Even though they both `considered' each other as `friends,' they found comfort in one another - comfort they could not find in anyone else. And after all, they were separated for so long. Neither could deny the other.
And all that could be heard at the moment was the cackling of the fire.
“…I've missed you, Syaoran-kun,” Sakura whispered lightly.
“I've missed you, too, Sakura,” he replied, just as softly, reaching down and pulling the covers up to her shoulders just as it was sliding down.
She was too tired to ask him about earlier, and anyway, she knew he was too tired to explain. Sakura glanced up at him to see him struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Go to sleep, Syaoran-kun,” Sakura urged gently.
“I don't want to though…” he mumbled stubbornly. He was telling himself that this was all a dream, and that if he went to sleep, he'd wake up to find himself back in Hong Kong, or on his flight to Tomoeda. Sakura smiled.
“Don't worry, Syaoran-kun… I'll still be here when you wake up…”
He looked down at her. “You promise…?”
She nodded, and he seemed reassured, for he let his eyes droop over. And in a matter of minutes, Sakura could hear his peaceful breathing as he fell asleep. She smiled and placed her hand against his cheek, finding it hard herself to accept the fact that he was indeed the real thing, and not some figment of her imagination.
Sakura curled up to him, and in return, he subconsciously tightened his hold around her. The Card Mistress then fell asleep to the lulling of the rain and the cackling of the fire.
Later that day
There was some whispering and some giggling. And yet, the couple sleeping on the couch did not stir. They were oblivious to the quiet chattering, but at the same time, they chose to ignore it, finding peace from their slumber, and just from holding on to the other. She was clinging to him with her face buried in his shirt, and he was clinging to her with his face buried in her locks of auburn hair, which smelled oddly like cherry blossoms…
“Aww… aren't they just the kawaii-est thing you've ever seen!”
There was a loud squeal, followed by a rude snort.
Food is more kawaii-er.”
“Aww, Kero-chan! Come on, admit it!”
“The stuffed animal doesn't have good taste, so I wouldn't waste your time asking him, Tomoyo-chan…”
“Ahh shut it, Chinese brat…”
“Shh! I'm video taping them!”
Silence reigned once more.
“What's going on here…?”
“Oho…” A nervous laugh, along with the shuffle of feet. The couple felt the blanket be pulled all the way over their heads, but they continued to ignore.
“Nothing, Touya-san!”
More silence. “What is she doing here!”
“Yeah, nice to see you, too, Touya.
“If Chinese brat number two is here, that means Chinese brat number one is here! Where is he! And where's Sakura? If I find out those two are together…”
“Really now, Touya-san, there is nothing to worry about.”
Hmm… That voice… Sounds like Tomoyo.
“Why are you trying to cover for that brat! Now where are they!”
That one sounds like… Onii-chan… Mmm… Hoee… I wonder what they're talking about? I can't seem to understand…
“Now, now, Touya-kun, please. Both you and I know that Syaoran-kun is trustworthy.”
There was a snort. “Yeah right. You make think so, but I don't!”
There was a sigh from beneath the blanket, and a shift and shuffle as Sakura snuggled closer to Syaoran, falling deeper into his warmth and security. Bad move.
“What's under that blanket?”
“Nothing, Touya-san,” Meiling and Tomoyo chorused at the same time, sitting on the lump beneath the blanket. There were a couple of `oomfs,' followed by an irritated `hey!'
Touya marched over and pried both girls off of the couch. He reached over and grabbed the blanket before quickly pulling it off. And, much to his surprise and Yukito's glee, there was Sakura and Syaoran, looking as peaceful as ever as they slept, their arms wrapped around the other…
Yukito calmly held on to Touya to stop him from throttling the poor boy then and there. Touya's sudden outburst caused them both to sit up abruptly, staring around with groggy and confused eyes. They didn't seem to understand what was going on, and Sakura had to rub her eyes and shake her head before she realized who was who, and where she was.
Her cheeks took on a pretty little red hue.
“Ho-eee…” she breathed out.
Syaoran rubbed his face, and then raked his fingers through his hair before eyeing Touya and yawning. “Must you yell at me so early in the morning…?”
Tomoyo giggled. “Actually, Li-kun… It's 2 in the afternoon.”
Sakura and Syaoran looked taken aback.
“But that doesn't matter! What matters is: WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER?” Touya raged on, struggling to escape Tsukishiro Yukito's seemingly iron-tight hold on him.
“Nothing, Kinomoto,” was Syaoran's flat response as he yawned again. “We were just sleeping. Nothing wrong with that. And our clothes were on the WHOLE NIGHT, if that's what you were worried about. We can't exactly do anything WITH our clothes on…”
“You're just trying to push me, aren't you, brat?” Touya seethed through gritted teeth.
Meiling was watching the exchange between Touya and Syaoran.
So was Kero.
Tomoyo was happily video-taping away.
And Yukito was munching on some cookies whilst restraining Touya.
“So what if I am?” Syaoran asked calmly.
Sakura sighed, sweat dropping. “Come on, you two… Quit arguing…” she muttered, standing up and stretching. “Syaoran and I just woke up, `nii-chan, we don't need you scolding us first thing.”
“What are the two brats doing here anyway?” Touya asked, sending Syaoran one last glare. Yukito released his hold on him.
“Well, that's none of your business,” brat number one grunted.
“What Syaoran said,” brat number two chorused.
Touya now turned his glare on brat number two, a.k.a, Meiling. They both glared at each other as sparks seemed to come to life and cackle loudly. Sakura went dot-eyed. Tomoyo turned her camera on to them. Kero and Yukito enjoyed themselves over cookies. Syaoran yawned and slumped back down on the couch, making an attempt to go back to sleep.
“I've been wondering the same thing though, you know…” Sakura whispered to Syaoran, taking his hand and prying him off the couch. Whilst Meiling kept him busy, they slipped away and into the kitchen, only to find Fujitaka there, preparing pancakes from everyone.
“Why hello, Li-kun!” Fujitaka greeted happily.
“Hello, Kinomoto-san,” Syaoran said, bowing politely before sitting down at the round kitchen table with Sakura. Both exchanged relieved sighs to be away from Touya.
“It's nice to see you again, Li-kun,” Fujitaka said, having made a plate for them both and set it before them. Sakura smiled brightly, and Syaoran grinned faintly.
“You, too, Kinomoto-san.”
Fujitaka didn't ask questions. He saw no need to. Unlike Touya, he trusted Syaoran with everything he had. When he woke up this morning to find those two sleeping in each others arms in the couch… All he could think about was how adorable they both looked (insert girlish squeal here).
“Thanks, dad,” Sakura chirped happily, digging into the inviting pancakes.
Fujitaka then left the kitchen to bring the others their food, giving the two time to talk amongst themselves.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Sakura asked in between bites.
“Not now, Sakura,” Syaoran answered calmly. “We'll need to wait for a bit, alright?”
She nodded, and decided not to press any further. “Fine…”
“Honestly, Nakuru, do you need so many clothes?” came the drawling voice of Spinel Sun. He was watching dully as his fellow Guardian hassled around to pack her luggage.
“You can never have too many clothes now my dear Suppi-chan!” came Nakuru's cheery response.
“You know, Master will probably leave you behind if you don't hurry up…” Spinel Sun grumbled out before lifting himself up and fluttering down the stairs and into the living room. The sapphire-eyed boy sat on his favorite red armchair, located in the darkest part of his living room. Spinel Sun flew over and perched himself on his shoulder.
“Is Nakuru almost ready?” Eriol Hirragizawa asked.
“Almost,” Spinel Sun answered in that drawling voice of his.
“Good…” Eriol murmured, smiling.
Tomoeda will soon be getting some more visitors, that's for sure.
To be continued.
Fire Temptress: Surprise, surprise? I update! And it doesn't take me months to do so. So I was on sugar-high when doing this. I had like… countless numbers of pepsi throughout today, and I spent the whole day working on this chapter. Between 2-3 in the afternoon, and now it's 12:15 AM. Thank god for Saturday's!
I tried to make this reach 10,000 words, but alas… I fell a few hundred words short. Ah well. Maybe next chapter-smiles happily-
But I do hope this chapter didn't bore you, what with its lengthy-ness and all.
So yeah. ) Leave a review!
Much gracias.