Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wilted Cherry Blossom ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Wilted Cherry Blossom
By:Raven Love
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Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captor Sakura is owned by CLAMP and Kodonsha.
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*~Li Syaoran~*

I slowly entered the church - my sisters on one side of me, Mother and Meiling on the other. We took our seats in a pew near the back.

I sat and prayed that she'd make it to the other side okay. In my heart, however, I wished she was here. I wished that I had told her the truth, but my pride wouldn't let me, and now she was gone. Struck down by her own hand, for reasons only she knew. She was my best friend... The love of my life... And I never found the courage to tell her.

We all lined up and slowly made our way down the aisle toward the opened casket where her body lay. When it was my turn, I stared down at her blankly, tears welling up in my eyes.

She didn't even look like herself anymore. She was so pale. Her skin was almost as white as the lining of the casket and her soft, auburn hair looked brittle and coarse.

I looked down at my hand. I held a single cherry blossom I'd picked earlier. It was starting to wilt. I gently lay it at her side, my hand momentarily brushing her bare arm as I withdrew it.

She felt so cold... Like ice.

I noticed a small golden star on a chain around her neck and a book by her side. She was wearing her favorite blue, silk sundress.
Before she'd taken her life, she seemed like any other sixteen-year-old girl. Happy. Cheerful even. There were never any warning signs that this is how it would end.

A gun... A bullet... And she was gone... forever.

She left only a note saying she had died of a broken heart and nothing more. It was no one's fault, she'd said.
Some how, I felt it was mine.

I reluctantly left her side, going back to my seat as Meiling went next. I could hear her starting to cry as I sat back and buried my face in my hands. A few tears escaped, only to get wiped away before anyone saw.

The rest of the service went by slowly. It all seemed surreal. I never thought she'd die. Not like this. She was supposed to live a long and happy life.

Soon we were loading up in the car, heading out to the cemetery behind the hearse.

Ironically enough, it was a beautiful, sunny day. Birds sang happily and squirrels scampered around as if it was just another day.
But it wasn't.

She wasn't here. She'd never be here again. It would never be "just another day" as long as she was gone.


I hated the word in itself.


It sounded so ugly.

A label.

Nothing more - nothing less.

I wiped away more tears as we neared the gravesite.

They continued the service, asking all those who were closest to her to step forth and throw in a handful of dirt.

First were Fujitaka and Touya.

Touya grieved for his sister, sobbing uncontrollably as he did as the priest asked.

Fujitaka just stared at the ground where she lay. Unbelieving that his only daughter could do such a thing as take her own life.
In the note, it'd said it wasn't his fault and that she loved us all greatly. "I've gone to be with my mother..." she'd written. There were tear stains on the note.

I couldn't help but think that if Nadeshiko was still alive, maybe, just maybe she'd still be alive.

Next to step up were Tomoyo and Sonomi.

Her best friend and she hadn't even told her why she'd done it.

I could hear Tomoyo crying as they stepped back into their places.

She fell to her knees and began to cry harder. "Why? Why did you do it? Just tell me that much! WHY!" she screamed, covering her face with her hands.

Everyone stared at her like a mad woman.

The priest just kept going, ignoring the girl's cries.

The attention from Tomoyo turned to me as I slowly stepped forward.

I bent down and picked up and handful of loose soil, throwing it on the casket below me.

They stared at me, as if I shouldn't be there at all. Like I was a stranger to her. Like I had no right to be there to say good-bye.
I looked back at Mother and my sisters. They were among the rest, gaping at me.

Meiling, who was still crying, just placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled a little as I stepped back in my place. "She would have wanted you to go forward with her family and Tomoyo," she whispered, her voice hoarse from crying so much.

I just looked at the ground and listened as the priest finished up the service.

Soon it was all over and I was the only one left by her side.

Everyone else was already gone and home by now.

Mother had said she'd wait for me as I said my last good-byes to her.

I had decided to take my time and stay as long as she'd let me. It had been over an hour since everyone had left and I was sitting on my knees in the dirt. I slowly traced her name on the little plate above where she lay. S-A-K-U-R-A.

Below her name it read:
"She was a kind and caring soul, loved by all. Daughter and sister to Touya, Fujitaka, and the early Nadeshiko Kinomoto.".

"Xiolang!" Mother called from the main gate.

I sighed and looked toward my family, then back to the hole where she lay peacefully. "Good bye, my Cherry Blossom," I whispered. "I'll visit you soon. I promise. I love you, Sakura-chan."

With that, I left, though the only thing I could think of was Sakura. I had told her far too late.

Now my Cherry Blossom was gone.


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*~To Be Continued~*
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Author's Notes: I've decided to leave off with just one chapter because I don't have time to do anymore chapters with all the work I have to do at home and school... I don't really have time to update any of the fics I'm waiting to finish and post, so I don't have any time to add more than one chapter to this. So, I hope you like it...

This is also just a rough draft... When I can get my Microsoft Word up and running again, it'll be more in "book-style" format. Until then, bare with me...

*~Raven Love~*