Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Unbroken, Dream Unspoken ❯ Chapter 9
...time for a slight reminder...there is a reason this story is listed under "angst" and not "humor"...
Wish Unspoken, Dream Unbroken
A week passed with enigmatic smiles from Sakura and no change in Yukito and Yue. When Touya pointed out that they had to return to classes that Monday she only shrugged. "I hope Yue was paying attention when Yukito was in class then, or he'll be very confused."
"Sakura!" He glared at her, feeling frustrated and protective--a feeling that used to be reserved for her, he noted inwardly.
"Onii-chan, I am not backing down now. Eriol-kun was right; this needs to be done. If I turn things back now, everything will be worse for the attempt. You just have to be patient."
He glared, but refused to fight with her. Not when there was another, more deserving target. He walked to Eriol's house, the rout being indelibly imprinted on his mind after the fateful day of filming where he had saved Yukito's life. The gate opened at his touch, a sure sign that he was expected, but that didn't matter. In fact, he figured that it would be better if Eriol had an inkling of what was to come.
The front door revealed Eriol, standing there with his usual smile. "Welcome to my home, Kinomoto-san."
Touya's eyes narrowed. "Hiiragizawa-san," he growled out through clenched teeth. "Put him back the way he was. Undo whatever spell you have on him, and leave us alone."
"You don't really want me to do that," the young-seeming mage said gently.
"Like hell I don't!"
Eriol drew himself up, seeming taller and older in that moment despite his physical appearance. He frowned, but his face still seemed kind and concerned. "If I had done this only for you, I might reverse it to show you the folly of your wish. However, I'm doing this for him as well. Things can not continue the way they were."
Touya didn't answer with words. He was irrational at this point with the frustration of having his emotions toyed with and the overprotective feelings he had transferred from his sister to the being he loved. He had been helpless to change the outcome of events around him too long. He lashed out, landing a punch directly in Eriol's face. He was aiming for the boy's nose, but hit his cheek instead--and realized that Eriol had only moved the slightest bit necessary to save himself from a broken nose. He had allowed the blow to land.
This knowledge stopped him cold. He watched Eriol's head rock back from the impact, saw the mage stumble backward as if in slow motion. He saw something dangerous flash in those eyes for a moment before it was stringently held in check. That's when Touya realized what he had done and who he had done it to. He was in over his head, and the idea didn't sit well with him.
Instantly Nakuru was at her master's side, staring in shock at both of them. She changed form to Ruby Moon instantly, holding Eriol's shoulder and glaring at Touya. "Touya-kun, I like you and you know that," she purred dangerously. "But I don't like anyone enough to allow that." A crimson glow encased one hand and she began to move it forward, obviously preparing an attack.
"It's okay, Ruby Moon." Eriol held her back, taking off his glasses so he could check them for damage. Finding none, he began to carefully prod his cheek. "I had that coming to me. However, Kinomoto-san will not do that ever again."
Touya agreed silently. It would be folly to attempt something along those lines, especially in the state he was in these days. He had once had a powerful untrained magic that might have helped him stand a chance--maybe--but not anymore.
Ruby Moon looked reluctant to dispel the attack energy she had gathered, but she finally did so when she saw that no more violence was imminent. Eriol and Touya stared at each other in grim understanding. Neither would give ground in this issue, and Touya was going to have to live with more frustration in this issue.
"I'm not here to 'fix it' or 'make it all better' because you want it, Kinomoto. I am here because a creation of my former incarnation needs me. You may not understand this, but he's like a child of mine. A child does not always know why a parent does what they do, but you can rest assured that I have my creation's best interests in mind in this case. You might end up hurt because of my actions, and I'm sorry for the pain I am causing you, but Yue is more important to me right now. He needs this."
A bruise was already springing up on Eriol's cheek, an angry dark red that was swelling quickly. He calmly lifted his right hand before him and showed Touya the ruby glow that had settled there. As he moved his hand across the cheek in one slow, smooth movement, the bruise disappeared.
"I do not delight in hurting others, nor do I torment them for my entertainment. It may seem that way, but please wait and see."
With that Eriol turned his back and walked back inside. Ruby Moon followed after a bit of hesitation. The doors closed behind them and Touya could feel that he was not welcome on the property anymore at this time. There was no finality to it...but he was clearly being invited to leave.
He left.
Yukito looked at Touya's hand closely, examining the fresh bruises forming across the knuckles. "What did you hit?" he asked, concerned. "It looks like you punched a brick wall."
"No, just a thick-headed magician," he grumbled.
"Touya! You didn't!"
Touya looked away, wincing as Yukito absently squeezed the hand. He realized what he had done and immediately let go, contrite.
"Yes, I did," Touya answered with finality.
"Every day I see the shadows growing in your eyes, Yuki. You are becoming more and more distant with each passing day. You don't laugh, you don't smile, you don't act like yourself anymore. Yue is happy enough, but you're starting to scare me. I'm just so worried about you!"
Yukito swallowed, hard. He was starting to worry about himself too. Nothing felt right anymore. He couldn't interact with the world; he couldn't do the things he wanted. He wasn't used to sitting back and watching someone else live his life for him. He couldn't even enjoy eating the way he used to. Yue had taken to devouring food and relishing the taste, but from within it was a muted feeling that left Yukito dreaming of what once was. As the days wore on he found himself becoming divorced from the world around him, even as he was aware of all that happened.
This was Yue's life, always. This was what his other half had felt while Yukito enjoyed the world around him without thought or care. They shared dreams now and Yukito saw how existence had been an ordeal since he had been confined to wearing a mask to hide his true self behind. He couldn't consign Yue to this misery again. He wouldn't wish it upon his worst enemy--if he had one. It went against everything Yukito loved.
There was only one answer he could think of.
Yukito brought out a joyful smile; reminiscent of those he used to wear constantly. "I did find one thing that made me smile, Touya." He moved closer to his friend, looking up into those dark, entrancing eyes.
Touya seemed to slump in relief simply with that gesture. "I'm glad," he said, slowly reaching to touch Yukito on the cheek.
Yukito allowed himself to indulge in the pleasure of the intimate gesture. The smile became a bit sad, melancholy, but it was still a smile. He found himself purring as the pleasure washed through him, more intense than he had expected. The sound startled him and made him pull back, remembering his place.
The shocked expression was only on his face momentarily though. The smile returned instantly, larger this time. Only the fact that this was Yue's face kept Touya from catching the manic glint at the was still a unique expression to see in the guardian form and Touya could not read it well yet. "I found the key to many magical abilities this past week," he murmured.
"You know how to change yourself back?"
Yukito sighed, shaking his head. "No, I don't think I'm capable of doing that on my own. I'll need Sakura for that--"
The question formed on Touya's face again...the question of what truth Sakura meant...but Yukito couldn't give him an answer and Touya had stopped asking. He held his silence now, waiting. Yukito's smile grew again.
"I can return some of your power to you," Yukito said breathlessly.
Touya frowned slightly, taking a step back. "Wouldn't that be dangerous?" he asked, concern smothering his voice.
Yukito stepped forward, coming even closer to Touya. "I know what I'm doing," he said. It wasn't a lie...but it wasn't exactly the truth, and was hardly an answer to Touya's question.
Touya still looked concerned. "Shouldn't we talk to Sakura about this first?"
Yukito had to fight hard to suppress a flash of irritation. Sakura hadn't been consulted when Yue had-- "I have also learned how to use other abilities as well," he murmured, holding a hand up and watching as the cool blue glow wrapped itself around his fingers.
Sakura, having specifically attuned herself to her moon guardian for the nonce, could feel the spell Yukito was about to use. Her heart leapt to her throat, making it impossible to breathe. Her eyes grew wide in stunned disbelief.
Touya felt his will being drained completely. He hung in mid air, head bowed as he waited for the inevitable. With sharp clarity he knew that his friend was doing him no favor. This wasn't simply about returning what had been given.
Eriol suddenly jumped from his chair, staring wide-eyes across town. He could not see the event taking place with his physical eyes, but he saw it with crystal clarity within the confines of his mind. Yukito had taken control of Touya's body and held him helpless before him as he initiated the power transfer.
"Forgive me, Touya," Eriol began to whisper in horror. "I never saw, never imagined that he would do such a thing."
Without knowing it, Yukito echoed those words. "Forgive me, Touya. I can't live like this any more..."
He drew up against the one he loved most in the world and began to call the magic he would need. Sakura's symbol glowed beneath their feet and Yukito took Touya in his arms and began to reverse what had been done.
Sakura raced up the stairs, flying without wings, filled with one burning need. She had to stop this. This could not be happening. She could feel the power pulling around her, burning the air she breathed and filling her eyes with stinging tears. With supernatural speed and strength she found herself pounding down her brother's door.
"Yukito! No!!!"