Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Falling Star ❯ When Dreaming Becomes a Reality ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

by: maixwolfblossom
--Chappie Ten--
--When Dreaming Becomes a Reality--
Disclaimer: I own many things………but I dun own CCS *sniff* T.T so go on laugh……..but I'll be laughing too, cuz u dun own CCS either! Lol
Sakura whispered choking out two words, “Little Wolf”
No one heard her except Syaoran; whose eyes widened with disbelief.
He trembled with uneasiness.
Did she really know or was she saying the meaning of his name?
He didn't know what to do.
Emerald eyes, innocent aura, cheerful smile, and auburn hair?
Oh My Friggin' Goodness!
No sound was heard, not even the people who were hidden outside the living room hall door.
Now she was………alone………well partly
Just the two of them………not really
In the same room………yeah I guess that's true
Yeah it sounded romantic………but there was only one problem.
………Syaoran fainted!
(A/N: All y'allz were right! *throws cookies for everyone*. Compliments to Meow the chibi neko! Lol *throws _a lot_ of cookies for her*)
“Syaoran-kun! Syaoran-kun!? Can you hear me?”
Sakura lightly slapped Syaoran on the face. When she put her fingers to his neck, she didn't feel a pulse.
`_Oh my god! Gotta save him! He's too young to die!_'
Unknown to her, her fingers were at the wrong pulse spot. She felt right below it; he really was alive.
(A/N: ^^ Evil right? lol)
Sakura whimpered opening her mouth that hovered over his.
“okay Sakura, remember Health Class……..*breathe*”
Sakura put her lips carefully on his.
Syaoran opened his eyes, groggily. His mind, fogged up and he was a bit unconscious.
He felt soft lips touch his and when he opened his eyes, his vision was blurred.
He could make out the person………it was _his_ Cherry.
Syaoran sat up swiftly that it scared Sakura.
When she tried to pull away he kept her still, kissing her deeply and let her go.
“I missed you, Cherry………”
“I've been waiting for you, but the dreams kept on fading………”
He engulfed her in a warm, secure hug and kissed her again.
Sakura was in shock, but didn't make any move to push away.
She felt tears burn her eyes.
She was really dreaming and Syaoran just looked like _her_ Little Wolf.
But any minute now she would wake up and this would all be a dream………
`_Yes a dream………but then why am I still here?­_'
_Her_ Little Wolf looked like Syaoran.
How could this be?
Yeah, there was some resemblance between them though.
Amber eyes; devilish, mocking smirk; heart-melting smile; messy chocolate brown hair; and this secure hug?
No it couldn't be _him_
The man she'd dream of for over a month?
The man in her dreams that she slowly fell in love with?
Could he be the one?
But she never resolved these questions.
Syaoran's eyes widened as he suddenly realized for the first time _who_ he was kissing.
He let go of Sakura hastily and looked at her apologetically.
“Sakura-chan!? Gomen Nasai (I'm sorry) I didn't know what came over me!”
Sakura looked down fighting down a blush, “Ano ne (umm), Syaoran-kun………why'd you call me, `Cherry'?”
Syaoran eyes dropped away from her face, “Um, nothing………it's nothing………”
Sakura saw him not shift from his position for a few minutes.
She grew bold and moved down to his eye level, “Iie (no), I don't think it's `nothing'.”
Syaoran looked at her with confusion.
“I know your secret………and I think you know mine………”
“Did you hear that thump?” Meiling said.
“I wonder what happened?”
“Why'd we even leave in the first place?”
Eriol looked at them skeptically, “I don't know, I was just leaving for a spot of tea?”
“Don't joke around, Eriol”
“What do you mean joke around? Can't an English guy have tea-time?”
“Would you guys please shut up! I can't hear properly”
“What do you mean? You know my secret? Sakura don't play around”
Sakura looked at him and breathed in air as if it took every ounce of her strength to say the words she wanted to say, “You see, Syao-kun, I know for a fact that you call me `Cherry'.”
Syaoran's patience was waning, “Hai Hai (yeah Yeah)”
“Well I also kno--” Sakura broke off hearing noises outside the living room door, “I also know that we have company listening to us. Do you want us to be heard?”
Syaoran looked at the supposed-to-be-dense Sakura and thought about what she said.
Along the way he got caught up in her fiery emerald eyes.
Syaoran was looked at her hypnotic jade eyes and looked at her in awe.
She opened her mouth a couple of times, but Syaoran was in La La land.
This is what he heard:
“Before you say anything, one thing: I'm not _always_ dense………I can be _dangerous­_ too.”
His eyes widened, shaking his head vigorously.
“O.O;;………What did you say?”
Sakura looked irritated, “I said, `I can be smart, too'.”
“Oh okay and no I don't want to be overheard,” Syaoran's expression turned into amusement, “Especially by _those_ people.”
Sakura looked at him carefully, “Then where? Do you know anyway we could go off without being followed by them?”
Syaoran thought for a while and it finally came to him, “Come on let's go”
He got up slightly struggling and when he got up, he pulled Sakura to her feet, too.
“This way,” he whispered softly, pulling her along.
Tomoyo, Eriol, and Meiling grew more and more irritated every second.
Then it came to a point when none could take it anymore………
“HEY!” Tomoyo, Eriol, and Meiling screamed together, “I CAN'T HEAR A THING!”
Tomoyo sighed frustrated, “GAH! This is useless, I'm going in”
Tomoyo opened the doors and walked through them, leaving a shocked Meiling.
While Eriol dreamily grinned, `_HM? She has spunk! No wonder I love her!_'
They followed Tomoyo and bumped into her when she stopped.
“Hey! What's the big deal? Why'd you stop?”
“TOMOYO now I have a bruise on my………”
All three of them lapsed into silence. No one was in the room.
~*~WITH S+S~*~
Syaoran and Sakura took the back way stairs of the mansion.
They slowly traveled quietly to their destination, Sakura not knowing where they were going.
A few butlers and maids greeted them with raised eyebrows.
(A/N: I know what they're thinking, do you? ^^)
Syaoran stopped to the room at the end of the hall on the third floor.
He opened the door and went in while Sakura just stood out there in confusion.
Syaoran popped his head out of the doorway, “So?………come in! What are you waiting for?”
Sakura broke into a fast walk and went inside a _very_ forest green room that had a faint smell of autumn leaves and a hint of honey cinnamon.
She smiled, “Nice room. Whose is it?”
Syaoran blushed a deep red, “Umm………um………it's mine………”
Sakura smiled innocently, “Cool, what are we doing here?”
“Well, of course I don't want to be heard and this is the place that gets the most privacy……….”
“I see………”
Two people alone…………
Alone in _his_ room, that is………^^
Each attracted to the other………
Both just looking at the other………
Syaoran didn't like the awkward silence, “So………what do you know? And what do _I_ know that you know that you said I knew that _I_ know?”
Sakura gave an inquisitive look at what he was saying; it was too confusing.
He, seeing Sakura's blank look, elaborated, “Umm………I meant tell me what I know that you know, too.”
Sakura still gave a confused look.
“Never mind never mind! Just tell me what you know.”
Sakura's dim head lighted up, “OoOoOoOoOoOOoOooO! Ok ok”
She opened her mouth, but hesitated.
Should I tell him???
`_OOoOwie! He _is_ _cute_'
*groan* Stop it! I know………but I can't fall in love………I made a promise. Remember the one I made the day Touya went into a coma. I'm just bad luck. When one loves me they get into trouble and I don't want _that_.
`_::rolls eyes:: Promise Shommise, It still doesn't change how _hot_ he is!_'
Yeah………you're right………he is a hunk of a man………*drool*………and, oh yeah, nice too.
`_Yes………that's the spirit Cherry Blossom, you open up your heart. Especially, to him too, *drool*_'
What was _I_ supposed to say to him?
`_I dun know *drool*………maybe it was how hot he is?………_'
No………it was something………I know it is………
Syaoran cocked an eyebrow seeing her go dreamily away to another world.
Then he saw her mouth water and she was staring at _him_.
She snapped out immediately.
“Weren't you going to tell me something?”
A blush crept to her face, “I don't remember………what was it?”
“You were going to tell me what you knew. Something about my secret that you knew?”
Sakura face cleared into a serious act, “Oh yeah.”
Syaoran motioned her to sit on the balcony chairs outside his window doors.
She followed him to the chairs that looked over the spacious property.
Somehow this looked like a scene from her dream.
She looked up to meet Syaoran's strong features.
“Ok………if you want to know………here it is……… I know for a fact that my nickname is `Cherry' and you know it.”
Syaoran nodded his head wondering where this conversation was going. He knew many other girls have the same nickname, but his Cherry was the only one who called him her `Little Wolf'.
“So? Many girls have that nickname……….”
“The point is `Why did _you_ call _me_ Cherry?'”
Syaoran mentally smacked himself, `_Doofus! How can that slip your mind!_'
Hearing no response she knew she was right. _HE_ was _HER_ `Little Wolf'.
“Um………well the only one who calls me that is my Little Wolf………but I've only met him in my dreams………and well………”
Syaoran's face froze. He looked at the girl who claimed to be _his_ Cherry!
Oh dear lord!
I wasn't hallucinating!
She met me in my dreams?………
All this time I've been wondering if Cherry was ever real and if she were I would immediately know.
And here she is………
*blink blink* *rubs eyes*
Auburn hair, emerald eyes, and cheerful smile………I don't know about the laugh………but the same personality?………
Sakura or Cherry or Whatever! She is _my_ Cherry!
Sakura looked at him worriedly.
Was he in remorse in finding out he was her love in dreams?
Or was he thinking that she was joking or what?
She looked up into his face hearing him speak.
“………_I_ am Little Wolf………and………I think I'm in love with………with Cherry………meaning you………”
(A/N: AH, confessions confessions, how lovely, ne?)
Syaoran remembered down in the living room where he was talking to himself that `if he was to fall in love with someone it would be Cherry'. He would break his promise of not to love, just for that one special dream girl and here she was.
Sakura's eyes grew as round as saucers as he said those last words.
“Syaoran-kun? I don't know………what to say……….I hardly know you………”
`_YES YOU DO! YOU _LIKE_ HIM! Wait! Hold UP! Back up a minute………HE SAID HE _LOVED_ YOU!_'
Syaoran gave a confident look, “Yeah, but I'll wait for you, until I can make you love me. I know we only know each other from our dreams, but I believe that once again we'll both fall in love. It's destiny………”
Syaoran kneeled in front of Sakura and took her hand, which was trembling, but warmth engulfed her from his touch; it burned her skin and she felt her heart flutter in delight.
She could tell by staring into his eyes………his amber eyes………those eyes told his soul………and that soul loved her.
Sakura fainted to the floor and Syaoran caught her just in time.
“Cherry Blossom?!”
(Sakura Note: Why do I have all the nicknames, just think of one, ppl! A/N: Sorry, Saku (sakura growlz) lol but the more the merrier, ne?)
Syaoran noticed how pale she was.
`_I guess the news hit her pretty hard?_'
He picked her up and gradually walked to his bed and laid her there, covering her up with his green bed sheet.
Syaoran sighed looking at the girl that was both his dream love and now his real love.
“Sweet Dreams, _my_ Cherry………”
He silently walked to the balcony chairs and stared out into the clear, blue sky. He was in deep thought.
Cherry found herself floating in the air.
She knew that any minute now, she was going to see her Little Wolf.
She sat near her favorite tree waiting patiently for her love.
Cherry Blossom petals swirled with the breeze along with the peonies that floated around Cherry.
The moonlight softly lighted her features. She was waiting anxiously.
It seemed like forever since she sat there, but no one came.
A tear clung to her lashes.
She willed herself not to cry.
He would show up; he never failed her before.
But………where was he?
Suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows.
It was………it was………it was Syaoran?!
“LITTLE WOLF,” Sakura gasped out loud.
Syaoran who at the time was still outside staring, heard her and rushed to her side.
“Sakura? What's the matter?!”
She looked lost and out of place.
He hugged her to him and softly caressed her back.
“It's okay, don't cry, shhh”
Sakura buried her face on his chest, pouring her heart out.
In a muffled voice she cried out, “He didn't come! He didn't show up! My little wolf didn't come!”
Syaoran understood why she was feeling distressed. He remembered a story that said: if one dreams of the other, then both dreamers are sound asleep. Waiting for their love to come back. And one can't see the other if the other is awake.
He used to not believe in that saying and now he knew it existed.
“I'm here, your Little Wolf is here.”
Sakura looked up to his face; tears still streaming down her face.
“Syaoran-kun I--”
She didn't know if it was the breeze from the balcony or the nearness of Syaoran that made her shiver.
All she knew was that he was there, hugging her caringly.
She felt weak in his arms.
She also felt safe and couldn't help but hold on, afraid to lose the heat of him.
She moved closer to his lips, realizing how amazingly soft they looked.
He began to move in as well.
They moved closer………
And Closer………
And closer………
And closer………
*~*~A/N: Will they get interrupted or will they finally get together? You readers are just gonna have to wait and find out. I just love this cliffy! I just want to say, this is where the Drama kicks in, but don't worry the Humor will still be here ^.~! Ja mah peepz!