Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wolfsong ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: *sigh* not mine.......

~~WOLF SONG chapter I~~

~~1 week later~~

Syaoran grinned as he stood outside the airport. He took a deep breath, then hacked as the smog hurt his sensitive nose. Snorting, he started to walk to his new apartment when a familiar and irritating voice stopped him.

"There you are my cute decendant." Eriol said happily as he approached.

Syaoran growled at him. "What are you doing here? I just told you to get me what I needed, not come with me!"

Eriol smiled at Syaoran's irritated look. "That you did. I figured I might be able to help you master your magic." His look became more serious. "And I think you and dear Sakura are about to encounter some real trouble. I was hoping to help you prepair." He started grinning again. "I brought transportation too."

He raised an eyebrow at seeing a rather nice looking car with a driver in the driver seat waiting patiently. Syaoran then sighed and tossed his duffle bag into the trunk. "Whatever, I don't care. I just want to see Sakura again."

"Still thinking she's mad about you not coming back in six years?" Eriol asked with a chuckle as he got into the back seat with Syaoran.

"No. She's more likely pissed that I haven't contacted her in three years. I wrote and called when I could up until the change." Syaoran looked over at Eriol, noticing his clean button up blue shirt and black slacks. He frowned down at his own grungy looking sweatpants and faded green tanktop. "I think I should change before I go see her though. Did you enroll me?"

"Yes. I have your uniform at your apartment. You can wait to see her tomorrow. Today I want to go over some theories I've come up with for your magic." Eriol said in a buisness like tone.

"Since when were you serious?" Syaoran groaned.

Eriol smiled. "Since I felt that you guys were going to get into some really serious trouble. Besides, your problem became an interesting challenge. I can't wait to see if my theories are correct."

Syaoran sighed as he stared out the window. "Just try not to freak when I show you."


Halfway around the world, an ancient looking man with long silver hair sat and stared down from his balcony, ignoring the many whimpers coming from the room behind him. He staired down at the paper thin skin on his hands. Being weak like this wasn't something he liked. That would all change in a few moments, but for how long? "Master," the voice of a young man said from behind him. The old man grunted and the owner of the voice, a pale, thin man with short dark hair, took that as a sign to continue. "I have the report you wished for. There are very few families left in the world that practice the magic arts. The most powerful is a clan in China."

"What is the name of this clan, Dogan." The old man said in a raspy voice.

The young man called Dogan shifted and looked at the paper in his hand. "The report says the house of Li. Records state the clan has existed for a very long time.

"Master! We are ready to begin." Another voice called out from the room.

The old man looked up at the full moon. It was almost in position. "Very well, let us begin. Dogan, have the jet ready for my departure after the ceremony. I think we should pay a visit to this, Li clan." He grinned as he hobbled into the room, revealing long sharp fangs.


Another school day, and Sakura had awoken late yet again. With practicing her magic with her two guardians and having those disturbing dreams of death and destruction, the young Cardmistress wasn't getting much sleep. It didn't help she had trouble waking up in the morning either. She sped down the sidewalk on her rollerblades, dodging people and obsticles with uncanny ease. Her ability to sense people's auras and her well honed reflexes got a good work out when she traveled like this.

The gates to the school were in sight and she quickly positioned herself to stop. The wheels of her rollerblades screetched in protest as she slid to a stop, a foot away from her best friend Tomoyo. The purple haired girl simply smiled, confident in Sakura's abilities to control her mad flights to school. "Goodmorning Sakura. A little late?"

Sakura panted lightly and grinned. "Yeah, but I made it." She said, skating to match Tomoyo's walking speed as they headed inside.

"You look a little pale Sakura. Is something wrong?" Tomoyo asked worriedly as she studied her friend.

Sighing, Sakura stopped at her locker and quickly removed her skates, putting on her shoes. She could never figure out Tomoyo's uncanny ability for details. "I've been having some bad dreams lately and training late with Kero and Yue. I'm afraid that something bad is coming."

Tomoyo nodded as she walked with Sakura to their homeroom. "Well, maybe you'll get a pleasant surprise today." She said with a mysterious smile. They sat down at their desks just as the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Class, it looks like we've got a few new faces today." He said with a smile."Come on in boys." Sakura gave a strangled gasp as the two boys walked in, murmurs errupted around the room at the two handsome boys. The girls were happy to see a handsome boy with shoulder lenght blue hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and looking perfect in his school uniform and glasses, and a ruggedly handsome boy with messy brown hair and his tie hanging a bit loose around his neck. They didn't notice that he was staring intently at someone, but Sakura and Tomoyo were fully aware of it, and Sakura was blushing as she stared right back. "Please tell the class your name and a little about yourself." the teacher prompted.

"Eriol Hiiragizawa" the blue haired boy bowed in a gentlemanly fashion. "I'm from England. I came to live here for awhile when I was eleven, but then went back home. I'm now here to continue my studies here."

The teacher nodded. "You can take a seat behind Ms.Daidouji. Please raise your hand Ms. Daidouji." he said. With a grin, Tomoyo raised her hand. Eriol returned her grin as he sat down behind her.

"Syaoran Li, from China. Just call me Li." Syaoran muttered, looking away from Sakura long enough to shoot a glare at the class before focusing back on Sakura. He noticed a seat was empty behind the auburn haired girl and grinned as he walked to it before the teacher could place him.

"Yes well...." The teacher coughed, seeing that the new student found his own seat. "Let's take roll."

"Just like old times eh?" Eriol chuckled, leaning forward to whisper to Tomoyo. Tomoyo giggled in response.


The bell for lunch sounded and a nervous Syaoran found he couldn't breathe as he was engulfed by a lap full of auburn haired girl. "Syaoran! I missed you!" Sakura said crying, causing Syaoran to nearly panic.

"Shh, it's ok I'm here now." Syaoran said, hugging here. Both were ignoring the dissappointed looks they were getting from both girls and boys. Suddenly Sakura leaned back and slapped him. "Ow!" Syaoran yelped.

"Where have you been for the past three years! You didn't return a single one of my letters and your mother never would tell me where you were!" Sakura demanded.

Syaoran rubbed his cheek with a frown. "I'm sorry." he said with a sigh, looking around and noticed their audience. He set her on her feet and took her hand as he led her off to have lunch outside, Tomoyo and Eriol following behind. "Sakura?" He asked softly. "What do you know of werewolves?"

Sakura frowned at the subject. She wanted to know where he was for three years, not talk about a horror movie monster. "Not much." She shrugged. "Just what you see in movies. What does that have to do with you being gone for three years?"

"A lot." Eriol put in from behind them.

"What?" Sakura asked, spinning on the blue haired boy and releasing Syaoran's hand.

Syaoran took Sakura's hand and pulled her along. "I'll explain when we're away from so many people." he sighed, leading her to a nice looking spot under a tree. The four sat down and started on their lunch, Sakura waiting impatiently for Syaoran to explain. "Three years ago," He started after making sure the area was safe to talk in. He knew he'd probably have to explain this again when they were surely alone, since he knew people would want to be introduced to him. For the moment he was keeping people away with his glare. "I was attacked by a werewolf. He let his beast side take over and he was nothing but a killing machine and he bit me good. I...." he coughed, not really wanting to tell the girl he loved that he'd killed the deranged man, but not wanting to hide it either. "I killed him." he said softly. "To save my life. He wouldn't stay down no matter what I did, and I was getting woozy from bloodloss. I had no choice." He sighed. "Well, these hunters found out and I had to go into hiding to stay alive. I'm not like the guy that bit me, I'm in complete control."

Sakura stared at him speachless. "Does your family know? What do they say?" Tomoyo asked in fasination.

He shrugged and Eriol answered her. "They don't really mind at all. Infact they think it's a good thing as long as he stays in control. From what I've read on true werewolves, only a few who can't accept what they've become go on a killing spree. Sorcerers usually don't become one, so I've decided to help Syaoran adapt to use magic. Werewolves have a bit of trouble speaking when they change." he said with a chuckle.

"I know it seems really wierd, and if you don't think you can deal with it, or-or want to deal with it, I'll go away so you don't have to see me again." Syaoran said softly.

"Can I see it? Your other form?" Sakura asked softly. "Or do I have to wait for the full moon?"

Syaoran blinked and Eriol gave a knowing chuckle. "N-no, no. I can change whenever I want, though it wouldn't be smart if I did it at school." Syaoran stared intently down at his hands. "You may not want to see it though. It's rather fearsome. I'd hate your last memory of me to be that of a bloodthirsty beast." he said sadly.

"Who said it'd be my last memory of you?" Sakura asked in surprised confusion. Tomoyo leaned over and whispered something to her friend, and Sakura's eyes widened. "Ohhh. No Syaoran! I'm not leaving you!" She said firmly, grabbing his hands and making him look at her. "I've waited six years for you to return and I'm not letting the fact that you've gone through some...changes, pull you away from me! I'll just have to get used to it, and if you don't want me to, well too bad! You can't get rid of me that easily Syaoran Li!" Sakura said fiercely.

"Never" Syaoran said, just as fiercely, enveloping her in a tight hug. "I'd never want you to leave." he whispered softly into her hair.

Tomoyo and Eriol had wide grins on their faces and Tomoyo's video camera was running. "Oh, they're so cute together!" She giggled. The two teens blushed and pulled away. Sakura smiled warmly as she adjusted Syaoran's tie a little, leaving it loose but looking neater. The bell rang, ending lunch, and the four walked back to class together. "You know,:" Tomoyo said thoughtfully. "Maybe with Sakura's help, you'll be able to figure out your magic faster."

"I was hoping so Tomoyo" Eriol said with a smile as they entered the building.


A handsome young man stared out the window of his private jet. Long silver hair hung loosely around his shoulders and his suit was in perfect order. Dogen approached the man with a wine glass full of a red liquid. "Clean up has been completed Master."

"Excellent Dogan." the silver haired man said as he accepted the glass. "And our people in China?" he said, taking a sip of the blood red liquid.

"Arrangements for your stay are complete. Our people are right now keeping tabs on the Li clan members. I'm afraid, however, that one member is missing. He's been gone for three years."

The silver haired man stared at Dogan. "And what's so important about this missing member to be worthy of my notice?" he asked in a bored tone.

Dogan nodded. "He is next in line to become leader of their clan."

"Odd...." the silver haired man murmured. "Have our people find out what they can about this heir. He may have simply ran like a coward from his responsibilities and be of no importance, but I will not take any chances."

Dogan bowed. "At once master." He said before striding back the way he came.


AN: Second installment of my revised story. If I didn't make anything clear, just let me know.
