Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ XIAOLANG- little wolf ❯ Insane in the Membrane ( Prologue )
XIAOLANG- little wolf
By Sujakata
Dedicated to: All my readers, and the people who demanded a sequel.
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS
AN/ this is the sequel for SAKURA- cherry blossom. I hope you enjoy it :D
Prologue: Insane in the Membrane
Sa-ku-ra Sa-ku-ra Ya-yo-I-no So-ra-wa Mi-wa-ta-su Ka-gi-ri Ka-su-mi Ka Ku-mo-ka Ni-o-I-zo I-zu-ru Sa-ku-ra
Sakura, Sakura Blossom blowing here and there; Cherry flowers pink and white, Sending forth into the air all their spring time fragrance fair; Sakura
Sa-ku-ra Mi-ni Yu-ka-n
Sakura Blossom bright, pink and white
Sakura couldn't believe the pain that ran through her body… well spirit, she knew she was dead, she had felt herself being torn from Xiaolang as their bond dissipated. Her death had been so painful and she was still in pain `aren't you supposed to feel nothing after you die?' she thought, the black void all around her, spinning and spiralling. Sakura was about to call out to see if anyone else was with her when she landed on a hard white floor.
Looking up she sighed, she was in the place where her dreams were, that crystalline white place where that girl Cosette lived. Rolling her neck to get rid of the pain still running through her spirit she walked calmly to where she knew Cosette would be. The girl had better know what was going on.
Xiaolang stood before Shiienpo, nothing was really happening, the guy was just talking about ultimate power and destroying the world. Xiaolang just stood their, his body aching for Sakura and his mind continued to flash pictures of their time together, the most recent was both of them, together in the cell where they shared their love. It hurt him so much to just think about her, her green eyes stood out the most. Shiienpo was now babbling on about taking away pain by giving it to others, it sounded plausible and so Xiaolang tried it out, picking out a random person that was walking past and allowed his magic to fly into the man and kill him. The pain abated some what but it was still there, gnawing away at his body and mind.
Cosette stood up once Sakura came in and ran to her, pulling her quickly to a small mirror she shushed Sakura's questions and forced her to look into the mirror. Sakura's breath caught in her throat as she saw Xiaolang killing people, with his hands, with his magic, it didn't seem to bother him, he just looked so lifeless that a weight squeezed at her heart and made it hard to breath.
"this cant be real" she said in a hushed voice, her knees shaking and her breath coming in short gasps. "it just cant" Cosette watched Sakura silently for a moment before placing a small white hand on her shoulder.
"it is real Sakura, and you must stop him."
"but how? I'm dead, my body wont take back my spirit." Cosette was quiet for a while
"there is a way… to reunite the body with the spirit but it takes too long, I need you to stop Xiaolang NOW! If you don't then the whole world will be destroyed, do you understand that? Sakura, I have to place you in a different body" there was utter silence, Sakura just stood there watching Xiaolang kneel before a small child before he choked the life from her, the child's small hands grabbed at Xiaolang's strong hands but in a matter of seconds the child was dead and Xiaolang chucked it away from him as if the child had burned him. Sakura turned back to face Cosette.
"if… if I stop him…. Will you be able to bring me back afterwards, back into my own body?" Cosette nodded her head, her eyes pleading with Sakura to be ok with this. "but… what if h-he kills me?" Sakura asked, her hand sweeping across the mirror to caress Xiaolang's cheek.
"Sakura, I promise you, if you stop him, then you will be able to go back to your body." Sakura nodded her head in consent and waited patiently for Cosette to do whatever she had to
"will it hurt?"
"only a little" and then a bright flashing blue light filled Sakura's vision and she found herself opening her eyes to find that she was in the middle of a street and about to be run over by a car, using her quick reflexes Sakura jumped out of the way and rolled to the ground to stop herself from being killed. Sighing to herself she looked around, she seemed to be back in Japan `well that's weird' she thought before checking over herself, two hands, a body, a penis, two legs, two eyes, two ea-
"A PENIS?" her voice was more harsher then what her voice used to be, tears welled in her eyes and she looked around desperately, finding a store window she quickly ran to it and looked at herself in the window. There staring out at her was a boy with long blue/black hair that was tied in a braid, tanned skin, a small frown on her face and two very deep, very black eyes. Sakura placed her head to the window and breathed in and out deeply, how was she supposed to stop Xiaolang if she was a GUY? Xiaolang never liked any other guys before except for Eriol and well he hadn't really liked him all that much… `hang on? Oh now I remember, Eriol used to be our friend, the little trickster, when I find him I'm going to kill him' Sakura caught herself and then groaned
"testosterone? What more could go wrong" and then she heard it, something she really, really, really didn't want to hear
"Xan Lee, are you all right?" Sakura turned to look and a rather… er… fat girl who was holding an ice cream in her hand, she clutched at his arm
"er… yeah I'm fine, I think I'll go home"
"oh but you promised to take me out, I'll tell mum if you don't" Sakura rolled her eyes but nodded her head. She had to find Xiaolang and soon, this persons body had NO MAGIC WHATSOEVER!
Nothing made sense at all, everything was just filled with pain and the only way to release it was to make others hurt just as much as he did, but it always came back, like a plague, it followed him every where and those haunting green eyes never left him.
Shiienpo sat before him, talking about something or another but Xiaolang took no notice of it, he didn't care, he just wanted to get rid of the pain, that was the only reason why he followed this man, he had no idea who it was nor did he care. The man seemed to understand him, understand his need to get rid of the pain and so showed him different ways in which to kill people, some ways were more effective of releasing the pain from himself then others, but he knew it was only short lived. The cold ache was always there, just a few steps behind, but it always caught up and every time it did, it ate away at his mind every time it did.
Xiaolang Li, was becoming insane….
AN/ reasons for making Sakura go into a guys body
its funny
I will not have Xiaolang falling in love with another girl
its funny
will be a challenge for my writing skills since I am a chick and have no idea what guys go through since I have four sisters and no brothers.
its funny
guys have all those embarrassing things happening to them
and last but not least its funny.
Hope you enjoyed the prologue and the next chapter will be up shortly. Have a great day everyone