Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Your Wish is My Command ❯ The Sudden Encounter ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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Summary: Not wanting to marry the princess of their enemy kingdom, Prince Li Syaoran embarks on a quest to the Human World be the Tipple (kinda like a genie) to grant a certain human's 10 wishes. There he met Sakura Kinomoto, a girl who's his exact opposite, and who became his master. Though two person having the exact different life and personality, they've learned to cooperate with each other and get along (I think TT) but one thing they didn't expected to happen happened. They fall in love? Will things work out in the end or will they just fell apart?
Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura. It is CLAMP (my favorite mangaka) who do.
Chapter 1
The Sudden Encounter
“But Dad I don't want to marry Izumi-hime! I merely know her anyway!” a boy with chestnut hair and amber eyes complain. He was wearing an outfit which is in between of that of an elf and of a fairy.
“But son as a prince it is your duty to bring peace in this land. And by marrying Izumi-hime the misunderstanding between their kingdom and ours will be over.” The Tipple Kingdom's king explained but his son was too stubborn to understand he just flapped his wolf-like ears and close it.
“Seiji-niisan doesn't have to do it. So why me?” he whispered to himself but to his surprise his father heard him.
“But Syaoran your brother Seijiro is not as hard-headed and stubborn like you.” his father complained.
“I won't marry her no matter what you say! There's no way you can make me!” he said still being stubborn.
“There's no way I can make you eh?” the king asked and it seems as though he has a plan like always. Syaoran just nod in agreement and place his hand on the back of his head.
“Then I'll give you a mission if you can complete it then you don't have to marry Izumi-hime.” he explained. Syaoran now look a little interested.
“What is it then?” he asked.
“If in 3 months you can change your attitude and I might as well change my mind. And also you must learn a very important lesson by then.” the king explained with that Syaoran's face change from being interested to being disappointed.
“What kind of lousy mission is that?! I am already on my best attitude! And what lesson do you mean?” he said confidently.
“You have to find out on yourself.” he teasingly said.
“Eh?! So what should I do now?” Syaoran asked still not understanding anything.
“You're going to be sent on the Human World and just like any other Tipple you would live with a human and grant her wishes but instead of granting her just 5 that lucky human would be given 10 wishes. Maybe while staying there you might actually learn something and you may also see the girl you were talking about.” the king continued.
“What girl?!” he asked confused.
“The girl you said you met when you were little when you and your mom went there.” by now Syaoran remembered what his father is talking about.
“Oh that girl!” he said as he tries to remember what happened on that day he met her. He is now actually forgetting about the mission his father is talking about.
“So now I must send you!” he said.
“I still haven't agreed on that!” he complained.
“So you'll just have to marry Izumi-hime then!”
“But why do I have to do what ordinary Tipple do?! I'm the Tipple Kingdom's prince I don't have to do things like that!” he protested but it seems that his father's mind is really made up now and there's no way he could change his mind now.
“Then just marry Izumi-hime! You don't have to go through this if you just marry her in the first place!” he replied.
“NO!” he replied again. His dad is now getting really annoyed.
“Bet you just can't finish the mission! That's such a shame you're my son and you can't do a simple quest that even ordinary Tipple can accomplish.” His father teasingly said knowing that by doing this he can convince his really stubborn son.
“Of course I can!” he protested.
“So just go then!” after this he then created a portal leading to the human world.
“Eh?! You shouldn't do this to me! There are still things I wanted to ask you before going to the Human World!” he was trailed off as the portal swallows him.
“I'll see you soon son! Oh and by the way bring home my favorite ramen when you return from the Human World!” he shouted so that Syaoran will be able to hear him.
Meanwhile on the Human World. The usually crowded street of Tomoeda is now empty due to the heavy rain. Sakura was just inside the house still not over the really painful truth she found out a week ago.
(Sakura's P.O.V)
It has already been a week since that day, the day my heart was shattered into pieces. I wish that wasn't true. I wish my eye was only playing a trick on me but it isn't. But even if my heart is broken right now what I did is for the best.' I thought to myself as I reminisce about what happen last week. No matter how I tried to forget about that jerk I still want to be with him because I still love him. I just can't make myself forget.
It was Sunday that day Tomoyo and I was on the mall, shopping just like we always do every Sunday. But this Sunday is not like any other Sunday because it was this Sunday that broke my heart.
We were tired from the long hour of shopping so Tomoyo and I decided to take a break and at the same time grab some snack. We were on our way to our favorite coffee shop, the one we always go every time we're finished shopping to take some rest, when Tomoyo suddenly look so angry and surprise at the same time.
“Tomoyo-chan what's wrong? Are you alright?” I asked.
“Sakura-chan don't look that way! I swear don't look that way you're not going to like it!” Tomoyo-chan replied pointing at the opposite direction of the coffee shop we're suppose to be going.
“Eh? What is it?” I asked looking at the direction she is pointing. If she really doesn't want to me to saw what she saw then maybe she shouldn't have pointed that way. Guess she really want me to see it then. To my surprise there was my so called boyfriend with a girl holding each others hand and laughing. The minute I saw I quickly rush towards their direction and Tomoyo-chan just followed me.
“Hello Zero-kun is the food here delicious?” I asked him by this time he already let go of the girl's hand.
“Hey Zero-kun who is she?” the girl asked.
“Hello Miss to tell you the truth I'm just this good-for-nothing's girlfriend.” I told her and to my surprise the girl slapped Zero the jerk and left but Zero didn't even try to follow her.
“I swear Sakura it's not what you think!” he protested but my mind's really made up now there's no way I'm going to stand here pretending that nothing happened.
“Then what is it like then?” I asked him but it seems he doesn't know what excuse he should make so he decided to just keep quiet while Tomoyo-chan is just standing behind me cheering me on.
“I've love you Zero-kun! But what did you do?! Why did you do this to me?! Am I not good enough for you?!” he remained silent that really annoyed me.
“I love you too Sakura but…” without another thought I punched him. `He broke my heart so I'm going to break his face!' I thought as I continued to slap and throw whatever thing I could find.
(Normal P.O.V)
“Are you happy now Sakura-chan? So do you forgive me now?” he asked with his usual sweet voice that made Sakura fall for him in the first place. His face is now not like always because before he has a really pretty face but now...he looks really different from before but that will soon return to normal after his wounds heal.
“Yeah I'm happy now and I forgive you now. And also it's over between us!” Sakura said and she and Tomoyo stared to leave. Sakura is crying when they left but Zero didn't notice it because Sakura didn't want him to know.
“I Love You Sakura-chan!!” he shouted in a sorry voice but Sakura just pretended that she didn't hear him. He didn't try to follow her knowing that it would be better if he leave her alone for a while maybe by then she could really forgive him.
(Sakura's P.O.V again)
That's what happens. And even though I told him that it's over between us I still miss him hanging around the house even if he bores me at times. Well just to let you all know he is not the type that you would laugh all the way that you are on the verge of crying he's the silent type you see. Maybe if there is just someone who can keep me company then I might forget the pain even for a while. But Tomoyo and my other friends are out because it is summer vacation right now. Before I was always happy every time it is summer vacation but this time I'm not. I'll just have to wait just 1 week before I have company again that's not very long.
Maybe I should go outside to have some fun. I might actually forget about the pain even just for a little while.
(Normal P.O.V.)
Sakura changed her clothes and get her bag from her closet. She then left the house and went to the mall where she and Tomoyo used to go every weekend but this time she is alone.
On the mall Sakura spent the whole afternoon shopping like as always. Realizing that she was exhausted she decided to grab some lunch. She then met Chiharu and Yamazaki.
“How are you doing Sakura-chan?” Yamazaki asked smiling at Sakura.
“I thought you went to a resort with Rika and Naoko?” Sakura asked.
“You see Chiharu's mother got sick on the day we were supposed to be going so she decided not to come and I didn't come too. What about you?” he replied.
“Why isn't Zero-kun with you?” Chiharu asked looking around trying to find Zero. Sakura just stayed silent.
“Sakura-chan did Chiharu said something wrong?” he asked but Sakura just shake her head.
“It's nothing.” she lied though it is really obvious on her voice that she is telling a lie.
“C'mon Sakura-chan tell us!” Chiharu protested and Sakura just sigh as she is being drag by Chiharu to the nearest fast food chain.
Sakura told them the whole story and they both really got angry at Zero. After grabbing some lunch they all continue shopping. Sakura cheered up a little now that she got company. They had so much time that Sakura didn't notice that it is already 5:30 in the afternoon so she bid goodbye to Yamazaki and Chiharu as she leave.
On her way to the exit Sakura came across a newly-opened shop with a sign “Wish”. She got really curios at the name so Sakura decided to take a look inside the store.
“Welcome!” the storekeeper greeted. Sakura just smile at her and she started to look around.
`It all looks like toys.' she thought looking at the things they are selling. A keychain of a wolf caught her eyes so she picked it up.
“You have a great eye! That was our best selling since we open last Tuesday.” The storekeeper said.
“Why is it your best selling? It's just a keychain.” Sakura said confused as the storekeeper shake her head.
“Well you see, they say that these key chains can grant your wishes! Some say it actually works but I haven't actually tried it for myself.” The storekeeper explained.
“Can't grant your wishes, eh? I'll take one then.” she said taking her purse from her bag.
“We also have other designs like dog, snakes, dragons and a lot more you might want to look at the other designs.” She said pointing at the box near the table.
“I think I'll get this one.” Sakura said pointing at the wolf keychain in her hand.
“It would be 100 yen.” Sakura gave her the money and started to leave.
“Thank you! Please come again!” the storekeeper said.
As soon as Sakura got home she quickly changed her clothes and went down to the dining room to get some dinner.
“Hey monster why are you in a hurry?" Touya asked confused because Sakura just rushed eating whenever she is going to be late for school.
“FYI I'm not a monster! About why I'm in a hurry it's a secret.” She replied and then rush again to her room.
Sakura locked the door as soon as she is inside so that her brother won't be able to sneak at her. She then picks up the plastic bag containing the keychain she bought.
"So will this thing really work?" she asked herself looking at the keychain in her hand. She then took out the instructions inside the plastic bag.
"All I have to do is chant this, eh?" she said reading the spell written on the instructions.
"My Tipple partner, grant my wishes! I ask you to appear before me! My name is Sakura your new master!" she chanted and the lights started to flicker that made Sakura a little scared.
"It's not a ghost right? This scene really feels like what I saw in horror movies. The lights would start to flicker and the ghost would appear next to the protagonist." Sakura said to herself shaking. Then all of a sudden the lights stops to flicker.
"Eh?! Maybe I shouldn't have believed in what the storekeeper told me! It's just a waste of time!" Sakura said giving up. She then turn off the lights and went to bed. What she didn't knew is tomorrow would be a really different day, that everything would start to change from that day on.
The next morning Sakura woke up because of the noise she was hearing. At first she didn't mind it because she thought it was just the wind but the noise became louder and louder that woke her up. She opened her eyes only to see amber eyes staring at her emerald ones.
"Hey Commoner are you the one who summon me here?" the amber eyed boy asked.
End of Chapter
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