Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Yukito's Little Secret ❯ The Party Pooper ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own CCS or any of its characters. CLAMP does. This plot is a product of my imagination. Any similarities to other fan fictions are unintentional.


By bishounen lovah

Chapter 11

Kero floated near the closet door, sweatdropping at all the commotion. Yukino kept on retrieving hung dresses, holding them up to her then throwing them over her shoulder. If the sun guardian weren't agile enough to dodge the flying fabrics he would have been buried alive.

"Too formal..." *throw* *dodge*

"Too casual..." *throw* *dodge*

"Too short..." *throw* *dodge*

"Too loud..." *throw* *dodge*

"Too...EW...where did I get that!" *Throw*

"WOULD YOU PICK ONE ALREADY!" Kero yelled. *Dodge*

"Does this make me look fat?" She held the dress in front of her, this time turning around for him to see. He could only slap his sweatdroppy forehead in exasperation.

His brother, er, sister suddenly sat on the floor, her fall cushioned by the strewn clothes. "Oh, why did I agree to go out with him?"

"Funny. I was about to ask you the same thing."

It had been two and a half weeks (almost three) since Touya asked her out on a date. Yukino was too shocked and too flattered that she didn't know she said yes until it was too late. She had completely forgotten about her vow to stay clear off Touya until Eriol found a reversal spell or until she could come up with a way to tell the truth or until she had a heart attack from all the tension (whichever came first since she wasn't that picky). The look of relief and joy on his face afterwards was so intense that she didn't have the heart to take her answer back.

Yeah right! As if I wanted to!

After that afternoon, Fate was on her side for extra curricular activities as well as various school projects kept them from seeing each other too often thus the less risk of him sensing her aura. The only times they saw each other were during classes. And at other times, Yukino spent telling herself what an idiot she was for wishing on a stupid star (correction...stars!). She dreaded each day, thinking that he would realize the truth before she even got the chance.

But even if each passing day presented the opportunity to tell the truth, she had let them pass. She kept on thinking that she would tell him tomorrow...then the next day...then the day after that. And now, two and a half weeks later (almost three) she was taking her charade a step further from the truth.

She was going out with him to Mariko-chan's Sweet Sixteen.

"So are you going to tell him tonight?" Kero brought her out of her reverie.

"I don't know."

"YOU DON'T KNOW! Yukino-chan, the longer you put it on hold, the harder it gets."

"I know, I know. It's just that...I don't know."

"Yare yare. You do know that there are doctors for this kind of things, ne?"

But she didn't hear a word he said; so deep she was into her thoughts. Nevertheless, she kept on talking (to herself that is). "I want to tell him. Kami knows I do. But fear keeps on holding me back. I know that his anger would be inevitable once he finds out. But just for tonight I want to be with him and bask in his attention. I want to memorize every minute of tonight because I know that these memories will be my only companion when he finds out I betrayed him."

"It will never come to that, Yukino-chan. Even that Chinese gaki thinks so too. Touya-san is not that shallow nor unforgiving."

"Nevertheless, it would be better to be prepared, ne?" She gave the flying stuffed animal a sad smile. "Tomorrow. I'll tell him tomorrow."

"Hn. I sure hope you know what you're doing."

"I don't know."

Sweatdrop galore! "I was afraid you'd say that. Ne, you'd better get ready. Touya-san would be here soon. Oh and that dress doesn't make you look fat."


An hour later, Yukino was all donned up in a blue halter-top dress and strappy sandals. It was actually a bit on the semi-formal side but the outfit was too pretty to resist. She wanted to look good for Touya.

He was about to arrive any moment now so she couldn't help but pace around the living room and glance at the wall clock every fifteen seconds. Kero was floating nearby trying to calm her down. Unfortunately he flew too close and was whipped away by her swirling skirt.

"AAAAAAAHH!!!" He slammed on the wall, causing the calendar that hung on it to drop on his head. His eyes went all twirly @.@ and he started chasing the floating candies that appeared around him. He shook his head vigorously when he realized that they were just puffs of air.

"Would you cut it out already?! You're making me dizzier!" He huffed at the still pacing girl while removing the thing that dropped on his head. He stared at it for a moment then something clicked on his mind. "Ne, Yukino-chan, what date is today?"

"The 29th. Why?"

"No way! You can't leave the house tonight."

"What are you talking about? We had this discussion before, Kero-chan. I'm going out with him tonight then I'll tell him the truth tomorrow."

"You can't go out! Especially not with him! Tonight is...UMPH!"

"He's here!" The bell rang. She grabbed the small guardian and shoved him in a nearby drawer. She tried to compose herself before opening the door, pushing that nagging feeling deep inside her head.

~Touya's POV~

He nervously combed his hair with his fingers only to have the dark locks fall back over his forehead. No matter how hard he tried to make his hair look good, it always returned to its unruly state.

He was about to ring Yukino's doorbell when he heard voices inside. One was Yukino's, of that he was sure, while the other was vaguely familiar. He rang the bell and there were more commotion inside. A minute later the door opened and he was looking down at a pair of sapphire eyes.

"Konbanwa," he managed to wheeze out. She looked so stunning that it literally took his breath away. Her dress left her shoulder and upper half of her back bare and its A-line skirt flowed below her tiny waist, stopping just above her knees. She left her hair down, clipped at one side by jeweled pins, its edges grazing the surface of her shoulder.

But it was her eyes that caught his attention. The color of her dress emphasized the blue jewels that shine against her fair skin. Her eyes held the friendly yet shy expression that he had grown accustomed to. Even now, it still hit him how much her eyes remind him of Yukito. It was really weird because their eye colors couldn't be more different but still whenever he looked deep into her eyes he never failed to be reminded of his best friend.

It was probably because both of them were always smiling. Bright smiles that radiate their faces and reflect on their eyes.

"Would you like to come in for a soda or something?"

"Uh sure," he replied in surprise. He was about to step in when they heard a loud noise coming from inside the apartment. "What was that?"

"NOTHING," she yelled with a sweatdrop. "Must be the cat, er, rat. Oh look at the time. We should get going or we'll be late."


"We could get your soda along the way."

He thought it odd. It was as if she was hiding something from him. Something that was inside her home. As he moved aside to let her pass, he took a brief suspicious look inside and was struck again by something familiar. There was an aura about that was strangely familiar. Before he could dwell on it, Yukino managed to close the door and block the aura.

"Ready?" he asked somewhat absentmindedly.



The party was being held at a western country club somewhere at the outskirts of Tomoeda. Touya borrowed his father's car and there was a slightly awkward silence all throughout the ride. His mind was still on what happened earlier, among other things.

He shouldn't be thinking about that strange aura that he felt. He should be thinking about the girl beside him. Or rather he should be talking to her. "You look nice."

That was an understatement, he thought wryly.

"Thank you. You look nice too."

He should be. He spent most of the afternoon deciding what to wear. Usually he would just put on whatever his hand touched, never mind if the overall attire did not match. But tonight he took extra pains with his looks.

His clothes were well picked and well pressed. He was wearing his good dark jeans with an off-white turtleneck shirt topped by the leather jacket he had bought a week ago. His usual high tops were gone and in replacement were black boots. Even his hair got extra attention from his comb, not that it did any good anyway.

All throughout the party he tried to be an attentive date but for some reason there was a feeling of unease nagging his mind. Ever since that night, the night when he was almost struck by that lightning, he had been confused to how he really felt with Yukino.

Before that incident he was so sure that he was attracted to her. Then again he still was. But somehow ever since that night he kept on feeling Yukito's presence. It was an inexplicable feeling. It felt like his best friend was just nearby and watching. And because of that he started feeling guilty.

Guilty? Why should I feel guilty? Was it because I let somebody else become close to me?

Once, Yukino had asked him, almost stated, that Yukito must be a very special person. And he had replied automatically...

Yukito's the brother I never had.

But now he doubted the validity of his answer. Was it possible to miss a brother so much that it could put you in a foul mood?

Was it a brotherly act to crave for the presence of another man? To be able to hear his voice? To be able to see him?

Was it a brotherly reaction to miss a heartbeat whenever Yukito smiled at him?

No. Because those were what he felt for Yukino. And he certainly knewes that he was not, even remotely, feeling brotherly towards her. He should know as compared to the way he acted towards Sakura.

It was like that stupid axiom in algebra. If a = b and b = c, then a = c. His very own equation to love.

Yes he was in love.

The question was with whom.

Was he in love with Yukino because she reminded him so much of Yukito? Or was it the other way around?

That was the main reason why he asked her out on a put his mind at ease. To know for sure. If he was in love with one person then surely he wouldn't be in love with the other.


"Nani?" he looked at the girl beside him and instantly cursed himself. He was so deep in thought that he almost ignored Yukino. "Gomen nasai, Yukino-chan. I was just thinking about something."

"Is something bothering you?"

"Iie, not really," he smiled at her to ease her worry. "Would you like to dance?"

The hired band was now playing a slow song. She shot him a slightly reluctant look before agreeing. The dance floor was not that small but it seemed like Mariko had invited half the school. So Touya had no choice but draw her close to his body with her head almost tucked underneath his chin.

Not that he minded. Again it hit him how right it was to have Yukino near. He shoved the guilt away and decided to just have fun and worry about Yukito later.

Two slow dances and one techno beat later, he sent her out to the gardens while he got them some punch. As soon as he stepped out of the terrace, his heart thumped madly at the sight of her. She was leaning against a tree and staring at the star filled sky. She looked absolutely lovely, bathed in an ethereal glow, her loose hair flowing with the wind.

She smiled when she noticed him and accepted the cup with a hushed 'arigatou'. For a moment he looked at everything but her. The guilt was back. It was barely half a year ago when he was at the same position with Yukito but it was back in Seijou High then.

It was that time when he had wanted to tell him that he knew about his true identity. One of the many times, that is. He had told him by that tree that he didn't want to lose him.

And right now, he wanted to say those words again so badly. Same words, same scene, but different person. Surely this wasn't right?

Wordlessly he took the cup from Yukino's surprised hands and placed it on the ground with his. Automatically, as if his mind was replaying that scene, his hand went to rest on the trunk right beside her head. He leaned slightly forward and gazed at her.

She looked back and for a moment there Touya saw Yukito's face instead of Yukino's. He had to know. He couldn't take the confusion much longer.

Ever so slowly his head neared hers. Ever so slowly their eyes closed in reaction. Ever so slowly their lips met.

The kiss was an unusual experience. He had expected his knees to weaken. He had expected the whole world to darken, lighted only by sparks and fireworks.

But instead he felt quite the opposite. He felt stronger and stronger by the second. The darkness started to fill with a warm bluish silver glow that brightened steadily.

His arms snaked around her waist just as her arms wrapped themselves around his neck. He could not let go. Could not stop wanting more of that familiar warmth. If somebody else had wandered in the garden, they would have not just seen a couple locked in a passionate embrace.

They would have also seen them illuminated against the dark night.

They would have seen a circle appear on the ground where the couple was standing.

They would have seen the girl turn into a beautiful angel with long luscious silver hair, her soft wings wrapping their bodies in a protective blanket.

But nobody had wandered in the garden. And nobody saw those things.

The only witnesses to the kiss were the stars and the blue moon that was peeking from behind their tree.

To be continued...