Case Closed Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What????? ❯ meeting The CCS crew; ariving on earth ( Chapter 1 )

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What??? Chapter 1


Crazy_gundam_girl: Hi! Welcome back!!!!! Well, Wufei? Want to do the disclaimer? I still am still too down in the dumps.

*by now they are all afraid of me except Duo and Quatre because I beat up Wufei- Duo laughed like crazy and Quatre just said: "Well, Wufei learned his lesson! Not all women are weak!"*

Wufei: *still in pain from getting beat up by me* Why do I have to? Ask Heero. Please? I don't want to get beat up again.

Crazy_gundam_girl: Ok! Heero, will you???

Heero: No. I will not risk getting beat up if I screw up.

Duo and Quatre: Well do it! We are the only ones not scared of you!
/an-from now on, instead of crazy_gundam_girl, I will say "me"/

Me: thanks! Will you do it from now on?

Duo and Quatre: Sure!!! Crazy_gundam_girl does not own any of these anime. She Does own Meling Chang (Wufei's sister), and Keiko Daijoubu, Tomeyo's twin sister. Ask if you want to have Meling Chang and/or Keiko Daijoubu in you story.

Trowa:…… can we pleas get on to the story? Oh, in your reviews, tell her how her story is and how good the story is. This is the first story she has written all by herself.

Me: Arigato Gizamas Minna!! E-mail me if you want to help on the story!

Noin: Now, onto the story!

Everyone: ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"________" means talking

#_______#means dreaming

-_______- talking telepathically

% flashback% means … flashback!

^_____^means over intercom

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* change in scene/POV/time

*_____* means doing something



"Finally! Keiko! We are here!" Meiling Chang told her friend Keiko Daijoubu. "Meiling, you know that I get sick if I look out the window on take offs and landings! I don't want to be sick when we meet my sister, Tomeyo, and her friends Sakura, Sayoran, and Meilin Li! That wouldn't be a good first impression, considering we have never met any of them except Tomeyo." Keiko told Meiling. "Tomeyo and Sakura will have a crazy outfit right?" asked Meiling. "Yep. I wonder what she has--" Keiko was cut off when a voice over the intercom said ^we are now landing at the Tokyo/Narita airport. The current weather in Tokyo is 70° F and sunny. Please enjoy your time in Tokyo and have a nice stay! Please Fly Japan air lines again! ^ "Finally! We're here!!!!" both Meling and Keiko yelled.

~*~*~*~*~*in the airport and Sakura's P.O.V.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

I wonder when Tomeyo's sister and her friend are going to get here? Huh? ^now arriving at gate D-99 Delta airlines from the Sanq space port. ^ "Hey! That is where Meiling and Keiko are coming from! Come on! I want to see my sister!" Tomeyo exclaimed excitedly. "Um… Don't mean to burst your bubble, but do you even know what they look like?" Meilin questioned. "Sakura, can I see your new cell?" Tomeyo asked me. "huh? Oh, sure. They sent us a picture from their phone right before they left the colonies and another before they left the Sanq Kingdom. Most were just of the scenery, but there were a few of them." *shows everyone her cell phones screen and scans through the pictures until she got to a picture of Meling and Keiko* "Here you go Tomeyo!" I said giving her the cell. "Thank you, Sakura! See, Meilin, this is what they look like." Tomeyo told everybody. ---Well, if that is them then they are heading this way! - Sakura told Tomeyo. *Tomeyo starts running towards Meling and Keiko* "their here!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Keiko's POV*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Keiko! Meling! Over here!!!!" someone yelled. Wait a minute! That sounds like… "Meling! It's Tomeyo! Come on! Sis!! I am so glad to see you again!" I exclaimed. Oh, I should stop being rude. "Everyone, this is Keiko, my sister, and this is her friend Meiling" said Tomeyo "Keiko, Meiling, this is Sakura Kinamoto, Sayoran Li, and Meilin Li." "Nice to meet you all" everyone said in turn. "Thanx sis. I was just about to introduce us." I said. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get their luggage and get out of here! I want to show them around Tomoeda! After all, they just arrived here from the space Colonies, right? So let's go!" Melin suddenly said. "Yeah! I want to see the sights! Tomeyo told me a lot about the town and I want to see the sights." I said.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Meiling's POV ~*at baggage claim~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

I wonder how my brother and the other G-boys are doing? I wish I was still in the colonies and our home hadn't been destroyed.


"NOOOOOOOOO!!! I WON"T LET YOU DESTROY THIS COLONIY!!!!!! I WONT LET YOU KILL THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AND OUR FAMILYS!!!!" I screamed from my Gundam, lady Deathscyth Star. "Keiko, stop taping this, get your space suits helmet on and buckle up! This could get VERY rough!" I told Keiko. --WUFEI! USE THE DRAGON FANG!! I'LL USE THE STAR SCYTH!! - I yelled at Wufei. "SIS! GET OUT OF HERE!!! Go to a colony; get Relena to get you some tickets, and go and move to Tokyo! I trust that both of you have all of your stuff?" He told us. "I do, don't worry." Keiko and I said at the same time. "Good. Now, GET AWAY FROM HERE!!!!! I'll be fine! Good Bye!!!!" he yelled. "Goodbye!" Keiko and I told him. As we were flying away, I heard Wufei yell "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" when he said that, I turned around, and I started crying. Keiko asked why I was crying and then saw that the colony, our only home, was being destroyed before our eyes.


"Why…" I muttered. "Why did our home have to be destroyed...?" Meiling, what's wrong?" asked sakura. "Meiling… our bags are here. Huh? Why is everybody looking at Meiling...?" Keiko asked, confused. "It's my entire fault… if I hadn't listened to Wufei, maybe it wouldn't have been destroyed…" I whispered, tears starting to run down my face. " Girl, It wasn't your fault! Even if you had stayed and helped fight, even then, you wouldn't have been able to stop it from being destroyed! Only one person would have been able to stop that was Treize Kushrinada! And he's dead! So, don't worry about it!" Keiko said, trying to comfort me, but unsuccessful, as she was starting to cry too. "Ok. What is going on here?" Sayoran asked who had been quiet until now, as we stepped into Tomeyo and Keiko's limo which was thankfully black, not pink like that annoying pacifist Relena! (A/N- as you can tell, I hate Relena and so does Meiling because she hates fighting, and I sorta like fighting, and Meiling loves fighting.) "What are you hiding from us? Why do you keep saying that it is your fault?" he continued. "*sniff* you tell them Keiko" I said "only the part that I was talking about, and what happened right before it happened." "*sigh* fine. Here's what happened…"


Sorry that I left off here, but I will get the next chapter up as soon as I can. I would do more, (I wrote all of this afternoon because I had a snow day and I was bored) but I have to go to bed. The next chapter will all be from Keiko's POV and the other characters will be introduced during later chapters, when Keiko and Meiling start a new school. All of the CCS characters are 14, but still in 7th grade, OK? (Only because I am in 7th grade and don't know anything about 8th grade and above). Ja mata Minna-san!