Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ The Detective Prince ❯ Pressure Build ( Chapter 38 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Detective Prince
Chapter 38
Pressure Build
Everything seemed to fall motionless for that moment, not able to find what to say in return. The warmth of a hand touching down to his shoulder,snapping him back into reality.
"Shinichi, are you ok," Tim asked. "Did you forget to take your meds this morning?"
Hearing the sarcasm in his voice, he came to his defense.
"Cut him some slack Tim," Dick said. "Maybe he's just shy when it comes to meeting new people."
"That would be news to me."
"It's not that," Conan finally spoke. "Watching what you were able to do, coming to find out who you really are, it just..."
"Shocked you?" Dick asked.
"More of a surprise," Conan replied. "What you did was most impressive, I've never seen anyone move like you did before."
"Almost makes you jealous, huh," Tim side commented. "I can't even preform half the stuff he can, not even Bruce for that matter."
"Wow," Conan remarked. "You must put a lot of hard work into your training."
"You could say that," Dick stated. "That and a little natural talent of course, being born into a family of acrobats sure has it's benefits."
"Makes sense."
"So, I hear you're quite the detective," Dick said pushing from the wall. "An ace detective in fact."
"I try to do the best I can."
He watched over him, looking to his eyes, studying him.
"Look at him," Dick thought. "So direct, no hesitation.... confident."
The moment of silence was broken by the sound of them approaching, the three of them turning as the rest of the group came to a stop before them.
"Conan, Tim," Ran questioned. "Do you know him?"
"He's.. Tim's brother," Conan quickly answered. "He came all the way from Gotham to see him."
"Tim is this true?" Ran asked.
"Yes," Tim confirmed. "Though him coming here was a little unexpected."
"I'd like to thank you for what you did," Ran said stepping forward. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't."
"Don't mention it," Dick said. "You chasing after that armed man was dangerous, but it showed me a little about you."
"I guess that goes both ways," Ran said. "How were you able to move like that anyway?"
"Numerous hours in the gym." Dick replied.
"So what's your name?" Sonoko asked.
"Richard Grayson."
"We call him Dick for short." Tim added.
"So you must be the ones Tim's been hanging around since arriving here." Dick said.
"I've got two classes with him," Sonoko informed. "It's been a pleasure, that is when he's not to busy trying to annoy me of course."
"Annoy you?"
"It seems to be an every other day kind of thing."
"Don't pay it any attention," Dick advised. "Tim's always been a little erratic when it comes to girls."
"Is that so," Sonoko said looking to him. "Now I wonder why that is?"
"Why don't you try asking him." Dick said giving Tim a nudge.
"I think that's a very good idea." Heiji said in agreement.
"Dick stop," Tim muttered. "I don't even want to go there."
"Come on Tim," Kazuha said jumping in. "We'd all love to know."
"There's nothing to explain," Tim stated. "He's just kidding around, that's all it is."
"If that's what you say." Dick whispered from behind.
He shrugged this off, paying little mind to any of his side comments.
"All this talk and I have yet to learn any of your names."
"This is Sonoko and Ran," Tim pointed. "They're the ones I attend Teitan High with."
"So that leaves you two." Dick said with a turn.
"I'm Kazuha, and this is Heiji," Kazuha said introducing the two of them. "We're visiting down from Osaka for a few days."
"Heiji," Dick thought to himself. "If I'm not mistaken, this is the other guy Tim mentioned."
"I hope you don't mind me asking," Sonoko said coming to his side. "But how old are you?"
"Very good question," Kazuha said. "I was wondering just that myself."
"Don't answer." Tim said .
"I wasn't talking to you genius." Sonoko snapped.
"What's wrong with me throwing in my input?"
"Because no one cares about your input."
Dick laughed at this, the bickering between the two more humorous than he thought it'd be. The topic quickly dieing off with each passing second. By this time the extra security guards began heading back to their sections, where they had been before the shooting.
"Well, since you're here," Kazuha said. "Maybe you'd like to shop around with us."
"About that," Dick said. "I actually need to talk to Tim about something, so I hope you don't mind mind me borrowing him for a little bit."
"Can I come too," Conan asked. "I'd love to learn more about you."
"No Conan," Ran said. "I'm sure whatever it is they need to discuss is important."
"It's ok Ran," Dick protested. "It won't be a problem if the kid tags along."
"Are you sure?"
"I'll go too," Heiji said. "I can keep an eye on Conan whenever the two of you need to be alone."
"So can I go?" Conan asked looking to Ran.
It took her a few seconds to come to a decision, nodding her head in response.
"Make sure you're on your best behavior," Ran stated. "Try and be back to the house before dark, ok?"
"I will." Conan assured.
"Sorry we had to cut this so short," Dick said. "But I will be looking forward to seeing the three of you again."
"As will we." Ran said with a smile.
"Alright," Dick said looking to the others. "Lets go."
Conan waved one last time before walking off, heading for the nearest exit.
"Where exactly are we going anyway?" Heiji asked.
"To the base," Tim replied. "That's the most secure place we can talk."
"So you have a base huh," Dick said not one bit surprised. "Guess that should be expected, especially when it comes to you."
"And just so you know," Tim said turning to him. "It's about a fifty minute walk from here."
"No big deal," Dick said. "We can treat this as a little exercise."
"So Tim, how did you plan on getting us out of some shopping time," Heiji asked. "That is before he showed up."
He smiled, looking to him as he did.
"I couldn't think of anything," Tim replied. "Good thing Dick arrived."
"How typical of you Drake."
"We have a good distance to walk," Conan said as they continued on. "Should we give him a briefing on what's been going on."
"It'd be better if we waited." Tim replied. "That way we can present all the material at our disposal as well."
"Makes sense." Heiji said in agreement.
"I have something we can discuss," Dick said taking another step. "Why don't the two of you tell me a little about yourselves?"
Heiji and Conan looked to one another, then back.
"Works for me," Conan said. "There's a lot, so what is it you'd like to know?"
"Well let's see here..... where to begin."
They made it down each street to the next, a group of clouds making for a little shade.Their conversation lasted all the way to the forest, nearing the underground base as a shallow rain began to bounce in.
"First the cave, now this," Dick said giving the area a look. "Don't tell me your little base is a tree house."
"That'll be the day." Tim said as they came to a stop.
He pulled the small device from his pocket, revealing the base within the ground.
"An underground base," Dick commented. "Basic text book stuff."
"Works good enough." Tim said jumping in.
The others jumped in behind with the top closing over them. They walked in through the main door after being cleared to do so. Tim immediately sat in front of the computer, with Heiji taking a seat to the other chair.
"Not bad," Dick stated. "How long have you had this place up and running?"
"From my first weeks being here." Tim replied.
"There's a lot to go over," Conan said. "So where would you like to begin."
"Lets start with the simple stuff."
"Simple," Heiji questioned. "I'm not so sure any of whats been going on has a simple side to it."
"Tell us what you do know," Conan said. "We'll go from there."
"Not much," Dick said. "From the two gangs and this Black Organization Tim mentioned in our last talk, I'd say that's about it."
"How long ago was that?" Conan asked.
"About a week ago," Dick replied. "So what's the deal with these Outworlders and Black Yangs?"
"We're still in the process of feeling our way around," Tim answered still focused to the screen. "What we do know is the Outworlders are lead by Brutho Yunge, the Yangs by a man who they call the White Tiger."
"Besides the fight for territory, we still don't know what they hope to accomplish." Heiji said.
"Tim says there's something going on back in Gotham," Conan said. "How bad is it?"
"Not very good," Dick replied. "We'll leave it at that."
"Doesn't sound like it," Heiji said. "If it's as bad as you say, then I assume your little visit here is nothing but a check up."
"Then you misunderstand," Dick replied. "I'm not here looking for an update, I'm here to help."
"That's great to hear," Heiji said. "We could use the extra guy, especially with things heating up."
"Tell me about it," Dick said falling back to the wall. "I checked up on some of the news listings before arriving."
"And to make matters worse, everyone has it out for Red Robin," Heiji added. "Including the police."
"All but Inspector Megure," Conan corrected. "Don't forget he's in our corner."
The sound of the computer beeping stole their attention. The three of them walked up to his side, looking to see what the alert was about. He clicked through a couple files, pulling up a page with a list of several components. His eyes narrowed at what he saw, particularly the element to the far right of the screen.
"Venom," Dick questioned catching sight of it as well. "Tim what is this you're looking at?"
"Shinichi took in some radiation from a source which is unknown to us at this moment," Tim replied. "These are all the components which he absorbed."
"So what's this venom component," Heiji asked. "Is it from a certain type of snake?"
"It's name can elude from what it really," Dick stated. "The venom drug was created at Bannerman Pharmaceuticals, an ultra steroid which enhances all to the body."
"Question is, what was the venom drug doing in something radio active?" Tim questioned.
"Do either of you happen to know who might use, or has access to this drug," Conan asked. "That could lead us to someone who might know what was in that box."
"What box?" Dick asked.
"That's a whole nother story." Conan replied.
"There's only a handful of people who I can think of that may have access to venom," Tim said sitting back. "One of them being Bane."
"Who's Bane?" Conan asked.
"A whole nother story." Dick answered.
"You think this guy might be involved somehow?" Heiji asked.
"Doubt it," Tim said. "But that's something that is yet to be proven."
He closed the window he had to the screen, pulling up the video footage recorded from the Billian Hotel.
"Besides the Inspector you mentioned, is there anyone else we can go to for assistance?" Dick asked.
"Dr. Agasa, he's a well trusted friend," Conan replied. "He already knows about Tim's secret, so we don't have to hide anything from him."
"Sounds like I'll have to pay him a visit, introduce myself," Dick said. "Is there anyone else in our little circle, or does that about wrap it up?"
"Well, there's Haibara," Conan said. "But Tim feels it would be better if we didn't tell her."
"Who is she?" Dick asked.
"Former member of the Black Organization," Conan said. "Haibara took the APTX 4869 drug just like I was forced to, turning her into a child."
"Just like you I see," Dick said. "And I take it she can be trusted?"
Conan nodded.
"She's extremely intelligent, one of the smartest people I know," Conan began. "After all, Haibara was the one who created the APTX drug."
"This Haibara sounds like a real genius," Dick said while looking to Tim. "Why haven't you included her in, we could really use someone with her skill set."
"I have my reasons." Tim replied.
"Don't tell me this has something to do with her past.," Dick said coming to his side. "You've worked with a select few with grey shades of area before, besides, Conan trusts her."
"It has nothing to do with that."
"What then," Dick asked. "Do the two of you not get along?"
"It's a complex one," Conan said. "Haibara is consistently suspicious of him, while Tim trys to do whatever he can so that she isn't."
"Why go through all the trouble Drake," Heiji asked. "It doesn't make sense, she can help us."
"I'll tell you what didn't make sense," Conan stated. "Tim giving her a stuffed rabbit he received at an amusement park we visited, what he hoped to accomplish is still a mystery."
"So my plan to throw her off failed," Tim said looking away from the screen. "I don't see what the big deal is."
"What plan?" Dick asked.
"You wouldn't understand."
Tim turned back to the screen, gathering several shots from the footage he had in his possession. A smirk slowly came to his face, Tim looking up to him after noticing this.
"What's so funny?" Tim asked.
"I see what this is all about," Dick said crossing his arms. "You can't hide anything from me Tim, I know you inside out."
"Where are you going with this?"
"The way you distant yourself from her, it has to be," Dick continued. "You have a crush on this girl, don't you?"
"What, no," Tim exclaimed. "That's just not true."
"Right, and I'm the lifeguard at a fancy hotel."
Conan and Heiji laughed at his expression, this was the first time they'd truly found him backed to the corner.
"Sorry Tim, but all the signs are pointing otherwise," Dick said. "I think you're just in denial."
"She's a freaking seven year old Dick," Tim stated. "Have you completely lost your mind?!"
"Technically she's not, besides I'm not the one with the kinky crush here," Dick teased. "We all know the truth can hurt when revealed sometime."
"But it's not true."
"The teddy bear doesn't lie, that's cement proof to the menu," Dick said with a turn. "What do you think of that deduction Conan?"
"That would explain everything." Conan giggled.
He shook his head from side to side as they laughed.
"Can't say I didn't see that coming." Tim muttered under his breath. "I guess this is what happens when big brother comes to town."
The three of them continued to laugh, mocking him for minutes to come. He ignored them the best he could, enhancing the shots to see if he could get a visual of what was written to the paper. Heiji stood over his left shoulder, looking on as well.
"Drake how long until we get a clear shot of these images?"
"I'd say at least another hour, maybe more," Tim replied. "The two of you don't have to hang around you know, I can call you as soon as I have what we need."
Heiji looked down to his watch, then to Conan who stood a few feet away.
"What do you think Kudo," Heiji asked. "We still have plenty of day left if you want to hit the city."
"I don't see why not," Conan said. "Grayson would you like to come with us, we could show you around."
"Thanks for offering, but I think I'll kick it here for a bit," Dick replied. "Tim and I still have much to discuss, I'm still not fully caught up with everything that's been going on."
"I guess we'll save that tour for another time."
"I look forward to it." Dick said with a nod.
The room became silent after their departure, neither saying a word for over a minute. He went through the drawers and locker, admiring how everything was in place.
"Not bad Tim," Dick complimented. "Your arrangement is superb, wouldn't expect any less."
"Now that we've cleared the air on a few things, can you give me a rundown on what's been going on back in Gotham," Tim asked. "Tried asking Bruce, but you know how he can be when in the middle of a situation."
"Funny, he said the same thing about you pertaining to what you're dealing with here," Dick informed. "You two are one of a kind you know."
"Any update on Harvey and Hugo," Tim asked. "That's something that's been on my mind for the past few days."
"Not yet," Dick answered. "But rest assured we'll find them, unless they make a move first."
"I knows there's more, anything else alarming I should know about?"
"We've been mostly rounding up the runaways from Black Gate," Dick replied. "There's still plenty of them out there, not to mention the explosions we've been having."
"Explosions huh, don't stop there."
"There's a mini war going on, if you wanna call it that," Dick informed. "Penguins guys are involved, then you have some new guys further up the east coast getting in on the action."
"Sounds fun," Tim said. "What about Damian, how's he been coping through all of this?"
"Wow Tim, I'm shocked," Dick said in surprise. "You asking about Damian, now that was unexpected."
"Try not to take this as me missing him, just curious is all."
"He's doing fine, a little anxious but fine." Dick said.
He sat down to the other chair, resting back in attempt to relax his body which had been through much in the past few days.
"From what you've given me, I'd say we could use another guy." Dick said.
"I'll see what I can do," Tim replied. "I might have a way we can make that happen."
"I gave you a briefing on Gotham," Dick said. "Now it's your turn, what exactly are we up against?"
The rain that hit around mid day continued on to the night, leaving it's scent throughout the air. They made their way in, pushing the front door to the side. They could hear Kogoro in his office on the phone, most likely talking with a client. Heiji continued behind Conan who went up first, opening the door to find Kazuha and Ran sitting at the table.
"How'd the shopping go?" Heiji asked with a smile.
"Don't give me that," Kazuha said sitting up. "You guys set that up, didn't you?"
"What now did we set up?" Conan asked closing the door.
"The three of you never planned on going shopping with us," Kazuha began. "You had Tim call up his brother, having him come and swoop you from what we had already agreed on for the day."
"There was no set up," Heiji said. "None of us knew he'd be there, not even Tim."
"Right," Kazuha remarked with the role of her eyes. "So he just happened to be at the same mall and same spot as us, how do you explain that?"
"That's a good question." Heiji said bringing a hand to his chin.
"Come on Kazuha, let's just forget it," Ran said jumping in. "I'm sure there's something on we can all watch that we can enjoy."
"Anything works for me." Conan said having a seat.
"Fine," Kazuha said sitting down as well. "But that doesn't take them off the hook, tomorrow we're all doing something together."
"Anything but shopping." Heiji muttered to himself.
Conan sat there as they went from channel to channel, remembering he'd forgotten to mention what he had learned from Ai regarding the merger.
"LexCorp, I can't belive I forgot to mention that to Tim," Conan thought. "With all that happened, it must have slipped my mind."
He looked to the window, lighting flashing in the far distance.
"I'll bring it up to him first thing tomorrow, that should spread some light on the situation."
Rain swirled into the dark room, touching down to the ground with a tap. It took him a few moments to notice, sitting up from his chair as he made his way over to the window.
"I don't recall leaving this thing open."
He came to a stop once reaching it, firmly closing it before turning back for his desk.
"Beautiful night, wouldn't you say Inspector?"
Megure spun to his side, watching as he emerged from the dark corner of the room.
"You startled me there for a second," Juzo said. "What happened the other night, I thought you said you would stay out of sight."
"I was in a scuffle with a gunman," Red Robin replied. "Some bystander must have seen me, reporting my location to the authorities."
"If that wasn't good enough, you now have yourself an audience," Juzo informed. "Matsumoto is holding a meeting tomorrow on the subject of getting rid of you."
"Who's Matsumoto," Red Robin asked. "The lead guy around here?"
"He is my superior, so I guess you could put it that way," Juzo confirmed. "What brings you here anyway, it's not like you to just show up without a reason."
"As you already know the gang activity has been rising," Red Robin began. "I think it's time we added another piece."
"What do you mean." Inspector Megure asked.
"I want you to choose someone from your unit, someone you can trust," Red Robin replied. "They'll join in on our little side operation."
"I see."
"Try and make your decision in the next few days," Red Robin said heading for the window. "The times clicking Inspector."
Red Robin reopened the window once there, turning back to Juzo one last time. He looked to him as well, the two sharing a brief glance.
"Try not to worry Megure," Red Robin said. "We'll have things under control in no time."
"Lets hope you're right."
"You'll see."
With that he hopped out, taking to the rooftops immediately after. He jumped from one building to the next, adjusting all that was to his mind. Everything was finally coming together, all that remained was how they were to execute.
"Though all seems to be falling in place, it won't be easy," Red Robin thought to himself. "Taking control might be a little tricky, especially with the several parties involved."
He landed to a building overlooking a park, having a seat to the edge. The rain didn't bother him one bit, he welcomed it even.
"Having Dick here makes things much more manageable," Red Robin thought. "Facing the unknown can be dangerous, but having your friends to your side takes away any self doubt..... which I can't afford to have."
He sat for awhile longer, the rain slightly picking up in the minutes that followed.
"It seems when we close one page, another opens," Red Robin said to himself. "The question now becomes, how did the venom drug enter Shinichi's body through radiation?"
This was something that sat to his mind for the remainder of the night, knowing it might be some time before he found out.
To Be Continued
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