Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ The Detective Prince ❯ Times Slipping ( Chapter 51 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Detective Prince
Chapter 51
Times Slipping
He didn't respond to his question. There was something from outside the window that grabbed his attention, taking his focus elsewhere.
"What's wrong?" Conan asked.
"You're friends are heading our way," Dick replied. "We'll have to put our conversation on hold until some time later."
He honked once they reached the sidewalk which instantly grabbing their attention.
"Who is that?" Genta asked.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Mitsuhiko said. "I've never seen him before."
"Are you sure he was honking at us?" Ayumi questioned.
"His names Grayson," Ai informed walking past the three. "He's probably just trying to offer us a ride."
"Oh really," Mitsuhiko said. "When did you meet him?"
"A few days ago." Ai replied before walking forward.
"Do you think Conan is with him," Ayumi asked. "I don't see him anywhere."
"And I doubt he would have left without saying something." Mitsuhiko said looking around as well.
They watched as Ai opened the back door to the car before jumping in. The three of them looked to one another, deciding to follow after her. They piled into the back with Mitsuhiko being the one to close the door after being the last one to get in.
"What took you guys so long," Conan asked looking back at them from the front seat. "Was the hall that crowded?"
"We were actually looking for you." Genta said.
"We looked all over." Ayumi added.
"Never mind that, there's someone I'd like you to meet," Conan said. "His names Dick Grayson."
"Nice to meet you all," Dick said looking back to face them. "So what are your names?"
It was a quiet ride the whole way back. Unlike most other times he found himself sitting in the front, being the fact all the other seats were taken. He was one of the first to make it off the bus after arriving back at the school. It didn't take long for him to locate both Ran and Sonoko, catching sight of the two of them heading down the street. He quickly made his way toward them.
"Well look who it is." Sonoko said as she and Ran came to a stop.
"What," Tim said a little taken back by her tone. "What did I do this time?"
"I'm just wondering why you didn't come back to listen to us speak."
"I was running track remember," Tim said. "That's why I wasn't able to make it."
"Our event didn't take place until after an hour of being there," Sonoko informed. "I doubt it took over an hour for you to run a little track."
"Ok, so maybe I did get a little side tracked," Tim admitted. "But that's only because I bumped into a friend."
"So you're going to use that excuse?"
"You guys aren't mad are you?"
"Why would we be mad," Ran asked with a smile. "There will be other times you can come see us, besides the room was already crowded enough as it was."
"Were there any seats left?" Tim asked.
"From what I could see they were all taken," Ran replied. "More than half of the people watching were standing."
"It would have still been nice if you had at least attempted to come." Sonoko said.
"I'll tell you what, if it bothers you so much I'll make it up to you," Tim said giving it some thought. "The three of us could go somewhere tomorrow, anything you guys want to do."
"Anything huh," Sonoko said. "I like the sound of that."
"Ran, you could even try asking Conan if he'd like to come along," Tim suggested. "I'm sure he'd love to come."
"I'll ask him," Ran said. "But there's always the chance he might want to hang with his friends."
They began walking once again only to come to a stop a short time later after coming upon a green light.
"So how'd the track go for you," Ran asked. "Did you receive a ribbon for your efforts?"
"They didn't hand out any ribbons," Tim replied. "But I can say I did finish with a decent running time."
"I'll take that with a grain of salt," Sonoko said not convinced. "You've never been very fast in class, I'll have to see the time sheet for myself."
"Be prepared to be shocked."
They came to a stop for yet another time, looking to see his car wasn't parked anywhere in sight.
"It doesn't look like Agasa is home." Conan said.
"And it also looks like everything is locked up," Dick added while looking back at Ai. "You're free to hang with us for awhile if you'd like."
"I have a key," Ai said opening the door. "I'll be able to get in just fine."
They watched as she made her way through the gate all the way up to the front door. She looked back once opening it, letting them know they were clear to go. The two of them took off after seeing this.
"How was school today?" Dick asked.
"Did you really just ask me that question?"
"Sure. why not," Dick said. "Even though you may know all the material it must be a little interesting to go back and do it all over again."
"It was entertaining for the first week or so," Conan stated. "But at this point I'd rather have things more set to my skill level come my way."
"Isn't being stuck in your child form challenging enough as it is," Dick asked. "I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel while being around your peers."
"It was a little awkward at first," Conan admitted. "But I've gotten pretty used to it now."
"I guess that's what time will do for you."
"So what is it you were trying to tell me earlier," Conan asked. "The whole bit about the next hit?"
"The blood circle involving the dead cops," Dick replied. "We think there's a good chance whoever is responsible plans to strike tomorrow some time."
"Any ideas on a location?"
"We've got one in mind," Dick said with the shake of his head. "But nothing is set in stone, we need to be ready."
"By ready, you mean we need to set up a plan of action to counter whatever may happen?"
"That's a good way of putting it."
"So where do you think the killer plans to strike next?"
"There's a new water park opening up called 'Slid Splash'," Dick informed. "From what we've been able to gather from the evidence, there's a good chance that's where the killer plans to strike."
"What else do we know?"
"Besides the note left behind with the number nine attached, nothing of importance."
"Do either of you plan on being there?"
"I was actually hoping you would come along," Dick said. "I plan on camping it out on one of the neighboring buildings."
"Then we would have eyes watching from inside as well as from the outside," Conan said sitting back. "Sounds good to me, what time are we talking?"
"Anytime after ten." Dick replied.
"I'll defiantly be up by then."
They came to a stop after hitting a red light, watching as a few people made their way across the road.
"Does Tim know what you had in mind?" Conan asked.
"Not yet, but I'll let him know as soon as we get there."
"You think he's home from school yet," Conan asked. "After all he did go on a field trip today, and who knows if the bus made it back on time."
Dick looked down at his watch to check the time.
"It's been over twenty minutes since school got out," Dick said. "I'd be surprised if he wasn't there yet."
"So where do you think he is," Conan asked. "The apartment or his little underground base?"
"Well, he did say he had a lot to look into the last time we spoke over the phone," Dick said. "So I'd assume he'd be at the base with that in mind."
"Then I guess it's safe to say that's where we're going?"
"Unless you wanted to make a stop first."
"I am a tad bit hungry, but that's something I can hold off on until later" Conan said.
"Are you sure?" Dick asked.
"I'll be just fine." Conan assured.
"Suit yourself."
The street light turned green in the following seconds, allowing for them to drive once more. It was a relatively clear path, no traffic jams like they had been experiencing for the past couple days. They listened to the radio for any incoming news as they drove, finding that most the stations were covering the weather. The drive there lasted all but ten minutes. The two of them locked the doors before stepping out.
"You think he'll agree with our plan?"
"I don't see why not," Dick replied. "Unless he's come up with something of his own."
They arrived to where the base lay hidden, immediately making their way down. It was quite a bit cooler than usual once the top closed over them. Conan lead the rest of the way.
"Is there ever a time you're not in front of a computer when you're down here?" Conan asked entering the room to find him sitting in front of the computer.
"Is there something wrong with that?" Tim asked in response.
"Conan plans to help out when we head down to Slid Splash tomorrow morning," Dick informed. "That way you can help me look around from outside."
"I'll leave that to the both of you," Tim said. "The two of you are more than enough to handle the situation without my assistance, not to mention Megure and his unit will be there."
"You must have a good reason for passing on this," Dick said in surprise. "It's not like you to drop out of the action."
"Where to begin."
"Is your agenda really that packed?"
"Turns out that dead woman I came across in Fukuoka was from Russia," Tim informed. "Her name was Halka Dotsenko, a business woman in the department of weapons technology."
"What was she doing here in Japan?" Conan asked.
"After doing a little digging I was able to obtain messages sent from her personal computer before she arrived." Tim said.
"And what were you able to find?" Dick asked.
"She had planned on going to ROTI for a little visit." Tim informed.
"Is that so," Dick stated. "I find that interesting being the fact that ROTI is not a weapons based company."
"Do you happen to find out the name of the company she worked for." Conan asked.
Conan instantly looked up at Dick who did the same in return.
"But LexCorp is in Metropolis, how is it she was able to work there while living in Russia," Conan questioned. "Unless of course all the work she did for the company was all overseas based."
"That about answers your question." Tim confirmed.
"But ROTI is located here in Tokyo, why then was she in Fukuoka?" Dick questioned.
"That's something I'm still in the midst of figuring out."
"Was she traveling alone?" Conan asked.
"As far as I know, yes," Tim replied. "And there are no records of her making any phone calls once she got here."
"That makes things more challenging than what I was expecting." Conan thought.
The room fell silent from there. Tim reached over with the push of the computer mouse. It brought up a new window which broadcasted live footage.
"And if that wasn't enough, I still need to finalize my plan on how we're going to get Shinichi into Brutho's little get together undetected."
"Is that live feedback from the inn they plan on meeting at?" Conan asked.
Tim nodded in response.
"I also finally got around to examining that knife I received from Kid," Tim said easing up in the chair. "As expected there were no prints, the only DNA found was that of the victims."
"That puts us right back at square one." Conan said.
"Not for too much longer." Tim said clicking the computer mouse once more.
A profile popped up in the process. Out of interest Dick moved in closer to get a better look.
"Who's the girl?" Dick asked.
"Her names Akako Koizumi, she attends Ekoda High school along with a friend of mine," Tim replied. "If anyone can lead me to Kaitou it's her."
"How can you be so sure," Dick asked. "Have you seen the two of them together?"
"I encountered her while on patrol a few weeks ago," Tim replied. "She interfered in a scuffle I was in with Kid at the time, which allowed for him to escape."
"How'd you find out her name?"
"She told it to me herself," Tim replied. "At first I thought it was a code name she went by, but after seeing her for a second time I came to find it's her actual name."
"I'm just a little curious," Dick said. "How was she able to turns the tables on you?"
"With some kind of dust, it left me in a bizarre state for the rest of that night," Tim answered. "I took a blood sample from my body the next day after returning from school."
"I had never seen anything like it," Tim replied. "But luckily I was able to whip up something which can immobilize the affects if she were to ever try the same trick on me again."
"Dick was defiantly right when he said Tim had a lot to look into."
"Would you like our assistance sorting out some of this stuff," Dick asked. "Three minds working together is better than one."
"I'd rather you two focus on our cop killer," Tim replied. "It's long overdue we put this creep out of business, as soon as that's handled we'll decide on how to handle everything else across the board."
"Having Heiji here would really benefit us right about now." Conan thought.
He pushed up from the chair after shutting off the computer screen, heading for the door which caused the other two to look to one another for a second time.
"Tim, where are you going?" Conan asked.
"On a walk," Tim replied continuing forward. "I need to clear my head."
"Hey, wait up," Dick said following after him. "I'll come with you."
Conan did the same after a seconds thought.
"I guess we all could use a walk."
The atmosphere was most calming as they made their way along, watching the fallen leafs from the tree drift past. After several minutes of walking they came to a stop in the middle of a park, finding themselves a seat at a bench that rested next to a tree. The sound of birds chirping throughout the area brought comfort to their ears, helping fade their thoughts from everything.
"Tim, how do you plan on confronting that girl?" Dick asked being the one to finally break the silence.
It took a few moments for him to reply.
"I take it you mean Akako, which I'm still in the process of thinking." Tim said answering his question. "I have her address, so that's a start."
"Do you want me to come along when you decide to go?"
"It's nothing but a little small talk, I think I'll be able to manage on my own."
"Have it your way, but make sure you contact me if anything goes wrong."
"I'll keep that in mind."
He then looked over at Conan who remained to himself.
"You ok Conan?" Dick asked
"The nine," Conan said looking up. "What does it represent?"
"What nine?" Dick asked.
"He's referring to the number left behind at the last killing if I'm not mistaking." Tim answered.
"I think we better head to that water park earlier than ten tomorrow."
"Let me guess," Dick said. "You're thinking the nine may represents a time?"
"It's a possibility," Conan said. "We need to take all the clues left behind at the scene into account."
"So how early are we talking?"
"How's seven thirty sound?" Conan asked.
"I'll be there." Dick replied.
"Are you sure you don't want to come along?" Conan asked directing his attention to Tim.
"... We'll see," Tim replied. "Figuring out what's going on between ROTI and LexCorp is where my main focus is right now."
"Which is also important," Conan said. "Me being held captive along with my friends, now the death of an outside employee, something is defiantly going on."
"And I want to put a stop to it before there are anymore casualties," Tim said sitting up from the bench. "Break times over, I'm going to head back to the lab to see what I can find."
"I'll join you as soon as I drop Conan off," Dick said turning to face him. "You do want a ride home right?"
"How can I say no to that?"
"Come on," Dick said standing back to his feet. "The car isn't far from here."
They walked in the opposite direction of Tim who headed back into the forest. It was a short ride home. Conan grabbed his bag before getting out.
"See you somewhere around seven tomorrow." Dick said.
"I'll be here."
He drove off from there, giving him one last nod before disappearing into the distance.
"Tomorrow can't come any sooner."
He spent most of that evening in front of the TV watching the news. He occasionally checked the time on his watch from where he sat. It wasn't until after eight that night that the front door opened with both Kogoro and Ran walking in.
"Where did you guys go." Conan asked more than glad to see them.
"We went to an aquarium, it was to help with my study for a school project I'm currently working on," Ran replied. "I wanted you to come along but we couldn't get ahold of you."
"Yea I know." Conan said pulling something out from behind.
"My phone," Ran said taking it from his hand. "Where did you find it?"
"I tried calling you when I came in a few hours ago," Conan replied. "The sound of it vibrating from under the table alerted me of where it was."
"I'm sorry if we had you worried," Ran apologized. "But dad's phone was juiced out, and there were no other phones around at the time to try and reach you."
"It would have been nice if I had known about this whole thing ahead of time." Kogoro muttered on his way to his room.
"Are you hungry?" Ran asked.
"Considering I haven't eaten since lunch, I'd say so."
"We're a little low on supplies," Ran said with a smile forming on her face. "Would you be interested in coming along with me to the store to pick up a few things?"
"Of course I would," Conan replied. "I'd love to go."
"Great, just give me one moment," Ran said turning for her room. "Let me go toss on a sweater, it has cooled down quite a bit from a few hours ago."
He leaned to the left side of the door, continuing to watch the news as he waited for her to return from her room which didn't take very long.
"Are you sure you don't want to put on a sweater yourself?"
"I'll be fine as is."
"Let's hurry before it gets any darker."
Conan nodded in agreement.
"Dad we'll be right back, Conan and I are going up to the store to grab a couple things for dinner."
"Make it quick," Kogoro said stepping out from the room. "There's too many weirdos out at this time."
"You're welcomed to come along if it will make you feel better."
"I've done enough walking for the day, just make sure you're aware of your surroundings."
"Yes sir."
With that the two of them walked out, tightly closing the door once out.
That seemed to be the trend for the past week, each day presenting more questions than answers. The buzz of his phone could be heard at seven that next morning. Everything was going just as discussed. He didn't answer it, already knowing what to do. He quietly got dressed, tip toeing out of the room once doing so.
"Hopefully it isn't a chilly morning," Conan thought. "I really should have worn a jacket when we went to the store last night."
He arrived down at the sidewalk in that next minute, turning to his left to see the car parked a few yards away. The doors unlocked as he approached which allowed for him to get in.
"Did I wake you up to early?" Dick asked.
"Perfect timing," Conan replied while buckling in. "Have you spoke with Tim today?"
"I see you're still wondering if he's going to join us," Dick said. "I'll tell you what, I'll give him a call as soon as we get there."
"Works for me."
He started the engine, making a smooth turn to the left to keep them on schedule.
"How far is this place?" Conan asked.
"About four miles North-East from here," Dick replied. "We'll be there in no time."
He sat back more than a little anxious, trying his best to stay collected on the way there. After six minutes into the ride his phone rang from within his pocket, luckily they came across a red light which then allowed for him to answer it. Conan looked on as a conversation ensued, watching the expression on Dick's face drastically change. This caused slight concern. The conversation ended in the seconds that followed.
"Who was that?" Conan asked.
"The police department," Dick replied sliding his phone back into his pocket. "It seems something has happened that calls for my attention."
"What happened?"
"Conan.... we're too late."
A cold chill slid down his spine, feeling his body become numb at the thought.
"Too late?"
To Be Continued
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