Chrono Crusade Fan Fiction ❯ Saviors ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Kage: You are unbelievable.
D.R: What?
Kage: YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!!!
DR: Oh, shut up. It's all your fault that I started another story anyway.
Kage: My fault! How is this my fault!?
DR: You're my muse, are you not?
Kage: *growls*
Azmaria: Um, shouldn't you do the disclaimer DR?
DR: Aaah, you're sooooo cute!!
Azmaria: *blush*
Kage: Would you do the damn disclaimer already!!!!!!
DR: Fine. I am yet again out of a job, and currently live with my mom. Does that answer any questions?
"Rosette's soul is fading even faster since Chrono's loss of control. And Chrono is too weak without his horns to heal himself and he refuses to use any more of Rosette's soul to do so. At this rate we will lose them both by tomorrow morning," stated the Elder.
Sister Kate sighed dejectedly and laid her head in her arms. Remington came behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, trying to comfort her. The Elder had to look down so the others would not see the tears in his eyes. It was hard for all of them to admit that there was nothing they could do about the situtation. Remington was the one feeling the most guilt. He was the one that had sworn to help and protect Rosette after all. It seemed they stayed that way for hours when they felt the swirling of energy. When they looked towards the center of the room, shocked gasps filled the air. There stood the image of Mary Magdalene. She smiled her usual kind smile.
"Don not worry. Help will come. One woman and one man. They will be strange to you, but the woman shall free all. The man shall become the protector he was meant to be. The Sister and the Devil will live full lives. It is not time for them to come home yet. Even the darkest soul shall gain forgiveness. Both worlds will join as they were meant to be. But be careful. The woman has known pain and it is tearing her apart. The Sister, Devil, and the Apostle must guide her soul back to one place. Another Devil shall piece her soul together again. But only if she will allow it. Now, be watchful. The saviors shall come to this world tonight. Find them quick for evil will surround them to try to destroy them." With her message delivered, Mary smiled once more and drifted away.
They sat there in silence until another nun with short blonde hair burst through the door out of breath.
"Sister Kate! Come quick! It's Rosette and Chrono!"
Sister Kate jumped up. "What happened!? Have they died!?"
"No, that's just it! They're healed! They're completely healed! It's like they were never injured!"
While the others stared at the nun in shock, Remington smiled. "Well, it seems as if Mary has pulled through for us once again."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DR: So, what do you think?
Kage: Eh, tolerable I geuss.
DR: Asshole.
Azmaria: I was kidnapped!?
DR: Don't worry. I'll make sure you're rescued before Chapter 20.
Azmaria: Eeeep *faints*
DR: Hm, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Hey, Kage! You'll do the preveiw for the next chapter while I take care of Azmaria, right? Riiiiiight? *evil glare*
Kage: *gulp* Sure!!!
Preview: In the next chapter you'll get to meet the two "saviors" and see why they would be seen as "strange" by the Chrono Crusade cast. There will also be some laughs, tears, and even a sneak peek into how Azmaria's doing!
Ja Ne !!!!
D.R: What?
Kage: YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!!!
DR: Oh, shut up. It's all your fault that I started another story anyway.
Kage: My fault! How is this my fault!?
DR: You're my muse, are you not?
Kage: *growls*
Azmaria: Um, shouldn't you do the disclaimer DR?
DR: Aaah, you're sooooo cute!!
Azmaria: *blush*
Kage: Would you do the damn disclaimer already!!!!!!
DR: Fine. I am yet again out of a job, and currently live with my mom. Does that answer any questions?
Things at the Magdalene Order were screwed up. Aion and the other Sinners had Azmaria, and Rosette, along with Chrono, were severely injured. At the moment Sister Kate's stomache was hurting her pretty badly. The Elder, Father Remington, and she were currently trying to come up with schemes to save Azmaria, Rosette, and Chrono."Rosette's soul is fading even faster since Chrono's loss of control. And Chrono is too weak without his horns to heal himself and he refuses to use any more of Rosette's soul to do so. At this rate we will lose them both by tomorrow morning," stated the Elder.
Sister Kate sighed dejectedly and laid her head in her arms. Remington came behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, trying to comfort her. The Elder had to look down so the others would not see the tears in his eyes. It was hard for all of them to admit that there was nothing they could do about the situtation. Remington was the one feeling the most guilt. He was the one that had sworn to help and protect Rosette after all. It seemed they stayed that way for hours when they felt the swirling of energy. When they looked towards the center of the room, shocked gasps filled the air. There stood the image of Mary Magdalene. She smiled her usual kind smile.
"Don not worry. Help will come. One woman and one man. They will be strange to you, but the woman shall free all. The man shall become the protector he was meant to be. The Sister and the Devil will live full lives. It is not time for them to come home yet. Even the darkest soul shall gain forgiveness. Both worlds will join as they were meant to be. But be careful. The woman has known pain and it is tearing her apart. The Sister, Devil, and the Apostle must guide her soul back to one place. Another Devil shall piece her soul together again. But only if she will allow it. Now, be watchful. The saviors shall come to this world tonight. Find them quick for evil will surround them to try to destroy them." With her message delivered, Mary smiled once more and drifted away.
They sat there in silence until another nun with short blonde hair burst through the door out of breath.
"Sister Kate! Come quick! It's Rosette and Chrono!"
Sister Kate jumped up. "What happened!? Have they died!?"
"No, that's just it! They're healed! They're completely healed! It's like they were never injured!"
While the others stared at the nun in shock, Remington smiled. "Well, it seems as if Mary has pulled through for us once again."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DR: So, what do you think?
Kage: Eh, tolerable I geuss.
DR: Asshole.
Azmaria: I was kidnapped!?
DR: Don't worry. I'll make sure you're rescued before Chapter 20.
Azmaria: Eeeep *faints*
DR: Hm, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Hey, Kage! You'll do the preveiw for the next chapter while I take care of Azmaria, right? Riiiiiight? *evil glare*
Kage: *gulp* Sure!!!
Preview: In the next chapter you'll get to meet the two "saviors" and see why they would be seen as "strange" by the Chrono Crusade cast. There will also be some laughs, tears, and even a sneak peek into how Azmaria's doing!
Ja Ne !!!!