Code Geass Fan Fiction ❯ A Sound Like Thunder ❯ A Sound Like Thunder ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

There was a sound like thunder. The sound echoed through her head.
Then there was pain. Fire seared through her, spreading out from her midriff.
She didn't scream. No one could say, later, that she had been weak. She had been strong to the end.
There was a few seconds where there was nothing but the excruciating pain. Then, she was able to think.
I must kill the Japanese.
I must kill the Japanese?
Panic shot through her, pulsing with the pain.
She whimpered. I can't believe I - I -.
She jumped, sending a jolt of pain through her body.
Not you, Euphemia, the voice in her head said quietly. Lelouch is responsible.
She was about to protest, but a cry broke through the fiery pain.
No! No Euphemia, no!” It was a shout full of anguish and despair; it was heartbreaking and brought tears to her eyes.
She felt hands on her face. Something wet fell on her forehead.
“No. Not you, Euphemia.” A strangled sob.
Suzaku is…crying.
She forced her way past the blackness in her mind, forced her heavy eyelids open. Suzaku's face swam into view. His expression was twisted into such a state of torture…she didn't think it had been possible, to look like that.
“Suzaku, don't cry,” she whispered feebly, pushing past the pain to raise her hand slowly and place it on his cheek. “It'll be alright.”
“You - you can't - die,” he choked out. “Not you.”
She smiled slightly as the dark clouds rolled in, obscuring her vision. “Don't…cry, my knight. Knights don't… cry.” She watched, fascinated, as her hand seemed to fall in slow motion.
“Euphie!” Suzaku cried. “Don't-“
Blackness enfolded her, and she struggled to hear his words.
“Don't leave me!
I must kill the Japanese.
I must kill the Japanese.
But. I… don't want to kill the Japanese.
You will.
But… why?
Because I told you to. And you must do as I say.
She whimpered. No.
Slowly she became aware. It was bright. She squeezed her eyelids together.
“Tell Sir Kururugi that she's moving.” She heard a man speak, but sounded like he was so far away…
A minute passed. Then, something warm on her hand.
“Princess Euphemia?”
Her eyes opened sluggishly “Suzaku?” She turned her head on the pillow, squinting against the light.
“Euphie!” By his voice, he was clearly relieved. “They said that you would get better.” His voice cracked.
She smiled slightly. “I'm going to die, aren't I?”
“No!” he said, too quickly, his face panicked.
“Right.” She frowned.
“Euphemia, who shot you?”
So she explained, haltingly, through the pain, what had transpired. Lelouch, Zero, and the Geass - it all came out. Suzaku's face grew darker and darker as he heard her explanation.
“I'll kill him,” he muttered. “For causing you this harm, I'll kill him,”
“No, don't!” she replied, strength returning to her voice. “Lelouch is my brother. I don't want him to die again.”
You must kill the Japanese.
“It's my duty as your knight,” he said, conflict in his eyes.
“Suzaku, aren't you Japanese?” she asked, her voice suddenly monotonous.
“Yes,” he said, slightly distracted.
You must kill the Japanese.
“Then do me a favor,” she said. Her hands lifted off the bed, ignoring her body's agonized protest, ignoring her own agonized scream. Tears sprung to her red-rimmed eyes.
“Euphie?” he said, voice rising in pitch.
“Don't let me kill you!”
Suddenly she lunged. The pain that had been hampered by drugs hit her as hard as the bullet had.
He reacted instinctively, grabbing her wrists, forcing her back down.
“I'm s-sorry. I'm trying to r-r-resist. Truly, I am.”
“It's okay, Euphie. I know you are.”
Something warm and sticky was soaking her bed sheets.
“You're bleeding again.” Suzaku said, unable to hide the fear in his voice. “I'll get a nurse.”
“No, Suzaku, wait!” She grabbed his wrist. He stopped and looked down at her, then sat again.
Her vision was blurring. She squinted.
She gasped. . Her heartbeat was accelerating; her breathing increased.
“I need - to tell - you some - thing.” She struggled, fighting back death. Just a few more moments!
“Don't - don't waste your breath!” There was bare panic. She had never seen that look on his face before, not even when he was facing certain death. But he wasn't the one dying.
“No…time! Suzaku, I- I-.”
There was a long beeping sound.
Euphemia's mouth moved once, but all that came out was a strangled gurgle.
“No, Euphemia,” he whispered. He rested his head against her still-warm hand, fighting for control.
“The princess!” A nurse, followed by several other members of the hospital, rushed in. He could hear their footsteps.
A doctor ran up to the bed. He reached for the hand Suzaku was holding, then thought better of it and snagged her other wrist.
“Time of death, 2:17 p.m.”
Suzaku stiffened, then his shoulders slumped. “So she's really gone,” he muttered.
He felt like his heart was falling, shattering as it fell. Whatever had bound him to this Earth snapped - all, tat is, but one.
There was a hand on his shoulder. “Come on, Suzaku, you can't fall apart here.”
Suzaku raised his head. Lloyd flinched. He looked unusually anxious. Cecil, who was standing against the far wall, gasped.
“Excuse me, but there's something I must do,” he said. He shifted his gaze to Cecil. “Please prepare the Lancelot, Miss Cecil.”
She nodded and nearly fell over in her haste to leave the room.
“No.” Lloyd held out his arm, blocking Cecil's path. She glanced over her shoulder at Suzaku and clutched her clipboard tighter.
“Fine.” Suzaku stood and walked slowly across the room. A black fire seemed to burn in his dark eyes.
“No, Suzaku.” Lloyd placed a hand on his shoulder. “She wouldn't want you to-“
“Don't tell me what she would have wanted.” Suzaku spoke in undertone, but his voice shook with barely suppressed rage. He brushed away Lloyd's hand and nearly flew from the room, leaving behind the broken shell of the woman he had once loved - and probably always would.
Euphemia, I'm sorry.
He raised his arm trembling.
Maybe I'll see you soon. I think… I think I almost hope to.
There was a sound like thunder.