Code Geass Fan Fiction ❯ no white flag ❯ no white flag ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
So this is an experimental fic, I was trying something new. Plus I kinda wanted a song fic to go with something I’m making.
Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or “White Flag”

I know you think that I shouldn’t still love you, I’ll tell you that
Each shock of pain, each stop of his heart, each labored breath
(“you have limits”)
it burns something harsh and he can hear Le-his brother
But if I didn’t say it
in between pauses
(and he feels warmth- warmth that seeps oddly within)
saying something
Well I’d still have felt it
but it’s like static in his ears and he’s talking
(both of them now and the look his brother’s eyes is wonderful wonderful and maybe)
he’ s not a pawn anymore, not a pawn
Where’s the sense in that?
his heart is hurting more now, hurting so much that he can hardly think straight, hurting more than ever
(and maybe that means that he is worth something and the hurt melts away)
but he can’t and doesn’t care and pushes forward, one hand on the control, the other on his heart.
I promise that I’m not trying to make your life harder
they are down on the ground now and the grass blows gently
(pain pain pain)
and he sees only his brother’s eyes
Or return to where we were
eyes so eerily like his own
(love me whispers his mind you don’t mean it you never meant it love you)
filled with unidentifiable emotion
But I will go down with this ship
he’s fought to the end and he feels peace
(delude deulde deluded)
and it’s wonderful and horrible
And I won’t put my hands up in surrender

and his eyes close
(i want to be with you forever and no one no one no one else)
and the pain fades
There will be no white flag above my door
and he doesn’t feel regret
because now he’s human
I’m in love
he won’t be what he was
(never never i am living living living!)
he will be free
And always will be
because he is human now
(a bird that’s free?)
and can feel and hurt and bleed
I know I’ve left too much mess and destruction
not a pawn
(because pawns don’t make their own choices)
no one ordered him to do this
To come back again
and the last thing he sees is the color purple
and I cause nothing but trouble
I understand if you can’t talk to me again
(i know)
And if you live by the rules of
(you’re lying)
“it’s over”
Then I’m sure that makes sense
But I will go down with this ship