Code Lyoko Fan Fiction ❯ Code Lyoko E 112: Xana’s Greatest Plan ❯ Xana’s Greatest Plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Twins Curse
When the light faded Kagome climed out of the well. When she was finally over the ledge She was attacked by some type of fire jutsu.
She quickly doged it and got into a fighting stance unknown to all the people there except for one...
As if in slow Motion Naruto watched as even more attacks were unleashed on his Sister. Not even thinking about the consequences.
In one swift moment Kagome was picked up by a boy with blonde hair, that looked just like..."Naruto" Said Kagome's excited voise.
Naruto set Kagome down and took a step back. "Why did you leave? Were you kidnapped? Who did it? How did you get back?"Naruto asked so fast that she almost didn't catch it...She took a deep breath and said "Yes I was Kidnapped, Itachi Uchiha, and Through that well I was sitting on before I was attacked" Kagome finished.
Naruto stayed quit for a minute, Then without any signs Naruto engulfed Kagome in a Bear hug right as every one entered the clearing. There was twelve gasps heard behind the two hugging twins. They broke apart and looked behind them.
"Naruto Why are you hugging the enemy?" Yelled girl with pink hair.
"Shes not the ENEMY" He yelled back
"Then who is she Naruto?" asked a emotionless guy with silver hair asked...
"I'm His Twin Sister Kagome Uzumaki" Kagome said.
That made everyone shout out "WHAT" at the same time while Kagome just smiled a true smile that reached her eyes.
"Beep, Beep, Beep" Kagome's watch sounded off causeing her to look at the time.
"Oh no I'm late" Kagome screamed as she took off twords Hokage Tower... Naruto smiled "Thats my sis for ya shes a total control freak"Said Naruto while he laughed but no one heard it because they were to busy chasing after Kagome..When Naruto looked up all he saw was smoke that was left behind, and noticing this he quickly followed after the rest of the ninjas..
With Kagome
When she finally reached the office she noticed there was a boy with red hair and the symbol of love on his forehead. Kagome right away got cautious of him. :This boy he has the aura of a demon and a he like Naruto?...mabe not... but he also hides his emotions, not as well as Sesshomaru but pretty well...I can sence those other bafoons heading this way: Kagome thought
She was interupted from thinking any longer when the old man in the chair turned towards her. There was a nother gasp that day as the 3rd Hokage stood and walked towards her. "Kagome is that you"He asked
"Hi lord Hokage" Kagome said
"Where have you been? what happened? why did you know who take you?" He asked
"Hold on"Kagome said as she reached into her Bag. She grabbed a hold of a object and handed it to the 3rd Hokage.
After reading the report he smiled."Well I guess you meet up with your brother"he said
"Ya and before I could Tell him how much I missed him Those stupid Ninjas walked up and started to ask questions" Kagome said right as those stupid ninjas and Naruto walked in.
"Who are you calling stupied"yelled most of the ninjas. "You Pinky"Kagome replied
Kagome saw as the inner Sakura started cussing while the outer one shut up.
"Well how about You tell me your names Starting with Glaring boy over there"Kagome said..
"His names Gaara of the Sand" Said Naruto
(A/N ok I don't want to wright all there names so I'm skipping that part)
30 minutes later
"Ok now Lets go get somthing to eat how about Ichiraku Ramen in about 20 minutes my treat"Kagome saidEveryone agreed and left to go get ready for diner.
End Of Chapter