Code Lyoko Fan Fiction ❯ Kiko's Story ❯ Lyoko ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Three
Kiko dropped to the sandy desert ground on her behind “Ouch! That's the second time I've fallen on my butt today!” She looked over her shoulder, and saw her friends had all landed in various forms of crouches.
“Hi, everyone,” came a girl's voice. Everyone turned to the pink haired girl that was running toward them.
“Hey, Aelita!” Ulrich said waving. “This is Kiko. Kiko, this is Aelita.” The two girls nodded at each other, smiling.
“The activated tower is this way,” Aelita said pointing as the ground shook with red ripples running along the path Aelita had pointed. “You see,” she said, "the pulsations are stronger, and more intense going through here.” Everyone nodded, and took off running along the narrow path with the vibrations . . . nearing closer, and closer to Kiko's first monster encounter.
Just as the group got off the path, they came under attack by the seven crabs Od had seen in his vision. “Aelita,” Yumi shouted while pointing to a group of rocks," go hide in there!” Aelita ran, and as the crabs went after her, the four earth kids sprang into action. Od shot three laser arrows, and destroyed one crab. Ulrich jumped up onto the crabs back and plunged his sword into the monster's target, then jumped off just before his crab exploded. Yumi got hit by a laser, then threw her fan at the crab that hurt her, and destroyed it.
“Go for it, Kiko!” Od shouted as he got hit by a set of lasers. “You gotta hit'em right in the target on top!”
Kiko nodded, pulled out four stars, jumped up, and then threw the stars at the crabs. All four stumbled around blindly, and then blew up.
“Yes! Good job, Kiko!” Od shouted as he and the others ran up to her, then scooped her up in a hug. He was sure that she'd just become an invaluable member of the team.
“Jeremie,” Yumi asked," how many life points do we have left?”
“Yumi, 60. Ulrich, 70. Kiko, 100. Aelita, 90. Od, only 20” Jeremie groaned as he told the points lost. Od, as always, was losing life points constantly.
“We'd better get moving.” Kiko said, putting her hand on Od's shoulder. The others nodded.
“Guys! What just happened to Od?” Jeremie asked," He just regained all of his life points, and his lost laser arrows.”
“The only thing that happened was Kiko placing her hand on my shoulder . . .” Od said, trailing off.
“Kiko, do the same thing you did to Od, to Yumi.” Jeremie ordered. If Kiko can heal, all of these missions on Lyoko will be much easier, Jeremie thought to himself. Kiko complied with Jeremie's request, and Yumi's life points were restored. “That's it!” Jeremie exclaimed, obviously happy. “Kiko, I'm almost positive that you have the ability to reset everyone's original statistics. In other-words, you can restore life points, and in Od's case, laser arrows.” Knowing this, Kiko healed Aelita and Ulrich, then the group began to follow the pulsations again.
When a tower with a red aura came into sight, the group stopped. “Jeremie,” Aelita asked," do you see any monsters?”
“No . . . wait a minute. You've got lots of company! Six crabs, twelve roachsters, two mega-tanks, five blocks, and five hornets! Aelita, get out of there . . . now!
The moment Aelita was hidden in a nearby cave. All thirty monsters came into view. Od took out one mega-tank before it fired, and the explosion it caused wiped-out four blocks, and seven roachsters.
Kiko took a short sprint, leapt onto Od's shoulders, then jumped again while throwing several stars. This act destroyed the six crabs, and five hornets. She was about to let another star fly at a roachster, when Jeremie notified her that Ulrich, and Yumi were in trouble.
The ninja ran over a large sand dune to the side where Ulrich and Yumi had been fighting, just in time to see the last mega-tank finish off the pair. “NO!” Kiko cried as she watched the pair disappear side-by-side. The infuriated girl threw a total of six stars at the tank, with such force, that its armor might as well have been Jell-O, and destroyed it.
Kiko felt like crying, until Jeremie told her that Yumi and Ulrich had been devirtualized, and were safely back on earth. Knowing this, she ran back to where she and Od had been fighting, to see the cat-boy frantically dodging the lasers of roachsters. “Hey, Bug Boys!” Kiko shouted from the top of the dune, the five roachsters turned. “EAT METAL!” With those two words, she let ten stars fly, two hitting each monster. The monsters stumbled, and then blew up.
“Kiko!” Od shouted," look out behind you!” She turned to see a frazzled block charging up to fire. It had several sword punctures, and a gash from Yumi's fan, but all of the attacks had missed its eyes. Kiko drew a star, threw it, and the block exploded.
Kiko walked down the hill to Od. “Are you alright? Why didn't you get those bugs? Are you out of arrows?”
He nodded “Not only that, but I'm down to ten life points . . .” Od smiled.
“Say no more,” Kiko said smiling even wider than Od “, one recharge, comin' right up.” She placed her hand on his shoulder, replacing his life points and arrows. “Now, let's go get Aelita.” Od nodded, and the duo began a race to the cave entrance.
“Hello, Od . . . Kiko. Did Yumi and Ulrich get devirtualized?” Od nodded. “Well, I guess I should go take care of that tower now, right?” This time Kiko nodded.
Before the three stepped out of the cave, they checked for monsters, then asked Jeremie if there were any monsters in the area that they might've missed. There weren't any, so the group took off to the tower.
When they arrived, Od and Kiko sat down on a pile of rocks, and Aelita went inside. Od turned to Kiko and asked in a serious tone “Kiko, can I ask you a question?”
“You just did!” Kiko giggled, and then realized that Od was being serious for the first time since she met him. “Okay, go ahead. Ask me your question.”
“You won't get mad?”
“You'll give me an honest answer?”
“Yes, I promise! Now what is it?”
“Do you . . . ya know . . . like me?” He blurted, then blushed.
“Yah, I like you.” Kiko said, confused why this was so embarrassing for him.
“I mean as more than a friend.”
Kiko was about to answer, when they were swept up in the trip to the past.