Code Lyoko Fan Fiction ❯ Kiko's Story ❯ The Final Battle Part I ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 9
The Final Battle; Part I
X.A.N.A's essence flew into the hidden lair, and was absorbed by X.A.N.A. “How do they always beat me? Their intelligence is far from mine, and I control millions of monsters . . .” the evil computer virus was confused, these humans were inferior in every way, so why were they always victorious? In the distance, sounds of monsters blowing up could be heard, the monsters were fighting again. Why do they always fight for my affection, when I don't care for them at all?
In a tower in the forest, Kiko was being told how to travel directly tower to tower. When she was confident that she understood the process, Yumi, Ulrich, and Aelita gently dove from the platform leaving Od and Kiko alone. Od was about to jump, when he saw the look on Kiko's face, she was scared. “It's alright, Kiko,” Od consoled her “, you just kinda float to the next platform . . . it doesn't hurt a bit.” He walked over and touched her shoulder to comfort her. They were inside of a tower, Kiko said something to him; and then they kissed. Od snapped out of his trance, and looked at Kiko. This moment was one of the few times that he was glad that he'd never managed to keep his visions from coming true. “What's wrong?” He asked her, hoping his vision would come true right away.
“Well,” Kiko began uncertainly “you remember what you asked me the first time I came to Lyoko? I've decided my answer . . .” Kiko trailed off as she walked to the platform's edge”, it's yes. Catch me if you can!” With those few words, Kiko dove off of the platform with Od close behind.
On the new platform, Kiko turned to Od and whispered something inaudible, and the boy figured he knew what was coming next. Kiko slowly approached the boy, sensing he already knew her intentions . . . Kiko decided to have a little fun. Od expected a kiss, but what he got was a kick in his shin. “Come on! I said let's get going!” Kiko said, pretending to me upset, and then she leaned in and gave Od the kiss he had been expecting before. Just moments after their lips touched, they pulled apart . . . Aelita had come into the tower to see if the two kissing had arrived yet, and seen the entire thing.
Nobody spoke as they left the tower, it was too cold, and everyone was too embarrassed about what had just happened. The three walked up to where Yumi and Ulrich had been, but they saw nobody. “Hey, Jeremie,” Od asked “, where are Yumi and Ulrich? We can't find them anywhere . . . what the?!” Od was knocked over by a white missile, and Kiko moved to protect Aelita from their attacker . . . when Yumi and three Ulriches came charging over the hill on their right, throwing snowballs at their surprised friends.
“What are they doing?” Aelita wondered out loud, as Od and Kiko quickly manufactured some missiles for themselves.
“Here!” Kiko said as she handed several round, compact balls to Aelita. “Throw these at Yumi and Ulrich . . . this is a game on earth called . . .” Kiko trailed off as Od sped past.
“SNOWBALL FIGHT! Yah!” Od yelled as he pelted the four ambushers with snowballs. Kiko ran up beside him and threw her ammunition, while he made new snowballs.
This pattern continued until they heard Aelita call them from behind, they all froze. Aelita had manufactured thousands of perfect snowballs. This wasn't the bad news. The bad news was that Aelita sank to her knees and sent the entire mass at her four friends.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Aelita this so isn't cool . . . it's totally cold!” Yumi shrieked. “Fine, if that's how it's gonna be . . . telekinesis!” Yumi dropped into the same stance as Aelita, and a bright aura covered the four like a giant umbrella.
“What's going on? Why are you all shouting?” Jeremie asked, thinking they were under attack by some of X.A.N.A's monsters. “Nothing's showing up on the holo-map, somebody talk to me!”
“Sorry, Jeremie . . .” Kiko gasped “, Yumi and Ulrich started a big snowball fight, and we explained everything to Aelita. Heh, BIG MISTAKE. She used her powers to make lots of snowballs and send them flying at us . . . Jeremie, it wasn't funny so quit laughing!” Jeremie tried to do what Kiko said, but the whole thought was just too funny.
“Alright everyone,” Jeremie said after he recovered from his laughing “, you'd better get a move on, so X.A.N.A doesn't have too much time to react. Kiko, can you tell me what he said about the location of his base?”
Od threw his last snowball, hitting Aelita's arm. “You know what?” Od asked, not waiting for a reply “I actually forgot that we were on Lyoko, it makes me sad to think that this will be the last time that we come here.”
“Not really,” Kiko replied “, think about it. If we destroy X.A.N.A today, why would we need to unplug anything? When Jeremie finishes the materialization program, we can come here for fun!” Everyone stopped, ever since they'd found out about X.A.N.A, their goal was to materialize Aelita, then unplug everything . . . wiping out all of Lyoko. Now that this new possibility had been exposed . . . everyone pondered what this possibility could mean. “Let's get going, I want to talk to a certain virus about the consequences of using me. It's show time!” With those words, the group took off running . . . to encounter X.A.N.A directly for the first time ever.