Code Lyoko Fan Fiction ❯ Through Their Eyes ❯ Xavier's Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Song- `Poison Girl' by and belonging to H.I.M. (Ville, Gas, Linde, Burton, and Mige), Xavier's POV. NuFix is a fictional band as far as I'm concerned, so in the concert part of this the lyrics will be fictional as well, and I suppose I do own those too.
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
and love's heart is death
for me and my poison girl
Xana's Database
Why did that annoying little kid always have to get in my way? Things were going great until that pink-haired sprite contacted the blond geek and his friends and they began meddling in my affairs. However, it did bring me to my Queen… Oh well, at least this `attack' is foolproof. Not a single Tower needs to be activated to pull this off. Unless the `Mighty Ulrich' can manage to snag my little wasp…
As I watched, Aelita ran into the Tower I activated on purpose and then turned my attention to Yumi, my loving, caring, awesome Queen of Lyoko…and her jerk of a boyfriend, Ulrich.
Ah, but what's this?
Mr. Macho couldn't handle his girl, and I watched my infected wasp hit Yumi as Ulrich jumped up and killed my two other wasps I'd employed for this job. All that mattered now, as I watched Ulrich disappear back into his world, was that the deed was done and that in one months' time, my plan will work. It's great being a genius.
Time to wait. Tomorrow phase two goes into effect…
A prey she was for the cruelty of love
While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart
The coldest kiss love ceased to exist
While we grew apart like never before.
Factory, Scanner Room
The steam hissed as the doors opened and I stood there, naked, with nothing to conceal myself with. It was close to two in the morning, I shouldn't need anything. But out of sheer decency for the next day, I rode the elevator up to the main computer and materialized myself an outfit to present myself in. I grabbed my new clothes, and then pulled them on.
Why do humans bother with these things? They're so uncomfortable…really, if we wanted to be decent, we just wouldn't look. But no…
I wandered my way around the factory. I had viewed it before, through my scans and sending my minions out to get these brats, but never before in person. When I reached the bridge, I jumped into the air, landing nimbly on a lamppost. Jumping again, I landed on a rooftop, and continued on, jumping eventually onto the buildings of downtown. It was easy to locate Kadic and where Yumi and Aelita lived.
Keeping to the shadows, I jumped onto the roof where Yumi's room was. Peering inside, I was delighted to see that my poison was taking effect on her. She was in bed, a cold compress against her forehead where sweat was beaded, with a worried Aelita and mother by her side. Her mother was asleep. Yumi kept tossing and turning, and Aelita kept pressing the cold compress against her when it fell away. I really did hate making my Queen feel pain, but there was nothing I could do. Such is dealing with poisons.
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl
I jumped down and away, heading to Kadic's grounds. When I got there, I peered into Ulrich and Odd's room. Odd was sound asleep, Kiwi next to him, and Ulrich was on the other side of the room, tossing and turning from nightmares. The sheets were tangled around his feet, and there was a cold sweat on him, but otherwise he was fine. Dreaming about Yumi, perhaps. Wouldn't surprise me.
I left the rooms, not wanting to see what Jeremie was doing. Instead, I changed direction and headed to the forest area on the school grounds, then attempted to get comfy in a tree. I'd have to wait this night out, and most of the next day.
The Next Week
I knew that the poison would have a negative effect on Yumi, what poison doesn't, but I didn't expect it to take a week for her to get over it. And since she needed to be there to `meet' me, I had to wait longer than anticipated. Damn.
I entered the Office of Admissions, handed my neatly filled out papers in, and since I already `toured' the buildings, was allowed off to my room. It was late, around 8:45, and it just so happened that my dorm was on the same floor as Odd, Ulrich, and Jeremie's. Convenient, no? I knocked on the door to room 124, where everyone was, and waited for the reply.
“Yeah? Who is it?”
The door opened a small bit, and I saw that it was Odd who answered. I gritted my teeth and forced a weak laugh, doing whatever it is humans do when they're embarrassed-put their hand behind their head and scratch, the other arm dangling uselessly against their side. I think I pulled it off.
“Um, hi, I'm new here. Could you tell me where room 106 is? I'm kinda lost.” Ugh, kids these days and their words. But I got a welcoming smile and a good-natured laugh out of him, and he opened the door wider so I could see the others in the room, but not the computer screen. When I put on my autopilot sequence of this body, I raced back to my database and saw that he was doing a scan on Lyoko.
Won't do you any good, buddy.
I returned back to my body to allow my eyes to look everyone over. I introduced myself after Odd made the introductions, and I allowed myself to linger over my Queen. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ulrich's eyes narrow and felt some quick anger from him over my scans.
Odd, sensing the tension, turned me around and pulled the door shut behind us as he led me to my room. I had it alone, since it was reserved for new students. He helped me get unpacked and situated, then left reminding me that his room was open to me at anytime if I needed anything. I thanked him with false sincerity and he left.
Next day, Gym class
Ugh. Another hated human custom, gym, was on my schedule while I was a student here at Kadic. It bothered me, but I was glad that I was given this chance to show up Stern and impress my Queen. I showed up late, causing a stir as it was. The boys were up to run the track, and I ran up, calling out.
“Wait for me!”
I jogged up to Jim, the bimbo of a teacher I had taken over on numerous occasions to help me with my plans. I pretended to be slightly winded and explained my situation, being `new here,' and then lined up to run. Jim shot the pistol and we took off, Ulrich and I taking an easy lead early on. I tried being a good sport, really, I did, but halfway through the course I put on half my speed and beat the school record he almost would've had in the bag.
Life sucks, so get a straw `cause you suck with it, buddy.
When I crossed the finish line and didn't even think about doubling over gasping for air, the girls all jumped up and jogged over to me, talking all the while, wanting to talk and touch this amazing new student. Since Yumi was in the mix, I didn't complain. Glancing around me, I smiled and nodded to the girls, and my heart swelled when I saw Ulrich's look. Oh man, I'll never forget it as long as the antivirus sucks.
Two mornings later, I caught Yumi coming out of her house heading to school. Since she lived by a convenience store, a few streets away, I had an excuse for walking by and talking to her. Man, I love how things always seem to work out.
“Yumi! Hey Yumi! Over here.” I called out to her, smiling. I jogged over to her, and we walked together.
“Hey Xavier. What're you doing out this way this early?” She inquired of me, looking at me sideways.
“Just grabbing some food. I spent all night in line for them, and I got one too many.” I said, baiting my trap.
“What did you get?” Ah, I love how curious humans are. It's cute, really. Sometimes.
“Tickets for the NuFix concert. Backstage passes, too. I was first in line and spent most of the night waiting for it to open last night. So, you wanna go with me? Or don't you like them?” I put a bit of uncertainty in my voice.
I saw the eyes widen, the jaw drop slightly, felt the heart beat faster. Hook, line, and sink her. “Would I! We get to go backstage and meet them? Awesome. I'm a huge fan of theirs, and someday I'm going to be just as big. But I'm surprised your dad let you wait in line all night. How'd you convince him to let you go?”
“It was easy. I just told him I'd do stuff around the house all week and he agreed.” That, and the fact that he isn't alive anymore.
We were arriving at Kadic already, and she and I parted ways, waving and promising to meet up later.
I waited in the boys' bathroom until I saw Ulrich approaching Yumi outside. Bubble-bursting time, my favorite. I listened in to their conversation, heard his voice drop flat like a heart when it flat lines, and then Yumi walk away. I waited a minute and then made my entrance.
“Hey Ulrich…” Pause for dramatic effect to come upon his crushed form…”You all right?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.” Oh, gods, I love the crushed sound of his voice. It fills my heart with joy.
“No problem…Hey, guess what Jim wanted.” Time to drop the bomb.
“What?” He now sounded bored and annoyed, but was trying to keep it from his voice.
“He wants me on track team. Ain't that awesome?” I put as much enthusiasm in my voice as possible; apparently this school's track team is a hot ticket for the jocks and runners. I also happened to know that he was next in line, and that he was excited to be. So of course I had to come in and ruin his fun.
“That's great. Hey, I heard that you're going to the NuFix concert with Yumi later. See you there.” Man, that almost had me convinced. The boy should win an Oscar for that voice talent.
I ran off the other way, towards class and left him there. There was a happy feeling my heart.
It was Saturday night now, and I was waiting in line to get inside the concert. When we got through, we were in a huge outdoor area with people in NuFix shirts, people in fishnets and black skirts, people smoking, a few couples making out, the usual things you see at a concert. The systems crew came out and checked that everything was in working condition, and about a half hour later the concert began.
I stood there, just outside the range of the mosh pit, Yumi by me, and we were singing along with the lead singer as the guitarists wailed in the background, the drummer beating away behind them. I may be a virtual program, but I know my music and began singing along.
“So here I find myself again
sleeping with the angels and demons of my dreams
Now I find myself in love with hatred
and hating myself for my love
It's all just a never-ending circle of me
Sprung up from the well of catastrophe
But now as I find myself in the Final Hour
I know that I can't resist your lure, your power
Dancing with my Devils, sleeping with your Angels
Lowering myself further into this Hell
Full of me, full of you
Full of all the things we used to do
I can't stand me no more
You are my unhealthy obsession
You were my world but then my world OD'd
What can I say of you?
What can I say to me?
I'm stuck here in my false reality
Left alone except for my tears
And all my all-too-happy fears.”
I glanced over, watching Yumi, seeing that she was as happy as I was. I think she was enjoying the concert more, but I reveled in being able to rub against her every so often just moving along. She didn't know it, but the two of us have quite the history.
700 years ago
My queen and I entered the ballroom where our guests greeted us graciously, raising glasses in toast of our announcement- we were now expecting. I looked over to my queen, Isabella, and took her hand more firmly into mine. We sat at our table high above the crowd and let the feast begin.
Dancers, revelers, and all the courtiers lined up to give us gifts in celebration to our announcement. Knight from our neighbors and far-off allies were sent with gold, a carriage, a pregnant horse and its pony to be gifts. We sent our thanks back with the knights after giving them provisions for the trip home.
About halfway through the festivities, an old hag hobbled in on a wizened cane, walking straight up to us. She pointed an old arthritic finger at her and said, “I curse you and your children for making this fair kingdom of Lyoko a war-torn wasteland while you sit here in your extravagant seats of power, sipping wine all day, doing nothing but hear tales of the horrible battles that take place in your name. I lost my only son to your war. He died in your name!”
I ordered the old crone taken away immediately. When the guards dragged her out, and I admit that she had quite some fight in her, she shouted, “A curse upon you! A curse upon you that you live apart from each other for the rest of your years and all eternity!”
We called the band to strike up the tune again when the hag was thrown out, and ignored her curse. After all, who knew that the hag was a powerful witch from the far outer corner of the kingdom at the time?
End flashback
She looked over at me and mouthed `Thank you' at me, and I smiled and nodded, then applauded and shouted as they finished the finale. We could go backstage now and meet them.
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
The fire in her eyes
grew dim and then died
as the poison inside
reached her heart.
1 month later
Time to reap the poison which I'd sown. I flew to Yumi's, my dear Isabella's, window, and crept in. I made sure the rest of the family was gone before I entered. She was in her room, her back to me. I entered through the window and when she turned around, startled, I willed her to sleep. I waved an arm over her, willing her to dream a quick understanding of what was about to occur, and then willed her awake again.
Her eyes opened and she stood, walking over and opening the door. I followed her, watching as she almost mindlessly walked down the steps and out the door. I had her stop on the porch, and while I closed the door I did a quick scan of the area. Nothing, from what I could tell. I walked in front of her down the porch steps and then on the sidewalk. I put my arm around her to make it seem as though we were a couple taking a quiet stroll down the block, and had her put her head on my shoulder. She would have done this normally back in the days of our kingdom.
The two of us made good time to the factory, and when we got there I remotely set up the virtualization process and we stepped into the Scanners in the Scanner room. With time to spare, we watched the doors close and felt the tug of the Scanners and were virtualized into Lyoko.
We virtualized in the Forest Sector, and while she was still in her trance, I led her through the Forest, two wasps flanking us immediately. I sent them off and within minutes entered the closest Tower.
We walked onto the lower platform that was marked with my symbol and floated up to the upper platform. When there, I stole a quick kiss from her lips and then turned to the Interface.
“Soon we will be together, Isabella, just like in the old times. Just be a little bit patient with me.”
And the coldest kiss
Faith ceased to exist
As we grew apart
like never before
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
just me and my poison girl
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
for me and my poison girl
And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb.
“Xavier,” Damn, how'd he get here? Does he know? No, he can't. Nobody but I knows, and somewhere in there, Isabella. “What are you doing? How do you know about Lyoko?”
As I turned from the Interface, I saw him floating from the lower platform up to the one we were on. Anger quickly boiled in me, and my sign flashed into my eyes. Then I let something go ever so slightly.
“Why, my dear Ulrich, you never did know my full name, did you? Xavier Adam Nichols-Anderson. X-A-N-A. Get it?” I laughed, not because of the bad joke, but because he's `known' me for almost two months and never put my name together. Even missing a letter it was pretty obvious.
“What? Xana? How did you materialize yourself in our world?” Gods, he's both stupid AND annoying. I sighed.
“The same way you did. But my mission? To get my Queen. You see, there are some things you don't know about evil computer viruses. And quite frankly, I don't think you'll ever get the chance to. Pity, really.” I almost sounded remorseful that he could never know. Almost.
“You leave Yumi out of this!”
Always the annoying hero with such bravado, he drew his sword and pulled it back, then charged at me. I quickly de-virtualized myself and replaced it with an identical copy, which he sliced and stumbled through. He stopped and looked around, confused, as my projected self disappeared. I snapped my fingers and allowed myself to be heard throughout the Tower.
“Well Ulrich, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I really must dash. Give Yumi my regards.”
I laughed bitterly and let myself fade out, relinquishing my hold on dearest Isabella.
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
just me and my poison girl
I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
and love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
Poison girl
Poison girl
Poison girl
Poison girl
And love's heart is death
for me and my poison girl
in this poison world.
Back in my database, I was thoroughly pissed off. No Towers activated, the poison was undetectable except by what Jeremie had, but he didn't know to look for anything, and the plan itself was foolproof.
Okay, okay, clam down…I'll just have to try harder next time to get my Isabella back.
AN: Okay, so that's Xavier's side of the story. I dare you to go back and reread Ulrich's story and see if you think differently.