Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Brother of the CORPSE BRIDE. ❯ Trouble already?! ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The next day, I took a stroll around town looking at all the sights and sensations to be seen.
I had to be careful not to spit out the gum in my mouth, or else I'd revert back into my Corpse-forum.
* * *
The butchers grinding up the cow beef. The bakers were making pies. The candlestick makes pulling the wax from its mold.
So many things I have missed out on in the last twenty years of death.
Yet I couldn't help notice that some of the villagers were staring blankly at me.
A glare which makes them wants to say, “Who is this man in a Blue tunic and a red-black cape?”
Well…at least they noticed me.
* * *
I had just past by the hospital, when a pale-gaunt man, who was obviously a doctor, stood out, “Hold it there young man.” He called out to me.
I turned to face him, “I beg your pardon?” I asked, “Were you just addressing me.”
“I was…” he said back, “I don't believe I've seen you around here, and the law states every new villager must be given a physical.”
“So you come in here now.”
This didn't seem good. A Corpse's body does not have the same functions and similarities to a living mortal body.
What was I going to do?
* * *
Inside the examining room, both the doctor and the nurse got to work on me.
I was a good thing they told me that I didn't have to remove my outfit; I wasn't really to pretty underneath.
So they just worked around it…
They started by taking my temperature. The doctor pulled the thermometer out of me, and was confused.
“Temperature?” asked the Nurse.
“One?” the Doctor said.
“One-hundred?” asked the Nurse. “No…Not 100.” said the doctor, “Just one!”
Thank goodness they didn't ask me to explain that. Had they, and what would I tell them.
That I'm really a dead Corpse and my temperature has always been one, because I'm cold from death.
I don't think so!
* * *
As my physical continued, the doctor and the Nurse became even more confused than ever.
“No Pulse? …No Blood-Pressure? ...No Heart-beat? …and No Air circulation either?” said the doctor.
“I think you'd better come with us to the X-ray room young man.” said the Nurse.
“X-ray... Tell me she did not say that!” I thought. Even though my flesh was back, my bones were still very much rotted a bit.
I couldn't let them see that. Then they'd probably know the truth.
* * *
They brought me into the X-ray room anyways, and took a shot of my bones. It was only a matter of waiting for them to turn up.
But I was asked to wait where I was.
What was I going to do? It was my first day on the surface world and already it was about to be blown.
* * *
While waiting for the Doctor to return, I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from outside.
I rushed to the front door, and saw that the Doctor and the nurse were being held hostage by two men who had attempted to rob the bank next door.
“All right you pipsqueaks.” said one of them to the police, “Make any move toward us, and these two get it.”
He armed his pistol at the shaking doctor whilst his partner did the same with the nurse.
The police couldn't do anything. The doctor and the nurse were important citizens.
In the midst of the crowd, a young woman in her late twenties had attempted to quietly tip-toe away.
“Hey, you there!” yelled one of the men, “Get up here, Now!” he roared pointing his gun at her.
She did as was told, and the doctor and the nurse were free to go, but now the young lady was the hostage.
“Please, somebody help me!” she cried, but the man just covered her mouth, “Put a cork in it!” he said, “Nobody will save you!”
That's what he thought, until a tiny pebble smacked into his face. He whimpered in pain, and looked among the crowd.
“WHO THRE THAT ROCK AT ME!!!” he thundered, “Hey, boss, look up there!” said his partner.
Everyone looked up on the opposite rooftops, and saw a young man wearing a black tunic, white gloves and boots, and a red-black cape fluttering in the breeze.
Yes, it was me alright.
I jumped off the roof towards the crowd below, landing right in the middle of it all.
“You have some nerve attack that helpless young lady!” I said in a deep voice, “I'm afraid I shall not allow you to get away with this.”
“Allow us?!” thundered the boss, “You just made your second mistake, you bloke!” said his partner.
They dropped the lady, and in their haste, something gold with strings fell out of their bag, but I didn't see it.
The crowd didn't like the looks of this as the men raised their guns, and fired like crazy.
All the gun-shots made direct contact with my body, and the crowd screamed blue murder.
…But when the dust had cleared, I was still standing their. No blood cursing forth, not even a scratch on my skin.
“Hey, He's still standing?!” cried the boss. Even the crowd was amazed at how I survived that blast.
I started walking forward towards the men. They just continued to fire at me, and the shot did make contact, but not one of them killed.
* * *
If those men only knew what they were up against, they had no idea that I was really a Corpse. There was nothing more they could do to me.
In other words, shooting me with guns, stabbing me with knives, or even electrocuting me would not work.
I am a Corpse… meaning; I am already Dead, and you can't kill what is already dead.
* * *
I had reached the men, who were terrified out of their pants. I looked right into their eyes and said deeply…
“Now then… Are you two going to give yourselves up, or am I going to have get tougher?!”
The men had no other choice, so they threw themselves into the police-buggy, and were taken to prison.
The crowd cheered, and cheered for me. I felt as though I had died and gone to heaven.
Well, of course I feel like I've died, I am really dead after all.
The keeper of the bank felt so relived to have all his money back that even offered me some of it as a reward.
Although it was tempting, I just couldn't take it. What was I to do with a lot of money anyway?
As I walked away, the young lady behind couldn't take her eyes of me, “He was so brave.” She said to herself.
Then she noticed the robbers had dropped something. A Golden harp, covered in jewels.
So pretty, and so soothing to the sound, that she picked it up and took it home with her.
* * *
That night, as I walked through the woods back to my log cabin I couldn't get my mind off that lovely lady I had saved.
She did seem very lovely, and she did stare at me an awful lot. Still, I had bigger fish to fry.
I had to find that harp, and ensure my safety. Meanwhile, after a good days work, I needed some rest.